GT6 Race View options

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Yes the FOV setting in multi-monitor affects the FOV with a single monitor. IIRC it only goes down to 50 deg. though. Which is still very wide if you are trying to get a realistic FOV.

Don't understand the explaination of the two viewing angle adjustments and they both seem to do the same thing. I made some adjustments up and down and the differences are dramatic at the far ends of the scale. I had it set to 40 degrees at one point and couldn't even drive.

The options to change the FOV have been removed. You can still enter them but they are very limited now and you can't change your FOV with a single monitor. So you got to hack the savegame to unlock those particular parameters again.
Which could be easily set up in the Quick options menu where they put the totally worthless zoom in options imo... Just give us a degree parameter and set them as we want PD... :dunce:

Seems to work for me.
Don't understand the explaination of the two viewing angle adjustments and they both seem to do the same thing. I made some adjustments up and down and the differences are dramatic at the far ends of the scale. I had it set to 40 degrees at one point and couldn't even drive.
This is the best explanation of FOV I've come across.
This is the best explanation of FOV I've come across.

For us it's not really about the realistic FOV creating an angle your eyes would have looking out the car. Because thats just not possible on a single screen monitor. A narrow FOV on a single screen just kills the overall view and sense of speed because the edges are cut off. If you set up 3 Monitors with Gran Turismo's 55° FOV you get a great experience. But on a single one not, it's too narrow. Setting the angle up to 59° has already a huge impact. You have a better overall view and the sense of speed increases in a good manner without creating a fish eye effect. Due the cut off edges on a 55° FOV things which pass by the car dissapear too quick from your view, that way you get the feeling of moving really slow when you actually don't.
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For us it's not really about the realistic FOV creating an angle your eyes would have looking out the car. Because thats just not possible on a single screen monitor. A narrow FOV on a single screen just kills the overall view and sense of speed because the edges are cut off. If you set up 3 Monitors with Gran Turismo's 55° FOV you get a great experience. But on a single one not, it's too narrow. Setting the angle up to 59° has already a huge impact. You have a better overall view and the sense of speed increases in a good manner without creating a fish eye effect. Due the cut off edges on a 55° FOV things which pass by the car dissapear too quick from your view, that way you get the feeling of moving really slow when you actually don't.

I agree setting a realistic FOV with a single monitor cuts off too much. So you either go to triple monitors to regain the horizontal vision, or as I did use face-tracking to allow you to "look around". It is not an easy, nor inexpensive, problem to solve. Anyway you approach it there are compromises to be made.
Now thats a 🤬 shame! :mad:

It works for me in both Arcade and Practice mode. Haven't tried it online yet. I don't know if they are more limited than they used to be because this is the first time I've ever tried using them, but they definitely work through the regular game menu's. I'm not using gave save hacking.

Just did these two in the last few minutes taken from the exact same spot on Trial Mountain, the end of the banners on the right. Note the difference in the banners on the left and of course how far away or close the next corner is. Both are roof cam views but notice in one the hood disappears due to the change in FOV. The difference while in motion is much more dramatic than the pictures:


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It works for me in both Arcade and Practice mode. Haven't tried it online yet. I don't know if they are more limited than they used to be because this is the first time I've ever tried using them, but they definitely work through the regular game menu's. I'm not using gave save hacking.

Just did these two in the last few minutes taken from the exact same spot on Trial Mountain, the end of the banners on the right. Note the difference in the banners on the left and of course how far away or close the next corner is. Both are roof cam views but notice in one the hood disappears due to the change in FOV. The difference while in motion is much more dramatic than the pictures:



Notice also how much more the elevation is compressed in the second image.
Notice also how much more the elevation is compressed in the second image.

If you mean the "visualization" of the elevation then yes, it is compressed. However the elevation is still there. Nothing changes except your perception of what is there, like throwing on a pair of glasses that don't belong to you or driving down the street looking through a pair of binoculars for extreme examples.

If you want to see something funny, change the FOV to around 40 and the elevation looks so much more dramatic, you can't even see the downhill portion of the road directly in front of you!!
Oh I already know, does that make it acceptable to release untested games?

