I don't think that there is any excuse for poor sounds in GT5! Logistically it is all VERY possible to obtain sound samples of cars; after all PD must get their hands on many of the cars so that they can laser scan them, take photos etc. PD has working relationships with all of the manufactures that have cars featured in the game. I am sure if I was Ferrari, I would want my car represented in the game fully, not only visually but also viscerally with the awesome sound!!
Like any business, we have accounts people doing accounts, Admin people doing Admin and sales people doing sales! I am sure PD is structured like any other business, with Graphics guys dealing with graphics, physics guys dealing with physics, tea boy making tea, and one would assume the sound engineers dealing with sound!! . GT5 has been more than 4 years in the making, so my question is what have the sound guys been doing in all of that time? Extended coffee breaks, throwing sickies? I could on my own, if given top notch sound recording equipment from Sony, a travel card and 4 + years to capture Engine sounds of cars and still would have done a better job than PD. Capturing the sound is the easiest part. As we know, all you need is a car, a dyno and the engine/exhaust note captured from multiple viewpoints that reflect the in-game camera view.
Now arranging dyno time for potentially 1000 cars is a feat, but is possible if you have 4 years to play with, and the finance of a mighty company like Sony. If that fails there are many other ways...
If for instance, Logistically it was not possible, then I am sure with a bit of improvisation, there are many other ways to capture the sound of a car on a dyno that may have otherwise alluded you for what ever reason. Arrive at any Dyno day and you have a numerous selection of cars to record, with owners or dyno operators likely happy to cooperate to some extent.
Alternatively and very simply, over the past 4 + years PD could have arranged multiple dyno days in different locations where they could have invited many car owners/enthusiasts’ to dyno test their cars for free, and perhaps PD (as an incentive) could have had a few engineers on hand to to offer tuning/tips/advice to owners etc.
Also a dyno day like the above would be a great way to sample cars that have aftermarket exhausts, as I am sure as well as standard cars arriving for a dyno run, I am sure you may have others with some vicious aftermarket exhausts with equally vicious notes.
If PD ever had the idea to include real world aftermarket exhaust to buy in game, then it would be quite easy to go and speak to say, Akrapovic. (Whom make exhaust systems for cars and bikes)
Akrapopvic extensively Dyno tune every vehicle that they sell exhausts for, and they dyno tune before the exhaust is fitted and also after, obviously to see power gains etc.
Now would it not be a bright idea to either plant your own sound engineers at Akrapovic factory in Slovenia for a few weeks/months, for a sound sample feast, or simply tell Akrapovic MD that if he hires his own sound people to extensively record the sound of all cars he makes exhausts for, before and after the exhaust systems are fitted, then your Exhaust systems will be featured in a franchise that has already sold 50+ millions, and with the new game likely to sell 10million, I am sure Mr Akrapovics’ ears will spike, and he will likely hire the best sound people to record the fab sound of his Akrapovic exhaust cans/systems/ while they are being run on the dyno!!
Of course, the above does not have to be Akrapovic in Slovenia as Im sure that Japan has enough of its own Exhaust manufactures etc
Now PD really need to get with the times! I can understand many of the shortcomings that GT5 may have had due to perhaps over enthusiastic visions/desires from KY with limited time to achieve, but the sound is probably one of the easier tasks PD has at hand yet it seems to be the least of a priority!!
Corvette, yummy
Corvette Dyno curve -