GT6 'MY HOME' HUB: Awards time.

  • Thread starter photonrider
Interesting outcomes from the current expert seasonal at Ascari. The AI is behaving in my opinion a bit differently. There looks to be variation in how the rabbits race with each other. 50% of the time the lead rabbit chases me alone and the other 50% there is a tight pack of 3-5 cars on my tail. Looks like anyone from the pack can assume the role of lead rabbit and keep somewhat similar pace as the lonely chaser, others just get sucked in. This results in greater variation in who actually is the lead rabbit. In the ten races I've driven with different cars the lead rabbit has been Bowers (x3), Reilly (x3), Calvo (x2), Gaertner (x1), Conde (x1). Also the outcomes have been constantly taking turns, first there was a lone rabbit, then a pack of rabbits, loner, pack, etc.

edit; 'This was mostly not because a certain lead bunny was not present. Bowers did 5 races, Gaertner 6, Calvo 4, Reilly 3 and Conde 1. '

Other note, one race was especially close, I was racing with a Clio RS '11 against Calvo in his Zonda. It looked like Calvo was doing everything possible to keep the speed at wich I was gaining in on him relatively constant. At one point I went off track. While I was returning to track I glimpsed at the minimap an noticed Calvo's arrow spinning around at a chicane right after my excursion to the grass. Sort of reversed rubberbanding? In the end I didn't win because I made too many mistakes, maybe a rematch needed.

Ferrari Enzo '02

Nissan Skyline GT-R V-spec II Nür (R34) '02

RUF CTR2 '96

Nissan GT-R Black edition '12

Subaru Impreza Coupe 22B-STi Version '98

DMC DeLorean S2 '04

Renault Sport Clio R.S. 2.0 16V '02

Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (C6) '06

Audi R8 4.2 FSI R tronic '07

Sadly don't have the one spredsheet where I didn't win with the Clio RS '11.
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Technically he's tied with me as we both passed 72 cars, but I'll happily consider a joint first conclusion because of his higher score. :D

The little monarchy of Sierra is now ruled over by two kings - one disguised as a Jester. :)
These monarchs are the tamers of Godzilla, the fiercesome steed that gobbles rabbits as snacks on the run. They rule the kingdom together . . . until one dark and stormy night a secret duel is fought astride their fire-eating steeds.

Yup. According to the rules he's tied you - points didn't matter in that challenge - just the amount of Rabbits captured.
So which car is #73? #74 . . . #75? Could anybody get that far?

That is very correct and I looked at it and said... hmmmm... same number of passes... Well, the score is a little higher... I need to check my replays and photos, because I remember having a try in 2,7xx,xxx with 74 passes... That will have more defeated A.I.s but less points, slower race... In normal conditions doesn't make any sense, but this Sierra Challenge is crazy enough to confuse the most of us.

While you didn't knock the king of the wall - and he's been there a long time - you get to take the throne beside him. Well done. It was quite a shock to that card thrown in - we had gotten used to the idea that Vic was going to be unbeaten - or even matched. Thanks for participating. 👍

I want to see if 3 million credits is possible... I put a lot of miles in this event trying to understand how we get the points and how the A.I.'s are behaving, so that is my main challenge... 3 million credits. I've done it with the little Abarth '09. Thank you all for the kind words.

You are very welcome. :cheers:

Give us your observations on the AI anytime - it is obvious from the many reports coming in that the AI are beginning to significantly evolve and, while showing a variety of characteristics, are also showing patterns that we can study and use to our advantage.

Interesting outcomes from the current expert seasonal at Ascari. The AI is behaving in my opinion a bit differently. There looks to be variation in how the rabbits race with each other. 50% of the time the lead rabbit chases me alone and the other 50% there is a tight pack of 3-5 cars on my tail.

Usual pattern is 1-3 leaders (working alone, tandem, or 1 ahead and 2 & 3 drafting and ready to boot you off track or block you from approaching the leader.)

Mid-pack that can expand or contract according to your moves and speed.

Back-markers or blockers that break off from the mid pack - the faster one goes, the slower the back-marker will go to block you as you come up for the next lap.

