Here is my list. Some of it has been mentioned
1. Fix online connection problems, all of them! (717 errors ++) **important!!**
2. Make menus 10x faster
3. Add full support for most used wheels (like G25 and G27, Fantec 911 etc..)
4. Add adjustable settings for thoose wheels (like steering degress)
5. Make steering degresss match car interior wheel input.
6. More sort functions on cars (like «car classes» and a «premium + standard cars tab»)
7. 3 favourites tabs with user defined names and unlimited cars
8. Allow different tune-settings to be saved on each car
9. Update ALL thumbnails and PP points button (important if you get a new PS3)
10. Improve slipstreaming (effect is extreme)
11. Add save option to endurance races
12. Fast forward and rewind button for replays
13. Allow longer lobby names and have «lobby comments inside the lobby for general information about the room»
14. More sort options for online races («Race class», «tires», «Stock only» etc)
15. All «buy-options» in settings menu or availible online in lobby (lightweight, enige mods, oil, rebuilds, wings etc)
16. Ability to buy stock engine parts again, and get back to normal weight.
17. Ability to be i practise mode and change cars from the garage (without leaving the track)
18. Same physics online and offline
19. Muli-ghost-hotlap race (have different ghosts from different cars at the same time)
20. Introduse a online clean driver system. Clean drivers with less body contact and chrashes get more XP and money in both online and offline compared to bad drivers.
21. In raceresults, show «best lap» and «totaltime»
22. Go from 20 to 30 million max. credit limit