GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
I've highlighted what I think is most wrong with your post. Firstly, there are HEAPS of racing cars in the game, so it is quite relevant. Secondly when was the last time you went into a corner in a real car (any car) and wound on much more than three quarters of a wheel rotation?

Oh, so because there are "heaps of racing cars," but even more road cars, they should accommodate the steering for race cars? Especially when the steering was changed for Prologue which had only 1 race car. Why are you even bothering to ask the second question? It's a matter of realism. And have you ever heard of hairpins and slow corners, not to mention drifting?
If they want all the cars feel like their real life counterparts, they need to have the correct steering ratios and lock-to-lock turns for every car. If they can't do that, why not make it feel as if any car is a race cars with smaller steering angles?
If they want all the cars feel like their real life counterparts, they need to have the correct steering ratios and lock-to-lock turns for every car. If they can't do that, why not make it feel as if any car is a race cars with smaller steering angles?
I'd rather have all cars to feature 900 degree animations, because that's what the Logitech wheels most are using features.
I'd rather have all cars to feature 900 degree animations, because that's what the Logitech wheels most are using features.

So adapt the game to the wheel and not the other way around?
I would rather have my wheel replicate the 900* with 180*of motion.
900* is cumbersome in racing, not drifting, but other kinds. Having said that, they'll probably have selectable choices of what you want, I hope they do, or it will be locked to 900* for all modes. know what I feel is more important than accurately modellng a steering wheel animation?

I'm wondering if they'll give us more realistic fuel usage and tank sizes. Seeing as how we're bound to get at least as many endurances races as GT4 (not to mention online racing), the half-arsed nature of the refueling in GT4 needs to be addressed. I'm curious what we'll get there... know what I feel is more important than accurately modellng a steering wheel animation?

I'm wondering if they'll give us more realistic fuel usage and tank sizes. Seeing as how we're bound to get at least as many endurances races as GT4 (not to mention online racing), the half-arsed nature of the refueling in GT4 needs to be addressed. I'm curious what we'll get there...

That is quite a good topic there,in endurance races you have to use a bigger fuel tank to last in the race as much as possible without refuelling,this increases weight that makes you slower,and at being heavier you tires will wear out faster, I don't know if they are going to simulate the amount of fuel consumed in a universal scale instead of calculate the consumption per car,as we know they script the prius to have more performance in racing consumption,but if the engine if mod(if it can be)it will burn more fuel and the fuel itself will run out faster,that is too many simulation but it they scripted the cars to behave like this in endurance racing OMG.
The only reason to have an actual 1:1 actual to screen steering movement is to generate a more realistic looking replay when using the cockpit view. Even if you're using the cockpit view for driving, you shouldn't see too much of the steering wheel (or at all) on the screen. If you are it usually means that you're sitting too far away from the screen and your FOV is rather skewed. With a properly setup FOV, most of interior (of the cockpit/car) should only be in your peripheral vision including the steering wheel animation.
Is there a video of the final part of the circuit of Madrid?
I can't find a video showing the "puerta del Sol" the last traffic circle.
There is a video, but when he arrive to that corner he put down the camera during the bend.
I think there is something PD and KY don't want to show us.

This is the video:
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The reason its not shown in that video is because the cameraman is zooming for a better look at the instrument panel and HUD of the car and nothing to do with PD or Sony.
Ahemmm... :sly:

So were getting closer, last time the signs read TENTATIVE.

Closer to what? Decyphering the signs?

Y'all conspiracy theory experts please look at the rightmost sign. It starts with "Lorem ipsum..." which is the beginning of the most widely used placeholder text in the world, which - and this is important - DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING. That's the whole point of this text.

Let's move on.
Even if you're using the cockpit view for driving, you shouldn't see too much of the steering wheel (or at all) on the screen. If you are it usually means that you're sitting too far away from the screen and your FOV is rather skewed. With a properly setup FOV, most of interior (of the cockpit/car) should only be in your peripheral vision including the steering wheel animation.
My peripheral vision happens to be pretty good, so even though I'm concentrating on the road ahead, I can be distracted by the lack of steering movement.

