GT6 'MY HOME' HUB: Awards time.

  • Thread starter photonrider
Unreal times @WhoosierGirl . đź‘Ť I'm out, can't go faster than 1:41 at the moment and that would give me only 5:46 if I could manage three consistent laps in a row.

So, protected by the Whoosier-rule, I'll set my sights on the El Camino challenge.


First run there, interesting to see how long it lasts.
I tried the Tesla Motors Model S Signature Performance 15 Anniversary Edition '12, for the Biginner Level "E" Eiger Nordwand Short Track.
I gave the Tesla Motors Model S Signature Performance 15 Anniversary Edition '12 another go.
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I gave the Tesla Motors Model S Signature Performance 15 Anniversary Edition '12 another go.

Ha! Well done. I still reckon the Roadster could beat that time with a tune though. Running both cars stock except for the limiter the Roadster was at least 1s a lap quicker.
Ha! Well done. I still reckon the Roadster could beat that time with a tune though. Running both cars stock except for the limiter the Roadster was at least 1s a lap quicker.
Thanks for that, I will use the Tesla Motors Model S Signature Performance 15 Anniversary Edition '12 a few more times and then I will try the Tesla Roadster '08 and see how it goes. đź‘Ť
I have to admit that the CR-Z I used for the William Gilbert Award was under 400PP, and I wasn't 'dressed to kill'.
Actually handling a car dressed to kill is a whole different skill, and I can understand people who wail that they are unable to race when everything is 'on'. The car handles different (built for greater speed) and the rabbits also run faster - as has been proven here.
But, maybe, I shall go back with a loaded Tesla . . . :D

Surprised that the NASCAR Challenge remains unbeaten.

Will update the OP fully at the end of the weekend - till then - happy gaming!

Besson is back? :lol:
Maybe I was wrong. It wouldn't be the first time.


On the other hand....

View attachment 297742

Are we allowed SRF for this? The best I could muster without was about 4:12

Nice job - beat him by thousandths of a sec. Will hall90 make a comeback? I'll be changing the OP only later tonight - and the fastest postings will go up.

As for the SRF question - yes, it seems to come up all the time - strange, since the events are run as per the game's regulations; do what you will with the settings, whether SRF, TCS, ABS, mixed compounds, B/B set to 0, whatever, cockpit view, chase cam, controller, rig. and so on. To each their own.
If you feel more fleet bare-footed, go for it, else if you prefer spikes, yup, NP. In the end it's all about your personal skills - you may be faster with SRF, you may not be, or you may prefer pumping the brake pedal 10X per sec, or let the machine do it for you, that's up to you.
This particular event at Eiger calls for sharp cornering, more than skid-free braking in an electric car; Players would factor that in, for instance, when setting ABS.
It's all about playing the game as smartly, and physically well, too, as the challenge calls for.
If for instance we ran an event with the requisitions being that all cars were to be left at default, then that's a particular challenge that good gamers would rise to.
What SRF settings would one need for the NASCAR Challenge posted and how would it help? It may make no difference - and so we meet different challenges with different game settings.

I took the Model S out, tweaked to the max and only managed a 4:21 after six tries.
Then grabbed the Roadster and a first try got me this:


So more work to be done, but it now seems like I'm not going to get anywhere near you guys.
That's a pretty blistering pace - 1:12s-13s? :crazy:
Good time, It is fine to use SRF for this. There is still a room for improvement for me but the first lap is the key to get a good race time.

I haven't tried it but against a grid with no Prius I reckon you could pass them all in the first lap then get two clear laps. Might be an advantage. If you're going to try the Roadster you'd better get on with it though.

@photonrider I did have a go at the Nascar one. This was my best result. Spot the obvious mistake.


When I eventually found the right race it was a bit dull in comparison. I did get very close to the 0.000s gap but always on the wrong side.

I've also had a bash at the El Camino challenge.


That was with SRF. I was a good 10s slower without it. It would have been a bit quicker but for the XNR which pulled across in front of me and braked (on the straight) as I was lapping him. If I were being generous I would say he saw me in his mirrors and panicked.

