GT6 'MY HOME' HUB: Awards time.

  • Thread starter photonrider
My hand is slowly healing. That's why I have been absent. Tomorrow I'm going to try and get my route X time picture so I can post it. I have it saved in a replay, but the the injury to my hand I couldn't hold my phone steady. I wasted too much time at Madrid. @coryclifford if you were more than a minute faster then give it like another 30 seconds. If P2 still hasn't posted a time. That should put you in P1. I would suggest you save the replay just incase @RMan72 posts a better time or anyone else. I ran this in the P330 at 615 PP. Since I injured my hand I haven't been able to play much at all. If that is cool with everyone else then it is cool with me since it was my event. Excellent run man:cheers::cheers:.
Following are the current standings as of this post. Just a few more days left to grab a podium and a few more days left before PD gives us the next round of Seasonals. Good luck on those MTM Cards!


Current Events

Seasonal Beginner Level
Online A-Spec Challenge

Whoosier Rule Applies. Winner gets to design next event for this level. This event designed by RMan72.

bjl23: 05:29.614
lasrjock: 05:29.578
RMan72: 05:28.292


Seasonal Intermediate Level
Online A-Spec Challenge

Whoosier Rule Applies. Winner gets to design next challenge based on this level. This challenge presented by bjl23

lasrjock: 09:00.129
bjl23: 09:00.160
lfm58: 09:00.202
RMan72: 08:59.772
photonrider: 09:59.772
Infineon: 08:58.050


Seasonal Expert Level
Online A-Spec Challenge

Whoosier Rule Applies. Winner gets to call out next challenge based on this level. Current challenge has been thrown by ERAZER

ERAZER: 8:18.422 - MiTo 1.4 Sport '09
bjl23: 8:38.491 - 8C Competizione
lfm58: 8:44.020 - 147 GTA '02
RMan 72: 8:53.338 - 8C Competizione


Seasonal Intermediate Level
Online A-Spec Challenge

Whoosier Rule OFF! Bag a Bonus Title!

bjl23: 8:20.371
photonrider: 8:26.700


International A Licence Level
Offline A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule OFF - grab an additional title!


photonrider: 11:15.563 - Veyron 16.4 '13


All Licence Levels
Offline Top-Speed Challenge
ROUTE X Club - American Production Cars

Whoosier Rule OFF - grab an additional title!

bjl23: 429 km/h - ( …auto …)


National-B Licence Level
Offline A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule OFF - grab an additional title!


RMan72: 00:00.250
bjl23: 00:02.574
photonrider: 00:03.196


National-B Licence Level
Offline A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule OFF - grab an additional title!

bjl23: 00:00.018
photonrider: 00:00.026


International B Licence Level
Offline A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule OFF - grab an additional title!
Event designed by RMan72


RMan72: +00:08.685


International B Licence Level
Offline A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule OFF - grab an additional title!
This Event designed by Racin510s

ERAZER: 2:34.633
lfm58: 01:21.430
bjl23: 01:03.643
Racin510s: 00:53.026

**********PRIZE EVENTS***********

International A Licence Level

Offline A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule ON- Only one Prize Event may be won


ERAZER: FXX '07 : 8:14.366
lfm58: CIEN 02 : 9:36.813


International A Licence Level

Offline A-Spec Challenge

nowayback Prize Car Pack

Whoosier Rule ON - Only ONE Prize Event may be won.


ERAZER: 5:47.737
lfm58 : 6:12.177
RMan72: 6:15.077

#1862 AIHUB INTLAGTRM A650RH NGTRCLMRC R650RH 606720 20180204_012241.jpg


#1862 AIHUB INTLARAINM A650RX FERFXX07 S650RI 844754 20180204_113403.jpg


#1862 AIHUB MDREXP S450CS AR8CC08 S450CS 833949 20180123_200932.jpg

I'm going to try SRT Viper GTS '13 @ Trail Mountain...

I'll try those challenges. When is the deadline of today's challenges?

Is because I'm new to those challenges and I never have tried any of them.

