GT6 'MY HOME' HUB: Awards time.

  • Thread starter photonrider
I think you should be allowed only 2 races :D on each track , to make it fair for us .:bowdown:


Don't worry, i'm not going to compete here.
Just liked the idea and couldn't resist to give it a go. ;)
And the Miura is so much fun to drive on SH-tires. :D
Had another go with the GT40 and found some loose time..


These add up to a total time of 21:24.478
2015-02-16 02.23.32.jpg 2015-02-16 02.34.40.jpg 2015-02-16 02.48.36.jpg
Ferrari Dino, 505pp maxed out with oil change, probably and extra 10-20 secs in it. Bl, 54.2, 2:11.3, 1:20.85 total time 22:00.895. Pretty good drive stock settings.
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Had another go with the GT40 and found some loose time..

These add up to a total time of 21:24.478

Had several runs in the GT40. Very addictive car. Took almost a minute off my Miura time - but still behind you.
OP was updated for the week - so your 'graphics' will be up as testimony to your prowess this week, and as the time to beat, till (if ever) someone knocks it down and takes over next week's billboards.
The GT40 is a tremendous car - so advanced for its time. Those looks will never ever be retro - that's cutting-edge space-age looks that came out of the sixties and still remains so contemporary.
As for the sheer stallion-like performance of a race-car disguised as a sports car . . . :D
This one's a classic all right.

Good luck holding on to the Crown!
2015-02-16 03.39.54.jpg 2015-02-16 03.51.38.jpg 2015-02-16 04.01.09.jpg
Took the Muira , seems to suit these 3 races. Full pp fpr all races. 21:20:126. Should get into the 2:10's if I stick with this car. Most work to be done in London race..BL 52.8, 2:07.7, 1:17.89. Decent tune, could be better, didn't fix gears yet.
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Hi Ed! Welcome to the show. :cheers:

Yes, I believe this post might answer all questions regarding the regulations:

@nowayback Yes. Let's keep it simple for now. We follow the rules as per the events, as per all game assists, aids, etc allow. This levels the playing field.
If one can't do it one way, do it another way.
Whoosier Rule. To each their own. Applies to pretty much everything; look for it in the OED one day.

The options are there to use all available weapons; if one complains that they are 'better' fighters if the guns are taken away and everybody given knives, that's just complaining about the inability to use guns.
If a player cannot use all what the game offers, when the options are there, to get the fastest possible time in the game, then we aren't using all the game offers to get the fastest possible time in the game.
Obviously I have the option to go full bore, but I was myself experimenting with settings with a view to a whole different line of research - so don't worry too much about what I'm doing myself; I have to sometimes put a Time sheet up with a lower time to encourage people to get going.
Having said that, I can admit that even if I used every possible option to make this game car go any faster in the game I still wouldn't be anywhere near your time.
Mastering the game is not necessarily trying to master driving the car without brakes.
Or complaining about the lack of Michelin Sport Cup 2s.
What we're after is stats - and performances judged across a very level playing field.

The only thing not allowed, of course, is hacking.
But hacking is eventually (and sometimes easily) spotted.
All you fast ones are running neck-and-neck times . . within seconds of each other - obviously you are all not hacking.
A hacked time will eventually stand out, be queried and investigated.

This is not to say I'm against hacking.
Eventually we should be able to also arrange hybrid events - those of you into that sport will have to wait a bit till these regular Career Mode Events played against each other Online via GTPlanet is strongly up and running before we get daring and put up some other spectacular set-ups, too.

For now we play honourably according to the rules of the game as it was developed. Whether one runs default, all off, or all on, is a personal gamer's choice. Get the best out of the settings available. That only makes sense when playing a video-game.

Patience and dedication will evolve this project into events finally that will finally provide dishes to suit all tastes.




I'm really glad to see more members dropping in and pecking away at the challenges - great fun seeing the different times that come in and the cars used.

Also keeps everyone on their toes ...heehee :dopey: wondering who is going to throw in the next bombshell time.

