GT6 Official Car List Impressions/Thoughts

  • Thread starter Prototyp3
Agreed... the regular road version would have been a nice touch though, to include these tuned beasts and not the iconic street car they come from is ridiculous IMO. :)
It's more ridiculous the ammount of road cars compared to race cars. Which is clearly too damn high, quoting on over inflated meme. ;)
Overall; I'm pretty happy with it. I like the fact that the '67 El Camino got in, though I'd like to see a '67 Chevelle too. I wasn't going to be getting GT6, but I think I am now. :D
I'm sure some people have already noticed it since the new list is out, but the Z06 RM and the ZR1 RM were converted to full "Race Cars".
similar to GT5 where 80% of cars where japanese. I Won´t buy it. :grumpy:

japanese cars:

Nissan: 141 (43 are of Skyline model)
Honda: 107
Mazda: 100
Toyota: 96
Mitsubishi: 72
Subaru: 41
Lexus: 20
Daihatsu: 15
Acura: 10
Autobacs: 4

german cars

Audi: 35st
BMW: 25st
Volkswagen: 24st
Mercedes: 23st
Opel: 7st
RUF: 5st

american cars

Chevrolet: 44
Ford: 32
Pontiac: 11
Chrysler: 4
Dodge: 4
Cadillac: 2

swedish cars:

Volvo: 3
Here we go again, indeed. Someone points out a valid criticism (needlessly padding the car count with two nigh-on-identical cars), you blow it out of proportion in an epic meltdown of a rant.

Par for the course, from PD and you both.

It wasn't really an "epic meltdown." (Which, by the way, is something about the mods here that's really annoying. There perception get blown off course 'cause somehow they get offended and then it just turns into "'re stupid." I really need to respond to that?) I was simply stating that we've heard these arguments for what 7 years now. We get it already. It's like the "Obama is evil" crap. Yes yes, we know all this already, can we move on? I will agree the "interiors" for the standard cars in GT5 were terrible and hopefully they've given them more something like the Caterham interior. But the point is, yes. GT6 sucks, we get it. Yes yes, I know that PD hasn't picked up on your brainwaves so that they include the Thundercougarfalconbird. I understand that you're upset, but I believe there is a separate thread for whining and crying that's designed to remove it from topics like this.

similar to GT5 where 80% of cars where japanese. I Won´t buy it. :grumpy:

japanese cars:

Nissan: 141 (43 are of Skyline model)
Honda: 107
Mazda: 100
Toyota: 96
Mitsubishi: 72
Subaru: 41
Lexus: 20
Daihatsu: 15
Acura: 10
Autobacs: 4

german cars

Audi: 35st
BMW: 25st
Volkswagen: 24st
Mercedes: 23st
Opel: 7st
RUF: 5st

american cars

Chevrolet: 44
Ford: 32
Pontiac: 11
Chrysler: 4
Dodge: 4
Cadillac: 2

swedish cars:

Volvo: 3

You forgot SRT and Ram. I know Forza doesn't separate them, but this isn't Forza.
similar to GT5 where 80% of cars where japanese. I Won´t buy it. :grumpy:

japanese cars:

Nissan: 141 (43 are of Skyline model)
Honda: 107
Mazda: 100
Toyota: 96
Mitsubishi: 72
Subaru: 41
Lexus: 20
Daihatsu: 15
Acura: 10
Autobacs: 4

german cars

Audi: 35st
BMW: 25st
Volkswagen: 24st
Mercedes: 23st
Opel: 7st
RUF: 5st

american cars

Chevrolet: 44
Ford: 32
Pontiac: 11
Chrysler: 4
Dodge: 4
Cadillac: 2

swedish cars:

Volvo: 3

What did you expect? Seriously. That they would remove a huge number of japanese cars?
love that the new Viper is there...but i think its a missed opportunity to include the TA the GTS-R, and the GT3-R
That's actually very smart. Time to kill off the whole "convert said car to race car", aka RMs and TCs. I like that. 👍
i think killing off the RM is actually the WORST possible idea for a RACING adds a totally new level to the customization of cars...

i wish it was available for ALL cars like back in the day...
i think killing off the RM is actually the WORST possible idea for a RACING adds a totally new level to the customization of cars...

i wish it was available for ALL cars like back in the day...
Agreed. It maybe bad, but theres always adding more parts to equipped to your car instead.
Have any pics of the Diablo GT-1 in the dealership?