Hello, stranger. I believe the last time we spoke was in the 'Diorama' thread. :lol:
Welcome to the GT6 AI HUB, and the challenges we engineer.
Here are a few simple rules that might help you enjoy the battles:

1. Entrants must be registered GTPlanet members.

2. Enter as many events as you wish - either just one, a few, or all of them.

3. Entries must be corroborated with a screenshot of the leader board result entered.

4. Only one 'Whoosier-ruled' competition title may be won - if multiple 'Whoosier-ruled' titles are won, the winner picks one and the others go to the runners-up.

5. If you better your time (or objective required) a new entry may be sent in at any time. Please use the edit button when adding information to your post - except when entering a new time that requires a post date-stamped to show actual time of entry.

6. Entries should be clearly marked with the name of the competition being entered.

7. Entries sent in after particular closing times of the various competitions will not be considered.

8. Members participating may enter or refrain from the competitions as they wish, but are welcome to contribute to the thread in other ways - photos and discussions on the AI and their behaviour during the events are always welcome.

9. Members with 'Vic Reign Rights' are not eligible to enter contests that have an announcement barring them from such contests; members with 'Vic Reign Rights' are those with 3 or more titles to their credit. Contests are also held marked as competitions exclusively for members with Vic Reign Rights - entries from members with 2 titles or less are not considered in these competitions.

10: Some contests have actual (tangible) prizes - such as pre-paid Visa cards or prize die-cast cars - other contests may provide the Winner with a 'Design-an-Event' ticket that can be used to design a particular event using a designated Online or Offline GT6 mission. Winning DesignTickets and tangible prizes may be received by the winners or delegated to anyone of their choice. Yet other contests may have no prize at all except the claim to that title.


A clarification: the 'Whoosier-rule' means you can't take home more than one title from that particular set of events - in this particular round we have 2 sets that are affected by that rule; the set of 2 'Prize' events, and the set of 3 Seasonal-based challenges - so a player can win only one title each from each of those sets.
This is to prevent any one player (since aliens are always around and come and go as they wish) winning all the events at will and disappointing the other players who are mostly on the same level and like to claim a title now and then too. Aliens abound here; The 'Whoosier-rule' was actually named after one of our lady-racers who was nigh unbeatable - Whoosiergirl; the 'Vic Reign' rule was named after that monster player Vic Reign93; the nowayback clause was named after another alien who terrified everybody; and even the 'MTM card' lore was named after MTM79, who quite often would arrive in the thread at the last moment and wipe the boards clean.

But we have endeavoured to make amendments to the original constitution we formulated when creating this project to make sure that all levels of players had a chance to compete on similar levels with other players and so these strange little 'rules' that evolved out of playing dozens, and dozens, and dozens of these challenges.
We will have some 'Vic Reign Rights' events in the next round - these events make those with 3 titles or more ineligible to enter such events - and give those with 3 or less, or no titles at all, a chance to feature on that Trophy Board in the OP.
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#1862 AIHUB TRMINT S550SH VIPGTS13 S550SH 805153 20180208_023802.jpg

Time to go to bed...



  • #1862 AIHUB TRMINT S550SH VIPGTS13 S550SH 805153 20180208_023802.jpg
    #1862 AIHUB TRMINT S550SH VIPGTS13 S550SH 805153 20180208_023802.jpg
    96.3 KB · Views: 9
In the last few days, while the events were wrapping up @ERAZER showed us again why he's an alien, making all the events he entered a race for 2nd place. @lfm58 proving again he's no slouch wrapping up 2nd place in most of the fastest time racers.

couple of last day entries from @RMan72 posting some good times across the board.

THE JAPAN STAR with a very close finish for P2 and P3 only 00:00.001 in it.

For the 3rd time straight @RMan72 won the beginner event, @bjl23 won the intermediate event and @eraser won the expert event.

Shout out to new comer @Infineon, keep on posting.




