GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
The fact track days are even confirmed is awesome. Non-competitive driving, around the Nurburgring, messing about or putting in hotlaps, whilst talking to the other drivers through your headset (I'm guessing this very basic of features is going to be in...), absolutely immense!

Oh crap, now everyone will be aware of my uniquely strange accent. :nervous:
I'm looking forward to see some of the great photographer do their thing with GT5 photo mode some of those GT4 photos are amazing Slip is one of those people I'm talking about cant wait.
Don't worry, I won't bite! :lol:

Oh, nice to know. :rolleyes:

* Locks the doors, picks the shotgun and goes down to the basement *

Also, now that PD gave us a brief on what are the standard cars, does anyone think we'll see them in action ( gameplay ) at GC? That would clear things definetely, a video worths more than a million posts.
Also, now that PD gave us a brief on what are the standard cars, does anyone think we'll see them in action ( gameplay ) at GC? That would clear things definetely, a video worths more than a million posts.

Would you girls please get over how the cars are going to look. Premium/Standard is that really what's important? If anyone besides me watched the 400 mile NASCAR event at Daytona this weekend they would have seen some of the most outrageous racing ever!!! 2 wide 20 (oops sorry, need to put it in GT perspective) 16 deep 180+ mph side by side action with no purposeful punting like "The Children of the Clio" in GT5 :Pee-ew log, come on!!! Realistic physics, true life tuning and clean racing is that not what we all really want. YES!!?

NASCAR cars may not the best thing when it comes to drive-ability and handling, but ask Juan Pablo, when it comes to pure thrill from a drivers perspective, a CUP car will give you all you can take and then some.

I love the GT cars available in GT4, and the Le Mans cars, scary fast as they are. But I am truly looking forward to what we get in the terms of 4 corner tuning needed to make a NASCAR cup car do it's thing. Take that tuning and apply it to any other series and WOOHOO, we gonna have some fun!!!
Would you girls please get over how the cars are going to look. Premium/Standard is that really what's important?

but ask Juan Pablo, when it comes to pure thrill from a drivers perspective,

The girls are upset mostly because of the thought of not having a drivers perspective.
The girls are upset mostly because of the thought of not having a drivers perspective.

Drivers perspective of what? The road? Kind of difficult with only one screen. The multiple screen looks are pretty nice, with one side realistically closer than the other. But then again that's something of a $ dream for most of us. I had always thought it would be nice if in the lower right and left hand corners of the single screen set up, view from the cowl, there were some kind of side view mirror that you had to shift your eyes to see. Like in our real cars. Maybe make the far side one a little smaller so you have to look longer in order to register what's going on over there. Make for watching what the Banzai cornering nuts are up to a little easier.

Personally I never did like the interior views as they feel like being in a coffin and give me less of a view than I have in a real car. All the a-post, dash, headliner, door panels and what not graphics take up an awful lot screen area and leave me feeling like I'm driving in a cave. Quite different than in real life. I can see someone half way up my drivers door, with a shift of my eyes in real life, without having to look completely out the side window like what we get when looking left-right now. Even with head tracking, single screen, will we be able to fine tune how far the shift looks to the side when we move our head to see over there, and not look completely out that side window? I would love to see a single console support the multiscreen views. All I've seen so far have had 3 consoles and a PC to run them. Not to mention the extra screens. Big $$$.

Anyway it does not really matter what the interior of the car looks like when what's most important is what's going on out side the vehicle. How much computing space is wasted on custom interiors? Is that more, or as important as giving us as real a "SIMULATION" of driving as possible?
Would you girls please get over how the cars are going to look. Premium/Standard is that really what's important?

Sorry, but where exactly I complained about Standard cars in my post? I was clearly stating I just want to see the Standard cars in action to cease all the whining.

Take care and read carefully before posting, otherwise you'll sound like a douche. I accept any disagreement with my points, but I don't accept misunderstanding followed by instant trolling. Be aware of that, kiddo.
Edit: Also, in regard to spectator mode, I think we should set up a neighborhood watch. :lol: People take shifts watching random races and collecting names of people who race unfairly.

:lol: The KGB ( or Stasi ) section of GT-Planet? That might actually be effective and rather worrying at the same time, some might get just as enthusiatic about this pursuit than actual racing itself.........

Oh and Antti-san, what's your phone number again?:D
Would you girls please get over how the cars are going to look.

The girls are upset mostly because of the thought of not having a drivers perspective.

Any girls here? Would be cool..

I mean real girls ^^

* sarcastic*
Anti san is. :lol:

OK - Quick reality check for you guys.

In the last two days one member has managed to get a seven day 'time-out' and two others have received warnings/infractions and a thread has been locked.

The reasons behind all of this has been thinly veiled insults and off-topic spam posts, and while the above comments are (very) mild, I just want everyone to be aware that the AUP still applies.


So an "ultimate" collectors edition confirmed:

Back once again to amar's legendary "winds":

"Fifth wind says that reunion will happen in two forms, one greater than other and bird tamers will have freedom to decide which reunion they will attend. Greater reunion will ask for great sacrifice to be made in order to get all present and future treasures without new sacrifices needed, while smaller reunion will come in form already known, asking for more sacrifices if future treasures catches the eyes of the bird tamers."

Hopefully this ultimate edition may include all future DLC, which could easily make it well worth the money.
Hopefully this ultimate edition may include all future DLC, which could easily make it well worth the money.

In my opinion they haven't done all the DLC that they're going to give us yet... I think in 2011 they will product some tracks or cars...So it can't have DLC...
"For GT5, there are two collector’s editions. One is the game plus some added content and collectibles, which (has already been announced), while the other is in a really big package with a lot of paraphernalia that goes beyond the game. It’s all car-related, but I’m unaware of the exact contents. That being so expensive, we may not directly order it from Europe, but we could bring in limited quantities from Sony in the Middle East. We’ll also be working with Mercedes in some way around the GT5 launch, but we’re yet to decide the specifics of that."

Beyond the game, does that mean unrelated or not directly related or taking it to a different level?
And car-related paraphernalia sort of rules out both hardware or content or doesn't it?
Ah well, the price is too high for me anyway.:)
Well, they marketed the game always using DFGT wheels, so a bundle is likely to be sold as a Ultimate edition. By car related paraphernalia, there might be something related to GTTV, just like they're trying to make a Top Gear'ish program, of course filled by japanese philosophy and rythm. ;)

Kaz voice: On tonight's program: <<Insert show contents here>>
Well, they marketed the game always using DFGT wheels, so a bundle is likely to be sold as a Ultimate edition. By car related paraphernalia, there might be something related to GTTV, just like they're trying to make a Top Gear'ish program, of course filled by japanese philosophy and rythm. ;)

Kaz voice: On tonight's program: <<Insert show contents here>>

Nah, I think part of the reason Kaz likes Top Gear is they can seriously bash certain cars ( and manufacturers ) without consequences ( apart perhaps from not obtaining certain cars to "test" ) unlike PD.
If he did that himself he might get difficulties in obtaining licences and would show bias, best to leave the "bad cop" part to Top Gear.;)