Looks like anyone from the pack can assume the role of lead rabbit and keep somewhat similar pace as the lonely chaser, others just get sucked in. This results in greater variation in who actually is the lead rabbit. In the ten races I've driven with different cars the lead rabbit has been Bowers (x3), Reilly (x3), Calvo (x2), Gaertner (x1), Conde (x1). Also the outcomes have been constantly taking turns, first there was a lone rabbit, then a pack of rabbits, loner, pack, etc.

edit; 'This was mostly not because a certain lead bunny was not present. Bowers did 5 races, Gaertner 6, Calvo 4, Reilly 3 and Conde 1.

I've noticed Calvo to be fast. Any thoughts?

Other note, one race was especially close, I was racing with a Clio RS '11 against Calvo in his Zonda. It looked like Calvo was doing everything possible to keep the speed at which I was gaining in on him relatively constant. At one point I went off track. While I was returning to track I glimpsed at the minimap an noticed Calvo's arrow spinning around at a chicane right after my excursion to the grass. Sort of reversed rubberbanding? In the end I didn't win because I made too many mistakes, maybe a rematch needed.

Yes - definitely a rematch. If he pops up in the field have at him several times and you will notice his behaviour change - more aggressive, more unpredictable as you (obviously ;) ) get faster and better at the course.
I have noticed the 'reverse rubber-banding, too - it's mostly the lead Rabbits (or 'Gold' Rabbits as I think of them - the 'winner' rabbits) that get into huge trouble when they do. Remember Papp?
Well - you should remember him - you own his mountain. :lol:
When he got really fierce he would lose it totally- but just like a human who was pushing the limits and stepped over.


I've been trying to get together the trophy tally -

Looks like this? Rough:

Rainmaster - Vic
Rally Monster - Whoosier (alternate - MTM(?)
Massive Muscles - MTM
GT-R Maestra - Whoosier (alternate - Vic ?)
William Gilbert - hall
NASCAR Rookie - photon

Tell me if I got that correct.

WhoosierGirl gets to pick between the Rally and GT-R events.

If she takes the Rally Monster Award, Vic gets to choose between Rainmaster and GT-R Maestro

How he chooses will further affect the slicing of this cake. :)

Once all picks are made I shall pin up the right records in the Trophy Room. ;)

Further Challenges will be posted next weekend as we warm up to these Seasonals.


Look forward to :

One each of Beginner's (Feature car), Intermediate (Speed test), Expert (Rabbit chase) - all these Online.

One Open - Online (24 Hrs Daytona)

Two Open - Offline (One Make and Off Road Challenge)
I've noticed Calvo to be fast. Any thoughts?

He is very fast if he gets to start from pole or from 2nd place at the most. However, if there is some of the other (or several of the) fast rabbits in front of him, he seems to submit rather than go for the pass. Especially Bowers is a tough one for the other AI to pass.

Yes - definitely a rematch. If he pops up in the field have at him several times and you will notice his behaviour change - more aggressive, more unpredictable as you (obviously ;) ) get faster and better at the course.
I have noticed the 'reverse rubber-banding, too - it's mostly the lead Rabbits (or 'Gold' Rabbits as I think of them - the 'winner' rabbits) that get into huge trouble when they do. Remember Papp?
Well - you should remember him - you own his mountain. :lol:
When he got really fierce he would lose it totally- but just like a human who was pushing the limits and stepped over.

I'll hunt for him later on, just because it is very doable. Might be tough to get a similar line up again where he starts from the pole..

Rally Monster - Whoosier (alternate - MTM(?)

Tell me if I got that correct.

I believe Panoz beat me at the rally. I was about to make a comeback but Whoosiergirl annihilated the leaderboard so I moved on to the El Caminos.
'Demon' and 'Monster'? :scared:

Boys . . . I think we have problems.


Thanks for the prompt reply, Whoosier; shall fix everything up soon.
I'm assuming, Vic, that you want to hold on to the Rainmaster? You worked pretty hard at it - and we all learned something about tyres. 👍
This is going to then let the GT-R Maestro award fall into the hands of the next fast runner.

And, thanks for all the patience, guys, trying my best to fit this in with all my RL schedules, too.
'Demon' and 'Monster'? :scared:

Boys . . . I think we have problems.