@RMan72: 05:29.940 = 00:00.060
@bjl23: 05:29.897 = 00:00.103
@lasrjock: 05:29.578 = 00:00.422



@bjl23 : 09:00.041 = 00:00.041
@RMan72: 08:59.937 = 00:00.63
@lasrjock: 09:00.129 = 00:00.129
@lfm58: 09:00.202 = 00:00.202
@photonrider: 08:59.550 = 00:00.450
@Infineon: 08:58.050 = 00:01.950



@ERAZER: 08:18.422 - MiTo 1.4 Sport ‘09
@lfm58: 08:33.949 - 8C Competizione ‘08
@bjl23: 8:38.491 - 8C Competizione ‘08
@RMan72: 8:39.322 - 8C Competizione ‘08


ROUTE X Club - American Production Cars

@bjl23: 500 km/h



@RMan72: 00:00.250
@bjl23: 00:02.574
@photonrider: 00:03.196



@bjl23: 00:00.018
@photonrider: 00:00.026
@RMan72: 00:00.027



@RMan72: +00:20.819



@ERAZER: 02:34.633
@lfm58: 01:21.430
@bjl23: 01:03.643
@Racin510s: 00:53.026


@ERAZER: FXX ‘07 : 08:14.366
@lfm58: FXX ‘07: 0844:754
@RMan72: 09:02.072



@ERAZER: 05:47.737
@lfm58: 6:06.720
@RMan72: 6:15.077



@RMan72: 07:58.768
@lfm58: 08:05.153
@bjl23: 08:13.931
@photonrider: 8:26.700



@RMan72: 10:43.641
@photonrider: 11:15.563 - Veyron 16.4 '13



ROUND 1 - Japanese production cars

@DisabledRacer : 497 km/h = 4 points
@RMan72: 496 km/h = 3 points
@bjl23: 494 km/h = 2 points
@Racin510s: 483 km/h = 1 points

ROUND 2 - American production cars

@bjl23: 500 km/h = 1 point

@DisabledRacer : = 4 points
@bjl23 = 3 points
@RMan72 = 3 points
@Racin510s = 1 points

ROUND 3 - WRC CUP rally cars (excludes pikes peak cars)
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Players please note: All submissions for the last round of events (both online and offline challenges) are now closed. Thank you for the great action that took place and congrats to all who grabbed that top podium. Kudos, too, to the other drivers who contributed their times - you display true grit and are invaluable to this forum!
Official results will be displayed as soon as all details have been verified
I had anticipated to do a lot more but got sucked into online lobbies recently. Trying to get in while I can. I doubt I'll I buy a PS4 and wheel and game and PSN Plus as soon as they turn out the lights on GT6, so I'll be around more soon. 👍
Congrats to all the winners. Not surprised at all with the winners. I didn't get an opportunity to make any of the races at a better time including the one I was gifted. My right hand is still not right. I have been to both my chiropractor and my Primary care doc at the VA. After x-rays nothing was found other than swelling. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to run the new races. I did try both tht Super Laps and was very close to gold but after 5 minutes I just can't hold my controller. The friend of a friend never showed to try and fix my wheel. So this may be it for me and GT6 until my hand heals. Bot the MD and DC said it would take time. I'm not young anymore but I'm not that old either(62). My hands have been through alot being a mechanic for 40+ years. Thankfully I don't have any arthritis it just takes longer to heal. Thank you to everyone here at the HUB. I have not given up, but do think that the wise choice is not to use it with a controller for a while longer. I'll continue to monitor and I hope that this ends soon. Shalom to all.
Congrats to all the winners. Not surprised at all with the winners. I didn't get an opportunity to make any of the races at a better time including the one I was gifted. My right hand is still not right. I have been to both my chiropractor and my Primary care doc at the VA. After x-rays nothing was found other than swelling. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to run the new races. I did try both tht Super Laps and was very close to gold but after 5 minutes I just can't hold my controller. The friend of a friend never showed to try and fix my wheel. So this may be it for me and GT6 until my hand heals. Bot the MD and DC said it would take time. I'm not young anymore but I'm not that old either(62). My hands have been through alot being a mechanic for 40+ years. Thankfully I don't have any arthritis it just takes longer to heal. Thank you to everyone here at the HUB. I have not given up, but do think that the wise choice is not to use it with a controller for a while longer. I'll continue to monitor and I hope that this ends soon. Shalom to all.

Keep us informed, ol' buddy, and remember that, even though you may not be actively participating, your contributions to the thread in the way of opinions are always welcome; the GT6 AI HUB is not only a place where we gather to organize challenges but also a place to discuss and showcase the AI. When you have the time read up on the whole thread and you will find some fascinating discussions took place as well as some great pics of AI cars and also some very interesting experiments.
Meanwhile - don't take yourself completely out of the loop since we will most certainly miss your presence.

Keep us informed, ol' buddy, and remember that, even though you may not be actively participating, your contributions to the thread in the way of opinions are always welcome; the GT6 AI HUB is not only a place where we gather to organize challenges but also a place to discuss and showcase the AI. When you have the time read up on the whole thread and you will find some fascinating discussions took place as well as some great pics of AI cars and also some very interesting experiments.
Meanwhile - don't take yourself completely out of the loop since we will most certainly miss your presence.


Hi Harry,
I'm not taking myself away, I just am not able to race at this time. If I hadn't been so hard headed I wouldn't be where I am now. I wanted to gold both of the TT because I was so close. So I just kept using my hand when it didn't hurt trying to find those last few tenths and in the process just made it worse. Now I can hardly use my right thumb. Since we moved I haven't been able to find my ultrasound machine or either one of my TENS units. I'm home all day by myself with no help and there is only so much I can do because of my back. That is why I am permanently disabled. I'm not supposed to lift anything heavier than a gallon of water or milk which is 8-10 Lbs. I walk with crutches and you can't carry a box on crutches. Believe me I have tried.

I tried wrapping my hand but that was too much padding, then I tried the new stuff they call corban. It is like an ace bandage that sticks to itself. That worked a little better so I was foolish and tried to run the TTs. Really all it did was just irritate the tissue again. So Ice and Biofreeze are my only options until I can find my medical devices. I will read through the thread and I have alerts set so that anything you or anyone else posts here I get notified.

I don't care anything at all the the BS races PD sh... out before they take the servers down. GT6 will be the end of my Gran Turismo participation. GT Sport put plainly sucks, not to mention the amount of money needed. I'm still looking for a used DFGT. If I can find one then I can resume my Assetto Corsa career. PD would have to come up with something really special to get me back as a customer. I know many people that feel the same way. i'm hoping there is a good soul out there that will sell a used DFGT with a reasonable price. This could be the Lord telling me to take another time out. That's what I am begging to feel. I figure if He wants me to continue then He will provide a wheel either for free like to one I have or one that I can afford. I can't play AC either because there isn't a lot of difference in the shape of the XBox controller. I am very grateful to you and the others for your concern. I can't express in words what that means to me. So I reckon I'll catch you and the photons in the pits.
Hello everyone, this is my event.

OBJECTIVE: slowest winning time, but the player must win by more than 5 seconds

VEHICLE: Holden monaro CV8 '04

VENUE: current seasonal intermediate race


ROUND 3: WRC - rally cars (excludes pikes peak cars)

Hi Harry,
I'm not taking myself away, I just am not able to race at this time. If I hadn't been so hard headed I wouldn't be where I am now. I wanted to gold both of the TT because I was so close. So I just kept using my hand when it didn't hurt trying to find those last few tenths and in the process just made it worse. Now I can hardly use my right thumb. Since we moved I haven't been able to find my ultrasound machine or either one of my TENS units. I'm home all day by myself with no help and there is only so much I can do because of my back. That is why I am permanently disabled. I'm not supposed to lift anything heavier than a gallon of water or milk which is 8-10 Lbs. I walk with crutches and you can't carry a box on crutches. Believe me I have tried.

I tried wrapping my hand but that was too much padding, then I tried the new stuff they call corban. It is like an ace bandage that sticks to itself. That worked a little better so I was foolish and tried to run the TTs. Really all it did was just irritate the tissue again. So Ice and Biofreeze are my only options until I can find my medical devices. I will read through the thread and I have alerts set so that anything you or anyone else posts here I get notified.

