Actually if the camera was placed under the car or recessed in the bumper, there wouldn't be any rain on it. but I do agree, it is a little weird. But, I probably won't ever use bumper cam, so...
Actually if the camera was placed under the car or recessed in the bumper, there wouldn't be any rain on it. but I do agree, it is a little weird. But, I probably won't ever use bumper cam, so...
Blimblim just said that a video of the X1 (!) on Trial Mountain is coming up!
I can't hardly wait for Nov 2!! I am going to look at the bright side to make it go faster. I got a haircut yesterday, so I only have one more haircut before GT5 comes out 👍
So with the X1, Vettel was able to beat the F1 lap record at Suzuka on his first lap, by 20 seconds. The record was 1:31. At that pace, based on the 4:39 lap of the Nurburgring in the F1 car in Gt4, the X-1 could do the Ring in 3:38!!! Jeebus!!! I think it could actually do it quicker, since theres more fast sections vs. slower sections at the Ring compared to Suzuka.
Well, the teaser did show the speedometer...and I'm not sure if it was in kilometers per hour or mile per hour. and it is a race car without limits.
The lighting in the cockpit looks much better than Prologue (in Prologue the shadows make it so dark its hard to see). Also noticed some nice backfire on the Lambo when it downshifts 👍. Looks amazing, well done PD.
So with the announcement of GT Home, and it's capabilities, I'm curious to knowif we can access our stats online. If so, how cool would it be to have forum signatures with our race stats? Something like Battlefield Bad Company 2 has with Sigg-o-matic!
We could have our most driven car as a background, with stats like races won, km/miles driven, # of cars in garage, # of credits, etc.