………XsnipX…….There is only one BIG issue with the game, and that it tracks. Its littered with garbage fantasy tracks that really doesnt speak to me. the lack of tracks like Spa, Silverstone, Mugello, Sarthe, Catalunya, hockenheim, redbull ring, etc is absolutely unacceptable.
I've been dabbling in both GT3 and GT4 because of the lack of tracks - especially with my focus on the AI of those games and the cars they drive, their habits, etc. - and I was wondering when I look at the various signs about how licensing arrangements might have changed, and of course the fact that they may have to create these tracks all over again - New York, for instance.
I love the street tracks and also the tracks we had in Hawaii and they probably need a whole new makeover before they are put back in the game. I sorely miss some of the great fantasy tracks we had from before; like El Capitan, for instance. Those tracks hold a lot of good memories for us.
The designers should know well enough to harness the memories of players who have been in the game from the beginning and use that hook to draw them back into the game and hold them there. Expanding the fringe players and new players to the game is only ignoring the huge solid base of players who are already immersed in the game as a unique, personal experience they have long lived with.
Meanwhile the best we can do for now?
Explore GT6 to the hilt.
There is so much in the game we can use to challenge ourselves and each other if we delve deeply enough into the game we have for now.
There is a ton of tracks, a plethora of events, and the oddest events to engineer with a little creativity that will help us get the most out of driving our cars. As many cars as possible.
And exploring and beating up every track in the game every which way
and loose.
And having fun beating up on each, too, while getting more and more experience at this game till - if there is a GT7 on the same line of DNA as GT6 - we will be ready for it.
Playing GT5 almost seamlessly took me into GT6 (you gotta admit the jump from GT4 to GT5 was a mutant (or 'quantum' as PD referred to it)leap) and I'm hoping that GT7 will expand on that, taking me seamlessly from GT6 to a possible GT7 with a brand new set of AI to experience.
And hundreds of tracks, a thousand cars and more, and scores of missions hidden all over the game to find, unravel and beat for years . . . till we start whining for . . . GT8.
Very cool,
Good choices.
Very good choices - both these players contribute consistently - and they really spank us along with their performances. Extremely generous of ERAZER! 👍👍
All the tracks from GT6 should have been in GTS, which would make everybody happy. The challenges like in GT6 AI HUB could be moved to a GTS thread once online GT6 sever closes.
I don't have GTS.
I'm clueless (and very curious) about the Artificial Intelligence in there and the A-Spec type races/missions in there. If I did - and there was suitable robotic activity - then I would have created a GTS AI HUB.
Is there a 'David' who hides and only comes out for a certain trigger?
What is the trigger?
I've read that there is some sort of single-player game in GTS - so I can't see why setting up single player challenges against other players isn't possible.
AI HUB is not a franchise (not yet - at least not until Jordan says so

) so I think, yes, if someone is capable enough to organize single-player challenges in a particular thread (especially if it was one of the former licensed GTHunters from this thread, with experience, who has now moved on to GTS) that would be a wonderful thing; another bit of activity to bring players together into the GTPlanet GTS Community.
For me this site, GTPlanet - as a whole - is a gaming site; a spot where hardcore gamers, playing at least one game, have found a spot to meet and interact with other people around the world who are also sharing a love for that particular game and want to share in enjoying it together.
Like, really? Who wants to play alone? May as well play smartphone solitaire.
From that perspective the non-gaming part of the site is just gravy.
If GTS can be used for off-line single player challenges that involve people pitting themselves against each other - go for it! This site was built for it - as the GT6 AI HUB ( and the phenomenal amount of Seasonal Event Threads which
@nowcontrol posted that brought players together for years) has demonstrated.
Well, I see that
ERAZER showed us once again that he is truly a Master of this game.
As for the
RMan Effect - yup, that
is a real effect - once again the Man affecting times all over the boards, dominating the scene - and plucking a title away from me, too, as has happened so many times before by some alien or another. I am flattered, however, to be in P2. It wasn't an easy event to win in a Veyron. Some competency was required merely to win, never mind the time.
bjl23 was all over everybody like white on rice - one never knows when he's going to come along and swipe a title - and kept things exciting.
I'm terribly sorry to hear about
Racing510s disabilities, but sometimes a little rest is needed, or we are going to suffer more than Carpel Tunnel. In fact, I recommend players ease off in the first week after the fresh set of Seasonals come in - drive more to explore and for pleasure than for full-bore sweatshop work - that should come later.
There is so much to investigate in these new events
first before we tear off to the finish line like rabbits ourselves, so many cars in which to explore the events, so many idiosyncrasies of the AI in the game to discover.
Players please note that extended discussions into off-topic conversations e.g. religion, politics, food, liquor, etc should be best enjoyed in the particular subjects' relevant threads.
A reminder to those who won Design-An-Event tickets:
@RMan72 wins the following tickets - ONLINE: Beginner Level Racing Seasonal. OFFLINE: Any Event National-A Licence, Any Event International-A Licence, Any Event S Licence.
@ERAZER wins the following ticket - ONLINE: Expert Level Racing Seasonal.
@bjl23 wins the following ticket - ONLINE: Intermediate Level Racing Seasonal.
bjl23 willl also arrange the drag races ( Route X Club) as a separate class of events with their own regulations, a new vehicle class for every round of events.
@bjl23 and @lfm58 will be contacted via PM about the receipt of their Prizes.
If a player receives a ticket from a winning player via the nowayback Clause, please contact @photonrider through a PM to set up your challenge before official publication in the OP. Questions about rules may be directly asked (and will be addressed, if necessary) in the thread.
Looking forward to some great action soon, and more, some really great driving fun. Let's tease those rabbits and see how they run!