GT6 Customizability

  • Thread starter MrSwagg
While new wheel options would be great, I think the first step is unlocking all the ones we have now to be changed onto every car. :lol:
Recently got used copies of several other racing games. I love GT5 but it isn't the end all be all racing game out there. To be honest none of the console games offer everything I want in a game so I find myself now switching between games as the mood strikes me.

I would love to see a livery editor similar to the ones in the Need For Speed series. (Have Pro Street and Shift 2)

Want a more detailed car upgrade/tuning selection. One that gets away from the arcadey feel of just plugging the highest stage of a given tuning option in. Give me a selection of parts complete with trade offs on how they affect my cars performance and/or appearance. (Example weight reduction, I could go high tech for considerable expense with carbon fibre body panels or go cheap with stripping out the interior or do both. Also need parts to add or reduce weight. That twin turbo with the massive intercooler is going to weigh a lot more than the stock engine that may not have a turbo at all weighs.) While we're at it set the game up so that making certain changes to a car renders it ineligible for certain race series.

A more intelligent and aggressive AI is a must. Due to lack of reliable high speed internet I'm limited to offline racing and seasonals. Grid has such an AI, that actively races both you and each other. They don't just act as moving road blocks while one or two cars jackrabbit from the front. Also don't make me always start in dead last and have to chase down the field. A better AI means I don't have to do that to have a good race.

A better and wider selection of tracks and events is also a must. While we're at it make the events into racing series. So I can race a "full" season in a specific class or race series. (NASCAR, DTM, GT500, etc.) If its to much to include all the needed tracks and things for such full series then offer one or two in the main game and expansion packs for other series that uses the main games physics etc.

Integrate A-Spec and B-Spec so you have a race team that can either field additional cars in races or take turns driving in endurance races.

Make the experience system logical if your going to use one. So that I have to race in lower divisions before reaching the top level series. (You don't start as a Formula1 or NASCAR driver you've gained a lot of experience and payed your dues at lower levels first.)

As I said earlier there are many things in other games I really enjoy and including them in GT6 wouldn't make it less of a GT game but would show that PD really is commited to providing the best and most realistic racing experience possible.
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Recently got used copies of several other racing games. I love GT5 but it isn't the end all be all racing game out there. To be honest none of the console games offer everything I want in a game so I find myself now switching between games as the mood strikes me.

I would love to see a livery editor similar to the ones in the Need For Speed series. (Have Pro Street and Shift 2)

Want a more detailed car upgrade/tuning selection. One that gets away from the arcadey feel of just plugging the highest stage of a given tuning option in. Give me a selection of parts complete with trade offs on how they affect my cars performance and/or appearance. (Example weight reduction, I could go high tech for considerable expense with carbon fibre body panels or go cheap with stripping out the interior or do both. Also need parts to add or reduce weight. That twin turbo with the massive intercooler is going to weigh a lot more than the stock engine that may not have a turbo at all weighs.) While we're at it set the game up so that making certain changes to a car renders it ineligible for certain race series.

A more intelligent and aggressive AI is a must. Due to lack of reliable high speed internet I'm limited to offline racing and seasonals. Grid has such an AI, that actively races both you and each other. They don't just act as moving road blocks while one or two cars jackrabbit from the front. Also don't make me always start in dead last and have to chase down the field. A better AI means I don't have to do that to have a good race.

A better and wider selection of tracks and events is also a must. While we're at it make the events into racing series. So I can race a "full" season in a specific class or race series. (NASCAR, DTM, GT500, etc.) If its to much to include all the needed tracks and things for such full series then offer one or two in the main game and expansion packs for other series that uses the main games physics etc.

Integrate A-Spec and B-Spec so you have a race team that can either field additional cars in races or take turns driving in endurance races.

Make the experience system logical if your going to use one. So that I have to race in lower divisions before reaching the top level series. (You don't start as a Formula1 or NASCAR driver you've gained a lot of experience and payer your dues at lower levels first.)

As I said earlier there are many things in other games I really enjoy and including them in GT6 wouldn't make it less of a GT game but would show that PD really is commited to providing the best and most realistic racing experience possible.
Livery Editor would be my top request if I could have one.

I love Forza for this. There's really not much more satisfying than creating your own custom one off, or creating an exact real replica, then sharing it online with the world. This feature alone would add months of interaction and fun.

