GT6 'MY HOME' HUB: Awards time.

  • Thread starter photonrider
@photonrider Ok did 1 run of each SH tires , I think SS would be closer probably.
SRF off 7:56, laps mid 1:29
SRF 7:42 laps low 1:27 . Definitely easier with SRF, I assume you used SS , may be the difference .
Ran a few laps SS SRF off 1:25. 6's, SRF 1:23 8's .
If you are getting same laps maybe you are not pushing the SRf to the limit or you are a very good no SRF driver .
I am sure straight line speed is better with SRF, better traction. I many times during TT's go to arcade and do laps with srf and save to give me a faster rabbit to compete with. since the top ten players are too fast.
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Ok, here is the first test with SRF ON...


As usual, the rabbits are pretty lax and offered up no real competition. As per usual in most of the Seasonal TT's.

Now with SRF OFF...


Again, no real competition, but I found this time round that the mid-pack rabbits were more aggressive in their blocking attempts. Maybe it was just me, but I found the car to be more sedate... it lacked the ooomph shown in the previous race.

So I ran it stock with the obligatory oil change, on SS tires with my normal setup of TC 1 and ABS 5. Not sure why I like 5 so much, but it's been since GT6 came out that I've set it up this way... I found it to be comfy and now it's just habit tbh.

I might give these tests a couple of tries, as I'm not the biggest of Lambo fans and thus not that familiar with how to be me in these cars. Maybe after some experience, I can be more aggressive with the car and level out the results.

The Gallardo experiment..

Bought a fresh one, kept it on SH tyres. Added 90kg of ballast at pos 0 and Power limited to 72.7%.

First race, ABS 1 only, no other aids. (SRF off)


The car felt smooth, consistent and easy to drive. Opening lap was a 1:33. Next four laps were all between 1:31.2xx and 1:31.7xx. Very consistent, bit of understeer. Felt perfect for Top Gear type tyre smoking powerslide cornering. The AI were a slalom course, no blocking or other harrasment. Took lead on beginning of back straight on lap 2.

Next race, SRF on, no other changes.


Lap times dropped. First lap 1:31, following laps between 1:28.3xx and 1:30.4xx. The car became faster but also more difficult to be consistent with, which was reflected on my lap times. No understeer, no sliding, more grip. It felt more like a sports car. The AI behaved just like on race 1. Took lead on corner #3 on lap 2.

Both races felt very different. Without SRF it was more drifting and sliding and driving for fun. With SRF it was faster and more adrenaline filled. Both were fun, but in a different way.

Edit. Threw on SS tyres just for fun and did one more. Same race, ABS1, TC0 and SRF on.


The car became faster, a lot faster. Lap times were improved to 1:25, even a 1:24.4xx. And the car also became consistent again. No sliding at all, very fast, very predictable. AI just gave up.
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@photonrider I'm thinking of a old school car challenge, any road car pre 1973 that ISN'T a V8 or more, highest ranking or fastest time at the end wins.

Tuning is allowed.

The event? The 24Mins of the Nurburgring.:D

I'm not sure if this was what you wanted, but this is what I did and it just blew me away. How did I not know how much fun this ride was.

At least the car is from 1970, road car and definitely under V8.. Massive overkill to this race though.

I'm not sure if this was what you wanted, but this is what I did and it just blew me away. How did I not know how much fun this ride was.

At least the car is from 1970, road car and definitely under V8.. Massive overkill to this race though.

View attachment 383974

I could argue that's a concept car and not a road car, but touché for finding the rabbit slayer. 👍

Guess I'll have to add the stipulation, Road cars that WERE put into production for the people to buy. :D
@photonrider I'm thinking of a old school car challenge, any road car pre 1973 that ISN'T a V8 or more, highest ranking or fastest time at the end wins.

Tuning is allowed.