Thanks for the prompt reply, Whoosier; shall fix everything up soon.
I'm assuming, Vic, that you want to hold on to the Rainmaster? You worked pretty hard at it - and we all learned something about tyres. 👍
This is going to then let the GT-R Maestro award fall into the hands of the next fast runner.

And, thanks for all the patience, guys, trying my best to fit this in with all my RL schedules, too.
Correct, a Champion and a RainMaster. 👍

I wonder which F1 Drivers have those Accolades. :sly:

The Electric Ninja Award.

Beginners - Featured Car Challenge - Tesla Roadster Roaring Test. Fuji.

The future is silent.

But, ask any driver - and they would agree that sound is vital as an expression of the machine's performance.
Silent machines unnerve us. There's not enough to sense, not enough output to prime our input.
The E-machines are suchlike; the new (new in the sense more significant in the minds of the driving public) wave of electric cars flooding the market brings this to the surface.
No sound.
Not much. A few bells and whistles here and there. Was that wheezing?
Beyond the E-machines, the future looks even more unnerving - how do we even learn what the CX2 sounds like in all situations . . . and input that info to help us control its performance by its whine? These laser-jets spitting out photons could be our everyday vehicles of the future.

It's all about stealth, I realised, when stalking noisy gas-guzzling rabbit-driven beasts squirting up and down Fuji in the latest Beginners Seasonal.
Stealth, speed, power, and agility - that's what the new cars are all about. And that's the Tesla Roadster.
At home here in Fuji, electrons sweeping the machine around an F1 circuit - and while the power electric, the final dance is physical - right there, paws on the tarmac, chewing the curb, flying around the asphalt, burning rubber and blowing smoke into the bedazzled eyes of the comatose rabbits as they chug their gas-machines round and round . . . only GT6 could put something like that into the hands of your common-or-garden earthling.
Be not misled by my comment about the comatose AI; never trust those guys.

So here, for Beginners (yes, especially for those new to this Series - and not necessarily to driving/video-gaming) is a nice exercise that will bring many varied experiences to your mind.
And will give you the opportunity to find out how fast you can chew past these rabbits and show them that you are the Electric Ninja.
Fastest Time in a Tesla Roadster, specced to your choice within the Regulations of the Online Seasonal claims that Award.

Don't forget - a few shots in here of you guys in action against the rabbits are always welcome. Bring it on. Share.
Start sending in those Final Standings. (Scoreboards/Timesheets)

The Rally Marshall Licence.

Intermediate Level (Online) - Fastest Player/Car Time. Madrid.

Intermediates have a real juicy bone on which to gnaw. The choices of car are delicious here - so much to explore - and Madrid, while a fast, fun road-course - also throws in the sudden twisties that can throw us for a loop if we get too impatient.

Concentration, and a car that's set up like magic is the key here. The rabbits are merciless. They look half-sleep, busy gnawing tarmac methodically, till you get to them. Then they take some sort of 'insanity' pill. Human! Kill!
Even if you get past, the inevitable kiss on your flank is given.
There goes the photo-shoot.
The competition here is all about the cars. And, yes, there must be some special car in there that is so good it's the alien.
Which one? How fast will it go? Totally tuned? All stops off?
in the hands of a focused driver that would be one mean machine.

The challenge here, then, is to take any eligible car and run circles round this course as fast as one can. Your car, your choice, and your fastest (and in fact may be the fastest shown here) time.
You then get the Licence to kill: The Rally Marshall Licence. You've earned it.

Some of you may have already saved some screenshots of final standings - send one in so we can get the ball rolling.
I have seen some phenomenal players out there - and I know we are going to see some mind-boggling and blazing action.

The Supercar Sorcerer Award.

Expert Level (Online) - Fastest AI-Driver (Lead rabbit) Time. Ascari.

Well, Experts . . . you guys are in a world of your own. Since I'm no expert, I can only imagine what it is like up where you belong.

Any way - we're always interested in the fastest rabbits. And the Experts Seasonals have brought some memorably fast rabbits, who even managed to give us a decent race now and then when we dared to pace them - Papp, David, Osterhagen . . .