The ability to express yourself, and share your creations is second to none in todays world. I feel PD is well aware of this.
A Livery Creator would be absolutely fantastic. I loved the editor in Ferrari Challenge and Supercar Challenge and spent significant time in it. Having it in Gran Turismo would be dream come true.

A Circuit Creator along the line of ModNation Racers would be phenomenal but realistically if Gran Turismo got a creator it would be more like Ridge Racer Unbounded I would imagine which is still amazing.
Heres my list
Front downforce adjustment with spiltters (like forza)
More RM cars ( WORKS cars like nfs shift)
More Real Body Kits to chose from
More adjustable suspension options (caster, tire pressure)
Able to buy parts in stages or kits like we have them now (
)Or individual like this
Adjustable rim width,size, and offset ( and a bigger selection )
Engine swaps
Dyno (engine failure possible)
I think that's it for customization
Wasn't GT the Real Driving Simulator? Where the idea was to allow driving all sorts of road cars in the confort of your home, with accurate physics?

When did it change to the Real Racing Simulator? Must have missed that...

Honestly, I couldn't care less about putting stickers in cars and changing engines, all for showing off unrealistic cars online.

If GT goes down that path, it will just turn into every other racing game.

And that's just sad.
PD are smart. They realize that 80% of the people who purchase gt5 don't understand how real life tuning and upgrading work. If they made upgrading too complicated, a lot of that 80% would get frustrated and return the game. So from a business standpoint, PD knows what they are doing. However, being a hardcore racing fan myself, I would love to see a more realistic upgrading system, but I highly doubt it will ever happen (because of the reasons I explained above)
Chico acsc
Wasn't GT the Real Driving Simulator? Where the idea was to allow driving all sorts of road cars in the confort of your home, with accurate physics?

When did it change to the Real Racing Simulator? Must have missed that...

Why do people take the tag line so literal? GT has always offered racing since GT1, which had single events, championships and endurance races. It is a RACING game. Not to mention GT is filled with purpose built racing cars.

Honestly, I couldn't care less about putting stickers in cars and changing engines, all for showing off unrealistic cars online.

If GT goes down that path, it will just turn into every other racing game.

And that's just sad.

Are you saying having a livery editor and engine swaps is unrealistic?

And I don't understand how improving one area of the game that makes it closer to what we can do to a car in real life, would turn GT into like every other racer.

How do people come to this conclusion? Just because other racing games have some common customization features, that makes it okay for GT to lag behind and not implement them? Yeah, it makes GT different all right, but definitely not in a good way.
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PD are smart. They realize that 80% of the people who purchase gt5 don't understand how real life tuning and upgrading work. If they made upgrading too complicated, a lot of that 80% would get frustrated and return the game. So from a business standpoint, PD knows what they are doing. However, being a hardcore racing fan myself, I would love to see a more realistic upgrading system, but I highly doubt it will ever happen (because of the reasons I explained above)

It's for the accessibility. Same reason why rolling over cars isn't normally possible in GT. That's my guess, at least.

In another vein, we also discussed the balance that had to be constantly juggled in the development of Gran Turismo. On the one hand, an easy game anyone can play, and other, the harsh realism of simulation. According to Yamauchi, both must be present in a game of this nature, but it is difficult to combine in an elegant and convincing way. He said that within the first 20 seconds of first contact with the game, you can see that something has changed. You can feel that balance.
Why do people take the tag line so literal? GT has always offered racing since GT1, which had single events, championships and endurance races. It is a RACING game. Not to mention GT is filled with purpose built racing cars.

Are you saying having a livery editor and engine swaps is unrealistic?

And I don't understand how improving one area of the game that makes it closer to what we can do to a car in real life, would turn GT into like every other racer.

How do people come to this conclusion? Just because other racing games have some common customization features, that makes it okay for GT to lag behind and not implement them? Yeah, it makes GT different all right, but definitely not in a good way.

Should have ellaborated on the racing part.

Sure, it's there, but my point is, it's not what the game is about, in it's core. It's just a plus.

The main idea is to take any car you can drive/own with a regular drivers' license (and the money) and put it in the hands of the player, so he can actually experience what it would be like to drive said car, to its limits if wanted, in a closed circuit environment. Race cars just expand the concept, and should be considered the exception, rather than the rule. The plus.

With this in mind, things like appearance editors and and advanced tuning options drift away from the basic concept of the game, as they remove the "stock" feel of cars.

Granted, "unrealistic" was an improper word to use, since obviously you "can" do that to cars, my point is that those things are just not relevant, given the nature of the game. (Although I never heard of anyone that changed the engine on a car, unless it was broken. I guess it's an American thing?)

