This appears to be the grinder for the next 2 weeks, so I'm breaking out all the stuff lurking in the dusty corners.
I'm trying to find the time to do the same - a good opportunity to use so many of those dust-catchers - just loads of fun driving awaiting our pleasure. That's a good list there - must try them all. 👍
I was trying with the same car over and over again. Most of the races I did skip without even starting. I raced those where Calvo was on second place behind some other fast rabbit, Gaertner, Reilly, etc. I had my hopes up that they would race each other and go faster, but the lead rabbit always kept his pace and Calvo was unable to pass him until lap 4 or 5.
That's the same MO I would have used. So he didn't take the bait anyway.
I have also changed the car when it appears that the field output has fallen into a loop, but sometimes if we run the race faster than the previous one, then the rabbits speed up, too.
There is another weird sub-routine in play - I have noticed that if the Player has a car that belongs to one of the lead rabbits then they pace it so that the race is between the Player and the AI that has that similar car.
Another thing worth mentioning, I kept my ZZII in good shape in case Calvo would appear on the pole. Meaning that after each race I performed engine overhaul and restored body rigidity.
Very smart of you. Yes, retries have an impact on the car's deterioration. If I do the same race, same field, retries (like grinding) after the 3rd or 4th race I can feel a considerable difference in the handling and performance of the car.
Check out my post #245, way below 8 minutes.
Thanks, MTM. 👍
I'm still trying to sort out the last round - tell me if I'm correct on this:
@nowayback has scored best times in all three levels - so, as per the Whoosier Rule, he gets to first pick any title he wishes , right?
This leaves yourself and Vic as possible runners-up?
I haven't had much time to try these events yet. I did however have two goes with the beginner race. Went with Corvette Z06 and Impreza 22B, both with max PP, so clear overkills. The AI started to improve it's time! I am making somewhat similar total times and the lead AI's time is dropping in straight line. 3 seconds down now, still a far way to go though... I've had different lead rabbits so it shouldn't make a difference. Seems I must only drive clearly faster and they will start to adapt.
We have proved it over and over now - the AI are intuitive to a point; they react to us - seems like faster drivers have faster rabbits, slower drivers (especially beginners) breed slower rabbits, and I'm even beginning to think that aggressive drivers breed aggressive rabbits.
Drivers with over-powered cars, that drive off into the distance alone, also breed slower rabbits.
I'm obsessed with being a clean driver - all my races are super clean - and unless I'm engaged in testing out some hypothesis and experimenting with rabbit behaviour I am usually able to race close and still come home without a scratch - guess it's an ego thing.

But, recently I noticed that if one gets aggressive in an event (I had to do this a few times in the 'Hook or by Crook' challenge) the AI seem to 'remember' and goes one of two ways - some AI get awfully timid and back away from you, others get more stubborn, faster and powerful, and hard-to-kill and will actually attack you when threatened.
The more you attack them, the more you will end up facing the wall.
I'd like to kick-start (in addition to hall90s open challenge with the Tesla) a new challenge based on this present round of Online seasonals.
Here's my thinking:
Looking at the skewed PP ranges throughout the series, and the fact that it favors the use of Classic Sports Cars, it is easy to find a classic sports car that, when tweaked up and down the PP range, will be eligible for all three races - a rare occurrence indeed in the series.
With that in mind I propose:
The Classic Sports Car Triple Crown.
Win all three races with the same classic sports car - Miura, Dino, Countach, Esprit, 507 - anything that will be eligible for all three races. . . . Player's choice.
Have the fastest overall timing combining the times of the 3 races to win the Triple Crown
Rabbit times do not matter.
However - we can be sure the faster you go the faster they will.
Remember you have to snag three Timesheets - done any time, as long as it is the same car - or rather the same model since we cannot stop Players from using a differently-specced model of the same car for the different races.
I'm off presently to work on this myself, starting with the Miura, and then moving on to some other classics.