So . . is it Calvo? Or Bowers? Who is the 'gold' Rabbit here?
Is someone else hiding in a burrow . . . waiting to pop suddenly out of the pits when we try to sneak some secret weapon in there?

Playing nose-to-nose with rabbits is everyday stuff for Experts, so we're going to find out who this big-shot in the AI is amongst these drive-bots driving some of the powerhouse virtual machines (lord knows how those things are tuned for them ) in GT6.

Calvo? Bowers . . ? Or someone else entirely, hidden by the devs and waiting to spring upon us?
(Will we ever meet these guys again in GT7?)

Final Standings Graphic with the AI in second place showing the fastest time shown by an AI wins this Challenge.

Obviously as an alien you would just take your spaceship to the race and lure the rabbits abductively to the finish line like you had carrots from the planet Golden Carrot - and having driven them crazy will make those rabbits run, run, run, rabbit, run, run, run.

I tried this once already - but all I heard was 'Hurry up, Harry, hurry up!! We're waiting.'

Yes, I felt humiliated.

The Time Traveller Trophy.

Open Competition. (Online) Daytona 24 Seasonal.

Here's the ball-buster. And I've posted it up - so it's current and running.

So what would be the strategy here?

Logically, a first plan considered, would be to shadow the leader, pit for pit, and then precisely plan that final drag for a millisecond finish.
Getting to within milliseconds would not be difficult for any master gamer.
Beating MustangManiacs time though will need some absolutely precise choreography when it comes to handling one's machine in relation to the opponent's in that final few seconds.

This is Master Control. Versus Lady Luck. Or a fabulous mixture of both.

I'm sure we're all going to try this one eventually - doesn't matter how many laps/total time - we want to see how close in compressed time we can make it at the finish line.
After all a minute's difference at the finish line is actually a whole hour, isn't it?

Even if you make second place within millesonconds (1000ths of a second) bring the info in - all is grist to our mill.
Keep in mind that some rabbits move up in positions because they are great cars - both the Toyota GT-One, and Mazda 787B do this - They creep up the field.


Names, names, names . . . why are names important in racing?
Think about it for a moment and - yes - names mean a lot in racing.


One word is enough to mean a lot.

So look at your AI opponents as people - names - drivers with personalities inside those cars - and you'll be adding a whole new dimension to the company you keep while driving.
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So . . is it Calvo? Or Bowers? Who is the 'gold' Rabbit here?

Fastest one for me so far has been Gaertner in my GT-R Black edition -run with a time of 11:10. But I can definitely see Calvo or Reilly going sub 11 minutes in good conditions. Someone already had Calvo going 11:01 in the seasonal thread..

Will give this a go, the track has really grown on me with this seasonal and the past Ferrari seasonal. Also 550PP road cars are so far my favourite class to drive on Ascari. So much variations possible and a huge number of fun cars to try out.
Thanks guys - those Scoreboards were pinned up in the OP now. Took too long - I was fighting with BB Code. I like to put stuff up there in color - easy to identify between the different events and info when I block them in colors - but one missing parenthesis and the whole bunch of code becomes a can of worms.


Here's what I've captured:


The Rally Monster:


The Exotic Raindancer:
Vic Reign93



Mighty Muscles Award:


GT-R Maestro:



The William Gilbert Award:


NASCAR Rookie Champ:


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GT-R Maestro:
Here's where we have an unique situation. We have to discuss this. I'll be back later for that meeting.
Because both Experts elected to take their Expert awards, and because both Experts also were 1st and 2nd for the Intermediate event, we have to look for a third scoreboard from another Player.
If no 3rd Scoreboard is forthcoming, then we will have to make a decision one way or another.

3rd would be from @nowayback :

Just to get things rolling...