No sorry :scared:. I found the pic from Gran Turismo website under GT6 under Tops. :embarrassed:

It says: All available cars are displayed under their respective manufacturers. There are no longer distinctions made between Premium and Standard cars as in the previous version of GT, but Standard equivalent cars will only have simplified cockpit views.

So yeah, as Badasp5.0 said, it will be like in GT2. I don't know if Used dealership will exist anymore. I think the dealership looks decent like the game itself. :sly:
Agreed. It maybe bad, but theres always adding more parts to equipped to your car instead.

i just cant understand the idea of wanting to eliminate that added level of customization...there is a big difference between a legit RACE CAR, and what is capable through the modifications in say GT5, or even Forza 4...

id also like to see a livery editor, but id be more than satisfied with the basic liveries that the GT5 RM's had...
It wasn't really an "epic meltdown." (Which, by the way, is something about the mods here that's really annoying. There perception get blown off course 'cause somehow they get offended and then it just turns into "'re stupid." I really need to respond to that?)

I think you really need to work on your reading comprehension, since that isn't at all what happened, and this isn't the first time you've pretended as such either.

I was simply stating that we've heard these arguments for what 7 years now. We get it already. It's like the "Obama is evil" crap. Yes yes, we know all this already, can we move on?

If a child takes a test in school and repeatedly gives the wrong answer, do you eventually just mark it right because they need to move on?

PD's number-padding really started getting noticeable in GT4, but GT5 made it massively worse by including all the regional duplicates. GT6 doesn't really move that on, despite Kaz specifically identifying the issue in an interview last year. The "base models", or an '05 Ford GT when we have an '06, or two Huayras, doesn't help matters.

I will agree the "interiors" for the standard cars in GT5 were terrible and hopefully they've given them more something like the Caterham interior.

They've already said they're not.

But the point is, yes. GT6 sucks, we get it. Yes yes, I know that PD hasn't picked up on your brainwaves so that they include the Thundercougarfalconbird.

A childish retort that has nothing to do with the topic at hand (number-padding)? Clever.

I understand that you're upset, but I believe there is a separate thread for whining and crying that's designed to remove it from topics like this.

If you're having a hard time separating simple criticisms from whining and crying, that's nobody's fault but your own. And now, there will never be a single thread designed to contain all the comments that don't fall onto the positive side; this is a forum, and so long as folks abide by the AUP and stay on topic, they can comment on any thread they see fit.

You forgot SRT and Ram. I know Forza doesn't separate them, but this isn't Forza.

I'd rather PD not resort to revisionist history; the Dodge Viper was and always will be a Dodge. The Ram in the game was a Dodge, too. If they were to include a new truck that's actually been built since Ram was spun into its own brand, by all means, that'd be accurate.
similar to GT5 where 80% of cars where japanese. I Won´t buy it. :grumpy:

japanese cars:

Nissan: 141 (43 are of Skyline model)
Honda: 107
Mazda: 100
Toyota: 96
Mitsubishi: 72
Subaru: 41
Lexus: 20
Daihatsu: 15
Acura: 10
Autobacs: 4

german cars

Audi: 35st
BMW: 25st
Volkswagen: 24st
Mercedes: 23st
Opel: 7st
RUF: 5st

american cars

Chevrolet: 44
Ford: 32
Pontiac: 11
Chrysler: 4
Dodge: 4
Cadillac: 2

swedish cars:

Volvo: 3

You also forgot the french, italian, australian and korean cars.:dunce: Lol. I will try to find the correct number of cars tomorrow and how many % are each. :)
I am reasonably happy with the new cars - The Ferraris and new GT3 race cars are exciting for me. Yes, there are plenty of omissions but it was always going to be the case. Hopefully PD will utilise the DLC programme to build up the most sought after of these missing cars.

I would love to see the Audi R18 etron quattro and Toyota TS030-HYBRID go head-to-head while seeing the Maserati MC12 would be fantastic.

