GT5's >MISSING< Tracks & Circuits [Moving on to GT6]

Shame, because I loved this track when playing GT Concept :(.

More tracks missing:
  • Cathedral Rocks Trail III (GT PSP)
  • Grand Canyon Mini Track (short version of Grand Canyon, used in a GT4 Prologue lesson

(I can't find track images on the internet)
Whoa! What car is that?!:drool:What game is it on and how can i get?!:confused:
^ Word. The Toyota pod is a >missing< car.

That is a Toyota Pod. You can ONLY race it in a special event from GT Concept.
^ Let me re-phrase that:

~ That is a Toyota Pod. You can ONLY race it in a special event from GT Concept and ONLY featured in GT Concept.

-> Ok everyone! I've already finished the update! Tell me how it looks! :)

Looks good enough.

I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but could someone explain to me why EVERYONE seems to want Mid-Field back, it's a nice enough track, but we need those GT2 only lovelies, Apricot Hill and, of course, the one and only Special Stage Route 11 (complete with death chicane) back first.
^ Beats me... :confused:

-> It may be the overall flow of the track, maybe its drift-friendliness (on the '90s-spec), maybe it resembles like in real life (on the '00s-spec), maybe it potential for an online playground arena, or maybe just plain nostalgia. There are too many variables on why Mid-Field became a Legendary Track.

:indiff: -> Since this thread's popularity is dwindling at an alarming rate. Even with my hard work towards re-formating the whole thing to make an easier read...I might migrate the OP into my blog site for the world to see soon. It will be an another pain to format it into Blogspot specs, but It might be a worth a try...

OT -> On the parallel point, I'm also building a Forza's version as well at Forza Planet. I'm done with its primary structure and 95% completed before I finally post it. Heres a preview:

Amalfi {Salermo, Italy/Original} [1 Track / 2 Variations]

Amalfi Coast Full Course (killed off)


Amalfi Coast Full Course <R>

Austrian Alps {Austria/Original} [1 Track / 2 Variations]

Alpine Ring (killed off)

[FM1 / FM2]

Alpine Ring <R>

Blue Mountains {Australia/Original} [1 Track / 2 Variations]

Raceway (killed off)

[FM1 / FM2]

Raceway <R>
^ I bought all the Forza titles just because of it! :crazy:
^ Word. The Toyota pod is a >missing< car.

^ Let me re-phrase that:

~ That is a Toyota Pod. You can ONLY race it in a special event from GT Concept and ONLY featured in GT Concept.


Not necesarily. After you complete a Normal difficulty race, the pod became available in other modes of GTC. ;)
I dont mean to be rude, but Vanishing Boy
- Why are you tend to list every track even if it was some killed off licence test circle 30R wet?
- Or why are there every possible track variation (aka Amalfi Short) that never existed in any GT.
- Any hacked and/or hidden unfinished tracks as Xenn found on demo discs (VERY interesting) counts as not missing in my mind.
- MAYBE even all those video previews and pictures right in text makes it unclear.
- Not needed to list reverse variations as it is obvious.
- Maybe even the whole 90's / 00's variation thing makes it unclear, dunno.

These 6 points in my eyes makes your list of missing tracks a little bit disorganized or unclear to read it through.

I think it would be better to list these possible and/or killed and/or unfinished licence and tracks to another thread(s). To make lists of their particular "class" (aka missing licence test circles thread :) )somewhat clearer.
I mean these tracks are/were not "raceable" at all.

- I would like to list track "official" name first, then place in the world. (example - Amalfi {Salermo, Italy/Original}

I think the list is overcomplicated now.
My thinking is to make list some of this type:
Missing tracks from GT1:
track A
track B
track C (Full/short circuit)

from GT2
Track D (Full/North/west circuit)
track E
track F
track G
track H (speedway/east section)
track CH
track I
and so..only in somewhat nicer looks off course (but still must be clear to read).