The event? The 24Mins of the Nurburgring.:D

Edit: I should clarify, any pre 1973 car that WAS put into production. :P

Oh please, please, PLEASE put this race on... I've got my weapon of choice picked out!!! MUAHAHAHA! :cool:

One note to the car behaviour at the Project Gallardo @photonrider

Turning on SRF made the car snappier and more nervous to steer. I actually almost lost control mid-corner a couple of times. That wasn't even close when I drove with SRF off. Adding grippier tyres with SRF on only increased this effect. (the result I posted with SS was third try, two first ended up crashing to a wall).

It feels to me like SRF is a sort of a mild instant tune. The car gets potential to be faster but also becomes a bit more unstable and requires more from the driver to utilize that potential. At least for this specific car, track and race.

And Ave! Etc.

First off, thanks to you gentlemen who submitted reports so promptly; it's a pleasure to work with players who have such insane skills, have so much interest in the game, obviously find it all enjoyable, and find time to dedicate some of it to this project.

I'll address the Event issues first and then try to synopsise what we have gathered about SRF and its effect on the car/track/AI

First a shout out to our newest entrant who came in with a bang, showing exceptional skills, and grabbed an award right away:

Oh please, please, PLEASE put this race on... I've got my weapon of choice picked out!!! MUAHAHAHA! :cool:


You may try the event but your Timesheet will not be eligible; the Exclusive Events are only for holders of VicReign Rights - winners of three or more Rabbit Hunter Trophies. We regard these players as the 'Top Dogs', and they have earned it by proving consistently that they can meet and beat these challenges. You can of course challenge their times unofficially. :)
The good news? You are just two trophies away from that title yourself.

There are plans eventually (through this culling process) to gather this group of 'Top Dogs' for Online Exhibition Races - and these will have RL prizes (such as e-cards, Premium memberships, etc) and this is all still to come.
But, shush. ;)
Just keep tucking those trophies away behind that broad baron's belt. ;)
There will be plenty of new events set up over the weekend - and posted up in the OP on Monday. To have another hunter visible hunting is a good sign, and I appreciate your presence and competition - and look forward to challenging the times you set in the new Whoosier-ruled and Open Events coming up. 👍

@photonrider I'm thinking of a old school car challenge, any road car pre 1973 that ISN'T a V8 or more, highest ranking or fastest time at the end wins.
Tuning is allowed.

The event? The 24Mins of the Nurburgring.:D
Edit: I should clarify, any pre 1973 car that WAS put into production. :P

'Kill! Kill! Kill!'
Is that the Rabbit Hunter's Motto?

The challenge you guys gave yourselves with the Zytec must have put your skills to the ultimate tests - and I'm sure many a player who dropped in to look at the stats must have raised an eyebrow or two.
I will leave MTM79, who designed that event, to look over the performances and maybe give us some comment on it as well as decide who gets the laurels on that one. Or was that a two-part event? Most overtakes as well as Fastest Time?

To me, because these fully-licenced events are so exclusive, they seem hidden or 'non-public' challenges - and while we all here observe the outcomes (and may benefit from the info) - it seems redundant to make the event public other than to tell all other players that some insanely difficult challenge is taking place, with very skilled players competing with each other in meeting it.

The Zytek Affair proved that. Phenomenal performances in chasing a dream.

I would suggest instead of an award or title for these special Exclusive Events, that a short write-up of how the challenge was met with some photos of the winner's car and the final stats be posted as 'News' in the OP, and a bit of a fuss been made over the triumphant player.
In addition a note of their prowess over the event will be added under their names in the OP.
Please add your thoughts to this, and we'll try to work out something for the good of all concerned.

Meanwhile, on to the next 'Exhibition Race' - and I think Vic's idea is a good one:

The 24Mins of the Nurburgring
Any road car pre 1973 that ISN'T a V8 or more.
Highest ranking or fastest time at the end wins.
Tuning is allowed.

Any other stipulations, Vic? Remember, this is an 'Honours' event. You may ask for any sort of settings - and however hard it may be to verify that the participants are using those settings, the Rabbit Hunter's Code of Honour does not allow you to cheat (as if you ever would anyway) on your fellow Top Dogs.
I would safely assume that whatever settings you stipulate will be strictly adhered to by your fellow VicReign Rights holders, who, I'm sure, will put integrity ahead of fame.

