GT6 Race View options

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"This is something that we are looking at and it is possible in the future. Maybe. Possibly. We are thinking about this. Hypothetically." (laughs)

:lol: Good one.

Anyway, the footage below is from rFactor. Call me nuts, but I thoroughly enjoy the FOV setting he's using (the right one). I had similiar setting in Live for Speed and would love to be able to use a wider setting in Gran Turismo as well without going through the hassles of secret menus and whatnot. It's clearly possible, just PD's being silly as usually.

I like the right one also better than the left actually. But yeah PD is silly as always, it's easy to implement...
The right one is a little bit extreme but it shows the benefits of a wider FOV, you really feel like you're inside the car and the sense of speed is great. The narrow one might be better for wheel users but if you're gonna be that close, might as well use bumper or hood view. As far as I can remember, F1 CE had some of the OP's options, you could choose to have a static cockpit view, a shaky one and even one that followed the racing line as if you were looking through the driver's eyes, it was all very subtle. It also had an option to choose your HUD layout, the amount of info on your screen and the location of the icons.

PD could easily do this with GT6 but it's PD so I don't expect any changes, in the very least, the multi-screen options should be available for everyone and they should be available in the quick options menu. So far, you can only get DonZonda's results by modifying your game-save.
What you lose with the wide FOV is the sense of elevation change as well as the sense of the radius? of the corners. I find it much easier to drive with an accurate FOV. It just seems more natural.
The right one is a little bit extreme but it shows the benefits of a wider FOV, you really feel like you're inside the car and the sense of speed is great. The narrow one might be better for wheel users but if you're gonna be that close, might as well use bumper or hood view.
The narrow FOV only makes sense to me if you're using a triple screen setup. The wider option might appear as extreme, but in my opinion, it is far better for a single monitor setup. Besides the better sense of speed and not being a complete borefest, I also find it easier to judge and taking the corners more accurately as well. But that's purely a personal preference.
I just recorded this a few minutes ago, it's a short video showing my custom FOV now, sorry for the quality and I know that the AI is almost painful to watch but here you go.

This is my personal preference, You can see a good portion of the cockpit to admire the detail without sacrificing too much visibility, the size of the hands in relation to the rest of the screen seems to be accurate as well. The motion effects and the shaky camera are less pronounced but the overall sense of speed is a little bit improved. All views are affected by the FOV settings, even the replay cameras and the pre-race menu screen with the track on the background and the loading grid.
The narrow FOV only makes sense to me if you're using a triple screen setup. The wider option might appear as extreme, but in my opinion, it is far better for a single monitor setup. Besides the better sense of speed and not being a complete borefest, I also find it easier to judge and taking the corners more accurately as well. But that's purely a personal preference.

I use facetracknoir to work around the limited view of a realistic FOV. A triple screen setup would help horizontaly but would do nothing vertically. Best would be something like a jdome or a frex canopy.
Well I think everybody here would agree that if PD would just give us an option to set the angle we would all be happy. And it can't be hard to do that. No way.
If they added the option of moving the camera up & down, as well as left & right, & then let us save views for different cars, that would be great.

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^ I am also really big on that. Imagine the personalization and immerrrrrrrsion factor when each car has it's own saved views and force-feedback/wheel settings.

There is an angle of view option in GT5 if you enabled multi-monitor.
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Panoramic view a la Grand Theft Auto. That would be interesting at least, using it on straight aways
Bonnet cam is my no.1 wish, FOV adjustments second, however, I do understand that they may come with performance issues since more has to be drawn on the screen. This can certainly impact on performance in FPS games, I'm doubtful the impact would be as large for racers, but when they're stretching the old PS3 hardware as far as they are, and when there are so many variables to test, I concede that something as free as a slider may introduce issues, even an additional few settings would require a hell of a lot of testing. Still, I see no reason why they can't add a slightly wider setting for cockpit at the very least.
I don't think PD employees test the game at all, they would know that the 300 SL doesn't even fit the screen (chase cam), same for the SLR Mclaren (this one fits but it sits extremely low on your screen), both Murcielagos are way too close (cockpit cam). It boggles my mind that after 3 years, PD never corrected these issues and all of those are premiums.
I don't think PD employees test the game at all, they would know that the 300 SL doesn't even fit the screen (chase cam), same for the SLR Mclaren (this one fits but it sits extremely low on your screen), both Murcielagos are way too close (cockpit cam). It boggles my mind that after 3 years, PD never corrected these issues and all of those are premiums.

