GT5 might be available on the PC

  • Thread starter Denur
But is it really?

The market for GT for the PC would be the PC race sim crowd..
And lets face it, those guys already have racing games, they arnt going to buy a console just to play a console sim..

by the same token, if its new system time, not many people are going to shell out big bucks for a PC to play GT when (by late 2009) a $300 console will do the same thing..
So a console sim more of an arcade sim and a pc sim is concidered to be the real thing, pure hardcore simulation? (GTL, GTR(2), LFS, RBR, etc...)
Yeah, PC sims are generally considered to be more hardcore... part of that is just bias, and part of it is true..

The same sort of split has happened in flight simulation to a much more severe extent..
the most accurate (hahaha) flight game on consoles is Ace Combat... then there is the massive jump to Lomac on the PC...

The situation is far less messed up for driving sims... GT5:P drives just as well as rFactor by most objective accounts..
but the style of game play is different...
GT is sort of like watching Top Gear..
PC sims are more like hanging out at the track on a weekend...
Could GT become the WOW of the car world? (a success SCO want bad after the failure of Everquest and Star Wars Galaxies)

Everquest/EQ2 were far from failures. Both have turned very sizeable profits for SOE and EQ2 still has a good following 4 years on.
Vanguard.... well thats another story !

Racing games, especially at the sim end of the market are very niche market and its highly unlikley they would ever reach the same levels as mmo's. Even GT5 which seems to manage to straddle arcade/sim boundaries would never sell that many units on pc compared to the real popular genres such as FPS's, mmo's and action adventures.

Perhaps if serious effort goes into developing the online side of things, as the online sim racing community is the pc's real strength over the ps3 at present. Something I am sure will change over time as the ps3 develops (e.g. home).
I too think it's very unlikley, but i think you're dead wrong when it comes to the difficulty of the port.

GT5 is made with the PS3 in mind no doubt, but the port would probably be extremley easy, the hard work is not the actual programming of the game, it's the sheer amount of work in the game itself that is difficult. (the incredibly detailed models, simulation, tracks, etc.)

It'd be nice, but i just don't see this one happening.

So its easy rewritting code written for CELL for windows? Since when?

Do you realise that CELL is a totally different type of chip and a game like GT5 would be splitting the code up between all the SPU (i think games can access 5) to load balance? Where as on the PC you have to code for one CPU and maybe allow for more. The hard work IS in the coding, all the assets are already there.
So its easy rewritting code written for CELL for windows? Since when?

Do you realise that CELL is a totally different type of chip and a game like GT5 would be splitting the code up between all the SPU (i think games can access 5) to load balance?

I think its 7 SPU's.
Yeah the PS3 has 7 but games only access a maximum of 5 of them in full.
What about Codemasters. They develop the same game (e.g.DiRT) for PC as for game platforms like the PS3? So it is possible.

The end of the interview said: "time will tell". Indeed, if there is going to be a PC version of the GT series, when will it be released? 2015 maybe? :D
No.. Sometime after GT:Whatever for PSP ;-)
The only way it will happen is after they sold millions of copies of the game after a few years, they might release on PC.

agreed, sony doesn't want this to interfere with the PS3 sales. its the same with the halo series. the PC version of halo 1 and halo 2 came out 3 or more years after the original xbox game
Knowing that you can play GT on three monitors, Nvidia or another video card manufacturer has to develop a video card with three DVI-D outputs or do like Simbin does, expand the resolution if you use a very big screen!

There are reasonable ways to do it; while GT is a system-seller, nobody cross-shops a PC with a system, so porting it there wouldn't cost them sales. Also, the money needed to run GT5 at the same level on a PC that it does on the PS3 would be well over what the average person spends anyways. It would also allow them to further explore the professional physics model instead of the current dumbing-down for the more casual racers.

The problem I see is rampant modding. Given the quality of the current models, PD is probably concerned about some 12 year old kid attempting to build his own Aston overnight in 3DSM and passing it around. I want a PD seal of approval on everything, and games are getting to the point where the modding community can't realistically do things to the same level. The track possibilities though are one thing I would like to see in a PC version; I played the old GTR mod on GT tracks!
I don't really see this happening. Isn't PD a part of Sony or something? But if they are their own company then I can see them reaping in huge profits if they sold on any other console...
There is a way pd might do after all they are owned by sony and sony do make pc's. Plus i know for a fact that sony are making a pc with the very same cell chip that is in the ps3. So it could will happen all i will say is watch this space
I was typing a long technical explanation as to why a PS3 to PC port wouldn't be all that difficult, but it sounded like a bunch of mumbo jumbo.

