GT6 News Discussion

  • Thread starter Matty
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Yeah, I concur to Daus.

I did wrote that months ago and backthen I was certain about what I am saying. Few months ago (in March) some new info started to appear.

I can't comment on anything ATM, hope all of you understand. We will get an official reveal of all future GT plans in 5 days.

That's what I figured happened. And no, I don't (no one should) expect you to talk about GT related news to a detailed degree.

I never said not to trust Amar or anything. I trust him as much as anyone. I'm just saying that if the author is unsure at this point, then we might as well be unsure too.

Read post #8439, #8444, and #8447

I have read all of the above more then once, and I still don't see how Amar confused himself. I just think that sounded a bit harsh.

He came out and gave us information (that he could) and when new details came his way he reported it.
Of course GT6 will be on PS4. Look at the remaining games the PS3 still has coming. All of them have been announced ages ago. There's no way we would get another PS3 game this late.

So certain are you?

Of course GT6 can be on PS3, they have engine from GT5, they can use it with maybe some improvements so they can please people who are broke and make some money from large user base ... but I also think that PD and Sony can't ignore PS4 launch this fall.
Something like GT7 in 2016 is pure madness, pCars will reign on PS4 until then?
GT6 will be 100% on PS3... until they make GT7 on PS4, there will be DriveClub. Maybe GT7 Prologue later in 2014 or in 2015
The best they can do is release GT6 on PS3 in November and GT7P in 2014 so we can enjoy both, great stuff in GT6 and great graphics in GT7P... GT5P was still good fun, unlike GT4P which was really boring... No cash, no online, just some basic races. But if GT7P offers all cars from at least GT6 (let's say 300 cars) and online features, then take my money PD, for both.
GT6 better be out in November otherwise I'm buying forza if launch title for new xbox
I would like to love Forza. F4 on the 360 is an amazing game in most respects. But I can't properly connect with the cars for the life of me. If I can't take corners with authority and find it near impossible to keep from banging into other cars, there's not much point to it. With all of its flaws, GT5 is a solid racing experience, and very close to a PC sim but with graphics to die for.

Now maybe Forza 5 will be the real Forza everyone has been waiting for, but that remains to be seen. If not, I'm never buying a NexBox, just don't care for the game library or MS for that matter. Drive Club doesn't interest me much at all. Sounds way too much like Project Gotham meets TDU, meh. Project CARS is on my radar, but just barely. That leaves one racer for me to desire.

I hope it's a fast week...
I would like to love Forza. F4 on the 360 is an amazing game in most respects. But I can't properly connect with the cars for the life of me. If I can't take corners with authority and find it near impossible to keep from banging into other cars, there's not much point to it. With all of its flaws, GT5 is a solid racing experience, and very close to a PC sim but with graphics to die for.

Now maybe Forza 5 will be the real Forza everyone has been waiting for, but that remains to be seen. If not, I'm never buying a NexBox, just don't care for the game library or MS for that matter. Drive Club doesn't interest me much at all. Sounds way too much like Project Gotham meets TDU, meh. Project CARS is on my radar, but just barely. That leaves one racer for me to desire.

I hope it's a fast week...

Nice to see that someone share the same thinkings I do. I have the same problem with that game, of course its a great game, a lot of cool stuff but I feel the same lack of connection with the car... similar to what I feel on Shift 2. Anyway I still play Shift2. Let's hope they get it right on F5.

Damn train derailed again. Back on topic... cmon, we need more news!
I don't know why someone keeps mentioning Drive Club, does it look as sim racer?

No, but it is only one racing game what will be on PS4 from launch and it seems that long time after launch too
Why is time going so slow.

Probably another American government experiment with HAARP again

Hopefully some news at on what console GT6 will be released on comes soon
I would like to love Forza. F4 on the 360 is an amazing game in most respects. But I can't properly connect with the cars for the life of me. If I can't take corners with authority and find it near impossible to keep from banging into other cars, there's not much point to it. With all of its flaws, GT5 is a solid racing experience, and very close to a PC sim but with graphics to die for.

Now maybe Forza 5 will be the real Forza everyone has been waiting for, but that remains to be seen. If not, I'm never buying a NexBox, just don't care for the game library or MS for that matter. Drive Club doesn't interest me much at all. Sounds way too much like Project Gotham meets TDU, meh. Project CARS is on my radar, but just barely. That leaves one racer for me to desire.

I hope it's a fast week...

Well said, this is exactly the way I feel too.. 👍
Drinking beer, preheating the oven to cook pizza, watching Danics crash into the wall at Darlington, oh wait that was someone else, hoping for some sliver of news. I swear, Jordan should just lock the GT6 forum until Tuesday 11:59 pm eastern time.
I would like to love Forza. F4 on the 360 is an amazing game in most respects. But I can't properly connect with the cars for the life of me. If I can't take corners with authority and find it near impossible to keep from banging into other cars, there's not much point to it. With all of its flaws, GT5 is a solid racing experience, and very close to a PC sim but with graphics to die for.

Now maybe Forza 5 will be the real Forza everyone has been waiting for, but that remains to be seen. If not, I'm never buying a NexBox, just don't care for the game library or MS for that matter. Drive Club doesn't interest me much at all. Sounds way too much like Project Gotham meets TDU, meh. Project CARS is on my radar, but just barely. That leaves one racer for me to desire.

I hope it's a fast week...
Project Cars will blow Forza and GT - just saying as an GT fan...

