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  • Thread starter gamelle71
I hope details of the ultimate edition materialize soon :nervous: I have two CE's preordered, will probably end up just scrapping one and upgrading the other. I have a DFGT and G27 so if it's a wheel bundle I'll definitely pass hah, though I highly doubt it's a wheel bundle.

My guess is the ultimate edition will be the same as the CE but with more parafernalia, more exclusive content, lifetime free DLC (presumably a good vaule) and a t-shirt.. maybe a polo. Which in this case I'll be forced to buy it 👍 but will not be willing to buy two just to have a 2nd to keep for the heck of it 👎
In my opinion they haven't done all the DLC that they're going to give us yet... I think in 2011 they will product some tracks or cars...So it can't have DLC...

They surely have not but purchasing this ultimate edition could include access to all future DLC.
Goshhh 4 months to go, how can we speed up the time??? You people know the episode from south park where cartman can´t wait for the ne Nintendo WII :D

I start to enjoy FM3 again and I imagine how awesome it must be to play it with an wheel. Can´t wait for GT5...
It's too expensive for simply just DLC.

Could be a DFGT package.

It could be but also possibly with PS3Eye for the head-tracking feature. Personally, I'm hoping for a bigger die-cast model of the SLS (hopefully the GT3 variation), a nice coffee table book celebrating GT5 release and of the AMG SLS, a couple of BDs- the game and one with a comprehensive spec/pic (high res) of all he cars in GT5.
I've received an interesting video clip I would like to run by you GT media hounds. If you watch closely around 1:20, it appears that dust kicked up on the side of the Nordschleife is being blown away by a brisk wind.


The visitor who sent me this clip confirmed the video is from Gamelab in Spain. For comparison, here's the smoke from the Nurburgring 24h demo.


Are there any other clips of this "wind" at the Nordschleife which I may have missed?
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Sorry, but where exactly I complained about Standard cars in my post? I was clearly stating I just want to see the Standard cars in action to cease all the whining.

Take care and read carefully before posting, otherwise you'll sound like a douche. I accept any disagreement with my points, but I don't accept misunderstanding followed by instant trolling. Be aware of that, kiddo.

My mistake and I thoroughly apologize. I just get fed up with all the whining about premium vs standard interiors when that has, in my opinion, very little to do with what I love most about GT. The driving! What the interior of the vehicle I am driving does or doesn't look like really does not matter.

Oh yeah, this kiddo is 50 years old. So geezer, grandpa or any old-timer epithet would be much more appropriate.
I just get fed up with all the whining about premium vs standard interiors when that has, in my opinion, very little to do with what I love most about GT. The driving! What the interior of the vehicle I am driving does or doesn't look like really does not matter.

Guess what, driving is also the most loved aspect for those "whining" about interiors, if it was only available when stationary I couldn't care less.
To me it does however matter what the interior looks like, but like you I agree this topic has its own thread ( or threads ) already and the discussion, which centres around semantics at the moment, should probably remain there until further news.
That is some windy wind! I wonder if it varies from no wind to a stiff breeze like that.

Just another comment on the cockpit view. Pritchard and others who commented on the wrongness of it is right. Ba dum bum. ;)

When I sit in my Supra, reclining about 25 degrees, my eyes are still almost level with the rear view mirror. And likewise, so is the horizon. If you have taken art or photography classes, you'll have learned that the horizon is always at eye lievel. I also have a scant view of the interior. Most of my view is taken up by the road outside, not the interior. The cockpit view given by almost every racing game too far back, including Gran Turismo, making it look like you're leaning up to get a look from the back seat. But it's also too low. Eye level is near the middle of the windshield, which is fine if you're reclining your seat way back. I know some of you actually drive that way, but most of us do not.

I need to do a tweet requesting adjustable driver views.
The dust did react differently on both videos but I think its too early to confirm anything just yet. Did anyone noticed the name of the cars scrolling on the loading screen? I never noticed that before. Thanks for the video.
That is some windy wind! I wonder if it varies from no wind to a stiff breeze like that.