650, 600, 580 and 560 pp , I thought maybe rabbit would get better time if I went slower...didn't seem to make a difference. Seems the 6:45 at 580 suited the AI the best. :boggled:

View attachment 287172 View attachment 287173 View attachment 287174 View attachment 287175
Thanks, MTM! Damned helpful. 👍 👍

Now I remember that battle - I remember nowayback was in the thick of it at one time. Shall fix it up soon. Thanks for keeping an eye out. ;)
nowayback does deserve a bit of recognition, anyway; he gave us some good times


Okay - Current News about Awards fixed.
I will put them up on the Wall of Fame after we've savoured these stupendous times a bit.
All the scoreboards show some incredible performances and my thanks and congratulations to the winners; you guys showed us what can be done, what is possible, and we're suitably impressed.
I know I am. 👍
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I believe I might be getting near Calvo's peak. Up until last two races his time has dropped quite straight forward with my time. Did four races today, results below.

1st race

2nd race

In both races both me and Calvo did quite similar times.

3rd race

My 3rd race was my slowest today, but Calvo kept improving and did his own record. So 3rd race is my entry to this competition. Wanted to go once more, since I knew I could go faster and thought Calvo would follow..

4th race

In my 4th I did a personal record but Calvo stopped improving. I think he is starting to max out. Need to experiment some more..
I believe I might be getting near Calvo's peak. Up until last two races his time has dropped quite straight forward with my time. Did four races today, results below.

1st race
View attachment 307008

2nd race
View attachment 307009

In both races both me and Calvo did quite similar times.

3rd race
View attachment 307010

My 3rd race was my slowest today, but Calvo kept improving and did his own record. So 3rd race is my entry to this competition. Wanted to go once more, since I knew I could go faster and thought Calvo would follow..

4th race
View attachment 307017

In my 4th I did a personal record but Calvo stopped improving. I think he is starting to max out. Need to experiment some more..

I think I found some competition for Mr. Calvo. A. Gaertner in the ZZII when he starts on the pole is very, very fast. Can his times compete with Mr. Calvo? I don't know because I cannot run anywhere near as fast as you to find out! :lol:


If you can, look for this field (pictured below) and give it a try and let us know what you find out about how fast Mr. Gaertner can go. Good luck!

I think I found some competition for Mr. Calvo. A. Gaertner in the ZZII when he starts on the pole is very, very fast.

Gaertner is very fast - but he tops a mid-pace field. I would think it's all to do with his car - the ZZII is no match for Bowers' One-77 or Calvo's Zonda. He's a very skilled driver though, and shows some good moves. 👍

There is an even slower field, IIRC it was topped by a guy in an ZR1 - I got a record somewhere, will throw it in later - a GT player only needs a 12:00 to win with that field.
However when Calvo tops the field and he gets going he does sub 10:55s. :crazy:
The faster you run, the faster he runs.
Gaertner is very fast - but he tops a mid-pace field. I would think it's all to do with his car - the ZZII is no match for Bowers' One-77 or Calvo's Zonda. He's a very skilled driver though, and shows some good moves. 👍

There is an even slower field, IIRC it was topped by a guy in an ZR1 - I got a record somewhere, will throw it in later - a GT player only needs a 12:00 to win with that field.
However when Calvo tops the field and he gets going he does sub 10:55s. :crazy:
The faster you run, the faster he runs.

Explain this one.. Both Bowers and Calvo were slow! I'm guessing Gaertner can push close to a 10:55. He ran a 11:02 against me and kept pretty much the same distance behind me the last two laps, which tells me if I had run faster, he would have to. I don't think it's the driver so much as it is a computer program designed to have an AI car keep just close enough to overtake you if you screw up. Food for thought...
I don't think it's the driver so much as it is a computer program designed to have an AI car keep just close enough to overtake you if you screw up. Food for thought.

That's absolutely right - that's how it works. The AI don't have set lap times - the laptimes they output are in relation to the Player's lap-times. They are programmed to always match your times and give you a race.
If you go very, very slow - then Calvo, Bowers, Gaertner - all of them slow down.

Take a look at this graphic when I tailed them and watched them duke it up at the front:


All of us were 30 seconds behind Calvo - he was doing his slowest to let us catch him up.
This guy can do sub 10:55 when pushed (as MTM79 has proved) - that's almost a minute's 'window' - or in other words how long his 'rubber-band' is.
Calvo found a little extra, 2015-02-10 02.42.12.jpg What I think helped was passing him by end of 2nd lap, and then making sure he didn't fall more than 7-9 secs behind me, putting in 2 - 2:02 laps, he was doing 2:04's . Seemed if I was ahead more then 10 s he would sort of give up .
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Calvo found a little extra, View attachment 307702 What I think helped was passing him by end of 2nd lap, and then making sure he didn't fall more than 7-9 secs behind me, putting in 2 - 2:02 laps, he was doing 2:04's . Seemed if I was ahead more then 10 s he would sort of give up .