I'm just about settled down for maybe an hour long stint at working on the thread - fixing up the new awards, and posting two more challenges in the OP.

By the time I'm done we will have the following four Challenges going:

1. Time Traveller Trophy.
Closing soon - and a real hard nut to crack. Guess MustangManiac had the luck of the draw. :)

New!: 2. The Classic Sports Car Triple Crown.
A very exciting challenge, not only to find the right car, but to get its optimum performance on three different courses - a real test of tuning and gaming skill for both man and virtual machine.
For the moment, American muscle is pushing the limits. The sexy Italian, Miura, with those fabulous Bertone lines follows hotly behind.
Other iconic sports classics, Japanese, British, German, skulk in the shadows waiting to be discovered by a star jockey that would sweep them to a win . . . if only by milliseconds.
It's on, bro.

I think half the challenge is capturing the screenshots. :lol:
And as per the rules - that's a must in keeping with the credibility of information and integrity of the competitions, so master that part of the challenge quick.
Obviously this is a challenge that can be worked on over time, as drivers work on the different races at different times and put together their fastest 'hand' - 3 cards - 3 Timesheets that will show an aggregate time.
If later on, one gets a better time in one of the races, then present the new time again as 3 Timesheets - a fresh 'hand' as such - a higher hand as in poker.

hall90 proposed we have 3 Featured Car Challenges, and suggested London/Beginner for the Tesla. So:

New!: 3. Faraday's Dreamcar Award
hall90 has already provided us with the first Timesheet to be challenged.
I will post that up - simple challenge - fastest time - so a chance to blast the Tesla through the streets of London Town like there was no tomorrow.
Will be interesting to simulate what the Tesla can do in such tight spaces.
Again anything goes as far as the regs allow - so tune, run stock, whatever - get the fastest time possible that the game will allow without the screen ripping apart in front of your face.
Faraday was born in South London, and being the 'father' of electricity, we will honour him this way - I'm sure he would have loved driving a Tesla Roadster. :)

And for Autumn Ring/Expert:

New!: 4: The Hot Rod Transformer


Yeah. It's time to transform the Dome-Zero into a Hot Rod.
Fastest time in a Dome-Zero against the Ford wins the title.

I'll be posting up these two new challenges (#3 & #4) momentarily.

I would like MTM79 to have the pleasure of suggesting the Feature Car for the Intermediate at Silverstone.
@MTM79 - what say you? :)

Have fun
@photonrider shouldn't the rules be posted on 1st page ? :D

Yes - as always outlined in the OP:

Rules for Engagement as per the Event in Gran Turismo Online Mode
Go to: My Home/Online/Seasonals
Whoosier Rule switched off for this event.

The blurb might change according to the event of course. And whatever is switched on or off as per PD's regs.

Well - I'm done updating the OP - so off to RL now and back tomorrow with fresh shenanigans.

Nice job @nowayback . I refuse to give up on the GT40, still have some moves to make. :mischievous:

@photonrider , since practicly any car can win the race, I'm thinking of using this opportunity to have a go at something I have not yet had the pleasure of driving in GT6. I suggest the beautiful Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Coupé '54. Time to shoot a Silver Arrow at Silverstone.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking of applying some pressure to @hall90 also. ;)

Looks like you got two of a kind there, @nowayback.
Don't you need a Beginners Timesheet to make a Royal Flush? :)
Please hand them in together so that it makes a valid hand - a great time there you got going - needs to be challenged, of course.

I'm thinking of applying some pressure to @hall90 also. ;)

Do it!
The Tesla in London is great fun, too.

Since practicaly any car can win the race, I'm thinking of using this opportunity to have a go at something I have not yet had the pleasure of driving in GT6. I suggest the beautiful Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Coupé '54. Time to shoot a Silver Arrow at Silverstone.

Super, super choice, @MTM79. A much ignored car. I used to love tootling around in this all over Hawaii (in TDU2, that is :dopey: )
Yes. As expert gamers we know how to gold these events easily using any car. The '54 SL would be no different. I tried it; it kills the competition. So how best to use this car to enjoy the drive and its confident, aggressive handling?