BUT i know it took ages and a lot of effort and its your thread, so i may shut up :)

Good work anyway. It must be saved for next generations! :)
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-> Oh well, things are starting to slow down in the interwebs, no new discoveries and such. I just have to add and edit couple of tracks that I overlooked in the past and its pretty much closing time! :)

I dont mean to be rude, but Vanishing Boy
^ Its ok, I need some constructive critisism after all! :)

- Why are you tend to list every track even if it was some killed off licence test circle 30R wet?
^ Its basically for educational purposes. After watching some tracks that were hidden repeatedly and comparing it to its final version, I've noticed some significant differences. :)

- Or why are there every possible track variation (aka Amalfi Short) that never existed in any GT.
^ Remember those other threads like this one? Or even this one. These possible tracks are marely a suggestion to PD that they can widen the spectrum of their current (archieved) tracks. Quite different from the regular wish list tracks. :)

- Any hacked and/or hidden unfinished tracks as Xenn found on demo discs (VERY interesting) counts as not missing in my mind.
^ So why PD implemented it within the deep confines of the game? If its not a missing track, then why PD should've deleted it in the first place before releasing it as the final build? :confused:

-> Again, its for educational purposes only. :)

- MAYBE even all those video previews and pictures right in text makes it unclear.
^ Care to explain it to me in detail? I tried to make my OP as concise as i possibly can to show the readers it purpose. ;)

- Not needed to list reverse variations as it is obvious.
^ I added the <R> format simply because it shows not all tracks have reverse configurations (the hidden Laguna Seca & Super Speedway for example). Again for educational purposes. :)

- Maybe even the whole 90's / 00's variation thing makes it unclear, dunno.
^ Have you looked at these different maps very hard? There are significant differences (especially when you watch at these videos), and since I've played every GT game (except GTC, GT2000, GT4P, GT2 demos & GTHD Beta) I really can tell each track oddities no matter the physics and graphics. I got the '90s/'00s format from GT4 on its Fuji Speedway variations. :)

These 6 points in my eyes makes your list of missing tracks a little bit disorganized or unclear to read it through.

I think it would be better to list these possible and/or killed and/or unfinished licence and tracks to another thread(s). To make lists of their particular "class" (aka missing licence test circles thread :) )somewhat clearer.
I mean these tracks are/were not "raceable" at all.
^ I tried to create a separate thread on World Circuits but I got so much hate posts on it and it got closed within 24 hours. I don't want to repeat the same outcome ever again! :indiff:

- I would like to list track "official" name first, then place in the world. (example - Amalfi {Salermo, Italy/Original}
^ On real life locations, its evident that I have to give credit to these places on which they were based from, it somewhat makes more sense (like that travel feature on GT5P). :)

I think the list is overcomplicated now.
My thinking is to make list some of this type:
Missing tracks from GT1:
track A
track B
track C (Full/short circuit)

from GT2
Track D (Full/North/west circuit)
track E
track F
track G
track H (speedway/east section)
track CH
track I
and so..only in somewhat nicer looks off course (but still must be clear to read).
^ I lke your idea, but it doubles up my work in showing each tracks on each game series. That is why I highlighted these on the bottom of each map:

[GT1 (demo) / GT1 / GT2 (early demo) / GT2 (demo) / GT2 / GT2000 / GTC / GT3 / GT4P / GT4 / VGT / TT / GTHD (beta) / GTHD / GTPSP / GT5P / GT5 (demo) / GT5 (videos) / GT5]


BUT i know it took ages and a lot of effort and its your thread, so i may shut up :)

Good work anyway. It must be saved for next generations! :)
^ Well I can't please anyone do I? :lol:

-> I'll take your comments at heart, and seems like I'm the only person whose actively participating here. I will conclude this thread with my final edition, and will migrate this thread to Blogspot. :)
Your longer youtube links are dead now, all links that are abbreviated link to the abbreviated URL, instead of the full one
I really would like to see Red Rock Valley and Grindelwald...

But, looking through all these responses and tracks that have been discussed, I see that people share the same opinion...
I think theres a lot of misunderstandings.

- I tried to say, that the list of missing tracks as it is or was is too much complicated, so i was trying to say to differentiate missing curcuits more. I want to help you to relieve this thread as it is one of the most important thread around here!
I know you perfectly know where is something in your OP, but for person who is only a guest it looks too overcomplicated in terms of easy to read, easy to understand.
Its basically for educational purposes. After watching some tracks that were hidden repeatedly and comparing it to its final version, I've noticed some significant differences

Remember those other threads like this one? Or even this one. These possible tracks are marely a suggestion to PD that they can widen the spectrum of their current (archieved) tracks. Quite different from the regular wish list tracks
- I know its different. I absolutely LOVE this idea especially Grand Valley possible tracks, but this class of tracks (possible variations of existing tracks) deserves their own thread or at least their own post. Not to mix them in existing tracks.
- That makes your thread hard to read, hard to understand for guests and therefore no one is here, which is bad!

