GT5 Next Patch Wish List

  • Thread starter Darren.

What do you want in GT5 1.11?

  • Total voters
Just better AI.

To actually make me want to play again.
I've even given up on leaderboards.
I want to equip my drivers with soda sponsorships, so that after you win you see your driver drinking a rockstar with a thumbs up.
Says the hardworking videogame developer.

Your point? They should have been included, and all except maybe the AI would have been relatively easy to implement. And I'm 15, so no, I'm not a game developer. So please, STFU and GTFO.
Your point? They should have been included, and all except maybe the AI would have been relatively easy to implement. And I'm 15, so no, I'm not a game developer. So please, STFU and GTFO.

lmao, oh the impertinence of youth :P
totally agree.
i know it may never happen but .. i would love if they added the feature that Fo --- 3 has where you can spin the camera around the car in 3 person view .. atleast for the premium cars ...i understand if Pd doesn't wanna do that for the standards ...
By the way, since they added custom racing suits, a nice feature could be to make the pilot optiinally visible and posable in the Photo Travel mode.
Just remembered something I'd want:

The ability to sell and purchase DLC cars. But of course, you can only purchase ones that you've acquired by code. I just really want to get rid of my Edge Camaro. :(
One of my biggest issues is removal of the $20 mil credit limit. I'm the kind who likes to have a lot in the bank. Don't always want to have to worry about do I buy this or not or hold onto money waiting for something in the dealerships.

Planning a 50/60's race and want to buy everything in the OCD. However, I've just enough cash to get the Chap 2J if it ever shows up. Raise the limit!
Endurance race saves, just got to level 35 A-Spec so I want do Le Mans as soon as possible. I can't now because school started last week.
MORE TRACK!!! I could say that over and over again! At least a DLC allowing you to download old tracks from previous GTs would be nice xD. A cockpit mode for standard is a must!! At least a crappy one with bad visuals would be ok. And more cars. It's got alot, but not enough. Off the top of my head I can't think of anything but there are alot.
Toyota Supra RZ, premium please!

I'm easily pleased ;)

Thats a most realistic and objective suggestion! I really miss this car (premium)!

Also there is a guy who said: we need garage button in GT Auto. I will be praying for you...:bowdown: This is a most simple and useful thing to me.
This is what I would like for 1.12

The ability to trade cars over a million obviously lol, but people who are perfectionists wanna complete there garages like me :)

To be able to trade chrome and stealth cars or even better have them as downloadable dlc for everyone, more money for polyphony lol

Please up the xp rewards for endurance races, I shouldn't have to wait 9 hours to get a measly amount of xp because the level jumps are extensively huge

More cars and tracks would be nice also, maybe formula 2 and other championships like wrc also

The s.vettel challenge should be able to be completed at gold with a little effort not doing it for 6 hours, and should definitely not need to buy a wheel just to do a flipping challenge, increase the times please to something reasonable or put the x2010 prototype on the online dealership for 20 mil or something again for perfectionist reasons, see first point

Make coming out of online lobbies a little quicker sometimes it takes like 5 minutes to exit completely, lag or otherwise please have a look at it

One final thing, a save point in endurance races mainly 24 hour ones, for the sake of my thumbs and electricity bill it wouldnt be a huge thing to do wht u did for the championships exit and save, come back to it next day and do some more please polyphony heed your fans needs thank you for a great game and a great driving experience please for me make it perfect :)
I would pay serious cash for the Monza Oval, Donnington Park, Road America and Spa. More classic Le Mans cars (late 60's, early 70's) would also be nice.

Also with regards to worries over online play being messed up if there is DLC, the room hosts would have the option to have a DLC room or non DLC room which would be viewable when looking for a lobby in the same way that you can see Race Type etc. Of course if you don't have the DLC you wouldn't be able to join the room and also there would be no way to change whether DLC tracks/cars are allowed so people would'nt get auto kicked if the room host changes.
I'd like to see Tourist Trophy and Gran Turismo be one. Let's get some Hayabusa's and Supra's racing SSR7! (haha)

Hell nooooo. They don't combine together, they aren't supposed to race each other. Just make a Tourist Trophy 2 and I'd be really happy...
I'd like to see Tourist Trophy and Gran Turismo be one. Let's get some Hayabusa's and Supra's racing SSR7! (haha)

The Supra driver would just get angry for not being able to beat the Hayabusa, and would just ram him, resulting in some gruesome crashes:tdown:
The main online base (apart from GTP) isn't mature enough for motorcycles:ouch:

And to OP: What's with taco stand @ ring? Of course it's a joke!
..logitech g25 support. I dropped the gt5 mainly because it lacks information on the wheel compared to shift 2... let alone better audio, graphics, ai, excitement..
I don't think the increased 1MB savegame is necessarily a bug, unless it keeps growing continuously for some reason. It could be that it's been prepared to contain more data for future additional features and content, or something along those lines, to be included in next patches.