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  • Thread starter gamelle71
I don't get why people ripped into my comment that they are the same view. Because it is, cockpit view. All it proves is headtracking?

It proves adjustable point of view (POV). In one of the images, the head is further forward than in the other, which as a feature had not been confirmed.

I doubt it will be just for headtracking either, they will allow users without a PSeye to adjust it in menus, or from controls on their wheel/pad (Like the left/right view in Prologue).
I don't get why people ripped into my comment that they are the same view. Because it is, cockpit view. All it proves is headtracking?

Actually if you watch closely to the very beginning you will see a reflection in the screen of the guy holding his camera with one hand and driving with the other. Explains, I think, the differences in angle etc..., and how he's only going half throttle/driving like a noob.
It proves adjustable point of view (POV). In one of the images, the head is further forward than in the other, which as a feature had not been confirmed.

I doubt it will be just for headtracking either, they will allow users without a PSeye to adjust it in menus, or from controls on their wheel/pad (Like the left/right view in Prologue).

I thought that would just come as standard with headtracking: Lean forward = View closer. Head lower = Lower POV. Never mind anyway, it all looks fantastic in any view :)

I couldn't get them to match up. The driver's mirror and the edge of the window are in tune, though.

Thanks 👍 My bet is that when using the headtracking, you actually can peek "over" the bonnet. That would be awesome. But this is just speculation of course.

But anyway, it's clear that the seating position is different on the 2nd and 3rd vid. Yes, the other one uses HT, but it doesn't change the main point.
Yeah it looks as if they have 2 cockpit views. I have seen that in other racing games too. I also like how the camera shakes little bit in cockpit view.
It proves adjustable point of view (POV). In one of the images, the head is further forward than in the other, which as a feature had not been confirmed.

I doubt it will be just for headtracking either, they will allow users without a PSeye to adjust it in menus, or from controls on their wheel/pad (Like the left/right view in Prologue).

Really, how?
You can see that the windshield in one video is smaller and can easily fit inside the other one when pasted on top. If you made them both the same size, and changed the angle of the video, the first video is leaning to the right, everything would line up. Head tracking can be confirmed from the overlays and the video, not selectable POV. If anything, the EyeToy selects the POV based on your height, therefore it would be adjustable but not buy you, unless you use some phone books for help.

Yeah it looks as if they have 2 cockpit views. I have seen that in other racing games too. I also like how the camera shakes little bit in cockpit view.

No, it really doesn't. Timpaaq posted 2 stills from different cameras pointed at different angles and centered on different things. That's where the confusion seems to be coming from.

How about the second vid during time 0:47 - 0:50?

Can you explain to me what happens there?

Yes, he looks to the right and the eyetoy sees it, headtracking.
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Yes, he looks to the right and the eyetoy sees it, headtracking.

Headtracking I agree. And for sure I won't start to argue with you about this.. know the track record.

But, really I mean the up-down movement. You must have noticed that.. yes, no?
Headtracking I agree. And for sure I won't start to argue with you about this.. know the track record.

But, really I mean the up-down movement. You must have noticed that.. yes, no?

Yes, noticed it. I just chalk it up to interference from people around the eyetoy confusing it maybe. It's most likely another part of headtracking.
Yes, noticed it. I just chalk it up to interference from people around the eyetoy confusing it maybe. It's most likely another part of headtracking.

It doesn't matter what triggered it. The point is that it obviously is possible 👍
FOV are same, realistic.
Also if you capture TV outside - FOV visually increases (feels like improved sense of speed), but it's because of capturing position.
It doesn't matter what triggered it. The point is that it obviously is possible 👍

Yeah, but I thought free movement in the cockpit was a given with headtracking confirmed? If you can look left and right and down and diagonally, why not look up?
Yeah it is difficult to tell. May be it is camera angles. But I have seen this in other racing games as well so it is nothing new and I think it can be done easily. However the normal cockpit view is best so the other one is just an optional for me. But I won't be surprised if there are 2 cockpit views.
Isn't it just the head being shaken or brakes being applied to make car point down.
Or accelerating to make the front rise etc.
Yeah, but I thought free movement in the cockpit was a given with headtracking confirmed? If you can look left and right and down and diagonally, why not look up?

No, you don't need to look down, neither up. It's all the difference in the world regarding gameplay if you can peek over the bonnet.

So, not about looking up or down, it's about seeing the track from more upper position. There's a quite a big difference imo.
I can see over the bonnet in standard cockpit view.
Why the need to simulate sitting on a booster cushion?
I can see over the bonnet in standard cockpit view.
Why the need to simulate sitting on a booster cushion?

If you've ever used TrackIR for a flying sim, you will know just how benificial being able to "peek" up and over the hood (wings, around blind spots, etc...)

Imagine being able to peek around a blind spot, or raise your head up a bit to see up and over the hood when heading up over a crest.

The possibilities of "free tracking" are endless. Not sure if that's how PD are implementing Head Tracking in GT5 (I can hope), but it's definitely a good tool, once you get used to it.

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Live and learn. :dopey:

Fixed. Was typing so fast, and since both are proper words (although, not proper usage), the spell check missed it.

I guess if one used the term "peak" loosely, one could be "peaking" they're available view to see over the bonnet. :sly:

For anyone off to Goodwood tomorrow or Sunday , on the Citroen stand there is a two screen gt set up next to the new concept car ( not GT which is in the super car paddock ) it looked like a gt5p setup but a Citroen exclusive version. Left camera in the car which was stupid so didnt get any pictures.

ps gt academy car went up the hill and think I heard Kaz was there tomorrow.

pps heard quite a few people talking about gt5 whilst walking around, its amazing how what started as a game has made such an impact in the car world.

ppps: There was no gt5 on the Top Gear Stand but the Hammer Head Thrust was there:tup:
From Autoblog
How did those latter two work? The 3D effect did boost immersion but, other than making the rear-view mirror stand out, wasn't as noticeable as other, more in-your-face games. And the face tracking? Sadly that was being freaked out by the bright lights in the convention center. It worked occasionally, letting us look over one shoulder at looming competitors, but most of the time it completely ignored our movements. It's a shame, as we were eager to see how this feature could compare to something like a TrackIR unit on a PC, but we are told that (when it's working) you're able to turn your head in any direction – even look down into your lap if you like.

Image from the official site:


Still not quite sure what to believe, but either are fine with me. Since looking toward an apex without using a button is my main goal.
Regarding head tracking:

Guys, i am really lost!! :ouch:
i dont know how that feature would be useful....

The more i think about it, the more it seems awkward...
Please let me explain...

Whether you have two screen or three screens or simple a TV hooked up.
When driving in a straight line, all is fine...
Whenever you need to turn your head for the head tracking feature to work...

how do you look at the screen??? it will no longer feel natural...
because your head is turn (left or right) but your tv screen(s) would still be straight in front of you...... do you have to turn your head and keep your eyes focus straight ahead...

Pardon me if i misunderstand something, but that does not feel natural to me at all...

Could someone please explain?