To sum it up:

The point of the game is to drive a real car, not caring what it looks like on the outside (since I'd be inside it anyways), nor what I could do to it tuning wise. If I want a different drive, I'll just pick another car, and see how that goes.

This is, for me, what makes GT different from other "car" games, and why I play it instead of those. Other games just make me sad.
Should have ellaborated on the racing part.

Sure, it's there, but my point is, it's not what the game is about, in it's core. It's just a plus.

The main idea is to take any car you can drive/own with a regular drivers' license (and the money) and put it in the hands of the player, so he can actually experience what it would be like to drive said car, to its limits if wanted, in a closed circuit environment. Race cars just expand the concept, and should be considered the exception, rather than the rule. The plus.

With this in mind, things like appearance editors and and advanced tuning options drift away from the basic concept of the game, as they remove the "stock" feel of cars.

Granted, "unrealistic" was an improper word to use, since obviously you "can" do that to cars, my point is that those things are just not relevant, given the nature of the game. (Although I never heard of anyone that changed the engine on a car, unless it was broken. I guess it's an American thing?)

To sum it up:

The point of the game is to drive a real car, not caring what it looks like on the outside (since I'd be inside it anyways), nor what I could do to it tuning wise. If I want a different drive, I'll just pick another car, and see how that goes.
I agree with 99% of that. The tuning is an essential part of the game, but it isn't important to you because of the Stock feel that you want when you play GT5. I keep most of my cars stock and very little tuning, unless it's a race car/tuner.

We all use this game for different reasons. Some people mostly use it for the Photo Mode. Some use it for Online league races only. I use Practice/Arcade Time Trial most of the time.
I agree with 99% of that. The tuning is an essential part of the game, but it isn't important to you because of the Stock feel that you want when you play GT5. I keep most of my cars stock and very little tuning, unless it's a race car/tuner.

We all use this game for different reasons. Some people mostly use it for the Photo Mode. Some use it for Online league races only. I use Practice/Arcade Time Trial most of the time.


About the tuning, I should have (again) ellaborated on the "advanced" part.

I don't see anything wrong about fine tuning the cars, as long as it's something that could be done by your local mechanic or the manufacturer's representative. Or even "stock" tuned cars, for that matter. Just not turning cars into spaceships or 1000 hp monsters.

Problem is, tuning in GT5 isn't really tuning, it's just a means to "fool" the game engine into allowing you to do things with the cars that you couldn't otherwise.

I've no problem with the way people play the game, to each his own, doesn't bother me.

I'm worried about what people want the next game to be. That would bother me.
-Livery editor. Preferably better than Shift2 and GRID. Shift2 has a truly terrible livery editor, and GRID's is almost too restrictive to count as a livery editor.

-Better upgrade system. Finer details like cam specs, displacement, individual suspension parts, etc. should be tunable. Presets (i.e. close-ratio gearboxes) and packages (sports suspension) could be used to cater to those who'd rather not bother.

-Did I mention better upgrade system? A much wider variety of aero parts should be available, from small, fixed air dams and spoilers at the lowest (cheapest) level to massive full-race aero kits at the highest. Diffusers and side skirts should have a performance benefit. I want to see the effects of weight reduction and chassis reinforcement, and I want more control over the upgrades performed than one stage of reinforcement and three stages of weight reduction (plus carbon hoods and lexan windows). Speaking of which, we should have a wider choice of materials for hoods, fenders, doors and the like (i.e. fiberglass).

-Bigger wheel selection. Definitely.

