What bothers about the Porsche deal is this:
Need fos Speed games always have street Porsche models, the only one to have racing Porsches was NFS Porsche Unleashed, back in 1999.
And to me, the models i want to drive the most, are the racing ones.
I hate what EA is doing because they are wasting the license and denying us the privilege to drive all those great Le Mans, GT2, GT3 Porsche models.
I can't understand how PD couldn't even get a license like this, just for the race cars, since EA does not use it.
It would solve the problem, because we would drive the steet models as RUF, and the racing ones from Porsche.
In the end, it's just a shame that RUF does not have any racing models. The solution, however, is not rocket science. PD just needs to give us LM speacial version of the RUF's and we're set.