I don't care anything at all the the BS races PD sh... out before they take the servers down. GT6 will be the end of my Gran Turismo participation. GT Sport put plainly sucks, not to mention the amount of money needed. I'm still looking for a used DFGT. If I can find one then I can resume my Assetto Corsa career. PD would have to come up with something really special to get me back as a customer. I know many people that feel the same way. i'm hoping there is a good soul out there that will sell a used DFGT with a reasonable price. This could be the Lord telling me to take another time out. That's what I am begging to feel. I figure if He wants me to continue then He will provide a wheel either for free like to one I have or one that I can afford. I can't play AC either because there isn't a lot of difference in the shape of the XBox controller. I am very grateful to you and the others for your concern. I can't express in words what that means to me. So I reckon I'll catch you and the photons in the pits.
I hope you get a wheel soon my friend :cheers:. You mention in your post about GT Sport put plainly sucks, well you are so right there and I am starting to drift away from GTS because, PD has lost its way to keep me happy in this game now. No Time Trials in GTS seems a bit :odd: and the races don't appeal to me anymore in GTS, and I call it is a nothing game now. This game was alright for the first few months but now I am playing less and less. I always spent around 4 to 5 hours a day playing GT6 and now on GTS about 50 minutes a day or may be a bit less but not all racing just tuning cars, but today I have put GTS away and I have fired up GT6 and when GT6 goes offline I will still play the game because GT6 has got things in the game to make me happy. I really hope that PD listen to what the fans want and released GT7 on PS4 or may be on PS5.

Sorry @photonrider for my long post, I just had to get it off my chest about GTS.
I don't care anything at all the the BS races PD sh... out before they take the servers down. GT6 will be the end of my Gran Turismo participation. GT Sport put plainly sucks, not to mention the amount of money needed. I'm still looking for a used DFGT. If I can find one then I can resume my Assetto Corsa career. PD would have to come up with something really special to get me back as a customer. I know many people that feel the same way. i'm hoping there is a good soul out there that will sell a used DFGT with a reasonable price. This could be the Lord telling me to take another time out. That's what I am begging to feel. I figure if He wants me to continue then He will provide a wheel either for free like to one I have or one that I can afford. I can't play AC either because there isn't a lot of difference in the shape of the XBox controller. I am very grateful to you and the others for your concern. I can't express in words what that means to me. So I reckon I'll catch you and the photons in the pits.
I think you'd be pleasantly surprised at GT sport, there is now a "GT leauge" wich is basically the same as the carrer mode in GT6, but without the licences. The licence tests is still in the game but they are not needed in order to progress through the game.
New cars are added every month, for free remember. everyone else is charging extra for their aditional content.
there is driving missions that takes on very different objective than just racing forthe win or go for the fastest time. Sort of like the cahllenges here in the AI hub tbh.

All in all, a very "complete" game in my eyes, where everything just is the way it should, and it just feels right. There is only one BIG issue with the game, and that it tracks. Its littered with garbage fantasy tracks that really doesnt speak to me. the lack of tracks like Spa, Silverstone, Mugello, Sarthe, Catalunya, hockenheim, redbull ring, etc is absolutely unacceptable.

Alright, enough rant. Anyway, I actually have 2 DFGT wheels, and will use them far less now that servers are being taken down. I have no problem selling one of them to you for next to nothing, however I suspect the shipping cost might get quite high.
I think you'd be pleasantly surprised at GT sport, there is now a "GT leauge" wich is basically the same as the carrer mode in GT6, but without the licences. The licence tests is still in the game but they are not needed in order to progress through the game.
New cars are added every month, for free remember. everyone else is charging extra for their aditional content.
there is driving missions that takes on very different objective than just racing forthe win or go for the fastest time. Sort of like the cahllenges here in the AI hub tbh.

All in all, a very "complete" game in my eyes, where everything just is the way it should, and it just feels right. There is only one BIG issue with the game, and that it tracks. Its littered with garbage fantasy tracks that really doesnt speak to me. the lack of tracks like Spa, Silverstone, Mugello, Sarthe, Catalunya, hockenheim, redbull ring, etc is absolutely unacceptable.

Alright, enough rant. Anyway, I actually have 2 DFGT wheels, and will use them far less now that servers are being taken down. I have no problem selling one of them to you for next to nothing, however I suspect the shipping cost might get quite high.