You could circumvent those issues yourself by changing the angle of view option in the multi-monitor settings. You don't even need two monitors to use it.
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When reading some of the comments, I understood how one thing is getting out of the context..

I presume many here haven't had a chance to actually sit in BMW Z4, Alfa 8C or Murcielago. All those cars - who have very "near" seating position and provide very "limited" FOV - are like that in real life. You wouldn't believe how Alfa 8C or Murcielago are "squeezed" around the driver. Also, the seating position in Murcielago is beyond crazy, you are basically laying compared to normal car and gou have crazy angeled windshield almost touching your forehead with roof being 3cm from top of the head (I am 188 btw).

My personal opinion is that PD want to create the actual "feel" of visibility when seated in cockpit, seen from some position and FOV they find default. BMW Z4 being another great example, I was mesmerized when seated inside, I felt like the whole interior is a glove that devoured me (you sit crazy low and whole interior is small and literally wrapped around you).

I also had a chance to see the Peugeot 908 LeMans from close, and lurk into the open cockpit. The size of the actual car and cokpit is much smaller then I ever imagined. Hence I find majority of perpective issues being matter of PD trying to convey sensation of actual spaceness of particular car.
Very good point Amar, I had not even considered that before. 👍 However, while it's good to have that level of immersive realism, I think having a few options so we can customize the FOV/seating position would be great. The Ferrari California is another one of those cars where you feel too close to the windscreen. I much prefered how it was in GT5 Prologue, at least then you could clearly see you were in a drop top.
You could circumvent those issues yourself by changing the angle of view option in the multi-monitor settings. You don't even need two monitors to use it.

Oh I already know, does that make it acceptable to release untested games? let me remind you that the multi-screen feature was only available after patch 1.06 and even today, without the secret menu you can't do much with it. Something as simple as mapping the car correctly on your screen is too hard for PD it seems.
My personal opinion is that PD want to create the actual "feel" of visibility when seated in cockpit, seen from some position and FOV they find default.

Is this what you would do, Amar? Would you take one static FOV position and call it a day? We could call it Amar Turismo, the 188cm FOV Driving Simulator. :lol:

...Hence I find majority of perpective issues being matter of PD trying to convey sensation of actual spaceness of particular car.

Ok, that is a noble cause- but they failed horribly, and now users are having to hack the gamesave in order to get a decent FOV! That is a freaking joke. The are no excuses for why sim-racers cant adjust this view to how we like it. Look at the comments of the guys who have secret-menu'd this thing into a better FOV. They are falling in love with GT again, and having a blast!

C'mon PD. Please catch up to the rest of the world. :guilty:
Why would you need to hack the gamesave? It is not secret menu, you can access it in multimonitor options IIRC? Or something has changed?

On the other hand, I completely agree, I welcome the Amar Turismo game wholeheartidly 👍
And Multi-Monitor settings also apply if you don't have MM? As in single monitor obviously?
And Multi-Monitor settings also apply if you don't have MM? As in single monitor obviously?

Yes the FOV setting in multi-monitor affects the FOV with a single monitor. IIRC it only goes down to 50 deg. though. Which is still very wide if you are trying to get a realistic FOV.
Why would you need to hack the gamesave? It is not secret menu, you can access it in multimonitor options IIRC? Or something has changed?

The options to change the FOV have been removed. You can still enter them but they are very limited now and you can't change your FOV with a single monitor. So you got to hack the savegame to unlock those particular parameters again.
Which could be easily set up in the Quick options menu where they put the totally worthless zoom in options imo... Just give us a degree parameter and set them as we want PD... :dunce: