My apologies once again for seemingly disappearing into the wild blue yonder.
Real life activity has always taken precedence over the virtual and this obviously interferes with any constant (or even consistent) presence at this Forum, however much I like the community in here and have found like-minded people (subjectively, I must admit, since the like-minded people I identify with in here are textual representations of the real folk.)
There have been times in years gone by when business was slow - and staring at GTPlanet posts filled up my time in office while waiting for that phone to ring. This encouraged me to create many projects here - from a dedicated 'Hotwheels Only' thread to various Polls, Photo-blogs, and socio-psychological discussions in several sub-forums - many of them popular when I spent time maintaining them. There was particular moment, in fact, when ten of the discussions I had initiated were simultaneously active on the front page of the Rumble Strip! But many of these have now fallen by the wayside or lie fallow due to neglect on my part caused by being taken away from Forum activities because of an increased work load due to increasing business.
Even the GT6 B-Spec HUB lies dormant.
As keen as I am to contribute and even occasionally respond (at least as a mark of respect) to those who would occasionally rebut my posts, I am left to leave them with the last word (though that sometimes is solved by some other member who would address that rebuttal because of obvious fallaciousness.) As well, discussions I would actively participate in - like the Railfan thread, or Watch thread, or Food & Drink thread or the Book thread or the Writing Thread, or various Gaming threads, are also merely browsed on the fly.
As some may have noticed I had to take complete leave of the Forum recently for almost a year, returning only because many of the projects begun in here had been invested with much time and energy. There are also projects - like this one, the GT6 AI HUB - that some of the community find useful as a gathering place for communal activity and it was unmannerly to leave that community high and dry; I returned to attempt to fulfil some of those obligations.
Virtual reality, however, can be quite time-consuming, and as more and more real life projects come in for my consideration, my spare time reserved for activity at GTPlanet keeps evaporating, or only comes alive at the expense of sacrificing the tangible.
I know that some of you GT6 players have sent me challenges recently that you wish to have published for activity but extracting, vetting, and configuring that information for the AI HUB can take several undisturbed hours - itself a huge challenge to me. This doesn't mean they are going to be completely ignored. It only means a bit of a delay; most often I can find time only late at night on weekends to catch up.
Please consider this note as a measure of apology for the tardiness, and a promise that those challenges will eventually appear.
Until then - my kindest regards to all of you and a begging of your patience.
