GT5 Master Track List (NOT a wishlist)

  • Thread starter CyborgGT
Thanks to opelgt1969

Today, 7:41 PM
opelgt1969 Silver Member Online Now!
I didn't find this in any book so I created a new "Game save" and fired up GT4. This is what I found not sure how this will read in a PM message so I'll space it out some:

Cars at start of Arcade Mode: 240

Tracks available at start of Arcade Mode:

Single Races

World Circuits 8/19

Original Circuits 9/13

City Courses 5/11

Dirt & Snow 3/7

I think the only difference in Single Races & TT was City Courses in TT had 6/11 available.

Hope this was what you were looking for!

This brought to you by that "Crazy opelgt1969 guy"



Tracks available in GT5 at start (not counting reverse/weather variations):

World: 18
Original: 13
City: 8
Dirt/Snow: 8

Total: 47

Nearly twice as many tracks at the start.

What's interesting is that the final total in GT4 was about 70, the estimated total on GT5 before we had the list was almost twice as much: (about 120 tracks with variations)
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There's an "Alaska" snow environment among course maker themes, so I'm starting to think that they don't necessarily have much to do with existing tracks.

Where did you get the name 'Alaska' from? On the recently leaked course maker video, I can't make out the names of any of the 7 locations (besides Eiffel, after he selects it)
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There's an "Alaska" snow environment among course maker themes, so I'm starting to think that they don't necessarily have much to do with existing tracks.

The Alaska environment you mention just makes the inclusion of the Belgian High Fens even more strange. The Belgian High Fens is not really a location that people on a global scale can relate to except for those who are familiar with Spa.

Same with Eifel. Not a place that rings a bell inside too many heads outside Germany but the castle on the hill reveals that the location shares ground with the Nürburgring. I wonder if the Belgian High Fens environment in the course maker has something that can be seen from the real Spa circuit other than trees. That could provide further hints.
Where did you get the name 'Alaska' from? On the recently leaked course maker video, I can't make out the names of any of the 7 locations (besides Eiffel, after he selects it)

From Tekken90's course maker video.
It definitely looks like "Alaska (Snow)":


i just watched the gt psp intro and there is no footage of el captain

Ice Arena isnt in the psp intro either

I guess I was wrong then. Could those be from some GTPSP trailers instead?


Tracks available in GT5 at start (not counting reverse/weather variations):

World: 18
Original: 13
City: 8
Dirt/Snow: 8

Total: 47

Nearly twice as many tracks at the start.

What's interesting is that the final total in GT4 was about 70, the estimated total on GT5 before we had the list was almost twice as much: (about 120 tracks with variations)
On the track list It doesn't count reverse so You could say two times as many tracks in GT4 also (some not having reverse) I didn't check but one and it had a reverse. I also was using a controller to go through the menu so I wasn't even going to run a race I'm too stupid and don't know which button to push when on a controller. I do know my G25 buttons.
Maybe the inclusion of Eifel along with the Nürburgring Nordschleife is just so you can make environments INSPIRED by the location in question. My knowledge of Germany is mostly inferior, but I can imagine there are those who want to make their own environments with inspiration of this Eifel locale. Most people will be like "why have Eifel as an environment when you can race any Nürburgring track freely?" I look at it more like inspiration. Don't you want to pattern certain tracks after certain world-class tracks or famous locations? I think once we really start getting indulged with and study the Course Maker, we're going to want to wonder about possibilities for future environments for the next Gran Turismo with this feature (granted it returns for the next GT).

[UPDATE] This comment is probably better suited for the GT5 Course Maker topic, but I just wanted to make this comment quickly.
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Stupid question may be, whatever, but

Why any of the friends with copies of GT5 can't confirm or deny if there are any locked tracks within the game?

It must not be that hard. Just play the carrer mode or something.
I just noticed (surely I'm not the only one) that the back of the case says "over 20 locations". So that must be the complete track list. :-(
From Tekken90's course maker video.
It definitely looks like "Alaska (Snow)":


I guess I was wrong then. Could those be from some GTPSP trailers instead?

The first two letters in that image could also be from "Alps"
Thanks to opelgt1969

Today, 7:41 PM
opelgt1969 Silver Member Online Now!
I didn't find this in any book so I created a new "Game save" and fired up GT4. This is what I found not sure how this will read in a PM message so I'll space it out some:

Cars at start of Arcade Mode: 240

Tracks available at start of Arcade Mode:

Single Races

World Circuits 8/19

Original Circuits 9/13

City Courses 5/11

Dirt & Snow 3/7

I think the only difference in Single Races & TT was City Courses in TT had 6/11 available.

Hope this was what you were looking for!

This brought to you by that "Crazy opelgt1969 guy"

Does the other half include reverse, weather, and/or time? Or will those be "unique" tracks such as Infineon, Spa, etc?
Ice Arena isnt in the psp intro either

OK one last time:

El Capitan didn't feature in the intro, but it shows a Standard Enzo, like all the other standard cars on standard tracks in the PSP videos. I don't know if it appeared in a trailer for the PSP game, but it was certainly made for one.
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not sure if this is the right place to post this,but im wondering if its possible to combine gravel and tarmac in the course maker?
reason why im wondering is im racing in RL on gravel/tarmac combined tracks.