I see the issues here - let me jump into the hot seat and sort it out.
I see
Vic's point as wanting to provide opportunities for others, who are not as Expert, to have a chance of winning an Award. Another facet of that point is that it would encourage others to participate.
As well it may get boring (if not tiresome) to be top dog all the time. Right,
@Vic Reign93 ?
That's definitely an issue - so I'm going to address it by providing Events
that will be off-limits for Rabbit Hunters.
If you have three or more of the Rabbit Hunter Trophies - that makes these events off-limits to you.
Much like pros forbidden to enter amateur contests.
Three Rabbit Hunter Awards makes one a Class A Rabbit Hunter (Gold is never off-limits to you in this game) - so - keep out of the Amateur (Unlicenced) Events and let those players slower than you level up in their trophy count - and hopefully get good enough to challenge the top dogs in here.
That together with the Whoosier Rule should provide opportunities for more players to join the battles, and with those more in keeping with their own levels.
This is the
Second Amendment to the Rabbit Hunters' Rules of Engagement and may be referred to colloquially as '
VicReign Rights'.
Those who have
three awards or more can exercise their '
VicReign Rights.
For a start - we will schedule
one Special Event every Seasonal that only Rabbit Hunters can participate in - yes, those guys and gals with 3 Awards or more; they have the licence to kill. As well, we will bestow them with the status of being strictly honourable.
Therefore Special Events for these Rabbit Hunters with VicReign Rights will be held with various settings which may not be usually used in the game - for instance Special Events using bone-stock vehicles, all-aids-off events, and lowered PP handicap races.
Obviously - these ace Rabbit Hunters can be trusted with delicate challenges such as these.
Newcomers have to work their way up to get to such shenanigans with the best of the best.
Entries from Unlicenced players will be invalid.
In the next few days we will work out the details of all these events.
Events to be scheduled:
1: Online Beginner A-Spec Race
2: Online Intermediate A-Spec Race
3: Online Expert A-Spec Race
4: Offline B-Spec GT Series - Race 2
5: Offline Open B-Spec Race
6: Online Unlicenced Race (not open to Rabbit Hunters)
7: Offline Unlicenced Race (not open to Rabbit Hunters)
8: Rabbit Hunter Exclusive Event (which would be out-of-bounds for me, too, since I am, myself, as yet Unlicenced.)
Now - to address
nowayback's point.
I don't see the lack of timesheets thrown in as lack of participation.
Most players would just try the event and then seeing their time is nowhere near the leaders will not submit. I myself try the events and end up with dismal times that would humiliate me if I send them in

I'm usually about 30 secs behind MTM in a ten mile race.
But, apart from the actual winning entry the events also add an element of fun to the game. Like - how many times can we do Tokyo, win, then grind - and that's it?
So then we think - alright let's take a Midget out there and see how many LMs we can actually overtake.
That becomes a fun challenge, not neccesarily trying to develop a RL racedriver's skill set with a videogame, but exploring all the possibilities for fun that the game offers that RL never could - or would.
So we do the seasonal as we should, with a car appropriate enough to help us grab the chips (and car) and that thereafter leaves us with a pre-made race that we can tinker with to amp up the fun meter and the challenges offered.
I think because of that many players may actually try the challenges but never post a time (unless it beats one of the leaders - and then they do; we have many players with only a single award or two.)
But the 'few' that you refer to,
@nowayback, of course, are you guys - the best of the best that take time to grace this thread with your presence and show that you're up for anything when it comes to maximising the fun and various skill-sets that are possible to be developed with this driving game - as well as lead the way by providing benchmarks that we can strive to match or beat.
So Vic stays in his car as you have so ordered him to.

Or we chain him to the wheel. After all - the sandwiches that get passed to a driver ain't all that bad.
I'm looking forward to getting together with you guys in the next few days and working all the events out, so that we have have them all up and running by Sunday 24th.