GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
Just when you think you have the best HDTV on the market, the damn manufacturers whip out something new. This time it'll be 3D TV's! I don't think I need to see GT in 3D, but perhaps in the later titles.

Well, of course by then, they will have a new feature to offer us in TV's. It'll be 4D or something and we'll actually be in the car. It's a vicious cycle!:ouch:
Just when you think you have the best HDTV on the market, the damn manufacturers whip out something new. This time it'll be 3D TV's! I don't think I need to see GT in 3D, but perhaps in the later titles.

Well, of course by then, they will have a new feature to offer us in TV's. It'll be 4D or something and we'll actually be in the car. It's a vicious cycle!:ouch:

Of such is life my friend.

However don't forget, if it wasn't for ongoing innovation and improvement, we would probably not be in rabid anticipation of GT5. We'd still be playing "pole position" on.......... er I forgot which console.

Believe it or not I can still remember viewing "Color TV" for the first time and what a big deal it was to own one.
2031 Gran Turismo X confirmed for the Playstation 6 Holodeck :D

I dont care for 3D right now. Just like the HD TVs were expensive while they were new on the market, 3D TVs will be expensive for the first 2-3 years. After that, so maybe for the Playstation 4 i will get one of these 1080p 3D Laser TVs.

BUT it would definately be interesting to see how 3D TV and the rumored head tracking will work together.
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I can't imagine a 3d tv that doesn't require you to wear glasses of some sort. Could you imagine a tv that could project the light out of it and keep its shape in different planes. didn't think so.
I can't imagine a 3d tv that doesn't require you to wear glasses of some sort. Could you imagine a tv that could project the light out of it and keep its shape in different planes. didn't think so.

Have you seen the fujfilm 3D camera? That has a screen to view 3D images with no glasses I believe. And even in prints.

On second thought perhaps this is because you can change your viewpoint easily but perhaps not.
Anything is possible from polyphony right now. They were even toying around with using the ps-eye to track driver head movement.

Quickly changing the subject for a moment, has there been any confirmation of g27 support?
That's a different type of 3d. The 3d you posted is imbedded, meaning it makes it look like you could reach your hand into the picture. The kind we want is the kind that pops out at you and makes you feel like your actually there. Oh

The German magazine "Play³" reports that Gran Turismo 5 will have 94 tracks (without counting the reverse versions of each track) in 20 different locations all over the world.

But I dont know if we should trust them...
Actually it sounds much more the amount I'm expecting. 👍


..but less can be ok too. They practically can't dissapoint me anymore .;)
Thinking of GT5s release date and everyone thinking it's going to be seperate and a ways away from Japans date, why was GT PSP released worldwide on Oct 1st? I think we should take notes from that
The German magazine "Play³" reports that Gran Turismo 5 will have 94 tracks (without counting the reverse versions of each track) in 20 different locations all over the world.

But I dont know if we should trust them...

I was ready to sleep but I've decided to check GTplanet before and OMG! what I almost lost!!!! I'm trembling!!!! Custer, Sorry for being so dumb, but this magazine is a trustworthy source??? If it is, I need clean underpants.....I've ALWAYS dreamed with that!!! NINETY-FOUR TRACKS!!!! Maybe it's too good to be true, but i'd rather believe, it made my day!!!!!

Great News!
94 tracks? That is amazing.. see what a DELAY can do to a game!? Now we will have even better damage, weather, and now even more tracks! heck I can wait patiently now untill March.. but at least PD show us some good new game footage.
Dont be disappointed if its less in the end.
Man, its a German printmag, thats almost as reliable as a shop.

Oh....hearing this from a German guy makes me reconsider if the news are true, but even if there's 70 tracks i'm happy, anything more than 20 tracks is a real prize.
Which is what I'm thinking the magazine article is, another site which links to the original has the same list and quote it as 94 tracks.

The latest article isn't the first time that number has been rumoured and until an official announcement is made it's not really any different to the original May rumour for 94 tracks.
FM3 is over/around 100.

Granted GT might have more actual locations (tracks) but FM3s variations make that number soar to 100
that game has so many variations of unique tracks it's amazing..for example.14 layouts of fujimi kaido..:crazy:

and alot more variations... so about 23 tracks unique.

nurburgring. full, a,b,c,d,f,g.. excettera..
Play³ is usually a bit behind, when it comes to the latest rumors and they rarely do interviews themselfes.

I do trust them, but i dont know where they got the 94 tracks from. I dont know what to believe, but I expect the worst and hope for the best. 94 really sounds to good to be true....