GT6 @ gamecom 2013

  • Thread starter gNNY
You use the GPS app which will be announced soon ;)

Excuse me, what's that, sorry? Are you actually serious? So I can take a casual drive in my car with this app running, then connect it to GT6 and it'll do it all for me......?

I was looking forward to the rewarding experience of recreating miles upon miles of road as accurately as possible, but this news is epic.
...Translator-san has made some silly mistakes before- one this year (at silverstone) actually caused Kazunori to stop, look over with a bit of a scowl, and say "I did not say that"...
I was thinking along the same lines - only that in this case Kaz did not correct him but was nodding enthusiastically all the while. I don't believe for a second that they actually meant 100 x 100km but indeed as is the general opinion that they meant 100 square km which is still ridiculously huge. Anyhow it will be interesting to find out more details about the "fundamental differences" of the course creator in GT6.
Personally, I think it was probably a cock up too, and that the real number is 100 square kms. But allow me to play devil's advocate for a little.

100 sqkm is still enormous, no matter which way you look at it. Even for something like Nurburgring, which was mentioned before to be about 16 sqkm, that isn't 16 sqkm that they've had to model. They only need to do the road and what can be seen from the road, which has to be far less than 16 sqkm.

The only way I see them getting to 100 sqkm is something that's generated by the computer. 100 sqkm is enormous, and it has to look decent from every angle because you don't know where the player might put the track. And if you can get the computer to generate 100 sqkm, you can probably get it to generate 10,000 sqkm.

Of course, there has to be some sort of limit in there somewhere or you'd just create the surface of the earth and be done.
Hey guy's! I just played the Gamescom Demo of GT6 and i have some infos! The framerate of the demo is better then the GTA2013 Version. I really like the engine Sound of the Cizeta V16. And the Anti Aliasing works/looks better!

Oh man please tell me we will have the option to have roof down or up?
Oh man please tell me we will have the option to have roof down or up?

I don't think so, the roof up is usually a good way to reduce the amount of drawn polygons. (many details in the cockpit don't need to be displayed, or can be drawn in a lower LOD).

The shadows look absolutely horrific, I didn't expect them to be even worse than they were in GT5.
I don't think so, the roof up is usually a good way to reduce the amount of drawn polygons. (many details in the cockpit don't need to be displayed, or can be drawn in a lower LOD).

And this is somewhere that Adaptive Tessellation actually would help! 👍

Besides, Premium interiors are still displayed on closed cars, and they are losing a good chunk of polygons that need to be displayed if the roof is gone.
Obviously the shadow shimmering issue still exist.

... And that didn't answer the question ittybittystig asked. Is this issue with shadows something you have seen from playing the Gamescom demo or is it just you have noticed from watching YouTube videos of people playing?
... And that didn't answer the question ittybittystig asked. Is this issue with shadows something you have seen from playing the Gamescom demo or is it just you have noticed from watching YouTube videos of people playing?
Yes, from the video. So, did you mean we can't judge what had show in the video? From the E3 video i can see silverstone track got more shimmering on finer detailed structures, people say to me:" Oh you can't judge because that only a video." ...When the GTA demo release, it prove that what i saw in video clip is true.
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Yes, from the video. So, did you mean we can't judge what had show in the video? From the E3 video i can see silverstone track hence flickering like hell, people say to me:" Oh you can't judge because that only a video." ...When the GTA demo release, it prove that what i say in video clip is true.

No I'm not saying you can't judge a game from a video, I just wasn't sure where you had seen this. There was probably a better way to phrase my first post but I made the mistake of not proof-reading close enough and the post ended up sounding impolite. I apologize for that but I make mistakes as well :dopey:
I am just drooling at the thought of this GPS app being used on some of the Touge's in Japan. Also would be awesome if someone did one of the cycle centre Hot Version use for their Touge battles.

I wonder how much control we will have with elevation changes with the map editor, as this could make or brake a lot of custom/real world courses people create within the game.
Gamescom demo almost same like E3 with no improve the graphic problem. disappointed.
Looks to me like they much improve the graphic. Thrilled. :D

Pardon me for having some fun at the expense of your wording, not sure if english is your native language. It just sounded kind of amusing to play with it. Edit: and let me hasted to assure you I don't mean to mock you. I'm a writer and I like to play with phrasing, so no mean intent there. ;)

But to the point, I watched it a couple of times, and I don't know why you're so disappointed. It looks like film or video from a real car to me. If you really like the sawtooth edges on the shadows in GT5, I guess you'll just have to adjust. But this looks far better to me.
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Looks to me like they much improve the graphic. Thrilled. :D

Pardon me for having some fun at the expense of your wording, not sure if english is your native language. It just sounded kind of amusing to play with it. But to the point, I watched it a couple of times, and I don't know why you're so disappointed. It looks like film or video from a real car to me. If you really like the sawtooth edges on the shadows in GT5, I guess you'll just have to adjust. But this looks far better to me.

Yep, watching the replays and gameplay, the image quality look really awesome and smoother.

Good enough for me.

Cant. wait!
Car lighting/shading/and reflections look a lot better too in my opinion. The only problem I still see is that the cockpit shadows still look sort of low-res and flicker a lot.
They have completely butchered the shadows. I rather have the sawtooth than this flickering hazy stuff. Graphic wise this is my biggest gripe.
Not sure what you mean. If anything, I can see that they've compromised how they look so they're not as distracting and from that POV I think the shadows have improved. Can you share a link to a video and the point in time where you think it looks bad? I don't understand the overreaction to the shadows.
I played the the academy demo, I saw the shadows in action and they look still as terrible in the newer builds.

Just look at shadows of the spectators, when the race stars. The shadows should add to the realism not distract from it.

Same for the cockpit view, the shadows are not dark enough, they look undefined, they flicker. They neither add atmosphere nor deepness to the interior.
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One thing to remember, as I said in the "grouch" thread, is that the game won't be going through intensive optimizations until sometime in October. That includes making sure the shadows are the best they can be. I saw in a race, a turn on Wildwood where the framerate dropped into the teens, it was so obvious. But this is a demo, it's not as developed as the final game will be. Two months-plus of work yet to go, chums. Think British! :D

Plus, I have to say, the shadows look FAR better than they do in GT5.
Not sure what you mean. If anything, I can see that they've compromised how they look so they're not as distracting and from that POV I think the shadows have improved. Can you share a link to a video and the point in time where you think it looks bad? I don't understand the overreaction to the shadows.

Look at the interior shadows. The soft edges flicker on and off. Especially noticeable at 0:26s into the video.

Look at the interior shadows. The soft edges flicker on and off. Especially noticeable at 0:26s into the video.
I'm referring to the Gamescom gameplay footage. Only thing I can see about the shadows that are worse than in GT5 are the shadows for the spectators. Even then, I think it was a similar situation in GT5.
Fyi, we know the overall performance is better with the Gamescom demo.

If you are paying attention to shadows while playing I hope you're driving alone.
That's a good point in that, like I said earlier, it's a less distracting than what we have now with GT5.
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