I've been running this race a lot using stock cars that didn't stand a chance against the Cobras and GT40 and it was very rare to find a grid without either cropping up. Since I tuned up my El Camino I haven't seen hide nor hair of them. Could it be that they're scared of losing?
I haven't tried it but against a grid with no Prius I reckon you could pass them all in the first lap then get two clear laps. Might be an advantage. If you're going to try the Roadster you'd better get on with it though.

@photonrider I did have a go at the Nascar one. This was my best result. Spot the obvious mistake.

View attachment 297997

When I eventually found the right race it was a bit dull in comparison. I did get very close to the 0.000s gap but always on the wrong side.

About the obvious mistake - you got me - I'm drawing a blank. Or is their an image missing? As for being on the wrong side - yes, I know that only too well.
It is a bit of a dull race, though staying with the pack right throughout till the final drag can be tense, even exciting. Good centripetal practise in mastering ellipses as well as a fast cash grinder are other positives, otherwise it's very much a Beginner's race, and the dullest of all the Cup Races.
I intend to go back and bolster my position; try to have a closer shave with them herd of turtles.

I've also had a bash at the El Camino challenge.

View attachment 298016

That was with SRF. I was a good 10s slower without it. It would have been a bit quicker but for the XNR which pulled across in front of me and braked (on the straight) as I was lapping him. If I were being generous I would say he saw me in his mirrors and panicked.

:lol: Once you begin to 'see' the different personalities that the AI display, I swear, you'll never be lonely again. The guys can be quite amusing. And after all, what could be better? We finally got our toys to move.
Well . . . it's the personality of the devs. The programmers pop out to say 'Hi!' to us in a most pixie-ish way.
Of course the AI need work.
Even Humanity does. :)

I've been running this race a lot using stock cars that didn't stand a chance against the Cobras and GT40 and it was very rare to find a grid without either cropping up. Since I tuned up my El Camino I haven't seen hide nor hair of them. Could it be that they're scared of losing?

Very observant of you - you're paying attention.
What are your conclusions?
I think that the Brain may have calculated that you are too slow in an El Camino? And so, not worthy of the top rabbits?
More experimentation needed I suppose. Keep the info coming.
We've learned a lot more about the AI since we started this project, for sure. đź‘Ť

The current 'Enduro' - 24 hours compressed into 24 minutes - is infinitely interesting. There is so much I have to lay on the table, and I'm sure others running it regularly would have seen all the patterns surface, too.
Tyres that fluctuate rapidly after they first pit, different compounds for different cars, cars that don't pit and get into trouble, cars that may do better on other tyres than being given, cars that pit after a brawl . . . and so on. Quite a mixed field.
Besson is very aggressive - I watched him take out the 787B (leading) on the last lap to take the win himself.
The 'blockers' are dumbfounding - like LMs driven by extremely rookie drivers.
But if one gets ahead of them they suddenly speed up to hound you till you pound the wall . . . and then they scram.

Well . . . the OP was freshened up for the week - and we're heading into the Home Stretch.
Good Luck, everybody. Happy gaming!
About the obvious mistake - you got me - I'm drawing a blank. Or is their an image missing? As for being on the wrong side - yes, I know that only too well.

The mistake was it was the wrong race. I was doing the High Speed Ring one.:dunce:

I think that the Brain may have calculated that you are too slow in an El Camino? And so, not worthy of the top rabbits?
More experimentation needed I suppose. Keep the info coming.

Can't be that. They were happy to race against my stock 453PP El Camino on SH tyres. Maybe it's just pot luck but I ran the race with eight different stock cars and sometimes I had to reload the race a dozen times to get a grid without the top rabbits. And in all that time, probably loading the race over a hundred times, I never once got the Challenger R/T rabbit. The Brain works in mysterious ways.
Chevy is faster again.