@ERAZER, :bowdown:I truly appreciate the offer but I'm sure that you are right about the shipping. My GT5 friend that gave me his old one when he got a G27, it almost $60 USD from California to NC. Probably due to exchange rates would be cost prohibited. Still I am blown away by your offer it means a whole lot to me that you'd do that.:cheers:
I hope you get a wheel soon my friend :cheers:. You mention in your post about GT Sport put plainly sucks, well you are so right there and I am starting to drift away from GTS because, PD has lost its way to keep me happy in this game now. No Time Trials in GTS seems a bit :odd: and the races don't appeal to me anymore in GTS, and I call it is a nothing game now. This game was alright for the first few months but now I am playing less and less. I always spent around 4 to 5 hours a day playing GT6 and now on GTS about 50 minutes a day or may be a bit less but not all racing just tuning cars, but today I have put GTS away and I have fired up GT6 and when GT6 goes offline I will still play the game because GT6 has got things in the game to make me happy. I really hope that PD listen to what the fans want and released GT7 on PS4 or may be on PS5.

Sorry @photonrider for my long post, I just had to get it off my chest about GTS.

@fordlaser That is why I said what I did about GTS. I have not played, I have seen it looked through the menus, not with the latest updates but over all the spirit of Gran Turismo started dying in GT6 and the longer GT6 went on it just continued to die. Were it not for things like the AI HUB and my friendships I would have quit playing long ago and returned to GT5. I have both pros and cons about GTS, but I can't afford a used DFGT how the heck am I gonna come up with $1200 to be able to play Sport right?

Sorry @photonrider for my long post, I just had to get it off my chest about GTS.

No apology needed my friend. Not off-topic at all when you are stating your reasons for being in here. As for 'long' posts . . . I think I hold the record for that here at GTPlanet - not a problem with me. :lol:

There is driving missions that takes on very different objective than just racing for the win or go for the fastest time. Sort of like the challenges here in the AI hub tbh.

What a coincidence! :mischievous:

Long live GT6!

@ERAZER, :bowdown:I truly appreciate the offer but I'm sure that you are right about the shipping. My GT5 friend that gave me his old one when he got a G27, it almost $60 USD from California to NC. Probably due to exchange rates would be cost prohibited. Still I am blown away by your offer it means a whole lot to me that you'd do that.:cheers:
I actually looked at it and it would be no toll or VAT fees because its basically a gift and not a purchase. But even so, both DHL, UPS, and FedEX wanted around 300USD for the shipping, wich far exceeds the value if the item anyway. I based it on standard shipping of a 40x40x40 cm box at around 10kg. But it also makes me wonder about all the stuff I order from china and only pay like 5$ in shipping :confused:
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Well, here goes - another one of photonrider's eye-boglingly long posts:

Following are the Unofficial Results of the last round. Players, please check all leaderboards and inform TS ASAP if any discrepancies are found before the Winners are formally placed on the Trophy Board. @ERAZER has decided to award GTPlanet Premium Status to @bjl23 and award the Prize Car Pack to @lfm58.
Winners who have won Design-An-Event Tickets may take up to a week to provide a new challenge - please contact TS via PM to finalise details before the challenge is officially published for all in the OP. Winners may also decide to nominate a player of their choice, using the nowayback Clause, to design an event. Thank you all once again for the enthusiastic participation; not everybody can always get that top podium but it is always impressive to see how fast some of you can be.


Seasonal Beginner Level
Online A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule Applies. Winner gets to design next event for this level. This event designed by RMan72.

Objective: Closest Finish to 05:30.000. Player must win.
Vehicle: Cappuccino (EA11R) '91
Venue: Current Beginner Race Seasonals at Special Stage Route 5
Tires/Tunes/Assists: As allowed in the event


RMan72: 5:29.940
bjl23: 05:29.897
lasrjock: 05:29.578


Seasonal Intermediate Level
Online A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule Applies. Winner gets to design next challenge based on this level. This challenge presented by bjl23

Objective: Closest Finish to 09:00.00. Player must win.
Vehicle: Any eligible car.
Venue: Current Intermediate Level Racing Seasonal at Trial Mountain
Tires/Tunes/Assists: As permitted by PD for the event.


bjl23: 09:00.041
RMan72: 8:59.937
lasrjock: 09:00.129
lfm58: 09:00.202
photonrider: 09:59.772
Infineon: 08:58.050


Seasonal Expert Level
Online A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule Applies. Winner gets to call out next challenge based on this level. Current challenge has been thrown by ERAZER

Objective: Quickest Finish (no win needed).
Vehicle: Any eligible Alfa Romeo
Venue: Current Race Seasonal at Circuito de Madrid ((Reverse)
Tires/Tunes/Assists: As allowed in the event.