So why PD implemented it within the deep confines of the game? If its not a missing track, then why PD should've deleted it in the first place before releasing it as the final build? :confused:
- I dont think PD left them on purpose. It just wasnt necessary to lose time with erasing them on demo CD or even on Full version.
- Especially Grindelwald is interesting. But again i say, those circuits (deleted, unfinished and/or unused versions of tracks) deserve their own class (different from Possible variations class) and own thread or at least their own post.
That would make your thread more clear to understand in my eyes.

Care to explain it to me in detail? I tried to make my OP as concise as i possibly can to show the readers it purpose.
- I forgot to say that i meant to hide those big pictures and videos to only html text links. - > it saves space in the long posts - > more clear to understand.

I added the <R> format simply because it shows not all tracks have reverse configurations
- All real life tracks would not have reverse version and all original tracks could have reverse (even if some havent).
- > It is not necessary to add even this little text to a big post.
Again, my notes is only to make the whole thread easier to read and get bigger amount of visits and posts.
Have you looked at these different maps very hard? There are significant differences (especially when you watch at these videos), and since I've played every GT game (except GTC, GT2000, GT4P, GT2 demos & GTHD Beta) I really can tell each track oddities no matter the physics and graphics. I got the '90s/'00s format from GT4 on its Fuji Speedway variations. :)
- I get and agree why you decided to have it that way and i know very well 'bout slight varies of some original circuits.
- But this also can make some people uncertain what they are reading. And i think that this is the problem with visits.
Unclear design - > less interest in going through the whole thing - > less visits and posts...
- For them its perfectly enough to list these tracks as one.
example of my thinking
Midfield Raceway = thats all
Midfield Raceway
(versions) GT2/GT3/GT4 - thats all, with clickable links to permanent maps with GT2/GT3/GT4 note in the picture)

Seattle Circuit

Seattle Circuit Short

Fuji Speedway 80's

Fuji Speedway 90's

Fuji Speedway 2005
GT4> this has to be clickable to see map of circuit in respective game.

I tried to create a separate thread on World Circuits but I got so much hate posts on it and it got closed within 24 hours. I don't want to repeat the same outcome ever again! :indiff:
- Its obvious why they closed that thread down, you must not make a sole thread of missing REAL circuits as it is not going to be any more than another wishlist thread. -> "I want that track in the game now".. "no no i want that track more".. bla bla bla

On real life locations, its evident that I have to give credit to these places on which they were based from, it somewhat makes more sense (like that travel feature on GT5P)
- I disagree. Cant see a point in having to give credit to some city or place in the world before the "oficial" name of respective track in GT series.
> This also can make some people uncertain what they are reading. And i think that this is the problem with visits.
Just note at first place name of track (London, Rome) then place (UK, Italy), but im not sure if it is necessary at all. It doesnt change the subject which is missing circuits.

[GT1 (demo) / GT1 / GT2 (early demo) / GT2 (demo) / GT2 / GT2000 / GTC / GT3 / GT4P / GT4 / VGT / TT / GTHD (beta) / GTHD / GTPSP / GT5P / GT5 (demo) / GT5 (videos) / GT5]
- Nice at first look, but for me its too overcomplicated or how to say it..dont know the right word now :(
- Eventually when i encounter these signs i dont read them at all. Maybe they are too small.
- What is VGT?

I'll take your comments at heart, and seems like I'm the only person whose actively participating here. I will conclude this thread with my final edition, and will migrate this thread to Blogspot. :)

Please don't, how can you be so sure that on blogspot it will be better in terms of visits?

My notes are only to make the whole thread easier to read and get bigger amount of visits and posts.
I dont tend to critisize your list of tracks itself, only the looks of the list could be more clear.