Edit, interesting how they try to cripple you after a succesful run. After the race above I bailed out of the race to get my midnight login bonus. After I came back the next grid was organized so that every single corner had a moving AI-roadblock on the apex right on my driving line. Don't know if it was a coincidence or intended on AI's part but I just could not come within 4 seconds of my previous fast first lap.
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Chevy is faster again.
Built like a rock, eh?
Ford will have its day in another challenge! :lol:

Edit, interesting how they try to cripple you after a succesful run. After the race above I bailed out of the race to get my midnight login bonus. After I came back the next grid was organized so that every single corner had a moving AI-roadblock on the apex right on my driving line. Don't know if it was a coincidence or intended on AI's part but I just could not come within 4 seconds of my previous fast first lap.

Funny that. I noticed it cronically last night. Exactly the same thing. Couldn't get within 4 seconds of the previous hotlap.

Astute observations, gentlemen. I say this because I want to be classed as 'astute', too; you see, I have made these same observations.:sly:
And having carried out tests (which you may duplicate) I have concluded the following about these sneaky rabbits:

Fully loaded? The rabbits will be as fierce as possible - if you run on rails, they will run on rails. As well - as they ramp up their competition you will have seen that they also bring a huge anmount of technical racing 'tactics' into play. It's not just about speed and handling. It's complex racing-decion-making skills that come into play.
One does not just slam a machine around to the finish line IRL.

Half-dressed? The rabbits will immediately pace you to try and give you yet that .500 sec 50/50 win/lose race.
If you take SRF off for instance you will notice that it seems to appear that they have taken SRF off, too, and will be more cautious in their cornering and their top-speeds.

All off? The Rabbits almost cripple themselves to keep up with you. Differences in their timing can vary as much as 30 secs.

WE are the aliens in the Rabbits' world. We can take a hugely fast car and kill them. Proven. They'll run as fast as possible. Proven. They'll run as slow as possible. Proven.
If we play the game fairly with them they will do their best to always deliver a .500 sec finish.
With over a thousand cars and dozens of tracks to play out that scenario, the games the Rabbits are capable of are endless.

So in conclusion - are they evolving with us?
Yes. I will add my confirmation to yours. đź‘Ť

BBL. Pressure of work is taking me away from play.
Yes. I'm a 'part-time' gamer. :lol:

Decided to have another crack at the RainDancer challenge and managed to cut some time off.
Dang it, Vic, it looks like you're running a casual lap alone in the daytime on a sunny morning. :crazy:
I won't be able to get that time running a flying lap alone at noon.

I'm going to close down the last round of Seasonal Challenges presently - PD has now taken them offline, and presented their fresh round of Seasonals (with lots for us to do!).

Meanwhile the Career Mode Challenges will be left open till the weekend. We'll slam some new ones down on the table over the weekend - I want to bring Osterhagen back - for some serious racing. Fingers crossed that PD has received the vibe on a NASCAR Seasonal as well as bringing another Ringer-rounder back - DTMs would be good.

Guys - you Experts - esp @Vic Reign93 and @WhoosierGirl . . . you get to pick and choose, eh?
Drop me a line here (or PM me if you're the shy type when it comes to type) and let me know what trophies you're looking for. I see stupendously close times in both Expert and Intermediate with wins on both levels. So you may pick as many as wish, as long as the trophies are all for that level. We have till the weekend for this - because it is only when this entire round closes will the Class-type events be closed and the top-performances in each class be reviewed.

So compare all the times here where you are on top, and pick the class-award you want to have, over the weekend, and let me know by then. Once you've picked your slice of cake, well, the rest get to divi-up the balance as the trophies will fall to the next level, and so on.

The Board will be wiped clean end of Sunday, and we'll be ready by then for another round of Seasonal challenges, as well as some Open Career Mode Challenges giving all classes a chance to grab some extra awards.

MTM still leads the trophy count. :mischievous:

Thanks all for the great participation - and this too to everybody who took part (like me :crazy:) ) but never bagged any bragging rights. It was still fun competing with the some of the fastest runners in our community, and makes us proud to hang with such proficient gamers, no doubt who must be wizard drivers IRL, and great sporting personalities, too.



I did the following test many times with several cars. Those who wish may duplicate the test.

First Round: All Driver Aids (no Tuning at all, all Steering Inputs off, Manual trans for all Rounds) at default - SRF on, ABS 1, TCS 5:


Second Round: SRF off, TCS 1, ABS 1:


Third Round: SRF off, TCS off, ABS off (no Tuning - i.e. B/B at default.)


