LONG POST WARNING -> I took time of reading all posts after I made mine. But since time constraints held me back on replying back. But here I am now.
^ Ok, I already started of listing them down:
Altered tracks vid:
Mid-Field The 1st
Rome Circuit '90s
Autumn Ring Mini '90s
CSR5 '90s
Grand Valley East '90s
Grand Valley '90s
Grand Valley '00s/A
Smokey Mountain North
SSR5 '90s
GT4 (dry)
GT3 (wet)
Speedway '90s
Tahiti Dirt 3
Tahiti Maze '90s
Chamonix Lake
DP Beginner no Chi
DP Test Course '00s
Fuji '80s
Fuji '90s
Infineon AMA
Rome Short '90s
Seattle Short
Suzuka Bike
Suzuka West Bike
Tsukuba Bike
Tsukuba Wet
^ Its just a matter of time of finding the best ones. 👍
Wow what a great post. Imagine GT6 if it is not going to be for the PS4 but maybe for the PS3 and they announce that it will include all tracks of the previous GT series.
I´ll cry.
^ Me too brother! Me too.
-> I would hope the GT6 WILL be a more complete game. This happened before (GT1 -> GT2 / GT3 -> GT4).
GT5 was supposed to have all tracks from GT4, at least.
That's my biggest disappointment with GT5, all the stuff that didn't make it from GT4 and other previous GT's
^ Yes PD (and KY) did state that long, long time ago. I do recall that KY was very adament that most if not all past GT tracks will be in GT5. But in the end, it didn't happen at all.
-> I am just glad that I was expecting disappointment from GT5, so the damage wasn't as bad compared to most fans.
First, those are 43 if you count every single one but removing altered, killed off, seen on videos (with the exception of the stelvio pass), hidden and possible variation tracks, since those shouldn't come back for obvious reasons.
^ What makes you think omitting other tracks and not Mountain Road Pass (aka. Stelvio Pass)? Please explain.
it isn't as bad as it sounds. There aren't 113 tracks missing in GT5 but rather 25.
Then you can also consider more factors and make it 29 or 30, which are counting the whole track as only one and not its variations (that's simply cheating), not considering circuits that were replaced by the brand new versions (not only some small layout changes) or replaced by the new and comparable versions, which happened for other reasons such as rebranding,
Finally, the list goes down to 25 missing tracks without considering those that only were included in games released before GT4. No one can reallistically be expecting an obscure gt2 track in gt6 really.
IMO this is the proper missing tracks list, tracks which therefore PD could and should consider adding in GT6 or in GT5 as DLC: apricot hill, cathedral rocks, valencia (like anyone likes that circuit irl, lol), citta di aria, amalfi coast, driving park (debatable but still), gymkhana blank, motorland, el capitan, george v paris, grand canyon, hong kong, ice arena, infineon, las vegas drag strip (debatable since it doesn't bring much to the table), mid field raceway the second, new york, opera paris, piazza del campo, seoul central, swiss alps, tahiti maze, twin ring motegi, seattle and the stelvio.
^ If you're implying that I'm cheating. I could modify the list, just ask...not trying to insinuate making my list 'stupid'.
-> I could simply re-modify the list by simply splitting list from track count and its variation count. No biggie, I just need a little time to do it.
Not counting rally tracks, drag strips, wet versions or reverse versions but counting the GT/GT2 version of the Test Track as different to the GT3/GT4 version and counts short courses and SSR11 GT1 and GT3 as different tracks the totals look like this.
GT had 11 Tracks.
GT2 had 21 tracks of which 12 were new and 9 came from GT.
GT3 had 14 tracks of which 5 were new, 5 came from GT2 and 4 from GT.
GT4 had 40 tracks of which 24 were new, 3 came from GT3, 4 came from GT2 and 9 came from GT.
GT5 has 45 tracks of which 27 are new (Including DLC), 8 came from GT4, 3 from GT3, 1 from GT2 and 9 from GT.
TT had 1 extra track in Valencia.
All this data is available in the library section of the site accessable at the top of the page.
As a reference, gt5 has 45 tracks
^ I hope the 45 total tracks in GT5 does include rally tracks.
-> According to the
Master List here in GTP, GT5 has 30 tracks location and 90 variations (incl. reverse).
I did check that list while editing the post. The thing is there aren't 113 missing tracks by any means, and doing some obvious exclusions the list goes down to 30 or even to 23-25.
-> What you guys are telling me that I have to follow this format provided by these links below?