If you work out all the details by the end of the weekend, we can get the new Exclusive event going.
We will put a blurb about it in the OP, but not as a call for entrants, just that such a challenge is taking place.

We will also have a 'news' section at the head of the OP detailing what happened within the Zytec Affair - the exclusive event last held. I'm looking forward to some good pics and stories! :D 👍


More about events:

Yes, the 2nd race in our GT3 B-Spec Series is up.

No time frame on that yet - with so many events taking place we can be casual about when to close that one. since it is offline and we are not held to ransom by PD's Seasonal schedules.
Points Leaderboard will be posted soon.
Junya in the lead, Mr. M following and Hotchkiss trailing in 3rd for the moment.

New Whoosier-ruled events:

With nowayback swiping two of the wins this time around, the Whoosier rule kicks in, and he has to decide between being called Dr. RX or the LM Visionary.
In either case MTM79 stands to win a Trophy and also become one or the other. :)

Vic Reign walked away with the crown that belongs to the Prince of Carlton.

So the three of you have won the bonus of having the pleasure of designing the challenges for the next round of Whoosier-ruled events: The Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert Seasonals at Rome, Apricot Hill, and Willow respectively.
Remember, because of the wider net cast in calling for entrants and to prevent opportunity for cheating, only verifiable settings and regulations be used.
I wish to introduce another amendment (or proviso, if you will) called the nowayback Clause to the Design the Challenge Bonus won by the relevant trophy winner.
If the Winner decides to pass on the rights to design the challenge, they can then elect another member of their choice to design said challenge as per the rules.
This may be any member agreeable to accept the bonus, irrespective of whether they have ever won a Rabbit Hunter Trophy, or whether they already have a Bonus in hand.

With all this in mind, we will try to have all the new Whoosier-ruled Seasonal-based challenges up and posted in the OP by this coming Thursday the latest. If any of you winners have Challenges ready to present by the weekend post it up here and I will transfer the details into the OP on Monday.

The current winning timesheets of the last round displayed in the OP will then be transferred into the Hall of Fame.
I'm aware there is a gap - missing entries- in the Hall of Fame; this will be rectified eventually.
New trophy winners will also be added to the OP.

Any questions - fire away. I do try to check this thread at least once a day, but otherwise will try to get back to you ASAP.

@photonrider Ok did 1 run of each SH tires , I think SS would be closer probably.
SRF 7:56, laps mid 1:29
SRF off 7:42 laps low 1:27 . Definitely easier with SRF, I assume you used SS , may be the difference .
Ran a few laps SS SRF 1:25. 6's, off 1:23 8's .

Yes, I ran several tests with SS - SRF on, SRF off, others all off 'cept for TC1, ABS1. I run most cars all off except for ABS1 (and sometimes ABS off for some additional fun depending on car and race) but with a car like the Gallardo I prefer to have TC1 for some additional (subtle) throttle control.
I see you're a couple of seconds difference between settings, with a benefit coming from SRF, irrespective of the tires you are using.

If you are getting same laps maybe you are not pushing the SRf to the limit or you are a very good no SRF driver

I'm finding that in certain cars I'm faster without SRF than with it plugged in.
In other cars I'm on a level with it.
In yet other cars I'm considerably faster with SRF on.
I found this happens with TC, too, previously, and with practise have found that TC off is faster for me - the car is more 'free' to do the manoeuvres I make.
What happens to the tires with TC off is another story. :D

I'm trying to narrow down the pattern of SRF effects so that I can get a better handle on how SRF works for us and how it affects the rabbits when we switch it on or off.

Do they use SRF, too?

Remember in the Daytona 24 Seasonal, even with SRF locked on, the AI were behaving like drunkards at certain points of the race - most usually when they were losing their grip. What if SRF was switched off for that race? What would have been the outcome.
Obviously PD had a reason for locking SRF on in that race - the rain didn't help either. :lol:
So all this makes me wonder if SRF effects the Rabbits - whatever 'Rabbit SRF' is.

