GT5 might be available on the PC

  • Thread starter Denur


I have seen things
Denur; GTP_Denur

I hope your Dutch and German are OK. What it says mainly, is that in an Austrian newspaper Kazunori Yamauchi stated that GT5 might make it to the PC, but not to any other consoles. One reason is to enter the Chinese market.

Gran Turismo 5 verschijnt mogelijk ook voor PC
Nieuws | 14 april 2008 - Terwijl wij reeds met Gran Turismo 5 Prologue aan de slag kunnen, moeten Amerikaanse gamers nog even wachten tot 15 april. Net zoals de vorige Gran Turismo games verscheen ook dit laatste nieuwe deel exclusief voor PlayStation 3. Hier lijkt verandering in te komen als we Polyphony Digital's Kazunori Yamauchi mogen geloven.

In een recent interview met het Oostenrijkse Der Standard wist Yamauchi te verklaren dat Gran Turismo 5 mogelijk zijn opwachting kan maken op de PC. Gran Turismo 5, die momenteel gepland staat voor ergens in 2009, zouden wij dus hoogstwaarschijnlijk ook mogen verwachten voor PC.

Frage: Gibt es eine Chance, dass Gran Turismo auf einer anderen Plattform erscheint?

Kazunori Yamauchi: Es ist sehr sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass GT auf einer anderen Konsole herauskommt. Aber vielleicht kommt es auf den PC. Vor allem am chinesischen Markt könnten wir so die Verbreitung fördern.
Translated... BableFish

Question: Is there a chance that Gran Turismo appears on another platform?
Kazunori Yamauchi: It is very very improbable that GT on another console comes out. Perhaps but it comes on the PC. Particularly at the Chinese market we could promote so the spreading.
Gran Turismo 5 appear possibly also for PC. news | 14 April 2008 - whereas we already can Prologue to the battle with Gran Turismo 5, must American gamers still just as wait up to 15 April. Just like the previous Gran Turismo games also this last new part appeared exclusively for PlayStation 3. here seems change income if we Polyphony Digital's Kazunori can believe Yamauchi. In a recent interview with Austrian of the Standard Yamauchi could explain that Gran can Turismo make 5 possible its opwachting on the PC.. Gran Turismo 5, which, we could expect state at present planned for somewhere in 2009 therefore most likely also for PC..
Joke or no joke?

What kind of specification does a pc need to have to run GT5?
They would have to make massive code changes, I very much doubt that this will ever happen. GT5 is heavily optimised for the PS3 and the PC is a very different machine. Plus PC game sales are nothing compared to console game sales. I cant see why they would bother.

Simply never going to happen.
It is very unlikely indeed, what I like more about his statement that GT5 will never go to any other console.
The only way it will happen is after they sold millions of copies of the game after a few years, they might release on PC.
Had to double check my calendar, and no it's not.

Can't really see that happening. PC racing is small market compared to console.

Kind of sad really, but the hardcore simheads like myself are still a rare breed.

Still chasing my own holy grail: 24 H endurance online with driver changes with rain, fog, sun, day and night racing.
When GTR comes to the 360 I might believe this...

The difference is that it is possible for GTR to be ported to the 360 because it was made for the PC first, and the 360 was made by MS, which supports gaming on Windows. Porting a GT game to PC would be impossible, they are all designed for the Playstation platform and converting them would take an insane amount of work
Well.... The PC is the focal point for the hardcore end of race simulation..
In a way, if you want to be taken really seriously, its the place you need to be...

As for it being impossible..
the original GT:HD (the E3 demo, not the free DL) was running on a PC, not a PS3.
Also its a reasonable bet that a lot of things get prototyped on windows or other systems..

Really what I would like to see is a Mac version aswell..

as for power, by the time GT5 comes out, it will run fine on any shipping machine...