-And finally, the sounds. They need to get them right, not just for stock exhausts but for all aftermarket parts as well. Might be a bit hard to get fully right if things like custom camshaft specifications are introduced, but I'm sure there's a way. Especially if GT6 is on the PS4.
It appears that most people want a livery editor quite desperately and this really does interest me. I drive to work daily and travel often to quite a few countries. In none have I ever seen a high percentage of cars customised with vinyl or stickers. In fact whenever I buy a car I make a point of ordering it with custom wheels from the manufacturer and with the optional sports pack. A couple of years ago I drove an E92 BMW and had to wait three months because I ordered the Individual option. But the truth is that the average Joe walks in and buys his/her standard 320i and does not care that it looks like millions of others released with the same spec but different colours.
So I guess I am wondering: Do you guys want the livery editor so you can create your own Race cars and Tuner cars? Or are you wanting to dress up standard cars like, say, the BMW 135i so it has your "fingerprint" on it?
Also, Real Life tuning is a proffession do not just walk off the street and become a tuner. That said, I am not sure I want to worry about things like timing, cam profiles (whatever that is) and ECU mapping. I am happy to get my Stage 1 engine upgrade and be on my way thanks. But at the same time I am not against those who want these finer tuning mechanisms. But if PD takes this advice and gets anal with the tuning, then I am not sure I would want to play a game that makes me learn things that in real life someone else can worry about for me (my local mechanic and/or tuner). So PD, give these guys their cams and timing tuning but please, leave "Stage 1/2/3" engine upgrades for the rest of us who could not really be bothered with the finer details ...
It appears that most people want a livery editor quite desperately and this really does interest me. I drive to work daily and travel often to quite a few countries. In none have I ever seen a high percentage of cars customised with vinyl or stickers. In fact whenever I buy a car I make a point of ordering it with custom wheels from the manufacturer and with the optional sports pack. A couple of years ago I drove an E92 BMW and had to wait three months because I ordered the Individual option. But the truth is that the average Joe walks in and buys his/her standard 320i and does not care that it looks like millions of others released with the same spec but different colours.
So I guess I am wondering: Do you guys want the livery editor so you can create your own Race cars and Tuner cars? Or are you wanting to dress up standard cars like, say, the BMW 135i so it has your "fingerprint" on it?

Most people want a livery editor because since we are racing cars on race tracks, why not give us the ability to make our cars look like race cars?
Yes most people want a livery editor but there are still stalwarts who think that there first race online is going to show a penis lined up nest to them on the grid.

Funny thing is I've played games without an editor and there's still a penis lined up next to you.
Chico acsc
Should have ellaborated on the racing part.

Sure, it's there, but my point is, it's not what the game is about, in it's core. It's just a plus.

The main idea is to take any car you can drive/own with a regular drivers' license (and the money) and put it in the hands of the player, so he can actually experience what it would be like to drive said car, to its limits if wanted, in a closed circuit environment. Race cars just expand the concept, and should be considered the exception, rather than the rule. The plus.

With this in mind, things like appearance editors and and advanced tuning options drift away from the basic concept of the game, as they remove the "stock" feel of cars.

Granted, "unrealistic" was an improper word to use, since obviously you "can" do that to cars, my point is that those things are just not relevant, given the nature of the game. (Although I never heard of anyone that changed the engine on a car, unless it was broken. I guess it's an American thing?)

To sum it up:

The point of the game is to drive a real car, not caring what it looks like on the outside (since I'd be inside it anyways), nor what I could do to it tuning wise. If I want a different drive, I'll just pick another car, and see how that goes.

This is, for me, what makes GT different from other "car" games, and why I play it instead of those. Other games just make me sad.

I understand that car simulation is one of the main aspects of GT. But look at the GT5 sub-forums. People use GT for things other than just driving cars stock. There is already a degree of customization in GT5. GT is also played for taking photos, drifting, tuning, online racing, career mode, etc. Some people just purely use GT for these things and do nothing else in the game. As long as these things exist in GT, of course people are going to want to see them improved.

These things are also all options and people have the choice to do them or not, so I do not see how they take away from simply wanting to drive cars stock.
Most people want a livery editor because since we are racing cars on race tracks, why not give us the ability to make our cars look like race cars?

Ok, I guess I can understand that ...though I personaly have no need for personalised race cars. Good luck though ...

Personally I would just be happy with a greater selection of custom wheels and aero bits.
I understand that car simulation is one of the main aspects of GT. But look at the GT5 sub-forums. People use GT for things other than just driving cars stock. There is already a degree of customization in GT5. GT is also played for taking photos, drifting, tuning, online racing, career mode, etc. Some people just purely use GT for these things and do nothing else in the game. As long as these things exist in GT, of course people are going to want to see them improved.

These things are also all options and people have the choice to do them or not, so I do not see how they take away from simply wanting to drive cars stock.

It only bothers me because the resources that would be spent on making such changes could be spent on more important things, like more cars, tracks, events, game modes and game engine tweaks.

Tuning and appearance shouldn't be a priority, but by all means, if PD would find themselves with nothing else to work on, more content, whichever the nature, is always welcomed, as it makes the game more appealing to a broader audience.
(insert conspiracy Keanu) "What if there could be a livery editor..... but Sony prefers us paying for paints!"

Bad joke? Never mind.....