Some players say SRF makes the rabbits more aggressive. Others say SRF makes the rabbits move out of the way.
Is this only for a particular race, or does it affect all races, all AI cars?
These are the questions we are trying to answer. Hopefully with as much evidence as possible so that we can regard the information, and the conclusions thereof as credible.

I am sure straight line speed is better with SRF, better traction.

Interesting observation, and we can test that out with more straight line tests both SRF and non-SRF.
I have found that to be usually true - SRF does not allow the car to be as freely flung around the corners in the way for instance Alonso would do, but seems to have a bit more punch in a straight line.
Does this mean SRF is more effective on tracks with long straights and less effective on a track full of twisties?
And what do the Rabbits do then? Become even more slower on the corners?

Thanks for the great input. 👍

Ok, here is the first test with SRF ON...

As usual, the rabbits are pretty lax and offered up no real competition. As per usual in most of the Seasonal TT's.

Now with SRF OFF...

Again, no real competition, but I found this time round that the mid-pack rabbits were more aggressive in their blocking attempts. Maybe it was just me, but I found the car to be more sedate... it lacked the ooomph shown in the previous race.

I had the same observation - the Gallardo was more 'sedate' non-SRF. I had an easier time controlling the car, and was able to make steady lap-times. The corners were a delight; the Gallardo is a thoroughbred super-sports adrenaline injection, and I could fling it around the corners like towel-whipping the curves.

I also found the rabbits to be slightly more aggressive when I had SRF on.
They had also seemed to have bunched-up.

With SRF on, however, though I was faster in some spots, the car was extremely unstable in others and I nearly lost control of the car many times during the race and so it seems like my lap-times evened out.
In short, if I was to drive the Gallardo in an SRF-enabled race, I would choose to race (if it wasn't forbidden) with SRF off.
I will definitely do more tests on this particular car/track/seasonal combo.

So I ran it stock with the obligatory oil change, on SS tires with my normal setup of TC 1 and ABS 5. Not sure why I like 5 so much, but it's been since GT6 came out that I've set it up this way... I found it to be comfy and now it's just habit tbh.

I have also done several tests with other settings (such as all aids off) with the rabbits and have found them to show sufficiently different behaviour in relation to some settings. To me, ABS 5 is a 'neutral' setting - effecting both turning and breaking equally.
Whatever the personal settings, once a player has reached some sort of optimum skill with those settings, then comparing SRF/Non-SRF using those same settings should give us some indication of the different additional strengths (or weaknesses) of SRF for an individual car/track/driver combo

I might give these tests a couple of tries, as I'm not the biggest of Lambo fans and thus not that familiar with how to be me in these cars. Maybe after some experience, I can be more aggressive with the car and level out the results.


I was a serious Ferrari fan before playing GT. Over the years I have become enamoured of Lamborghini, too, by just having the chance to drive the simulated Lambos in the game. Automakers, take note.
Lamborghinis have a certain uniqueness to them that is sheer raging bull, Grab them by the horns. Don't let go. This is why the SRF on the Gallardo threw me off. It felt like the bull was given rollerblades, and asked to drag a cart.

The Gallardo experiment..

Bought a fresh one, kept it on SH tyres. Added 90kg of ballast at pos 0 and Power limited to 72.7%.

First race, ABS 1 only, no other aids. (SRF off)

The car felt smooth, consistent and easy to drive. Opening lap was a 1:33. Next four laps were all between 1:31.2xx and 1:31.7xx. Very consistent, bit of understeer. Felt perfect for Top Gear type tyre smoking powerslide cornering. The AI were a slalom course, no blocking or other harrasment. Took lead on beginning of back straight on lap 2.

Next race, SRF on, no other changes.

Lap times dropped. First lap 1:31, following laps between 1:28.3xx and 1:30.4xx. The car became faster but also more difficult to be consistent with, which was reflected on my lap times. No understeer, no sliding, more grip. It felt more like a sports car. The AI behaved just like on race 1. Took lead on corner #3 on lap 2.