I have the answer coming up in a moment.
Not as easy a challenge as it is going to sound - had to do it six times before I succeeded just once - the rabbit-play can be very intriguing, too.
Full gamer skills required as well as incredibly precise driving skills and some well-thought out strategies.

Ever beaten a '54 SL at the line? :D

Details posted in a moment.


Here we go:

5. The Gullwing Commander



1: You have to be driving the '54 Merc 300 SL in GT6.
2: You have to beat another '54 Merc 300 SL in the line-up (the Chrome model is eligible, too.)
3: The cars must come in finishing in positions #1 and #2
4: There will be a photo-mode competition attached to this challenge, too - so make sure you keep both cars in pristine condition for the shot at the end of the race; undue violence exerted on the other AI won't do your looks any good. The photo-mode competition is secondary and in no way effects your win - to win simply bring both SLs into the finishing line in the order prescribed - the other rabbits can go to hell. Or rather - you may try to consign them to that dismal place, but be sure - they will return with a vengeance to 'stop your game!'
5: All other options as per the event regulations at the Online Seasonals at Silverstone.

And your game?
Yes, bring both SLs to the line, you first, your teammate second.
Herding cats is easier.

I'll be posting this up in the OP presently but we can work on it right away.

Coming up, too:

6: Open (Bonus Round) fastest '54 SL 300 driver at the Ring. :D
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Oh! Yeah. Prepare the troops. :D

Mission 34 anyone?

Okay 5 Challenges posted, last one to go for this round. Still work to be done with the awards, but the Challenges are finally on the way - a little more than a week to work on them.
I will also be throwing a short-list of Award Winners in the Op, since many players and guests would probably read through the OP.

The SL Challenge (Intermediate - Gullwing Commander) - is a real hoot - my Merc partner refused to come to the line with me - and the rest of the AI wouldn't leave us alone either. Made for some good fun and a LOT of driving in the '54 SL. Quite a satisfying time. One of the complexities of the test is that you want the rest of the AI to slow down and let the other SL through, so that slows down the race, but one also needs to get a faster time than the rest of us competing, so that adds to the tension.
The cleaner the race, the better managed the AI, too - one has to use technical blocks at the corners, and the AI will race according to the rules. But, start shoving them around, and the strangest of physics will come into play.
I swear - you'll be cursing Eisenhower sooner or later. :lol:
But that's what partners are like sometimes - and that's why team-players are important.

Good luck, happy driving, and have some intense racing with the AI, too.
Back later.

2015-02-16 23.43.11.jpg you don't want to see what my car and the Dino look like ! Bad choice to have the Dino as AI , way too fast for the SL. Felt like getting out and pushing the SL. Must be out for a Sunday drive, unaware he wandered on to a race track.
:lol: :lol:

Sorry, sorry . . . I'm not laughing at you, my deepest sympathies, really . . . I can empathise. :sly:

I had a truly hair-raising six tries before I pulled it off - felt like a genius at the end, almost all technical blocks and my car hardly scratched, but, by god, I could kill my SL partner. :lol:
The SL drives like a dream, great car to pull off this sort of action stuff.

Since you were impatient to get to the Ring Challenge I ground out a sheet right away just now - pathetic time, first try, but something to work for.

Go for it. I'm seeing you Experts possibly beat 7:00 with this car. Go to Nationals A in Career mode and look for Race 3. Open comp. No Whoosier rule.
Definitely got to go now - cya later.

The GT40 is maxed out in my hands. total time from all three races being Still 4 seconds short but I'll leave it at that. Don't see improvement coming.

Sometimes you just need to take a break and come back to it later. Remember with the Triple Crown all you have to do is find that in one race, and you can replace that 'card' with the better time for a better aggregate.
And still lots more time left before the games end.

Went back for a second try with the SL at the Ring:



*koff . . . @nowayback.

Had a talk with my team-mate. He shaped up. :D


Eisenhower can run that Chromeline like a hound - he just needs the space.