But trust me, it would be easier to port GT5 to PC than, say, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion to PS3... ;)

Of course, the system specs required to run GT5 with graphical detail equal to the PS3 is another story...
The rumor must come from somewhere. Or did someone just put it on a website as a hoax and this hoax travelled around the net and became "news"?
The rumor must come from somewhere. Or did someone just put it on a website as a hoax and this hoax travelled around the net and became "news"?
It might be like the XBox 360 fanboys starting the rumour that Guns of the Patriots would be made for the 360 as well as the PS3.
I bet Sony will enjoy the fact that most of us here don't need the playstation anymore! :)
I seriously doubt many of us got a PS1 and only played Gran Turismo and GT2 on it, got a PS2 and only played GT3 and 4 on it. I have seven games for my PS3 and I'm just getting started, none of which I can playy on PC.

For that matter, I haven't bought a PC game in three years. I really doubt "most of us here" only play PC games or Gran Turismo, so I doubt you speak for us. ;)

In any case, I doubt this will happen for a long while either.
I don't see the problem of having GT5 on the PC technically, as GT5 is probably developed on the PC, but there is a problem market-wise, as you should know. I don't see the prob with running it on the PC as there is plenty of hardware avaliable more powerful than anything the PS3 has.
There's one big thing making porting GT5 for PC really difficult and it's optimizing. Making the game for the PS3 only is much easier in that respect as there's only one hardware configuration that it has to work on, everything can be done to take full advantage of that single configuration. Every PS3 is alike.

But there are hardly two similar gaming PC's around, they all have different motherboards, memory amounts and speeds, processors, video cards, you name it. And the hardware aside, they use different operating systems and different drivers for that hardware. There's no hope of making GT5 look that good on a PC unless the requirements are so ridiculous that one gamer in thousand has a machine like that. Making the game run smoothly on every PC is impossible, making it run smoothly AND look good is even more impossible and knowing the degree of perfectionism in mr. Yamauchi's work, I doubt we'll see this move any time soon.
Pretty much everyone says that developing and optimizing software for the PS3 is harder than any other platform..
Plenty of other much smaller developers have no trouble at all making things run fine on the PC.. Most bleeding edge game engines run best and look best on the PC...
plus we are talking 2009 PCs.. your uber rig of today is your basic laptop by that time..

The thing is, GT has always looked better than other car games because of the taste of the developer... Its not PS3 special sauce that makes GT look brilliant, but dozens of little choice made by PD..
The attention paid to modeling the cars.
The decision to go with effectively static lighting
the choice of textures..
all these things would carry over just fine to another platform.. especially one with more grunt like the PS3
agreed, sony doesn't want this to interfere with the PS3 sales. its the same with the halo series. the PC version of halo 1 and halo 2 came out 3 or more years after the original xbox game

And look at what a mess they made of that port.

People keep saying hardware for the pc is much more powerful than the ps3. Unfortunately the numbers, terraflops, polygons, etc are not the whole story. Push it through a restricting o/s and architecture, add in a raft of extra background processes, make every system different and you end up with a bogged down platform.

Why does oblivion run smoother on my little black box than it does on my ninja-pc? A box that cost about the same amount as a graphics card sets me back every other year?

When a company like PD is free from these restrictions they can eek the most out of the platform.
Yup, the PC has never been a hotbed of optimization..
The nature of rolling hardware means developers get lazy.
But with due cause, there IS always a bigger badder PC just around the corner..

Its never the best value, But its almost always the most powerful..
I seriously doubt many of us got a PS1 and only played Gran Turismo and GT2 on it, got a PS2 and only played GT3 and 4 on it.

I bought every PS console and Logitech Wheel just for GT. For my PS3 I purchased only GT5p so far and then downloaded bunch of free demos from PSN, from which I play only skate demo sometimes for it's simulation nature. The rest of demos is only for my friends. On the other side, my computer could be pretty basic for internet, photos and movies. When GT comes onto PC, Bluray players will be for 50$ and I'll have no reason for buying PS3 at all. I'll just upgrade my PC with 8800GT or something with similar bang for the buck of future times.