Both races felt very different. Without SRF it was more drifting and sliding and driving for fun. With SRF it was faster and more adrenaline filled. Both were fun, but in a different way.

Edit. Threw on SS tyres just for fun and did one more. Same race, ABS1, TC0 and SRF on.

The car became faster, a lot faster. Lap times were improved to 1:25, even a 1:24.4xx. And the car also became consistent again. No sliding at all, very fast, very predictable. AI just gave up.

One note to the car behaviour at the Project Gallardo @photonrider

Turning on SRF made the car snappier and more nervous to steer. I actually almost lost control mid-corner a couple of times. That wasn't even close when I drove with SRF off. Adding grippier tyres with SRF on only increased this effect. (the result I posted with SS was third try, two first ended up crashing to a wall).

It feels to me like SRF is a sort of a mild instant tune. The car gets potential to be faster but also becomes a bit more unstable and requires more from the driver to utilize that potential. At least for this specific car, track and race.

MTM79 - both of your posts above reflect many of my observations.
Also important to note that in this race the AI do not seem to change much for SRF.

Thanks for all the input, guys. Everyday we learn just a little bit more about this game we adore, pimples and all.

On a final note:
I notice the winds of change have blown upon us - the cloud that hung over GT seems to have moved off to rain on some other game; the GT Forums seem to be a happier place. The Seasonal threads are full of fun and players unabashedly having a great time, lots of credits being made and a wide variety of cars being enjoyed in many ways.

Good stuff. :) 👍
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@photonrider As always a pleasure reading your posts. Will be away from ps3 till Sunday night, but I will choose the expert level event. I have the basics for event but cant remember the Car .... so will post then.
Became a fan of Lambo during the 550 exclusive Lambo challenge GT5 and especially the Gallardo..was just learning the game then. Think it took me about a month to pass it .

Apologies for the late stipualation, it's still a quick time you put up there. :P:tup:

Now @photonrider if I'm still doing the intermediate challenge for this seasonal, I would like to invoke the 'NoWayBack Clause' and nominate @Baron Blitz Red to design the intermediate challenge. ;)

It's a basic setup Baron, any drivers aids are allowed and so is tuning, but aside from that anything goes regarding what kind of challenge you're wanting to give us. :D

A few previous examples are, fastest overall time, slowest winning time, slowest time for a certain A.I driver and restricting us to a certain car. :)
There's so much excitement in here, and much to respond to . . . :lol:

I can see that a fairly complex (can-u-do-3-laps-in-24s) problem being shaped in here to be presented in the OP soon.
As soon as Vic settles on the final details of the 2nd Rabbit Hunter Exclusive I will post it up officially as on and running.
Going to be very interesting to hear about the different strategies and choice of car that will be used.
I'm glad to see the SRF option off on this one; I feel its disablement will actually aid all drivers in the event, and make sure the playing field is even and the times comparable and maybe even surprising.
I'm saying that a huge amount of player stratagem is also required here - not just ace driving; the ace driving is what will help to exploit that stratagem to the fullest.
The time frame for the event has yet to be set.
Remember, Vic, you may set any reasonable time frame, since this in an 'In-House' challenge.

This was a quick fly in to check on progress, and I see so much brewing here that I want to rush between console and GTP, but it's my son's birthday and having promised to take him out for shopping, dinner and then a watching of Spy, I am now going to be tied up for the rest of the day.

Back in the evening, though, for lots and lots of GT adrenaline.

PS: Good Luck with designing the Challenge, Baron - advice you to confer with Vic; he'll walk you through the process. 👍 I'm looking forward to what you are going to come up with. :mischievous:
There's so much excitement in here, and much to respond to . . . :lol:

I can see that a fairly complex (can-u-do-3-laps-in-24s) problem being shaped in here to be presented in the OP soon.
As soon as Vic settles on the final details of the 2nd Rabbit Hunter Exclusive I will post it up officially as on and running.
Going to be very interesting to hear about the different strategies and choice of car that will be used.
I'm glad to see the SRF option off on this one; I feel its disablement will actually aid all drivers in the event, and make sure the playing field is even and the times comparable and maybe even surprising.
I'm saying that a huge amount of player stratagem is also required here - not just ace driving; the ace driving is what will help to exploit that stratagem to the fullest.
The time frame for the event has yet to be set.
Remember, Vic, you may set any reasonable time frame, since this in an 'In-House' challenge.

