Sorry if this has been discussed to death already (no it is not the standard\premium thingy), is PD pushing 16 cars on all tracks, at all times, under all circunstances (excluding Rally stages\races)?
From that ad you can count 16 cars, all premium cars, at night, meaning the GT5 engine is probably working well even when handling all those headlights. Has there been any confirmation on the numbers of cars that was featured on The Ring with the day\night cycle and (probably) damage enabled?
Anyway1, if PD can get 16 cars and day and night cycle together in such a detailed tracks (urban\city track and The Ring), then can we really expect then to squeeze the system further and get weather (dynamic like F1CE) in?
Anyway2, the conclusion we can take is that the hard part is done, the only thing PD would need to worry is the creation of content (premium cars and "premium" tracks if the speculation turn out to be true), right? RIGHT!?
I mean, it is easier to patch new cars\tracks than to add something to the engine that may send the performance down the drain or break other features.