That's one hell of a post. I give you that.
I'm not sure how to attack this, though. But I will surely try. Well, there is actually a lot we do not know. Let us establish that. That is purely fact. All of the info we've gotten is pretty general. But now it's time to for Sony get specific:
950 cars?: Which models?
950? Which other manufacturers?
70 layouts?: Which ones? Returning tracks?
Weather: What type? Dynamic? (show us, please)
Cosmetic damage: How deep? (show us, please)
Mechanical damage: How deep?
Night tracks: Dynamic or stagnant?
Livery editor: In or out?
Customization: How far? What parts?
GT Mode: What's inside?
GT Auto: In or out? What can we do?
License Tests: For NASCAR and WRC, too?
WRC: Video, please. Tracks, please.
NASCAR: Video, please.
Online functionality: Preview, please.
GT PSP transfer: All cars? Limit?
GT5: Prologue: All cars? Limit?
Interior damage: Show us, please.
Cock-pit views for all cars? Yes or no?
Release date: Now or never?
I can go on. But I think you're seeing a trend. You may think we know a lot. You may think they cannot show us any more. But that could not be any more false. GT5 is an iceberg. We see the tip and that is all. We can only infer how deep it is beneath the waters.
Heheheh, Well I'll sure give you that, nicely rebutted, But again.
Its pretty good information, I for one, Would not to see a list of nearly 1000 cars (Because It would 1. take a long time for me to cover, possibly make my eyes pop out. 2. because It would ruin the game, I wouldn't get the same sense of surprise and excitement about all the cars.), I would However like a final list of the manufacturers, that could still keep me in wonder of what exact models they put in, and what I can hope for.
Same goes for the tracks,
tracks are tracks, they shouldn't release every single one. Maybe a couple fan favourites, for hype. (Trial mountain, and top gear track footage. That should be sufficient)
WRC, We've had some sort of rally in gt games before, We know it exists in gt5, again, what else do we need to know. there not gona have some sort of a twist we need to know about.
Nascar on the other hand, we haven't seen (and although I like Wrc better than nascar) but the fact that, They cant really provide extremely exciting new footage for dozens of cars going round an oval track, It doesn't seem necessary (Although alot more necessary then WRC)
Also, as I was saying, Gt mode is gona have regular things in store. Infact, I dont want it to change. But so far, The damage is a bit unseen, and the whole controversy over the premium cars a while ago should be cleared up. The car transfer info SHOULD be released, thats the one I really agree on (Other than the release date), It doesn't spoil anything, and can get people to purchase prologue or psp If they didnt already have one (Getting sales up for sony).
Again, the livery editor should be treated as a "Bonus", And wasn't very necessary to begin with (If they do have it).
Mainly however, We do have all the basic information that essentially makes a racing game. (a good one too)
950 cars, 70 tracks, damage, Nascar-WRC-super Gt, night, weather, and last, Incredible graphics (That we already know

Nfs, or midnight club dont release a full list of every car, before release, do they? Nor does Forza and other racing games. You cant expect everything.
Regardless of specification, I know 950 cars, 70 tracks, possible cockpit, night racing, and WRC+Super gt, Already have me sold. PD can even release it on a linear list style format (Like we saw on Gt5.Prologue), as dissapointing as it was, the features rack up the value,Not to mention a track editor (If)!