This was a quick fly in to check on progress, and I see so much brewing here that I want to rush between console and GTP, but it's my son's birthday and having promised to take him out for shopping, dinner and then a watching of Spy, I am now going to be tied up for the rest of the day.

Back in the evening, though, for lots and lots of GT adrenaline.

PS: Good Luck with designing the Challenge, Baron - advice you to confer with Vic; he'll walk you through the process. 👍 I'm looking forward to what you are going to come up with. :mischievous:

For the Ring 24 event, I'll give it a 3 week time frame starting from Monday.

So the Second Rabbit Hunter events official lay out is this.

Event is the 24 minutes of Nurburgring.
Pre 1973 cars that don't have a V8 or more.
Car has to have been sold to the public so concept and one off cars are excluded.
SRF is Disallowed.
Tuning IS allowed.
Fastest overall time over the course of 3 laps wins.
3 weeks from Monday to finish the challenge in the best position.
For the Ring 24 event, I'll give it a 3 week time frame starting from Monday.

So the Second Rabbit Hunter events official lay out is this.

Event is the 24 minutes of Nurburgring.
Pre 1973 cars that don't have a V8 or more.
Car has to have been sold to the public so concept and one off cars are excluded.
SRF is Disallowed.
Tuning IS allowed.
Fastest overall time over the course of 3 laps wins.
3 weeks from Monday to finish the challenge in the best position.

SRF off it is. It still can win, just a bit slower.

Well @Vic Reign93 , when you said I should get involved in these events, you weren't kidding!!! Damn, design an event eh?!? Well we have a saying here: "Go big or Go home", and speaking of which...

The Sky's the Limit Challenge
OK, for the Intermediate Level Seasonal, we will be using the 2006 Alfa Romeo Brera Sky Window 3.2 JTS Q4 as our "COOK, where's my Hasenpfeffer!?!" maker. So just like the event itself, 500pp limit with Sports Soft tyres, and tune away to your heart's content. You have creative control as long as it fits to get into the event :lol: ;).

The challenge?

All contestants are welcome and will post pics for both their SRF and non-SRF times. The happy rabbit hunter with the best overall spread will win.

For example, let's say you post a winning time of 10 seconds ahead of the fastest rabbit with SRF and 5 seconds ahead with SRF off, your combined spread would be 15 seconds. If that happens to be the largest combined margin of victory, then fame and fortune await you!!! But, let's say if you win by 5 seconds in one and come in second by 2 seconds in the other, your overall time will be 3 seconds. Get it... got it, good!

Well hopefully that's as clear as mud :sly:, but if there are any questions or concerns (if I missed something let's say, as this is my first one), please let me know. Happy Hunting!!!

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Well @Vic Reign93 , when you said I should get involved in these events, you weren't kidding!!! Damn, design an event eh?!? Well we have a saying here: "Go big or Go home", and speaking of which...

The Sky's the Limit Challenge
OK, for the Intermediate Level Seasonal, we will be using the 2006 Alfa Romeo Brera Sky Window 3.2 JTS Q4 as our "COOK, where's my Hasenpfeffer!?!" maker. Tuning will be allowed, but restricted to 450pp and restricted to Brakes and Power upgrades with SH tires ONLY. Everything else is stock. (Yes Oil change is always allowed)

The challenge?

All contestants are welcome and will post pics for both their SRF and non-SRF times. The happy rabbit hunter with the best overall spread will win.