Edit 2:
I found time to frame the Awards before they go up on the Wall of Fame:

The Electric Ninja
Vic Reign93


The Rally Marshall


The Supercar Sorceror

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@ MTM79 great time ! Has 20 more DF, maybe I just had better tune for it. My biggest problem with it was not so good expert time. The others I beat Muira. 4:56, 8:59 and 7:09. You had a very good inter !
@ MTM79 great time ! Has 20 more DF, maybe I just had better tune for it. My biggest problem with it was not so good expert time. The others I beat Muira. 4:56, 8:59 and 7:09. You had a very good inter !

Thank you. It wasn't easy. Now I can breathe for a moment and try other cars also.

Sloppy first run with the Dome, enough for lead at the moment. Tricky car, will need adjusting.

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The cleaner the race, the better managed the AI, too - one has to use technical blocks at the corners, and the AI will race according to the rules. But, start shoving them around, and the strangest of physics will come into play.
I swear - you'll be cursing Eisenhower sooner or later. :lol:


I see what you mean. Push Eisenhower coming out of the corner pictured below, and he will brake check you and then swerve left and then make a sharp right hand turn in front of you! :lol:

Have you seen how the code for the events is written? pre established levels of different AI drivers characteristics:
"seems the ai drivers all have the same behaviour settings but the starting position has car boosting magic.

for this event 32 drivers listed all have the same ai settings which means the boost table must sort out where they finish in the race?

