Think what you want, the release date was slated to be in march in japan and was PENDING. That's not OFFICIAL. Please do some more reading before you try to make fun of someone. The only 'blockheads' in here are Fanatics about GT that sit there and make fun of people for stating facts, then turn around and make fun of the same game they defend a supposed release date for about things like 3D. Which one is it? Left or Right? Because it seems like every other post some people are on one side of the fence, then on another. No one can say for sure that GT was delayed because of this or that. The release was pending as of January. GT games have had things that pushed them back in the past, why expect anything different this time around? What did we see at CES last year that made it seem like the game was ready to go when KAZ was saying himself this and this but we seen what? Obviously it's not up to just KAZ to release the game, it's up to Sony. And like I said before, if you paid attention to other electronic news concerning Sony, you'd realize they were planning on the 3D gaming and 3DTV this summer ever since early this year. Why would they release GT5 without the latest technology and perhaps one of the biggest technologies this year? Of course it wasn't CONFIRMED until recently GT5 would have 3D, but like I said, if you pay attention to the electronic industry, you can clearly see what companies like Sony have planned for the near future. So when I saw the pending news, I knew this release date of March was gonna be moot. Especially since Avatar was so big in 3D, everyone including Sony wanted to cash in on it. Then with the move as well, Sony wants to brand that. Then there's possible head tracking, you think all of that which wasn't even mention last year will just skip past one of if not the biggest game on PS3?
I just used logic, something that seems to be lacking with a few posters here talking 🤬.