[GT5 @TGS '10] (See Post 1): Demo Videos, Trailers, Car/Track Pics, Interviews, News.

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
I have a sneaky suspicion the LF-A and HSV are not in the demo. It's probably just the Gamescom cars plus the new VW's, Izuzu, GT Citroen Race Car....
Anyone else notice that there appears to be a longer version of Eiger? If you watch the track map as the car enters the tunnel you can see a variation of Eiger running off the usual GT5P track just before the hairpins start and rejoining just before the bridge at the bottom of the hill. Or am I discussing old news?

EDIT: You can see it a bit clearer in this video http://gamersyde.com/stream_gran_turismo_5_tgs_eiger_rain_citroen_prototype-17240_en.html

normally other variations aren't vissible. i think its a pitlane.
I'll be gifting cars to friends. I wonder if the settings on the car transfer or are reset.

I think the whole point of gifting is that you can tune/modify a car and send it off - else you could just donate someone credits (unless the car is locked from buying)

Excellent really:tup:
I found this video on nicovideo.jp and uploaded it on Youtube.
The car (which one is it?) sounds very good and life-like!

Wow. Maybe not all cars will have improved sounds, but I really hope even Standard ones do. I hope the CLK 55 does sound like in real life

VROOOOMMM!!! Bring on the GT5!

what the hells up with the subaru infront??? does he hit the nitrous when he comes out the bend????

actually it looks like the driver messes up on his gearing

The car we're travelling in loses traction. The car in front keeps the throttle pinned and gains a 2 second advantage, Plus he's hitting the rev limiter. If I made a mistake that bad I'd expect to lose > 2 seconds. I could find hundreds of examples of real racing but I totally cbf'd.
alex p, i was waiting for SOMEONE to say that. don't get me wrong i am really glad that weather is in this game, and i'm really looking forward to spinning out many times in the rain, but as of right now.. the rain effects aren't looking very nice (very low rez). i do think it is pretty cool that the rain moves according to what the car is doing though.

honestly guys you can't say that screenshot looks like these?




There is no water smearing when using Rainex, racing without Rainex you gotta be joking, that's for one.
Sure it's not perfect and the way water droplets move on the windshield looks goofy, but the game was supposed to be out on February 2010, weather wasn't in the game at that time, they had to "rush" it in once they decide to include it, that's two.
There is no water smearing when using Rainex, racing without Rainex you gotta be joking, that's for one.
Sure it's not perfect and the way water droplets move on the windshield looks goofy, but the game was supposed to be out on February 2010, weather wasn't in the game at that time, they had to "rush" it in once they decide to include it, that's two.

you don't know that at all, and no one can say at all how long they have been working on the weather system.
Honestly, the rain drops in the windshield are not perfect but if you were expecting them to be then well, you shouldn't.

What we should be comparing them to is not against the real thing, but other games. I've yet to see a game that does it better. If someone knows such a game, then please share.
you don't know that at all, and no one can say at all how long they have been working on the weather system.

exactly, i think most ppl here dont understand how game developing really works. sure gt5 was scheduled for feb, and sure pd hadnt announced weather yet, but maybe they were working on it and they were not sure whether it would be good enough to be in the final product. better not get the fans hopes up by promising something, and then not having it in the final product. lots of shades of greys in game dev, no true black and whites
Honestly, the rain drops in the windshield are not perfect but if you were expecting them to be then well, you shouldn't.

What we should be comparing them to is not against the real thing, but other games. I've yet to see a game that does it better. If someone knows such a game, then please share.

These are honestly the best rain effects i've seen in a game, in my opinion they are perfect. Nothing really comes close.
exactly, i think most ppl here dont understand how game developing really works. sure gt5 was scheduled for feb, and sure pd hadnt announced weather yet, but maybe they were working on it and they were not sure whether it would be good enough to be in the final product. better not get the fans hopes up by promising something, and then not having it in the final product. lots of shades of greys in game dev, no true black and whites

yep, and i'm sure they have done their best with the time and remaining processing power, and we all know that PD does not like to do half arsed.
Honestly, the rain drops in the windshield are not perfect but if you were expecting them to be then well, you shouldn't.

What we should be comparing them to is not against the real thing, but other games. I've yet to see a game that does it better. If someone knows such a game, then please share.

Yes sir 👍. Some people will find anything to moan about.