For example, let's say you post a winning time of 10 seconds ahead of the fastest rabbit with SRF and 5 seconds ahead with SRF off, your combined spread would be 15 seconds. If that happens to be the largest combined margin of victory, then fame and fortune await you!!! But, let's say if you win by 5 seconds in one and come in second by 2 seconds in the other, your overall time will be 3 seconds. Get it... got it, good!

Well hopefully that's as clear as mud, but if there are any questions or corcerns (if I missed something let's say, as this is my first one), please let me know. Happy Hunting!!!


Well the tuning part is the only real concern for me seeing as it's a open for all event.
The concern is that someone will give up their integrity and trust for easy glory by posting the time, but lying about their setup and thus, compromising the atmosphere of trust here.

It's the reason I don't restrict PP or tyres, but the Combined spread idea could work because they will be very noticeable differences in the times at the end. :)

So my recommendations are, keep the car choice, keep the spread challenge, allow tuning for all parts, allow max PP for the event and allow the softest tyres. 👍

However, those kind of restrictions will be perfect for a Rabbit Hunter special event so don't worry about being held back on your creativity as it'll be brillant for those events. :D
Cool... thanks @Vic Reign93 , that's exactly the kind of input I was looking for!

In my defence, the way I was thinking was, I hate the walk away events where you're gone in 60 seconds and winning by almost as much. :lol: But yes, I can and do see your points and will take your recommendations and implement them straight away! Thank you for saying so by the way!

The event has now been updated!

The Sky's the Limit Challenge
OK, for the Intermediate Level Seasonal, we will be using the 2006 Alfa Romeo Brera Sky Window 3.2 JTS Q4 as our "COOK, where's my Hasenpfeffer!?!" maker. So just like the event itself, 500pp limit with Sports Soft tyres, and tune away to your heart's content. You have creative control as long as it fits to get into the event :lol: ;).

The challenge?

All contestants are welcome and will post pics for both their SRF and non-SRF times. The happy rabbit hunter with the best overall spread will win.

For example, let's say you post a winning time of 10 seconds ahead of the fastest rabbit with SRF and 5 seconds ahead with SRF off, your combined spread would be 15 seconds. If that happens to be the largest combined margin of victory, then fame and fortune await you!!! But, let's say if you win by 5 seconds in one and come in second by 2 seconds in the other, your overall time will be 3 seconds. Get it... got it, good!

Happy Hunting!!!

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For the beginner event I think it would be fun for a change to go for lowest AI time, but this time on a fixed car.

Car this time would be Honda CR-X SiR '90. It should provide enough speed to play all the hunting tricks on the AI.

So, take the CR-X, win the race and who ever makes the 2nd place AI finish in the fastest time, wins the event.

I did one run to give something to shoot for.

For the beginner event I think it would be fun for a change to go for lowest AI time, but this time on a fixed car.

Car this time would be Honda CR-X SiR '90. It should provide enough speed to play all the hunting tricks on the AI.

So, take the CR-X, win the race and who ever makes the 2nd place AI finish in the fastest time, wins the event.

I did one run to give something to shoot for.

View attachment 385185

Here you go, MTM ;) :



I hate the events where you're gone in 60 seconds and winning by almost as much. :lol: But yes, I can and do see your points and will take your recommendations and implement them straight away! Thank you for saying so by the way!

Getting from Point A to Point B as fast as possible all the time, and only doing that became old very quickly, Baron, and I think many players (other than the ones involved in GTAcademy and TT specialists) would agree with you - gone in 60 seconds, get the gold, and that's that.
The only alternative is to turn it into another Time Trial - and we have enough of that already in the game - in fact TTs have come to dominate the game.

We like to race, too, to battle other objects on the track - and in as many ways as possible that would bring out all the skills in handling these virtual machines. Since the only thing demanded from the event (officially) is to get Gold, we do that, but don't move on; we take the event and redesign the objective so that we can then play the same event in many other ways, and we use the AI in various ways, not just as moving roadblocks to be avoided while doing a TT.