Good night, not sure about time at Philippines :)
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I think you should remove possible, hidden and killed off (diff. layout) tracks, or at least put them apart from the rest and at the end of the list. Or do 2 different lists: a simplified version, and another one with everything you want to add.

Imagine if Kaz were to see the OP (lol). The list has to be as simple and short as possible, featuring the actual tracks that are missing and not simple layout changes, highlighting the game where it was featured (now it's way too small), and hopefully a youtube video and/or in-game screenshot per track (not layout photo and not for each variation obviously).

Also "possible" tracks aren't missing tracks from older games anyway.

With that considered, these tracks should go into a different list or just be removed:
- Dry lake (hidden)
- End Lake {Original} {Game Shark} (never existed)
- INDIpendent Park {Original}. {Cheat Engine} (hidden)
- Island Park {Original} {Cheat Engine} (hidden)
- Lake Side {Original} {Cheat Engine}
- Lake Springs {Original} {Cheat Engine & Game Shark} (hidden)
- Laguna Seca Reverse (hidden, not realistic and comes from the GT2 demo...)
- London {Original}. It's just reverse and possible (not missing) layouts
- Plam Strip {Original} {Cheat Engine} (hidden)
- Smokey Mountain {Original} (possible and killed off)
- Tokyo (all "possible")
- All older license test tracks
- All driving parks, as most are hidden and killed off, but most importantly wouldn't be a significant addition to GT5/GT6
- All "possible" and killed off layouts of all tracks, particularly Citta di Aria Short (2 huge photos for a "possible" circuit)

And these should be in a different section altogether, not removed, as most them are just different and reverse layouts:
- Autumn Ring {Original}.
- Cape Ring {Original}.
- Chamonix {Rhône-Alpes, France/Original}.
- Deep Forest {Original}.
- Eiger {Switzerland/Original}.
- Fuji International Speedway. Adding the 80s and 90s layout would need some re-modelling though.
- Grand Valley {Original}.
- High Speed Ring {Original}.
- Madrid Mini {Spain/Original}.
- Rome {Italy/Original}. Layout, with re-modelling.
- Suzuka International Racing Course-

And please remove the "Take note" and "Legend" parts.
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A couple months ago I wrote here there are about 30 actual tracks missing, or that at least would mean a substantial addition in upcoming games and also aren't very obscure hidden circuits there's no way PD would consider; but now the list has even more than it used to.

It truly is unreadable.
and finally, I think there's no need to use such a huge space for each track.

Lets take Seattle for example. Right now there are 6 different layouts, meaning 4 unnecessary paragraphs, and 4 pictures, none of which is in-game.
Wouldn't it be easier to read if it only said "Seattle"? I think it's useless adding Circuit 10's (as it is a "possible" layout), reverse layouts are redundant yet they take 3 paragraphs/lines, and there's no use in adding killed off layouts and tracks.

In short, Seattle ends up with 1 line and adding one in-game screenshot and a youtube video. That's 3 to 4 less photos and 5 lines removed.
-> ...

Your longer youtube links are dead now, all links that are abbreviated link to the abbreviated URL, instead of the full one
^ I'll check that one out, thanks! 👍

I think theres a lot of misunderstandings.

- I tried to say...

I think you should remove possible, hidden and killed off (diff. layout) tracks, or at least put them apart from the rest and at the end of the list. Or do 2 different lists: a simplified version, and another one with everything you want to add.

With that considered, these tracks should go into a different list or just be removed:
- Dry lake (hidden)
- End Lake {Original} {Game Shark} (never existed)
- INDIpendent Park {Original}. {Cheat Engine} (hidden)
- Island Park {Original} {Cheat Engine} (hidden)
- Lake Side {Original} {Cheat Engine}
- Lake Springs {Original} {Cheat Engine & Game Shark} (hidden)
- Laguna Seca Reverse (hidden, not realistic and comes from the GT2 demo...)
- London {Original}. It's just reverse and possible (not missing) layouts
- Plam Strip {Original} {Cheat Engine} (hidden)
- Smokey Mountain {Original} (possible and killed off)
- Tokyo (all "possible")
- All older license test tracks
- All driving parks, as most are hidden and killed off, but most importantly wouldn't be a significant addition to GT5/GT6
- All "possible" and killed off layouts of all tracks, particularly Citta di Aria Short (2 huge photos for a "possible" circuit)

And please remove the "Take note" and "Legend" parts.

