- 4,878
- CoolColJ, GTP_CoolColJ
I could be wrong but my Shelby Cobra Chromeline sounds different to the one above
Has anyone found a setting or setup that makes your engine volume louder and the other cars engines a little quieter? Right now the other cars engine's completely overwhelm everything.
Use a sports exhaust or greater, the other cars usually use at least a sports exhaust hence why they are louder, and you'll also note skid sounds will be much lower in volume when you use a race exhaust.
race exhaust are also louder than sports exhaust etc
Just like in the real world, exhaust volumes are relative - a nice touch
For the love of all motorsport gods, PD please fix the BMW E92 M3 sound!
Compare these.
Real BMW E92 M3 onboard
rfactor BMW E92 M3 onboard (almost perfect)
GT5 BMW E92 M3 onboard (laughable)
Honestly. Please, do something.
Or was it because Mercedes is your main sponsor and one of their conditions was they wanted to sound all BMW crap?
Damn, no modding on the console.
If only this was a PC sim...
Not even close. The volume of a full race mod 800HP+ engine is inaudible when within 30 yards of much lower power and smaller engine cars. It has nothing to do with the modeling of exhaust etc, it is just awful volume balancing that could be fixed with an additional slider of, "other car SFX" in the options menu.
WOW, I am really really surprised about the greatness of the RFactor sounds. I know, I know the sound engine itself is propably crap and dear god the doppler effects in the replays are propably rubbish, but listen to that engine!
You get a little more of that intake rumble in the real M3 but otherwise it is pretty much spot on!!
Wow, imagine if GT had sounds like that coupled with the visual gloriousness of the premiums. Now THAT would be a great game!
I'm complaining because american V8's when tuned sound like Hondas. That's my problem.![]()
holy crap, the challenger doesn't even sound like a V8, in fact it doesn't sound like any noise i've ever heard. ZO6, ZR1 the Camaros also all don't even sound like V8's. '69 Z/28 is the only one of the bunch that actually sounds like a V8.
I drive in cockpit view on all premiums and roof cam with all standards. I have a 5.1 setup, have tried ear phones, TV speakers, etc and all of them still have the same flaw in sound balance.
I'm complaining because american V8's when tuned sound like Hondas. That's my problem.![]()
I bought a Camaro SS and was quite disappointed. Are there any V8 cars that sound right? I haven't had the game as long as some of you and would like to know before I buy another premium V8.
I have a 5.1 DD/DTS receiver connected to my PS3, but whenever i select "LARGE THEATER" i notice all in game sounds are reduced drastically and I have to turn the volume up on my receiver a lot more in order to hear anything. But when I switch down to small, the sound is nice and loud. Why is that?
I brought up the rfactor video with the M3 not because I am rfactor fan. In fact, I don't have rfactor. It was simply to demonstrate what a few modders are capable of. The M3 in GT5 sounds laughable. Like a smurf version of the real one. It's a shame...
The flanger / chorus effects are an interesting issue, that I think warrants special investigation (if I get around to it). I have heard similar effects on YouTube videos with exhaust "tests"; for example as the camera moves around from the side of the car to the rear, or from high-up to lower-down. This is probably due to the way the "visible" opening of the exhaust changes from an apparent ellipse to a circle, and vice-versa. In GT5, it's probably compounded by their simplistic (and disappointing) reverb which gives rise to that echo-y, chorus-y wash, best heard on monophonic, off-screen recordings of the multi-channel output.
I've narrowed it down to the echo/delay they use to generate the reverb effects. On some tracks you'll hear the echo as almost as loud as the dry signal, hence why you get 2 copies of the sound and then flanging![]()
I've narrowed it down to the echo/delay they use to generate the reverb effects. On some tracks you'll hear the echo as almost as loud as the dry signal, hence why you get 2 copies of the sound and then flanging![]()
Isn't that the same M3 that was actually a standalone demo of the M3 with the Nurburging GP track by Blimey (ex Simbin members who later became the team that did NFS Shift?) that was then converted to other platforms like GTR2 and Rfactor?
I dunno, I get the uncanny valley effect with Rfactor videos, the sound doesn't match the scene or what the car is doing![]()
This is correct, the M3 was recorded in real life and put into ISI's "simple" sound engine and sounds the way it does, like it comes from a youtube video...
Seriously, I hope some people enjoy eating their words.
Although it only seems to be a few names that pop up every so often to hate on rFactor before disappearing below the horizon again.
and with that, I'll be retreating to my hole too.
P.S. Community must be pleased with the good news about the Veyron! (standard -> premium treatment)
Engines are mechanical instruments, throttle response isn't 1:1, fluids flow, spark plugs ignite. They are not keyboards to generate flat response or perfectly synthesized notes from. I can only say that you may a have a case of GT synth addiction. I.e. your ears have grown accustomed to one methodology so anything else sounds wrong. I have grown accustomed to wave-table methodology, so GT5 sound naturally bewilders me, but I'm opened minded to a hybrid and new ideas. After-all, GT5 does have a radically different audio engine and artist direction from every other car simulator.
and with that, I'll be retreating to my hole too.
P.S. Community must be pleased with the good news about the Veyron! (standard to premium treatment)