Hopefully the seemingly removed Nissan Deltawing actually makes it in though. I am so looking forward to trying that.
Im between 2 minds on this list, same crappy dups that do not influence any extra gameplay, but a few little Gems, the FXX for one but would prefer the 599XX with the DRS wing. One-77 is excellent and my photo mode star. Few hatchback and coupes but so so many great past and present cars are missing. Current hypercars, road legal concepts cars ie Aventador J! Racers.

Only justification is there deal they've made with the automotive designers for DLC of brand new designs before anyone sees them.

I'm only putting this out there but the list needs to be scraped for Gt7 and built up from scratch using people other than kazs head. It could be such a legendary game, not just a good game.
Caterham Sevenspeed
I had thought of that as its a car i use often but its a 10+ year old car and doesnt have the power or aero of those i mentioned so dont think it is a direct rival, Maybe one of the latest ones but they haven even added that, Plus the Sevenspeed is only one car which is still a limited choice, What is the lunar rovers rival? Didnt think of that either did they lol
I think you really need to work on your reading comprehension, since that isn't at all what happened, and this isn't the first time you've pretended as such either.

If a child takes a test in school and repeatedly gives the wrong answer, do you eventually just mark it right because they need to move on?

PD's number-padding really started getting noticeable in GT4, but GT5 made it massively worse by including all the regional duplicates. GT6 doesn't really move that on, despite Kaz specifically identifying the issue in an interview last year. The "base models", or an '05 Ford GT when we have an '06, or two Huayras, doesn't help matters.

They've already said they're not.

A childish retort that has nothing to do with the topic at hand (number-padding)? Clever.

If you're having a hard time separating simple criticisms from whining and crying, that's nobody's fault but your own. And now, there will never be a single thread designed to contain all the comments that don't fall onto the positive side; this is a forum, and so long as folks abide by the AUP and stay on topic, they can comment on any thread they see fit.

I'd rather PD not resort to revisionist history; the Dodge Viper was and always will be a Dodge. The Ram in the game was a Dodge, too. If they were to include a new truck that's actually been built since Ram was spun into its own brand, by all means, that'd be accurate.

:rolleyes: See what I mean by the mods getting offended by pretty much nothing. I can't even be bothered to separate this. So...I will be the first to admit that I talk out my backside a lot. But it is never my intention. 99% of the time, isn't because the information in my head is wrong. And if I do the research and figure out I was wrong, I usually correct it unless everyone jumps down my throat about it, then, to me, it's kinda like "Oh, well, you guys probably won't even see that I'm correcting my mistake, so why bother" and there have been countless times when I did correct a mistake, and I got yelled at for correcting the mistake. And my point, you mod, you, wasn't that PD was WRONG, it was that it's an old argument that we've heard since GT5. Yes, they're kinda number padding, we REALLY need to go over the obvious. You say it as marking a wrong answer on a paper, but...if you told that kid for 7 years that they did something wrong EVERY day, don't you think they would have heard your complaint...and have obviously ignored you. So, it's not "marking it right," so much as saying "Well, I'm obviously waiting my time with you, let's move on."

Base models are probably really probably for the livery editor. Or maybe a car is sponsored by a company somebody doesn't like. And you can change the numbers on the base models. As for the multiple years...'cause the '66 Charger and '68 Charger were entirely the same. Granted the '05 Porsche 911 and the '13 Porsche 911 are the same, but most companies aren't Porsche. retorted on a childish retort with another childish retort....brilliant.

Criticisms become whining and crying when they're the same "criticisms" you've had for the past seven years and now that it's quite obvious that your criticisms are being ignored. want GT6 to be more like Forza? So you want coffee flavored tea? Seriously, though, if you want Forza, there's a new one coming out about a week before GT6. It even has the Stig's virtual cousin and Jeremy Clarkson in it. Because Microsoft needs all the gimmicks it can get it's grummy little hands on because they are the worst at communication and advertising.

Seriously, though, I didn't mind Forza 4. It was a fun game...but...Forza games, I feel, have yet to havet he long lasting appeal of Gran Turismo. And in a comparison of GT5 and Forza 4, I said I prefer GT5 despite them both being fun games.