A couple months ago I wrote here there are about 30 actual tracks missing...

It truly is unreadable.

and finally, I think there's no need to use such a huge space for each track.

In short, Seattle ends up with 1 line and adding one in-game screenshot and a youtube video. That's 3 to 4 less photos and 5 lines removed.
^ So pretty much you guys want me to do this:

Citta di Aria (pending DLC)
[GT4P / GT4 / TT / GTPSP]

Autumn Ring Mini '90s
[GT1 / GT2]

Chamonix Lake Side

Driving Park: Test Course ‘90s
[GT1 / GT2]
^ Thats just the part of it. So the list will end up be filtered/distilled/condensed/etc...

- No hidden & possible tracks.
- Minimal to no variations.
- Less increment detailing.
- Pretty much like an Idiots Guide to say the least.

-> Oh well, time to reformat the list again. All that editing for nothing...its ok something to learn once in a while. :indiff:

-> But I'll save this current format (like the old) as reference. ;)
yep, but with an in-game screenshot (one) and youtube video if possible. No variations whatsoever.

We appreciate your effort of adding everything, but the main list has to be very, very easy to read. Also please consider removing the old versions of currently available tracks (such as autumn mini) of that list.
YES pretty much!
But i dont like "Pending DLC" as it is not pending nor on the way as an add to GT5.

- But as i said, possible, hidden or licence tests track maps deserves their own thread(s).

We appreciate your effort of adding everything, but the main list has to be very, very easy to read.

Agree 100%
I made myself a little list from yours Vanishing Boy, thank you.

Also i encountered, that you list even Cape Ring or SSRX in Missing Circuits, why?
That is what Polyphony Digital named it. I saw a screenshot where Plam Strip was said in the intro.
You know i really don't understand why infineon/sears point isn't in GT5 at all because it is (or used to be) a nascar track and since they have nascar vehicles in the game they really need it in GT5!
-> I would like to thank everyone for the support of this dying thread and would like to let everyone know that I'm migrating this list onto my blogspot site with a highly revised list (on which is still under construction).

-> I'd like to focus more on building my blogsite in order for my list (and my articles) to be more significant on the interwebs. I apologize with the disappointment that I brought to this thread and I'm sure bringing a closure would be a right thing to do.

That is what Polyphony Digital named it. I saw a screenshot where Plam Strip was said in the intro.
^ Yes that is true:

As seen on GT2's USDM Intro:


You know i really don't understand why infineon/sears point isn't in GT5 at all because it is (or used to be) a nascar track and since they have nascar vehicles in the game they really need it in GT5!
^ There were many untold reasons on why this track was ignored in GT5:

- Licensing
- Memory Space
- Time
- The recent name change to Sonoma Raceway
- Turn10 paid exclusive rights (highly unlikely)
- PD being lazy
- etc.

-> As I'm playing Forza 4 more, there was one more configuration that GT hasn't aquired:


^ This is the Indy/IRL Circuit, Forza has this (as I've discovered). GT/TT only has the AMA/Bike, NASCAR/Stock Car, & Long/Sports Car courses.

-> I would like to thank everyone for the support of this dying thread and would like to let everyone know that I'm migrating this list onto my blogspot site with a highly revised list (on which is still under construction).

-> I'd like to focus more on building my blogsite in order for my list (and my articles) to be more significant on the interwebs. I apologize with the disappointment that I brought to this thread and I'm sure bringing a closure would be a right thing to do.

^ Yes that is true:

As seen on GT2's USDM Intro:


^ There were many untold reasons on why this track was ignored in GT5:

- Licensing
- Memory Space
- Time
- The recent name change to Sonoma Raceway
- Turn10 paid exclusive rights (highly unlikely)
- PD being lazy
- etc.

-> As I'm playing Forza 4 more, there was one more configuration that GT hasn't aquired:


^ This is the Indy/IRL Circuit, Forza has this (as I've discovered). GT/TT only has the AMA/Bike, NASCAR/Stock Car, & Long/Sports Car courses.

Don't give up Vanishing Boy.:) Im sure your efforts won't be wasted, i honestly believe PD may view this thread and maybe consider a few!:)
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