I think you really need to work on your reading comprehension, since that isn't at all what happened, and this isn't the first time you've pretended as such either.
If a child takes a test in school and repeatedly gives the wrong answer, do you eventually just mark it right because they need to move on?
PD's number-padding really started getting noticeable in GT4, but GT5 made it massively worse by including all the regional duplicates. GT6 doesn't really move that on, despite Kaz specifically identifying the issue in an interview last year. The "base models", or an '05 Ford GT when we have an '06, or two Huayras, doesn't help matters.
They've already said they're not.
A childish retort that has nothing to do with the topic at hand (number-padding)? Clever.
If you're having a hard time separating simple criticisms from whining and crying, that's nobody's fault but your own. And now, there will never be a single thread designed to contain all the comments that don't fall onto the positive side; this is a forum, and so long as folks abide by the AUP and stay on topic, they can comment on any thread they see fit.
I'd rather PD not resort to revisionist history; the Dodge Viper was and always will be a Dodge. The Ram in the game was a Dodge, too. If they were to include a new truck that's actually been built since Ram was spun into its own brand, by all means, that'd be accurate.

See what I mean by the mods getting offended by pretty much nothing. I can't even be bothered to separate this. So...I will be the first to admit that I talk out my backside a lot. But it is never my intention. 99% of the time, isn't because the information in my head is wrong. And if I do the research and figure out I was wrong, I usually correct it unless everyone jumps down my throat about it, then, to me, it's kinda like "Oh, well, you guys probably won't even see that I'm correcting my mistake, so why bother" and there have been countless times when I did correct a mistake, and I got yelled at for correcting the mistake. And my point, you mod, you, wasn't that PD was WRONG, it was that it's an old argument that we've heard since GT5. Yes, they're kinda number padding, but...do we REALLY need to go over the obvious. You say it as marking a wrong answer on a paper, but...if you told that kid for 7 years that they did something wrong EVERY day, don't you think they would have heard your complaint...and have obviously ignored you. So, it's not "marking it right," so much as saying "Well, I'm obviously waiting my time with you, let's move on."
Base models are probably really probably for the livery editor. Or maybe a car is sponsored by a company somebody doesn't like. And you can change the numbers on the base models. As for the multiple years...'cause the '66 Charger and '68 Charger were entirely the same. Granted the '05 Porsche 911 and the '13 Porsche 911 are the same, but most companies aren't Porsche.
So..you retorted on a childish retort with another childish retort....brilliant.
Criticisms become whining and crying when they're the same "criticisms" you've had for the past seven years and now that it's quite obvious that your criticisms are being ignored.
And..so...you want GT6 to be more like Forza? So you want coffee flavored tea? Seriously, though, if you want Forza, there's a new one coming out about a week before GT6. It even has the Stig's virtual cousin and Jeremy Clarkson in it. Because Microsoft needs all the gimmicks it can get it's grummy little hands on because they are the worst at communication and advertising.
Seriously, though, I didn't mind Forza 4. It was a fun game...but...Forza games, I feel, have yet to havet he long lasting appeal of Gran Turismo. And in a comparison of GT5 and Forza 4, I said I prefer GT5 despite them both being fun games.
But thre is one thing you have to remember, Slip and the other ban-hammer owners, these are my opinions, and as you have said on many occasions. I am an idiot. So instead of getting all offended by the ramblings of an idiot, why do you simply ignore me? It's not that hard. Look, if you're having trouble, there's a section on this website were you can go to ignore people.
And stop being so critical of everything. If you had simply went, "Yeah, but they're padding their list again, which is stupid." I would have gone. "This is true. And their interiors for standard cars sucked last game, I hope they're a little better." "No, they said they wouldn't be." "Ah, but they simply said they wouldn't be as detailed as the premium cars, so whether that means that they're going to be crap like last time or at least Caterham quality, we'll have to see." "Yup. We shall."
That's a civilized conversation where no one gets offended. And Slip, if can't be bothered to read this entire post and I mean, READ it, then I can't be bothered to reply to another one of these attacks.
As for the separation of the Chrysler brands...your argument would be valid if Fiat hadn't done exactly what PD did. Even though the Ram in GT6 was technically made by Dodge, you probably would have to take it to a Ram dealer now. And the Viper name and anything with SRT in the name is owned by SRT now, not Dodge. If Dodge had retained the rights to the Viper brand, then I'm sure the Vipers would be listed under Dodge. Also, that's not at all what I was referring to in the comment you quoted. I was letting the guy know that he had left out SRT and Chrysler. And Telsa for that matter. And Fisker's American, too.