- <entry_generate>
<delays />
<ai_skill value="100" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="100" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<entry_num value="6" />
<player_pos value="5" />
<enemy_lv value="0" />
<enemy_bspec_lv value="8" />
<generate_type value="ENTRY_BASE_SHUFFLE" />
<enemy_sort_type value="PP_DESCEND" />
<use_rolling_start_param value="1" />
<rolling_start_v value="-150" />
<gap_for_start_rolling_distance value="50" />
<ai_skill_starting value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="0" />
- <entry_base_array>
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="U. Cattaneo" />
<driver_region value="IT" />
<car label="dino_246gt_69" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="T. Adam" />
<driver_region value="FR" />
<car label="alpine_a110_1600s_68" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="K. Faust" />
<driver_region value="DE" />
<car label="_507_57" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="K. Fukuzawa" />
<driver_region value="JP" />
<car label="celica_1600gt_70" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="U. Viitala" />
<driver_region value="FI" />
<car label="_110s_68" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="N. Sano" />
<driver_region value="JP" />
<car label="cosmo_sport_68" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="P. Blankenship" />
<driver_region value="US" />
<car label="corvette_convertible_54" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="B. Leclercq" />
<driver_region value="FR" />
<car label="a310_1600ve_73" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="N. Biermann" />
<driver_region value="DE" />
<car label="golf_gti_76" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="F. Kato" />
<driver_region value="JP" />
<car label="fairlady_z_280zl_2s_78" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="J. Sainio" />
<driver_region value="FI" />
<car label="kpgc110_skyline_gtr_73" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="P. Moses" />
<driver_region value="CA" />
<car label="kpgc10_skyline_gtr_70" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="B. Barre" />
<driver_region value="FR" />
<car label="skyline_2000gtb_67" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="I. Walton" />
<driver_region value="GB" />
<car label="europa_s2_68" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="C. Shimada" />
<driver_region value="JP" />
<car label="fairlady_2000_68" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="J. Beck" />
<driver_region value="CA" />
<car label="fairlady_240zg_71" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="M. De Rosa" />
<driver_region value="IT" />
<car label="giulia_sprint_gta_65" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="B. Mccarthy" />
<driver_region value="GB" />
<car label="mini_marcos_gt_70" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="N. Foerster" />
<driver_region value="DE" />
<car label="_2002_turbo_73" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="W. Colon" />
<driver_region value="GB" />
<car label="elan_s1_62" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="J. Krueger" />
<driver_region value="DE" />
<car label="_300sl_coupe_54" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="E. Larsen" />
<driver_region value="DK" />
<car label="dome_zero_78" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="V. Farmer" />
<driver_region value="GB" />
<car label="europa_special_72" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="E. Eisenhower" />
<driver_region value="DE" />
<car label="_300sl_coupe_54_crl" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="M. Guidi" />
<driver_region value="IT" />
<car label="stratos_73_prm" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="D. Willems" />
<driver_region value="NL" />
<car label="cosmo_sport_67" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="H. Vaughn" />
<driver_region value="US" />
<car label="firebird_transam_78" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="I. Szymanski" />
<driver_region value="PL" />
<car label="alpine_a110_16s_73" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="A. Nagai" />
<driver_region value="JP" />
<car label="_117_coupe_68" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="I. Stevenson" />
<driver_region value="US" />
<car label="xnr_ghia_roadster_60" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="V. Aguilar" />
<driver_region value="US" />
<car label="corvette_coupe_63_prm" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <entry_base>
<driver_name value="L. Marquez" />
<driver_region value="GB" />
<car label="e_type_coupe_61" color="0" />
<race_class_id value="0" />
<ai_skill_breaking value="100" />
<ai_skill_cornering value="90" />
<ai_skill_accelerating value="100" />
<ai_roughness value="-1" />
<tire_f value="SPORTS_HARD" />
<tire_r value="SPORTS_HARD" />
- <failure_condition>
<type_list />
<no_failure_at_result value="1" />
<event_id value="1000125" />
<event_type value="RACE" />
<game_mode value="EVENT_RACE" />
- <information>
<advanced_notice />
<flier_other_info value="" />
<logo_other_info value="" />
<race_info_minute value="0" />
- <title>
<GB>Classic Sportscar Series: Race 1</GB>
- <one_line_title>
<JP />
<GB />
- <description>
<GB>A race event for sportscars built in 1979 or earlier. The golden age of motor racing is about to be reborn!</GB>
<inheritance value="0" />
- <race>
<academy_event value="0" />
<accumulation value="1" />
<allow_codriver value="0" />
<auto_standing_delay value="0" />
<autostart_pitout value="0" />
