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  • Thread starter gamelle71
And there is the 1st person, second person idea in motion, well said Dave

I would say though, karts have been mentioned for months though by varous sources.. so it would be more like 1st - 10th - 20th person by now..:crazy:

Just like last year when they said 200 cars would have full damage and the rest not... And we all know what that sparked off
Standard cockpits too. But the article says none of this is confirmed.
Sounds familiar.
TBH it's a joke these days. I can understand wanting to keep certain elements a suprise but.......

Their feedback to the patient fans is attrocious.

I didn't know that in France Hong Kong is located in Japan? :lol:
- Japan: Hong Kong, with its street circuit

But I'm glad that this 20 locations issue is finally solved even for the greatest critics.

That's pretty interesting too
- South Korea: an urban layout
Was there already a track located in Korea before or is this one all new?
I didn't know that in France Hong Kong is located in Japan? :lol:

But I'm glad that this 20 locations issue is finally solved even for the greatest critics.

That's pretty interesting too

Was there already a track located in Korea before or is this one all new?

Standard cockpits too. But the article says none of this is confirmed.
Sounds familiar.
TBH it's a joke these days. I can understand wanting to keep certain elements a suprise but.......

Their feedback to the patient fans is attrocious.

I hear you man, but what can we do. All we can do at the moment is analyse what we do get whether it be from PD or magazines.. When it turns fans against each other :dunce: it's been getting out of hand...

They should at least do a weekly or fortnightly dev diary or something coming up to release to not have everyone second guessing and OVER analysing everything that gets mentioned.

Save the BIG stuff for events like Gamescom.. But at least keep the fans in the know and make things more clear..
Now all we need is a city track in Pyongyang to be fully yin and yang.....

I didn't know that in France Hong Kong is located in Japan? :lol:

But I'm glad that this 20 locations issue is finally solved even for the greatest critics.

That's pretty interesting too

Was there already a track located in Korea before or is this one all new?

The thing is though, When I looked at the scan of the tracks

I could only find 11 locations they had mentioned and 44 tracks...

*locations by meaning countries....*

So technically if the 20 locations and 70 tracks are to be believed... What and where are they?

Well, the scans of the french magazine never said that. I believe this was an error from the translator.

They have Hong Kong seperate on the page, it's a translator problem..
The thing is though, When I looked at the scan of the tracks

I could only find 11 locations they had mentioned and 44 tracks...

So technically if the 20 locations and 70 tracks are to be believed... What and where are they?

They have Hong Kong seperate on the page, it's a translator problem..

Then you haven't read it properly, it clearly lists the 64 track on the side of the page.

Countries, you missed out at least GT Fantasy Country
Then you haven't read it properly, it clearly lists the 64 track on the side of the page.

Countries, you missed out at least GT Fantasy Country

No I counted up what they had in numbers around the pages. The list on the side is all the tracks from GT4 to present. Which left 6 (out of 70).

But if you count how many track numbers they have at the locations on the double spread it totals 44 with just 11 locations.

Is that counting fantasy or is the 44 all real life tracks?... And if its just 11 locations out of say the 20 that we hear about.. what are the other 9?

Man it's confusing... to make this clear though.. I'm going with the 20 locations 70 tracks comment. I'm not saying its right, but thats what I have based this on.
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No I counted up what they had in numbers around the pages. The list on the side is all the tracks from GT4 to present. Which left 6.

But if you count how many track numbers they have at the locations on the double spread it totals 44


And at what point was any of this CONFIRMED TRACKS?

All of these are invalid because it says "Liste non definitive" at the bottom of the page anyway, and that's at least the third time I've posted that today.

And they missed out GT Fantasy Country and a lot of tracks for that matter, and I'd like to see someone try and fit all of them in a separate bubble on the same page.
I'm pretty sure that all GT4(Granvalley,Seattle....) circuit will be upscaled and have less details than the premium circuit(Fuji,Nurb.....)!!!and maybe we won't have the day/night cycle in those "standard and upscaled" tracks!
New information from the Official PlayStation Magazine France:

Edit: Oh my god..

Outstanding. I am well aware of possible translation issues, but if this list is accurate, I won't be buying a game after November 2nd for a long time.

I really do hope that this -- Physics with improved management of collisions more realistic (depends on the difficulty selected) -- is correct.

Standard cockpits too. But the article says none of this is confirmed.
Sounds familiar.
TBH it's a joke these days. I can understand wanting to keep certain elements a suprise but.......

Their feedback to the patient fans is attrocious.

I agree. The PR department for PD is lacking, but I am going to play the advocate here.

IF, and I mean if, someone from PD reads this site, he/she probably views the negative vibe here. To many people here post nothing but complaints in regards to GT5.

Lets just say the full feature list was released at E3.. There would be 10 additional threads in the GT5 section complaining about something.

I am all for people offering negative criticism. It's all about the consumer when it comes to selling goods. Problem here is, that certain posters will not stop repeating themselves over and over again.


And at what point was any of this CONFIRMED TRACKS?

All of these are invalid because it says "Liste non definitive" at the bottom of the page anyway, and that's at least the third time I've posted that today.

And they missed out GT Fantasy Country and a lot of tracks for that matter, and I'd like to see someone try and fit all of them in a separate bubble on the same page.

I have this bad habit of editing after I post, see my previous to see if I made it more clearer....

I mean why list all the tracks from GT4 to present.. on a seperate list (right side of the page) and around the double spread have just 44 tracks?.. Even if they where second guessing themselves, why not just list all the tracks they have on the list?
Problem here is, that certain posters will not stop repeating themselves over and over again.

It's because of people (me included) who are complete and utter morons, we don't always look back through the threads, and we post stuff that has been argued over once, and then the whole arguement starts again.

Thus people repeat themselves.

As for the physics, nothing was mentioned in the mag about physics or damage, asides they were good, and the damage was there. Poor translation.
What we can see now as an important news is that the condition of "location" can be interpreted as "country",not as "track" like other games do,that is a piece of important news that Jordan should post in front page.

So Jordan if your reading this this will be a good piece of news maybe,not that big but the country as "location" is a good piece of info that we haven't before.
I have this bad habit of editing after I post, see my previous to see if I made it more clearer....

I mean why list all the tracks from GT4 to present.. and around the double spread have just 44 tracks?.. Even if they where second guessing themselves, why not just list all the tracks they have on the list?

Raagentreg said:
They missed out GT Fantasy Country and a lot of tracks for that matter, and I'd like to see someone try and fit all of them in a separate bubble on the same page.

Read please

What we can see now as an important news is that the condition of "location" can be interpreted as "country",not as "track" like other games do,that is a piece of important news that Jordan should post in front page.

So Jordan if your reading this this will be a good piece of news maybe,not that big but the country as "location" is a good piece of info that we haven't before.

We had the info posted earlier in January, when I posted "scans" of the whole article, we just glossed over them by accident, and missed them.

Which is why it's lucky I found this again. *sigh*

EDIT: Sorry for double post
Yeah they missed a lot of tracks, but which locations did they miss? As far as i see all tracks that are listed on the right side of the page would either fit into "GT Fantasy" or into one of the countries marked on the map. If there are 20 locations (= countries) in GT5, which one could be the missing ones?
Super GT
Indy Racing League (circuit only)
Kart (for training)
24h Nurburgring
Formula 1 (when only Red Bull, Sebastian Fettel as demonstration event)

We know THREE of these are legitimately confirmed... I'm fishy about IRL (Remember OPM in January... >.>). I'd love to see Karting, but I'm cautiously optimistic...

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