Man, the ignorance in here is thick. When translated to another language from Japanese, 'interior view' can mean 'inner workings' I don't know what the big deal is. Even if we don't get the cockpit view, that was never translated. It was never said the 'standard' cars get no cockpit, they get no 'interior view'. And to those who THINK that they are ported cars from GT4, you're wrong. Kaz has said himself, GT4 cars were REBUILT to GT5 standards, the pictures you're seeing are still from a demo. People freak out about stupid crap that has no effect on the FINAL product. I'm not saying trust me, but trust PD! I am. GT4 didn't let me down, it's graphics still look more realistic than Forza, NFS, Grid etc. GT5 blows them out the water. Pictures you see on the net are demo shots. No pre-rendered images unless stated. Remember the slew of high-res pictures we used to get on the home page? How can you tell me that any game looks better than those? Some of the cars we seen were from previous games. The Super GT cars like the 370Z were in GT before. You guys should just chill out. Nothing is certain with the translation.