What do we see? We see that I'm a loser. Well, there are some other things we may see - there is also the possibility of me winning those races if I kept at it; the rabbits are pacing me. So they are pacing me, encouraging me to improve my lap-times. A close look at their lap-times will confirm this.
I cripple myself, so do they.
The jump in times between the first two settings and the third setting is phenomenal (keeping in mind this was a 5 lap race.)

Additional notes:
ABS off gives greater stopping power if one knows how to prevent the wheel-lock up that initiates fish-tailing and possible blow-outs. (IRL I would have blown my tyres.) The brakes also tend to fade and mashing the pedal is easier as the race goes on.
In other words - more work braking, but quicker stops and power-rotations may help increase speed.
ABS 1 takes away a huge percentage of the lock-up.

Wheel-spin without TCS is increased, but if throttle control is mastered and power laid down precisely to the contact patches, one may be faster. However - no TCS means tyres get chewed up quicker because of excessive wheelspin (mini burnouts). A little TCS may be advantageous in enduros. TCS 1, overall, was the best setting at getting the best of both worlds.

SRF keeps the car from going unnecessarily (in the way 'gaming-cars' usually do) off track, and actually adds to the realism. With SRF off the car is 'twitchy' more so than real cars are.
The AI seems to use SRF (taking corners faster, getting more aggressive, faster top-speeds) when the player uses SRF. When the player knocks off SRF, the AI slows down at corners, drive slower, and take less chances at using 'technical racing tactics' to make the player lose.
The differences between SRF off and on can be diluted by one's personal skill.
However fast one may go with SRF off, though, SRF on runs the Rabbits faster, and keeps their cars on the road as well as stabilising the players car from sudden spins merely because the player nipped a few centimeters of grass. (Almost as if the 'secret penalties' have been knocked off.) With SRF off the Rabbit cars would lose control a lot more easily than real drivers would do in a real race.

When all aids are removed the AI turn into turtles.
They run extremely slow, almost waiting for the player to catch up, and even when they're winning they try to fall back and give the player a chance.

Next test?
I get out of the car and race them on foot. All right, I'm kidding.
But the timesheets above speak for themselves. Please try similar tests for better understanding on how the 'driver' settings work.
Keep in mind that Tuner settings can nullify all this. Tuned cars run to the driver's specific driving style, and a properly match-tuned car can give a driver much faster times even with all off.

Edit 2: Off to work now - had a run with Osterhagen and bunch. Quite an interesting race; I looked in my garage and found 17 eligible cars right off the bat. So back to the console only much later tonight for further racing and testing.
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Anyone doing the Madrid 500pp race cars? To start the ball rolling, I have a time of 4, 45, with the rabbit at 4,47. No pics, just putting it out there to see what everyone else is doing. Good luck to all, quite a fun race.
Anyone doing the Madrid 500pp race cars? To start the ball rolling, I have a time of 4, 45, with the rabbit at 4,47. No pics, just putting it out there to see what everyone else is doing. Good luck to all, quite a fun race.

I've only raced there once so far. 4:52 with a Mazda Roadster TC. Rabbit also at 4:52. Narrow win..
This ones the Madrid intermediate race. My car is the Megane trophy in first place. Man, what a car. Wish I could drive one for real. Had old mate Bello going in his Delta. Sorry about the lack of info,but its the only way I get clear image with my camera-phone.
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A spot for all Dedicated Rabbit Hunters.
Artificial Intelligence Hub
This is where we play the game

against the AI.

NEW? Read up on the OP, and Posts#2,#3, and #4.

In this thread we take on Challenges against the AI and compete with ourselves, and each other, using the AI, as well as investigating the AI and its potential in full.
This, you may realise, is then the opposite of the Online experience, even though there may be Online-based Challenges.

We utilise as many Offline in-game sectors as possible in the Challenges as well as in investigating and writing the story of the AI.

A secondary objective is to recognise the Masters of the Game, and bring them to the surface via the Challenges and the Wall of Fame where their accomplishments, and the Rabbit Records obtained therewith will be enshrined.