If it keeps going in the direction of the wind (one day to one direction and one day to the other)...NO.

Graphically speaking (I´m talking as a Full member since October 2011) is really cool yes, but also it has over-saturated textures, effects, lighting...the way even clouds look.
Then feels like they don´t have mass, FFB is terrible at the moment.
They keep talking about this and that and in respect to simulation is not even close.

There is too much work to do yet, but they are focusing in graphics and now started with features and career mode. Physics are different at every build and it seems that they are not getting it right.

If GT6 is on PS4 and looking at what PD did with the PS3 hardware...I am not that sure if graphically speaking when it comes to realism pCARS is going to take over GT.

Don´t confuse shiny and beautiful with realism.

Let´s see what happens, but as of now pCARS for me and real simulator enthusiasts, is not even close. I know people that asked for refund. I still have hopes...but not that much since while trying to drive is so unnatural that pisses me off.
Project Cars will blow away Forza and GT - just saying it as an GT fan...

You do realize that the people that are making Project Cars are the same people that made NFS Shift 2 right? If the physics are as the same, or even remotely close to NFS Shift 2, the game will not even come close. That's why i am renting that game before i buy it. Not taking the risk of paying 60 plus for a game that might have a garbage driving experience.

Then feels like they don´t have mass, FFB is terrible at the moment.
They keep talking about this and that and in respect to simulation is not even close.


That's one of the things that I was worried about.
You do realize that the people that are making Project Cars are the same people that made NFS Shift 2 right? If the physics are as the same, or even remotely close to NFS Shift 2, the game will not even come close. That's why i am renting that game before i buy it. Not taking the risk of paying 60 plus for a game that might have a garbage driving experience.

The physics are nothing like the same. Yes, the same people build Shift. The same people also built GTR 2, which is still very highly regarded as an excellent sim.

Remember that NFS is ultimately EAs child, and EA has very clear visions of what they want an NFS title to be.

Still, you can hardly go wrong with renting before you buy. Always a good choice, and I'd recommend that to anyone who has doubts. Just don't prejudge simply because the dev team made some money working for EA.
If it keeps going in the direction of the wind (one day to one direction and one day to the other)...NO.

Graphically speaking (I´m talking as a Full member since October 2011) is really cool yes, but also it has over-saturated textures, effects, lighting...the way even clouds look.
Then feels like they don´t have mass, FFB is terrible at the moment.
They keep talking about this and that and in respect to simulation is not even close.

There is too much work to do yet, but they are focusing in graphics and now started with features and career mode. Physics are different at every build and it seems that they are not getting it right.

If GT6 is on PS4 and looking at what PD did with the PS3 hardware...I am not that sure if graphically speaking when it comes to realism pCARS is going to take over GT.

Don´t confuse shiny and beautiful with realism.

Let´s see what happens, but as of now pCARS for me and real simulator enthusiasts, is not even close. I know people that asked for refund. I still have hopes...but not that much since while trying to drive is so unnatural that pisses me off.

Unmm, don't misquote like that. You may as well say that it will give, oh never mind
The physics are nothing like the same. Yes, the same people build Shift. The same people also built GTR 2, which is still very highly regarded as an excellent sim.
Together with SimBin
Project Cars will blow away Forza and GT - just saying it as an GT fan...

Isthis the Project cars thread or something ? who cares I am interested in project cars too but I dont see how that adds to the conversation right now.
Isthis the Project cars thread or something ? who cares I am interested in project cars too but I dont see how that adds to the conversation right now.
As much as all the Forza vs GT flame wars.
If it keeps going in the direction of the wind (one day to one direction and one day to the other)...NO.

Graphically speaking (I´m talking as a Full member since October 2011) is really cool yes, but also it has over-saturated textures, effects, lighting...the way even clouds look.
Then feels like they don´t have mass, FFB is terrible at the moment.
They keep talking about this and that and in respect to simulation is not even close.

There is too much work to do yet, but they are focusing in graphics and now started with features and career mode. Physics are different at every build and it seems that they are not getting it right.

If GT6 is on PS4 and looking at what PD did with the PS3 hardware...I am not that sure if graphically speaking when it comes to realism pCARS is going to take over GT.

Don´t confuse shiny and beautiful with realism.

Let´s see what happens, but as of now pCARS for me and real simulator enthusiasts, is not even close. I know people that asked for refund. I still have hopes...but not that much since while trying to drive is so unnatural that pisses me off.
ALLL right, what you said. Just to add, I really do support Slightly Mad Studios and was disappointed when that whole "they're breaking the law" stuff came up. It wasn't fair to them. We knew what we were paying for, never did I look at it like I was buying stock, and even then, SMS were obliging to the supporters' feedback.

Project Cars will blow away Forza and GT - just saying it as an GT fan...
Well that's laughable especially saying that at this point in time. There are a ton of a tracks and the tuning so far is pretty advanced in comparison to GT's tuning settings. That said, not all of the tracks look that nice plus they aren't all measured as precisely as GT's tracks thus far. And as what's been pointed out, the physics are ehhh, wonky?

As much as all the Forza vs GT flame wars.
uh hgmm
Isthis the Project cars thread or something ? who cares I am interested in project cars too but I dont see how that adds to the conversation right now.

And how come no talk about delays? There have been two (at least?) legitimate delays for Project CARS. We should tell them to hurry it up and give us something to be angry about.
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