But thre is one thing you have to remember, Slip and the other ban-hammer owners, these are my opinions, and as you have said on many occasions. I am an idiot. So instead of getting all offended by the ramblings of an idiot, why do you simply ignore me? It's not that hard. Look, if you're having trouble, there's a section on this website were you can go to ignore people.

And stop being so critical of everything. If you had simply went, "Yeah, but they're padding their list again, which is stupid." I would have gone. "This is true. And their interiors for standard cars sucked last game, I hope they're a little better." "No, they said they wouldn't be." "Ah, but they simply said they wouldn't be as detailed as the premium cars, so whether that means that they're going to be crap like last time or at least Caterham quality, we'll have to see." "Yup. We shall."

That's a civilized conversation where no one gets offended. And Slip, if can't be bothered to read this entire post and I mean, READ it, then I can't be bothered to reply to another one of these attacks.

As for the separation of the Chrysler brands...your argument would be valid if Fiat hadn't done exactly what PD did. Even though the Ram in GT6 was technically made by Dodge, you probably would have to take it to a Ram dealer now. And the Viper name and anything with SRT in the name is owned by SRT now, not Dodge. If Dodge had retained the rights to the Viper brand, then I'm sure the Vipers would be listed under Dodge. Also, that's not at all what I was referring to in the comment you quoted. I was letting the guy know that he had left out SRT and Chrysler. And Telsa for that matter. And Fisker's American, too.
similar to GT5 where 80% of cars where japanese. I Won´t buy it. :grumpy:

japanese cars:

Nissan: 141 (43 are of Skyline model)
Honda: 107
Mazda: 100
Toyota: 96
Mitsubishi: 72
Subaru: 41
Lexus: 20
Daihatsu: 15
Acura: 10
Autobacs: 4

german cars

Audi: 35st
BMW: 25st
Volkswagen: 24st
Mercedes: 23st
Opel: 7st
RUF: 5st

american cars

Chevrolet: 44
Ford: 32
Pontiac: 11
Chrysler: 4
Dodge: 4
Cadillac: 2

swedish cars:

Volvo: 3
What did you expect? They said they were bringing back "every" GT5 car, hence the massive amount of GT4 carryovers and the game maintaining comparable ratios. The majority of the new cars are not Japanese.
So what car is the KTM going to be competing against? A BAC mono and Ariel Atom would have been a good adition.
This sort of car is ideal for one make racing as track cars are often unique in specific performance levels (accel, braking, handling) and don't match up well with other cars. KTMs mostly run in one make race series in real life.
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I could care less about these cars, unless I ABSOLUTELY have to have them for maybe an online race, or testing purposes.

If I can't complete the game without them, then I'd be pretty upset. What I am upset about is that the DeltaWing has been removed from the car list...:(
:rolleyes: See what I mean by the mods getting offended by pretty much nothing.

Again, not offended. Wee bit tired of nonsensical rants.

And my point, you mod, you, wasn't that PD was WRONG, it was that it's an old argument that we've heard since GT5. Yes, they're kinda number padding, we REALLY need to go over the obvious. You say it as marking a wrong answer on a paper, but...if you told that kid for 7 years that they did something wrong EVERY day, don't you think they would have heard your complaint...and have obviously ignored you. So, it's not "marking it right," so much as saying "Well, I'm obviously waiting my time with you, let's move on."

Alright, so our attitudes are different. If someone does something wrong often enough, you'd rather give up and let them think it's okay. Gotcha.

Base models are probably really probably for the livery editor. Or maybe a car is sponsored by a company somebody doesn't like. And you can change the numbers on the base models. As for the multiple years...'cause the '66 Charger and '68 Charger were entirely the same. Granted the '05 Porsche 911 and the '13 Porsche 911 are the same, but most companies aren't Porsche.

The livery editor that hasn't been mentioned in the massive information dump in the past 24 hours? A livery editor that would apply to... slightly over a dozen cars?

Go on then, tell me the multitude of differences between the '11 Huayra and '13 Huayra, or even better, the '05 and '06 Ford GT. I shouldn't have to tell you that the differences between an '05 911 and a '13 911 are massively more complicated than between those two examples, since your info, 99%, etc etc. Right? retorted on a childish retort with another childish retort....brilliant.