The third objective is to bring members of GTPlanet together in a spirit of playful and healthy competition using GT6's My Home Dashboard, and all it offers while in the company of fellow members.

The fourth objective is to bring together Beginners, Intermediates, and Experts at the game of Gran Turismo for the mutual benefit of all.


All Members Welcome!

OFFLINE Challenge 1.
Expert level.

Exotic Raindancer Award.


Rules for Engagement as per the Event in Gran Turismo Career Mode
Go to: My Home/International A/Rainmasters/Event Race 3


ONLINE Challenge A
Expert Level

The Rally Monster Award


Rules for Engagement as per the Event in Gran Turismo Online Mode
Go to: My Home/Online/Seasonals/Expert Level/Toscana


OFFLINE Challenge 2
Intermediate Level

GT-R Maestro Award


Rules for Engagement as per the Event in Gran Turismo Career Mode
Go to: My Home/International A/One Make/IA-3


ONLINE Challenge B
Intermediate Level

Massive Muscles Award


Please note: El Camino must be used for this Event.
Rules for Engagement as per the Event in Gran Turismo Online Mode
Go to: My Home/Online/Seasonals/Intermediate Level/Willow Springs


OFFLINE Challenge 3
Beginner Level

NASCAR Rookie Champ Award

Rules for Engagement as per the Event in Gran Turismo Career Mode
Go to: My Home/International A/Gran Turismo NASCAR Cup/Event Race 4


ONLINE Challenge C
Beginner Level

The William Gilbert Award.


Rules for Engagement as per the Event in Gran Turismo Online Mode
Go to: My Home/Online/Seasonals/Beginner Level/Eiger Nordwand


Please post your submissions, in the thread, as a clear screenshot of your final time in the form of a Gran Turismo Timesheet from the particular events.

Whoosier Rule applies to all Class/Level Challenges presented above.


More Challenges arriving over the Weekends!

Skywalker Licence Challenge (Bonus Arcade - Open)

NASCAR CHAMPION 2014 (Open Championships)

Please watch for them.

House Challenge - Always open!!

Wall of Fame

Quantum Rabbits

How deep can you go down the *bleeping* Rabbithole?


72 Quantum Rabbits
particularly accelerated by:

Vic Reign93

Beat that! :boggled:

All you have to do is overtake more Rabbits than Vic.

How many can you overtake cleanly?
Bring us a legible graphic of your prowess and knock the King off the Wall.
This is a permanent Challenge and will remain open indefinitely.
The Whoosier Rule does not apply to this Open Challenge.
Good Luck! everybody.


GTPlanet GT Drivers rock!​

Sierra GT-R challenge

Nice work, croozer - those are monster times, man. Not sure I'm going to get anywhere near what is possible. :boggled:

My apologies for not arriving over the weekend as promised - real life seems to have a much stronger effect on reality than the virtual - and I'm caught up by various schedules that are taking me away from my favorite pastime - hooling around with the Gran Turismo gang and our favourite driving game. :lol:

Expecting 35 cm of snow today - the parking lots and streets are already a disaster - and so the world turns - we have to deal with it.

Back soon when I can get away - meanwhile, those of you lucky enough to spend your hours playing - have fun - and don't forget to throw in here any info on the rabbits you may think is valuable.



Jeez, Joker!! Ace of you, man.

:lol: Well done. The King is not going to be happy.
Technically he's tied with me as we both passed 72 cars, but I'll happily consider a joint first conclusion because of his higher score. :D
That is very correct and I looked at it and said... hmmmm... same number of passes... Well, the score is a little higher... I need to check my replays and photos, because I remember having a try in 2,7xx,xxx with 74 passes... That will have more defeated A.I.s but less points, slower race... In normal conditions doesn't make any sense, but this Sierra Challenge is crazy enough to confuse the most of us. I want to see if 3 million credits is possible... I put a lot of miles in this event trying to understand how we get the points and how the A.I.'s are behaving, so that is my main challenge... 3 million credits. I've done it with the little Abarth '09. Thank you all for the kind words.

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