<behavior_damage_type value="WEAK" />
<behavior_slip_stream_type value="GAME" />
<boost_type value="1" />
<bspec_vitality10 value="10" />
<complete_type value="BYLAPS" />
<consume_fuel value="0" />
<consume_tire value="0" />
<datetime datetime="1970/00/00 00:00:00" />
<decisive_weather value="NONE" />
<disable_collision value="0" />
<disable_recording_replay value="0" />
<enable_damage value="1" />
<enable_pit value="0" />
<endless value="0" />
<event_goal_v value="-1" />
<event_goal_width value="-1" />
<finish_type value="TARGET" />
<fixed_retention value="0" />
<flagset value="FLAGSET_NORMAL" />
<ghost_presence_type value="NORMAL" />
<ghost_type value="NONE" />
<grid_sort_type value="NONE" />
<immediate_finish value="0" />
<initial_retention10 value="0" />
<keep_load_ghost value="0" />
<lighting_mode value="AUTO" />
<low_mu_type value="MODERATE" />
<mu_ratio100 value="100" />
<online_on value="0" />
<pace_note value="0" />
<penalty_level value="0" />
<penalty_no_reset value="0" />
<race_limit_laps value="2" />
<race_limit_minute value="0" />
<race_type value="COMPETITION" />
<start_type value="ROLLING2" />
<time_progress_speed value="0.000000" />
<time_to_finish value="3000" />
<time_to_start value="6000" />
<weather_base_celsius value="24" />
<weather_max_celsius value="3" />
<weather_min_celsius value="3" />
<weather_no_precipitation value="1" />
<weather_no_schedule value="0" />
<weather_no_wind value="0" />
<weather_point_num value="2" />
<weather_prec_rain_only value="0" />
<weather_prec_snow_only value="0" />
<weather_random value="1" />
<weather_random_seed value="0" />
<weather_total_sec value="180.000" />
<over_entry_max value="0" />
<with_ghost value="0" />
<boost_flag value="1" />
<replace_at_courseout value="0" />
<entry_max value="6" />
<racers_max value="6" />
- <new_weather_data>
- <point>
<time_rate value="0" />
<low value="0.85" />
<high value="1.0" />
- <point>
<time_rate value="100" />
<low value="0.85" />
<high value="1.0" />
- <boost_table_array>
- <boost_table>
<param value="0" />
<param value="10" />
<param value="-8" />
<param value="20" />
<param value="3" />
<param value="10" />
<param value="5" />
<param value="5" />
<param value="8" />
<param value="0" />
<param value="30" />
- <boost_table>
<param value="1" />
<param value="4" />
<param value="-8" />
<param value="10" />
<param value="0" />
<param value="10" />
<param value="0" />
<param value="2" />
<param value="5" />
<param value="0" />
<param value="80" />
- <ranking>
<registration value="0" />
- <reward>
<is_once value="0" />
<percent_at_pp100 value="0" />
<pp_base value="0" />
<present_type value="ORDER" />
<prize_type value="0" />
<special_reward_code value="0" />
- <point_table>
<point value="940" />
<point value="610" />
<point value="470" />
<point value="370" />
<point value="280" />
<point value="230" />
<point value="190" />
<point value="170" />
<point value="140" />
<point value="120" />
<point value="0" />
<point value="0" />
<point value="0" />
<point value="0" />
<point value="0" />
<point value="0" />
- <prize_table>
<prize value="8090" />
<prize value="5260" />
<prize value="4040" />
<prize value="3240" />
<prize value="2430" />
<prize value="2020" />
<prize value="1860" />
<prize value="1700" />
<prize value="1620" />
<prize value="1540" />
<prize value="0" />
<prize value="0" />
<prize value="0" />
<prize value="0" />
<prize value="0" />
<prize value="0" />
- <star_table>
<star value="RANK_1" />
<star value="RANK_3" />
<star value="COMPLETE" />
- <track>
<course_code label="madrid_short" />
<course_layout_no value="0" />
<is_omedeto_difficulty value="0" />
<map_offset_world_x value="0" />
<map_offset_world_y value="0" />
<map_scale value="0" />
<use_generator value="0" />
- <course_generator_param>
<use_random_seed value="0" />
<seed value="0" />
<course_generator_kind value="GENERATOR_CIRCUIT" />
<course_generator_length_type value="LENGTH" />
<lengthy value="0" />
<course_name value="" />
- <play_style>
<bspec_type value="BOTH_A_AND_B" />
- <regulation>
<countries />
<car_categories />
<limit_aspec_level value="-1" />
<limit_bspec_level value="-1" />
<limit_power value="-1" />
<limit_pp value="530" />
<limit_torque value="-1" />
<limit_weight value="-1" />
<limit_tire_f value="3" />
<limit_tire_r value="3" />
<limit_year value="1979" />
<need_aspec_level value="-1" />
<need_bspec_level value="-1" />
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<need_pp value="-1" />
<need_torque value="-1" />
<need_weight value="-1" />
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<need_tire_r value="-1" />
<need_year value="-1" />
<need_aspiration value="-1" />
<need_drivetrain value="-1" />
<need_license value="-1" />
<limit_length value="-1" />
<penalty_script value="" />
<ai_script value="" />
- <eval_condition>
<gold value="0" />
<silver value="0" />
<bronze value="0" />
<is_seasonal_event value="0" />
- <event>
- <constraint>
<abs value="-1" />
<active_steering value="-1" />
<asm value="-1" />
<drift_type value="-1" />
<driving_line value="-1" />
<enemy_tire value="-1" />
<limit_tire_f value="-1" />
<limit_tire_r value="-1" />
<need_tire_f value="-1" />
<need_tire_r value="-1" />
<simulation value="-1" />
<suggest_tire_f value="-1" />
<suggest_tire_r value="-1" />
<tcs value="-1" />
<transmission value="-1" />
- <entry_set>"
Last edited:
The ultimate blocking teammate! An all Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Coupe '54 podium, 1-2-3 finish! :lol:

Yeah, yeah... I know that isn't part of the challenge, so please forgive me for spamming up this thread with my silliness.