Thank you for further proving the point.

Criticisms become whining and crying when they're the same "criticisms" you've had for the past seven years and now that it's quite obvious that your criticisms are being ignored.

Which, uh, still makes them criticisms. Especially if it involves misleading numbers for the sake of marketing.

Nothing to do with the topic at hand - only you brought it up. I responded for the sake of brand organization, nothing more.

But thre is one thing you have to remember, Slip and the other ban-hammer owners, these are my opinions, and as you have said on many occasions. I am an idiot. So instead of getting all offended by the ramblings of an idiot, why do you simply ignore me? It's not that hard. Look, if you're having trouble, there's a section on this website were you can go to ignore people.

Members of staff can't ignore people. For obvious reasons.

But this is a very serious accusation, so feel free to provide examples of where you have been called such a thing by me.

And stop being so critical of everything. If you had simply went, "Yeah, but they're padding their list again, which is stupid." I would have gone. "This is true. And their interiors for standard cars sucked last game, I hope they're a little better." "No, they said they wouldn't be." "Ah, but they simply said they wouldn't be as detailed as the premium cars, so whether that means that they're going to be crap like last time or at least Caterham quality, we'll have to see." "Yup. We shall."

Oh. I offer my apologies for the conversation not going the exact way you approve of.

That's a civilized conversation where no one gets offended. And Slip, if can't be bothered to read this entire post and I mean, READ it, then I can't be bothered to reply to another one of these attacks.

Except I'm still not offended, and the only person doing the attacking is the one demanding people don't speak about what he doesn't approve of.
Can I get a TL;DR version of your post?

To sum up, I know that they're padding the list, but we've already heard the argument, It's GT6 not Forza, PD separated Chrysler 'cause Fiat did, Base Models are probably for variety or livery editor and I don't appreciated being attacked. There's a much more polite way of saying what Slip said, and don't get offended by and idiot (me).

@ Slip Except for after 7years, they've obviously not learned anything, so we waiste anymore time. Yes, After 7 years I'd give up 'cause they're too stupid to learn what I'm trying to teach them. And this is a terrible analogy. To me, padding a car list with the cas on this list, is like padding bra. Is it misleading? But it's nice to look at at least.

And here's an example of being attacked by a mod:

Wee bit tired of nonsensical rants.

Everytime you quote me, IT ALWAYS starts with some derogatory comment like this and then you act all high and might when I get defensive and call you out. Sorry for being me. If you don't like it, that's your problem isn't it? Not my problem, certainly. I also don't recall giving out any false information this time you you can shove a metaphorical sock in it. And it's not that nonsensical. If my rant was nonsensical than your rant was, too Slip.

By the way, it's not a matter of your opinion versus mine on this. It's I feel like you're attacking me and you're most certainly talking down to me. Another great example of you attacking me:

And stop being so critical of everything. If you had simply went, "Yeah, but they're padding their list again, which is stupid." I would have gone. "This is true. And their interiors for standard cars sucked last game, I hope they're a little better." "No, they said they wouldn't be." "Ah, but they simply said they wouldn't be as detailed as the premium cars, so whether that means that they're going to be crap like last time or at least Caterham quality, we'll have to see." "Yup. We shall."
Oh. I offer my apologies for the conversation not going the exact way you approve of.

What a professional way to respond to someone who simply said, "hey man, I don't like the way you said this to me. Here's a better way to say it." I you were my boss and I had said that to you and you said what you said back to me, I would have quit because it's obvious my boss doesn't like me, and I don't have to sit around and work at a job where I'm not appreciated.

I really honestly, don't care if you're a mod, but if you're going to be one, you should be given a mirror along with a ban hammer so you can look in it every once and a while to make sure you're not being a jerk. Learn to speak to others with dignity and respect and maybe you'll get some in return.
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hey guys finally took the time to create a account been following gt6 since day 1 I cant believe they made such a big deal about Bathurst and not a single new falcon or commodore im glad that based on one of the new menu pic it looks like they may have finally add a classification system no more rally cars in the same race as touring cars in arcade