Let's say the animation should be at least 360 degree lock-to-lock then. Checkout Lucas Ordonez's video from Spa. He turns the wheel 180 degree in each direction quite often I think. ;)
Is there a video of the final part of the circuit of Madrid?
I can't find a video showing the "puerta del Sol" the last traffic circle.

Havn't seen it no... Bit of a dissapointment really, such a big event and no one captured an entire lap (even though the youtube clips are marked as such) - And I have to say, the Madrid track looks like a lot of fun to drive.
hey guys
will the veyron be in GT5
and with a proof please ( pic , vid )




Happy now?
Closer to what? Decyphering the signs?

Y'all conspiracy theory experts please look at the rightmost sign. It starts with "Lorem ipsum..." which is the beginning of the most widely used placeholder text in the world, which - and this is important - DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING. That's the whole point of this text.

Let's move on.


I was Senior Editor and Design Editor of my High School Newspaper, and I would use the dummy text which was built into Adobe InDesign. It uses Lorem Ipsum.
The only reason to have an actual 1:1 actual to screen steering movement is to generate a more realistic looking replay when using the cockpit view. Even if you're using the cockpit view for driving, you shouldn't see too much of the steering wheel (or at all) on the screen. If you are it usually means that you're sitting too far away from the screen and your FOV is rather skewed. With a properly setup FOV, most of interior (of the cockpit/car) should only be in your peripheral vision including the steering wheel animation.

If there is visible wheel while racing, it should have 1:1 movement. Yes i see the whole screen no mater the distance. Maybe with fov adjustment ingame but i like current setting and would love 1:1 animation as all of you know :)

Buddy of mine asked if there was something from with the car/game when i played GT5:P as the wheel in the screen did different thing vs controller.
I'd rather have all cars to feature 900 degree animations, because that's what the Logitech wheels most are using features.

Why? SuperGT's and WRC's have like 180-200 degree L2L. WRC's even have power steering.

Every car should have its realistic L2L. Animated and Simulated (through the wheel). So as to mimic as close as possible the movements being made by the player. It looks wierd when you turn 900 on a race car and only see 180, and vice versa.
I'd rather have all cars to feature 900 degree animations, because that's what the Logitech wheels most are using features.

I'd prefer it if I could lock at 300 Degree for all cars. I've tried GT3 & GT4 with my DFGT. GT4 uses the full 900 degrees and GT3 locks at 300 degrees. GT3 has much more direct steering and is considerably better than GT4 for that reason.
I'd prefer it if I could lock at 300 Degree for all cars. I've tried GT3 & GT4 with my DFGT. GT4 uses the full 900 degrees and GT3 locks at 300 degrees. GT3 has much more direct steering and is considerably better than GT4 for that reason.
For normal cars that's not one bit realistic though, is it?
I'd prefer it if I could lock at 300 Degree for all cars. I've tried GT3 & GT4 with my DFGT. GT4 uses the full 900 degrees and GT3 locks at 300 degrees. GT3 has much more direct steering and is considerably better than GT4 for that reason.

GT3 locks at 270.

...and you can easily lock the wheel to any setting.... If you have the right wheel. :sly:

Why can't people read the date of the video they're about to post? How hard can that be?!
Yeah, I doubt we'll see the final damage model in any of the demos 'cause they're 2 minute demos and if you haven't noticed, the people playing those demos aren't the best racers in the world. If the full damage model was in on of these, they get to the first corner and be out of the race.
This steering wheel sync has never been a problem for me. But after reading all this it actually is a bit annoying, haha. Of course, it shouldn't be a big problem for PD to implement the sync in GT5, maybe few calibrations here and there when changing to certain cars.
Actually in GT4 there was real time steering wheel movement available, just if you chose the wheel visible on screen (did anybody use it?). That's another story, of course. But will there be same kind of or more advanced :P option in GT5 for that speculated bunch of uncockpitted 800. Hopefully.
Ok next time i find something that i think might help the community I simply won't post it because theres always some #@$* on a high horse somewhere that will have a cry about it.
No offense, but really, many of us are sick of people posting old stuff not knowing it is old.
No offense, but really, many of us are sick of people posting old stuff not knowing it is old.

Yeah I understand but if only one person views it who hasn't viewed it before then it's worth posting. I copped an infraction for it. Lesson learnt.