We play at slowing down the field, or using a car that would be difficult to win in, or trying to find out which Rabbit is the fastest in a particular event, or working at getting a particular AI driver to the finish line ahead of the rest, and so on . . we are constantly trying new 'mini games' with each other and the AI to keep the game fresh and interesting.

One caveat to the challenges available to the general public: we keep the rules to specifications that can be verified.
If we tell all the members who are eligible to participate in the general events to use CH for instance, or turn their B/B all the way down to zero, or race with ABS1O, or forbid the use of SRF - we cannot tell for sure who is doing what - there will always be room for abuse - as well as honest mistakes made through ignorance or carelessness.

To keep it simple - all General Events follow the options as laid out by PD in the particular events we are using for the challenges.
It is only in the Exclusive Events (closed competition between qualified members) that the 'special' (personally agreed upon) settings are used.

This is because these members have qualified by winning three awards, and have proved their consistency, determination, and dedication to the project - and will therefore not cheat amongst themselves.

I can't see Whoosiergirl, Vic Reign, nowayback or MTM cheating on each other when they have set themselves a challenge. For instance they may set themselves a race on CH, 100PP less, all aids off - just to see how far they can make it in the race, and how they meet up with the challenge - it's a personal goal, and they compete only among themselves; regular Hunters aren't allowed to participate in such hallowed activities. :)

So those are the events in which unverifiable settings like SRF off will be used, and no doubt once you join that qualified bunch (with three Awards tucked under your belt) you will be allowed to design such challenges.

For the moment, the challenge you have been given to design is the Intermediate A-Spec Race at Apricot - which is a General Event, available for all to participate in and with all options as available in the event available to be used as wished. This prevents cheating.

The event has now been updated!

The Sky's the Limit Challenge
OK, for the Intermediate Level Seasonal, we will be using the 2006 Alfa Romeo Brera Sky Window 3.2 JTS Q4 as our "COOK, where's my Hasenpfeffer!?!" maker. So just like the event itself, 500pp limit with Sports Soft tyres, and tune away to your heart's content. You have creative control as long as it fits to get into the event :lol: ;).

So far so good with the above - we have a specified car, and an objective: run a particular car as fast as possible and win. Fastest time wins.
You might add anything else that can be enforced via the set options in the event.
For now . . . here's my entry:


Thanks for all the enthusiasm - it's infectious. :lol:


New amateur event (holders of VicReign Rights ineligible) coming up - will be posted officially soon - but you guys can take your 2CVs out and toodle off to Rome right now and see what times you can come up with.
Fastest winning 2CV at the event gets the title.



Back later in the day for more discussion and input, as well as setting up all the events officially.

@MTM79 - your comment that SRF is like a tune may be closer to the truth that many could imagine. More tests are verifying that phenomenon. SRF doesn't just add grip - it does a lot more. ;) And all the stuff it does can be done by the player with SRF off.
We will get to grips with that, too. 👍
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Just to put a lap up MB 300SL Coupe '54 not V8 I hope, very nice drive, but I was all over the place . RS and didn't pit, fr3-3 back ok at end, was bad in rain 2nd lap mostly on the grass. Maybe will try inters after 1st lap, or RH all race.
2015-06-07 23.03.38.jpg
Just to put a lap up MB 300SL Coupe '54 not V8 I hope, very nice drive, but I was all over the place . RS and didn't pit, fr3-3 back ok at end, was bad in rain 2nd lap mostly on the grass. Maybe will try inters after 1st lap, or RH all race.
View attachment 385441

300SL, 3 litre Straight Six with fuel injection. :D

You need an answer to what engine your car is packing?

Let us know if you take another shot at it with a different car. ;)
Just to put a lap up MB 300SL Coupe '54 not V8 I hope, very nice drive, but I was all over the place . RS and didn't pit, fr3-3 back ok at end, was bad in rain 2nd lap mostly on the grass. Maybe will try inters after 1st lap, or RH all race.
View attachment 385441

Try using Intermediates for the entire race... I did with my car and wound up with a 27.505 second advantage over 2nd place with no pit stops.

Sadly, I'm not a full rabbit hunter... YET