ERAZER: 8:18.422 - MiTo 1.4 Sport '09
lfm58: 8:33.949 - 147 GTA '02
bjl23: 8:38.491 - 8C Competizione
RMan72: 8:39.332 - 8C Competizione


2 Bonus Events!

Seasonal Intermediate Level
Online A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule OFF! Bag a Bonus Title!

Objective: Fastest Finish. Player must win.
Vehicle: VIPER GTS '13.
Venue: Current Intermediate Level Racing Seasonal at Trial Mountain
Tires/Tunes/Assists: As permitted by PD for the event.


RMan72: 7:58.768
lfm58: 8:05.153
bjl23: 8:13.931
photonrider: 8:26.700


International A Licence Level
Offline A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule OFF - grab an additional title!


Objective: Fastest Finish. Player must win. The AI Driver from Italy (D. Molinari) driving the V12 LMR '99 must be in the field.
Vehicles: Any eligible Veyron
Venue: GT6/My Home/International A/Dream Car Championship - Race 4/SARTHE!!
Tires/Tunes/Assists: As allowed in the event.


RMan72: 10:43.641 - Veyron 16.4 '13
photonrider: 11:15.563 - Veyron 16.4 '13


Offline Missions Offline Missions Offline Missions


All Licence Levels
Offline Top-Speed Challenge

ROUTE X Club - American Production Cars

Whoosier Rule OFF - grab an additional title!

Objective: Highest speed achieved within 00:30.000
Vehicle: An eligible American production car
Venue: Route X
Tires/Tunes/Assists: As allowed in the event.


bjl23: 500 km/h


National-B Licence Level
Offline A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule OFF - grab an additional title!


Objective: Smallest MOV between P1 - P6
Vehicle: Sambabus Typ 2 (T1) '62
Venue: GT6/My Home/National B/400 PP Clubman Cup/Circuito di Roma
Tires/Tunes/Assists: As allowed in the event.


RMan72: 00:00.250
bjl23: 00:02.574
photonrider: 00:03.196


National-B Licence Level
Offline A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule OFF - grab an additional title!

Objective: Smallest MOV between P1 - P2
Vehicle: Any eligible vehicle
Venue: GT6/My Home/National B/Japanese '90s Challenge/Race 3
Tires/Tunes/Assists: As allowed in the event.


bjl23: 00:00.018
photonrider: 00:00.026

RMan72: 00:00.027


International B Licence Level
Offline A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule OFF - grab an additional title!
Event designed by RMan72


Objective: Largest MOV between P1 - P12
Vehicle: Any Kart accepted by the rest of the horses in there
Venue: GT6/My Home/International B/GT Kart Championship 125 - Race 2
Tires/Tunes/Assists: As allowed in the event.


RMan72: +00:20.819


International B Licence Level
Offline A-Spec Challenge


Whoosier Rule OFF - grab an additional title!
This Event designed by Racin510s

Objective: Biggest MOV between P1 - P2. Player must win
Vehicle: Any eligible vehicle
Venue: GT6/My Home/International B/All-Stars/Race 5 - Grand Valley
Tires/Tunes/Assists: As allowed in the event.


ERAZER: 2:34.633
lfm58: 01:21.430
bjl23: 01:03.643
Racin510s: 00:53.026


**********PRIZE EVENTS***********

International A Licence Level

Offline A-Spec Challenge



Whoosier Rule ON- Only one Prize Event may be won

Objective: Fastest Finish
Vehicle: Any eligible vehicle
Venue: GT6 My Home/International A/Rainmasters/Nurburgring 24H
Tires/Tunes/Assists: As allowed in the event.