It also opens up the potential for mods and expanded peripheral support, TrackIR or multihead for example
I bet Sony will enjoy the fact that most of us here don't need the playstation anymore! :)


There you have it folks, that's the reason why this ridiculous notion is nothing more than a steaming pile.
The comments push the china angle, which is interesting, as this is a high piracy market..

My guess would be if it was to come out for the PC it would be a free download with microtransaction DLC, as was originally proposed for GT5 back in the day..

Its a model thats proven to work in other parts of asia and makes more sense if the game focuses more on the online component as opposed to the big bag of toys GT4 model..


In fact I wouldnt be suprised of GT5 still goes this way, by 2009 people are going to be more used to this way of thinking..
The game is still so far away that I wouldnt put it past PD to change the basic framework for the whole game (as they have already done a number of times post GT4)
They would have to make massive code changes, I very much doubt that this will ever happen. GT5 is heavily optimised for the PS3 and the PC is a very different machine. Plus PC game sales are nothing compared to console game sales. I cant see why they would bother.

Simply never going to happen.

I too think it's very unlikley, but i think you're dead wrong when it comes to the difficulty of the port.

GT5 is made with the PS3 in mind no doubt, but the port would probably be extremley easy, the hard work is not the actual programming of the game, it's the sheer amount of work in the game itself that is difficult. (the incredibly detailed models, simulation, tracks, etc.)

It'd be nice, but i just don't see this one happening.
Why would you hope not?
The PS3 would still be the easiest, cheapest most reliable way to play it...

A PC port will be more expensive to run, but would give you things you cant readily do with a console..

Imagine being able to play GT with 3x 30 inch screens, each running at full 2560x1600... motion chair, FrexGP wheel and pedals...
All running off some insane 2009 model Nvidia card..

Its a different market...
Does GT becoming more scalable help GT and in turn, its primary platform, the PS3?
Why not do it the GT4 PS2 way then:

3 PS3 1080P 50 inch screens and frexGP pedals and Motion chair?
(The frex part and motion chair is doable if Sony releases the correct data)
Only my opinion.
Why not do it the GT4 PS2 way then:

3 PS3 1080P 50 inch screens and frexGP pedals and Motion chair?
(The frex part and motion chair is doable if Sony releases the correct data)
Only my opinion.
The only thing I'm missing is the SimConMotion and other frex stuff. I don't have three 1080p 50" screens but only three 1080p 24" screens.
There is the slight issue that investing in 3 PS3s for just GT is a big gamble, on the PC this sort of setup is supported by other games and sims, both flight and driving. So the investment is slightly less of a gamble...

Its an interesting prospect..
I think a lot of it comes how things work with SCO being a part of SCE now..
Will there be more cross pollination? or will it be all hail the playstation (in its various incarnations)

Could GT become the WOW of the car world? (a success SCO want bad after the failure of Everquest and Star Wars Galaxies)
I hope not, GT is the only reason to buy a PS

Other than the PS3 being the cheapest Blu-Ray player available, I completely agree... Port it to the PC and I'll get one the day it drops. Otherwise, its an "iffy" subject, as always.
Hypothetical question:

If PD starts to develop GT-series for PC and you can affort a high end pc with a special designed videocard with 3 DVI-D ports, what would you choose; GT on the PS3 with all the PS3 advantages or GT on a pc with all the graphical and sound advantages?

At this point, Windows vs PS3, id go for the PS3..
Simply because I cant stand using windows, all the rubbish that goes along with it simply makes it not worth the trouble..
Now if they did an OSX version aswell... That I would be interested in..

I guess part of that question is what are the PS3 advantages in this case? beyond it being cheaper and a turnkey system..
And who would publish it for the PC? I highly doubt a PC version will ever happen.
The only way I see a GT game going to PC is after a year or so of it's console release. Sony will want to maximise console and console game sales and a game like Gran Turismo is the kind of game people buy consoles for. A year or so later, when the game is perhaps not selling many copies anymore I could see them doing a PC port to spread the game to a wider market and it wouldn't cost PD that much to do it.

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