Nice job! 👍 I've been having too much fun speeding with the ZZII to pay attention to AI's lap times.. Hopefully I'll have time to try and lure him to go faster still..

Have a go, almost as fast as ZZ , tried with almost stock tune, changed lsd, 7,23,8 , bb7-8 pp550. lowered gears to reach 6th.

I've been doing 2:02 with the Zonda in my test run. I'd say it could do 2:00, compared to the ZZII topping at 1:59 in my hands.

Edit, Just noticed. The final times in my best run and @nowayback 's best run. My final time was only 0,078 seconds faster than nowayback's but Calvo finished almost 2 seconds faster in his race. Go figure..

He must be getting speed earlier in your line-up because he gets to race other faster AI. My race had the Stradale blocking others. Today Calvo refused to play with me, haven't seen him around despite multiple reloads.
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Today Calvo refused to play with me, haven't seen him around despite multiple reloads.


You scared him off, MTM.

The final times in my best run and @nowayback 's best run. My final time was only 0,078 seconds faster than nowayback's but Calvo finished almost 2 seconds faster in his race. Go figure..

He must be getting speed earlier in your line-up because he gets to race other faster AI. My race had the Stradale blocking others.

Calvo rides pole quite often, but sometimes he is given a handicap and pushed back into the field. That affects his time.
When he's on pole is when he is the fastest.

@hall90 - whoa, man - you're doing amazing with that Tesla. My best so far has been 6:24.


This is the only record we have of the Madrid Challenge:

View attachment 303448 This ones the Madrid intermediate race. My car is the Megane trophy in first place. Man, what a car. Wish I could drive one for real. Had old mate Bello going in his Delta. Sorry about the lack of info,but its the only way I get clear image with my camera-phone.

Fastest time, and fastest car - Rally Marshal award - any other Challengers?
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Calvo rides pole quite often, but sometimes he is given a handicap and pushed back into the field. That affects his time.
When he's on pole is when he is the fastest.

He actually was on pole in my race. So he had clear road all the way. What I figured was that in my race 2nd 'fastest' AI was the Stradale who was way slower than Calvo. All the others stacked behind him miles behind.

In nowayback's race there is a Ford GT, Viper and another Zonda keeping the pace. I'd say they raced faster and closer to Calvo, making him pick up pace just enough to explain the difference.

In addition, I was also able to pass Calvo in the end of lap 2, so that wouldn't explain it either. My money is on the fellow AI competing with Calvo.
@ MTM79 In nowayback's race there is a Ford GT, Viper and another Zonda keeping the pace. I'd say they raced faster and closer to Calvo, making him pick up pace just enough to explain the difference.

In addition, I was also able to pass Calvo in the end of lap 2, so that wouldn't explain it either. My money is on the fellow AI competing with Calvo.[/QUOTE]

Calvo was pole, Ford 2nd, but no cars ever pushed him, his 1st lap like always was 2:20, and 2nd 2:15 , from there I tried to let him have visual contact with me at least on long straights. My 3rd lap I did a, Calvo tried to keep up, 4th I could see he was getting depressed, so I slowed down..doing 2:02.s
Calvo was pole, Ford 2nd, but no cars ever pushed him, his 1st lap like always was 2:20, and 2nd 2:15 , from there I tried to let him have visual contact with me at least on long straights. My 3rd lap I did a, Calvo tried to keep up, 4th I could see he was getting depressed, so I slowed down..doing 2:02.s

I think they don't necessarily have to push him. It might be enough that they drive faster or stay inside a certain predefined distance from Calvo. Or it might be your crazy lap time on lap 3.. Something clearly was different.

I'll see if I can find Calvo this evening. Would like to see him on pole and Gaertner on second place at start. Can't imagine a faster field at the moment.