^ If I follow your descriptive format which includes neglecting altered, variations, killed-off, seen on videos, & hidden tracks. This would happen
(please refer to the second link for full details).
1. 20r60r - DP Beginner (w/ Chicane)
2. apricot - Apricot Hill
3. assisi - Citta di Aria
4. capri - Costa di Amalfi
5. grandcanyon -Grand Canyon
6. hongkong - Hong Kong
7. icerace - Ice Arena
8. infineon - Infineon Raceway
9. kashiwa - DP Motor Land
10. lasvegas - Las Vegas Drag Strip
11. midfield - Mid-Field Raceway (The 2nd)
12. motegi - Twin Ring Motegi
13. newyork - New York
14. paris_rally - George V Paris
15. paris_tarmac - Opera Paris
16. seattle - Seattle Circuit
17. seoul - Seoul Central
18. smtsouth - Swiss Alps
19. tahiti_maze - Tahiti Maze
20. valencia - Circuit de Valencia
21. yosemite - El Capitan
22. yosemite_dirt - Cathedral Rocks (Trail I)
23. super_speedway - Super Speedway ('00s)
24. campo - Piazza del Campo
25. grandcanyon_north - Grand Canyon Short Track
^ This would be the obvious list based on your preference. And if you ask me, it will dilute the purpose of this thread. Plus its educational factor will disappear. Tsk, tsk, in my opinion!
Gran Turimo 6 should be called, "Gran Turismo Generations" featuring all of the tracks from the past GTs. That'll be epic.

👍 Gran Turismo "6" sounds to be better.
^ Someone had said this before, WAY back in page 2:
To be honest, I'd like a Blu-Ray Remaster of GT3/GT4 like God of War got.
We already have all the HD GT4 cars in GT5, just "remaster" the tracks and release Sony!
^ And I replied...
^ I'd rather see a complete remaster of
Gran Turismo PSOne Anthology: Remastered (combination of GT1 & GT2 in HD/Hi-Fi (GT1 speak); not separate titles but a merged/combination version of the two) &
Gran Turismo 3: Re-Spec.
^ See what I mean? I do share the same sentiment.
I do not want to argue or make another wishlist, but IMO GT2 remains the greatest GT game when we talk about the tracks.
Of course, I am strictly talking about the Original Courses category here.
In GT2 we got: Midfield, Apricot, Seattle, Red Rock Valley, original Rome, Rome Night, Grindelwald and Tahiti Road. All those circuits are the unmatched pinnacle of Original Course design and versatility, still unmatched by all later entries - including great job done on El Capitan or Eiger Nordwand or Citta di Aria (although CDA is based on real-life location, thus is arguable is it an Original Course by definition, but than again also is Seattle, so nevermind that).
^ I do agree, if we were implying on Original Tracks, GT2 had the best selection of all time. In fact even better than GT4. If GT2 featured SSR11, it would be the most perfect GT game of all time!
-> I've noticed that while I created, revised, and edit this thread. GT2 held the most collection of Original Courses in GT's history, the only track that didn't make it was SSR11 '90s as evidenced in
Gamespot.com gallery.
^ If GT2 wasn't much of a rush job, PD might include SSR11 '90s and this one:
I do not know will those tracks ever make it in any future GT game. But I would prefer to get them before any other real-life track or any other track PD can be working on.
Every single Original Course from GT2 is worth to be included in any next installment of GT game. All other games have real-life and licensed courses, every one of us have his own real-life favorites, but none of them are original or unique to fantasy that GT series is providing.
^ Yes I do also remind myself
to forget the haters and continue to educate many people inside and outside of GTP. As this thread still stands my virtue of bringing back these tracks will still be intact!
-> I've been always sayng this ever since on other threads.
I really, really hope that somewhere at PD somebody is working on upgrading all those beautiful, unique and perfectly conceived legacy track to a HD glory. They really deserves that. Having them just as a distant memory - not available to all the new players - is really a greater loss to GT series than not having Imola, Bathurst or Valencia.
^ If PD would thought the cost-saving involved of returning all of its Original tracks back in any GT game. Real-life tracks that were featured in the past would be an easier propect to return (it will be only paperworks and photoshot any updates to each track) compared to upcoming tracks to laser scanning the whole track like Mt. Panorama, Silverstone, or even possibly Imola.
-> GT is slowly becoming more and more sterile by losing more and more Original tracks and losing these track would mean that GT will be a 'just another racing game'.
-> My motto:
Bring Back and Return, Then Add!!!
^ This doesn't apply only to tracks,
but also cars as well!