Just another comment on the cockpit view. Pritchard and others who commented on the wrongness of it is right. Ba dum bum. ;)

When I sit in my Supra, reclining about 25 degrees, my eyes are still almost level with the rear view mirror. And likewise, so is the horizon. If you have taken art or photography classes, you'll have learned that the horizon is always at eye lievel. I also have a scant view of the interior. Most of my view is taken up by the road outside, not the interior. The cockpit view given by almost every racing game too far back, including Gran Turismo, making it look like you're leaning up to get a look from the back seat. But it's also too low. Eye level is near the middle of the windshield, which is fine if you're reclining your seat way back. I know some of you actually drive that way, but most of us do not.

Funny thing is the trees out side the track are not being blown at all. Interesting wind pattern. Gusts at track level?

I drive both a 2001 Passat wagon and a 3/4 ton Dodge pickup. In the Passat I scoot most of the way back, I'm 6'1", and lean until my head is pretty much even with the b-post. Same thing in the truck and in both cases there is a lot more exterior view than we see in GT. (love the sitting in the back seat analogy) The only time I truly move my head is to see out the right side, or right mirror, and that's not much movement at all. If they have an adjustment where you can have the eye-cam just peek over to the right, that would be great.

I only have a 32" Vizio, but it seems a shame at any size to waste up to 2/3 of your screen with graphics of the interior of the car. It does give you a little out the left window, but still not even enough to use the mirror on that side effectively.
That video looks like the cars are riding the curb and kicking up some dirt from the edge of the grass IMO.
Just finished making this video earlier today. I started hearing the Wavin' Flag song a lot and thought I'd mix it with a bunch of GT5 trailer footage and other videos, and the end result is pretty cool IMO. Enjoy.


Sorry for being off topic, but seriously guys, how bad can you make a tour through the holy studio of PD?
They're so pathetic.
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There was wind in gt5 prologue too..In suzuka when you pass the bridge .Thereare lots of tree on the right side The wind effects the trees on your right side.
Just finished making this video earlier today. I started hearing the Wavin' Flag song a lot and thought I'd mix it with a bunch of GT5 trailer footage and other videos, and the end result is pretty cool IMO. Enjoy.

One word:WONDERFUL!!
There was wind in gt5 prologue too..In suzuka when you pass the bridge .Thereare lots of tree on the right side The wind effects the trees on your right side.

I don't believe I've ever seen such effect in Prologue. Here's a video I made and looking through it a few times I still can't see any wind effects:

Funny thing is the trees out side the track are not being blown at all. Interesting wind pattern. Gusts at track level?
I'd gone back and watched the video again and that struck me too. I know that no racing game I'm aware of has wind affecting the environment much at all, but GT5 is so darn realistic looking, I think they should keep winds down to 15mph or less, maybe 10. Anything more than that would look wrong, at least for courses with trees by the trackside.

And it's nice that a number of us have commented on how unrealistic cockpit view is. Frankly, the best view I've seen in a racing game in Toca 3's, and that only had a black frame from inside the car, even closer to the windshield than in GT PSP.
My mistake and I thoroughly apologize. I just get fed up with all the whining about premium vs standard interiors when that has, in my opinion, very little to do with what I love most about GT. The driving! What the interior of the vehicle I am driving does or doesn't look like really does not matter.

Apologies accepted, and I must apologise too. I wasn't intending to offend you, just enraged by a comment which was pure trolling at a first glance, and honeslty, Standard cars will be as much fun as the Premiums to me, after all, the physics and feeling at the wheel are the details which differentiate one car from another.

Oh yeah, this kiddo is 50 years old. So geezer, grandpa or any old-timer epithet would be much more appropriate.

I'm not even at half this age, but neither consider myself a kiddo too, people say I have the mental age of an old geezer. :grumpy:

Interesting wind videos, never noticed that before too.

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