Seriously though, a Midnight Club 3/LA style ability to choose/adjust the width/diameter/profile of your rims/tyres would be awesome.

The ability to paint and 'reset' stock wheels would be welcomed too. (Just so I can enjoy my V12 Lambos with white wheels.)

As would adding actual front downforce to cars or changing only final drive ratios so I can enjoy the sound of the engine without the transmission whine.

Edit: In some ways related to personalising, an option to choose convertible roof down (or up in the case of the California) would be EXTREMELY welcome. (Assuming there isn't a legal reason behind it or something.)

The best part is that the latter three can be somewhat added to GT5 in patches!
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(insert conspiracy Keanu) "What if there could be a livery editor..... but Sony prefers us paying for paints!"

Bad joke? Never mind.....

Seriously though, a Midnight Club 3/LA style ability to choose/adjust the width/diameter/profile of your rims/tyres would be awesome.

The ability to paint and 'reset' stock wheels would be welcomed too. (Just so I can enjoy my V12 Lambos with white wheels.)

As would adding actual front downforce to cars or changing only final drive ratios so I can enjoy the sound of the engine without the transmission whine.

Edit: In some ways related to personalising, an option to choose convertible roof down (or up in the case of the California) would be EXTREMELY welcome. (Assuming there isn't a legal reason behind it or something.)

The best part is that the latter three can be somewhat added to GT5 in patches!

headlights completely off at night, or on during the day :D

Bodykits; come one are PD seriously suggesting that they couldn't include good features that have been included in games that came out 5 years earlier?? :confused:
It only bothers me because the resources that would be spent on making such changes could be spent on more important things, like more cars, tracks, events, game modes and game engine tweaks.

Tuning and appearance shouldn't be a priority, but by all means, if PD would find themselves with nothing else to work on, more content, whichever the nature, is always welcomed, as it makes the game more appealing to a broader audience.
The section I highlighted is the reason PD needs to include a livery editor and better tuning in the game. They have been one of the top driving games for years now. However if they don't do things to draw a larger audience then they risk becoming marginalized and eventually pushed out of the market entirely. They have reached a point where they must either tighten their focus to just making the most realistic driving simulation possible with no options to customize the cars in any way, or else expand the scope of the product to appeal to all sorts of car fans. The first option is a dead end that may work in the short term, but there isn't enough of an audience who want nothing more than to drive the most realistic recreation of real cars, to make it a sound strategy. The second option will require more resources to do right, especially if they are to maintain the level of driving authenticity we expect from them, but pays off by keeping them relevant to that larger market, which they have to do if their going to continue in business. What they can't do is give a half hearted nod to other facets of the game other than just the driving, which in many ways is how it feels with GT5.
Bodykits; come one are PD seriously suggesting that they couldn't include good features that have been included in games that came out 5 years earlier?? :confused:
It might not have been an early enough priority. Damage didn't even come out 'til after Prologue released. Kaz knew how much people wanted damage well before GT5 Prologue released.
I doubt that there is a legal reason for no top-down option, but there might be a technical one. Or... to put in another way, PD might have done it to hide the interiors since they are of much lower quality than the ones in the interior view. That would certainly explain why we lost all of the interiors from GT4.

Or maybe they just forgot.
I doubt that there is a legal reason for no top-down option, but there might be a technical one. Or... to put in another way, PD might have done it to hide the interiors since they are of much lower quality than the ones in the interior view. That would certainly explain why we lost all of the interiors from GT4.

Or maybe they just forgot.

I think they intentionally stopped the GT4/standard's interiors from showing as they wanted a sort of consistency for the standard cars. (Did the Prowler have a closed roof model?)

It would be awkward using those low-res interiors with the convertible standards. Maybe they should start work on more 'premium' interiors (a la the Prowler or what SMS did with NFS Shift).

Perhaps they chose that route for the premos too due to the greater effects of LOD compared with Prologue when using exterior views. (Speedo/rev-counter blurring out etc..)
Take a copy of Forza 4, copy the hell out of every detail in the car customazation and sound department!

Don't forget to call up SMS and iracing for help in the physics engine. I think PD should go back to original ideas that worked such as licenses being the key to progressing forward.
It might not have been an early enough priority. Damage didn't even come out 'til after Prologue released. Kaz knew how much people wanted damage well before GT5 Prologue released.

Focused on damage? They should focus on engine sounds, because my challenger SRT sounds like a Miata... In real life, the challenger roars like a lion. U would hear that engine a mile away