ERAZER: FXX '07 : 8:14.366
lfm58: CIEN 02 : 8:44.754
RMan72: Rocket '09 : 02.072


International A Licence Level

Offline A-Spec Challenge

nowayback Prize Car Pack


Whoosier Rule ON - Only ONE Prize Event may be won.

Objective: Fastest Finish
Vehicle: Any eligible vehicle
Venue: GT6/My Home/International A/One Make Races/GT-R Maestros
Tires/Tunes/Assists: As allowed in the event.


ERAZER: 5:47.737
lfm58 : 6:06.720
RMan72: 6:15.077
Last edited:
There is only one BIG issue with the game, and that it tracks. Its littered with garbage fantasy tracks that really doesnt speak to me. the lack of tracks like Spa, Silverstone, Mugello, Sarthe, Catalunya, hockenheim, redbull ring, etc is absolutely unacceptable.
All the tracks from GT6 should have been in GTS, which would make everybody happy. The challenges like in GT6 AI HUB could be moved to a GTS thread once online GT6 sever closes.
I actually looked at it and it would be no toll or VAT fees because its basically a gift and not a purchase. But even so, both DHL, UPS, and FedEX wanted around 300USD for the shipping, wich far exceeds the value if the item anyway. I based it on standard shipping of a 40x40x40 cm box at around 10kg. But it also makes me wonder about all the stuff I order from china and only pay like 5$ in shipping :confused:
I know what you mean. The thing that really gets too me is that the americans, which I purposely used a small A because I don't consider what they are doing equal to the true principals of our country want anywhere from 300 dollars and up for a DFGT and over 800 for a G25 or G27 used. I even looked for a Thrustmaster and they are even worse.. Please believe me that when I appreciate your heart I'm very serious. It was like my friend from California. I never expected him to give me a wheel. I did wonder when He asked for my address. He made excellent money and it was nothing for him. When we were doing well I have done the same thing which is why the Good Lord blessed me. I sorta have a feeling that this business with my had is His way of letting me know I need to spend more time studying and praying. I miss it but the number of times YHWH has saved my life and done things like getting that wheel my mission in life is His servant and I try very hard to be obedient. I don't know where you stand as far as God and Jesus is concerned. I call him YHWH and Yeshua. I am not a Christian I am a Messianic Jew. That means I am Jewish but truly believe Jesus is the true Messiah. It cost me my family and many that I thought were friends, but compared to being his servant those losses mean every little in His plan for my life. I met Jesus on the side of the road in my car. Really. I was 27 years old. I have been serving Him since and now just turned 62. He has never failed me ever. Even when I didn't know where our next meal was coming from, I held on and He was always right on time. Never early or late always right on time. I hope that if you don't know him that maybe something I have said or done is an example that represents Him. I never do anything on my own for if I do I will always make a mess of it. Christianity has been deceived by the Roman church for over 1800 years years and I personally consider it a cult because they have added to and taken away words from the scripture whom YHWH said was never to be done. The Rapture is an outright lie. I hope and pray that you receive my word in the intent they were given which is love. I Corinthians 13 does a good job of explaining what true love is. I can easily say I love you and mean it. Not because of your offer but because of the way you conduct yourself and because YHWH made you and He doesn't make mistakes. Thank you again my friend from the bottom of my heart. If you want to know more of my beliefs I will gladly share but will never ever try and force them upon you. I pray that YHWH bless you because of your heart. Your friend . Barnabas
To the rest of my friends here at the Hub, please read my response to @ERAZER. My heart is the same with you all. I will continue to monitor the Hub and contribute when YHWH leads me. I will return in His time. Until them I pray peace and joy to you all and that your level of fun only increase as the m..r..ns at PD decide they are going to continue the spirit of Gran Turismo or if it has just become a money thing. I do know from a friend that know a Gamestop conglomerate of stores that not only regular people are writing to PD but also sponsors as well. For every 5 Forza 7 sales only 2 are GT Sport. It's the fighting and blood and guts games that are keeping the PS4 afloat not sales of GT Sport. So there is hope that PD will finally feel the pressure and either make GT Sport into GT7 or actually produce a GT7. YHWH bless you all. I'll be in the pits. Shalom. Barnabas.

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