Of course it isn't acceptable. But why are you making an assumption that really doesn't have much to do with this thread? Until you have proof that GT5 never underwent a testing session your statement is unjustifiable.

let me remind you that the multi-screen feature was only available after patch 1.06

I wouldn't know. I didn't get internet connectivity to my PS3 until January 2012, and by that time patch 2.02 was released.

Something as simple as mapping the car correctly on your screen is too hard for PD it seems.

Everyone's setup is different. It's hard for PDI to cater to a vast majority of different setups. And that's the point of this thread - giving players more D.I.Y options, so that each player may adjust these settings as they see fit.
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If you mean the "visualization" of the elevation then yes, it is compressed. However the elevation is still there. Nothing changes except your perception of what is there, like throwing on a pair of glasses that don't belong to you or driving down the street looking through a pair of binoculars for extreme examples.
True. But unless you have a motion rig of some sort you primarily rely on visual cues to "put yourself in the car". Granted, it is just a matter of personal preference as to what you want out of any game or simulator experience. It may be easier and more enjoyable to race with a wider FOV and outside of cockpit view, but I never got a sense of really driving a car with GT5.
On the other hand, rfactor and my current setup gets eerily close. Especially when on a road or track I've been on IRL.
True. But unless you have a motion rig of some sort you primarily rely on visual cues to "put yourself in the car". Granted, it is just a matter of personal preference as to what you want out of any game or simulator experience. It may be easier and more enjoyable to race with a wider FOV and outside of cockpit view, but I never got a sense of really driving a car with GT5.
On the other hand, rfactor and my current setup gets eerily close. Especially when on a road or track I've been on IRL.

This is something PD could definitly work on, especially since much of the programming is already in the game. Why it wouldn't make it into a clearly defined, single monitor setup menu boggles the mind if it's already in the game. I never realized how involved this whole process could be until I read This Link from CC570 above.
For us it's not really about the realistic FOV creating an angle your eyes would have looking out the car. Because thats just not possible on a single screen monitor. A narrow FOV on a single screen just kills the overall view and sense of speed because the edges are cut off. If you set up 3 Monitors with Gran Turismo's 55° FOV you get a great experience. But on a single one not, it's too narrow. Setting the angle up to 59° has already a huge impact. You have a better overall view and the sense of speed increases in a good manner without creating a fish eye effect. Due the cut off edges on a 55° FOV things which pass by the car dissapear too quick from your view, that way you get the feeling of moving really slow when you actually don't.

I think people get too excited about sense of speed in games. I was surprised when I went to my first real life track day how slow I felt like I was going, even when I was doing 160+ in a little old Miata.

That sense of not going that fast you get when the FOV is set accurately, that's accurate too. Race tracks are wide and the space between each corner is usually long. And when there's not parked cars and traffic light and opposing traffic to dodge, 200kmph really isn't that fast.

Maybe for you 59° is more correct because of the distance you sit from your screen. But just generically saying that 59° is better than 55° is not correct, I don't think. The correct FOV is replicating what you would see out of your car, and for a simulator that is the best setting to have. Any deviation from that is a concession to what you expect reality to behave like, not how it actually is.
Well this is again something I can't really agree to because I went also on the Nürb since I live in Germany and trust me, even in my small 120bhp civic I had a blast. Everything was flying by. The Nürb is a narrow track but even in GT5 it feels slow. Because why? The single monitor FOV of 55°. As you stated, Yes 55° is may right but since your edges are cut off from your view you only see things straight in front of the car coming closer. Things flying by next to you arent really visible they diappear in the cut off edges before even arriving to you. Put a triple screen set up and you have the way its supposed to be simulating your sidewindows. But thats what most of us don't have. And it's still a game thats why we want to widen our FOV on a single screen to see more things flying by creating a better driving experience for us. I hope you understand what I mean. It's really great that you are happy the way it is. But most of us here aren't.


It doesn't seem to work for you. Because you can only zoom in your FOV with the current options in the multi screen options. Ever tried to zoom it out like I did on my pictures? It wont work with your options because the parameters are missing to set the viewing angle.
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And it's still a game thats why we want to widen our FOV on a single screen to see more things flying by creating a better driving experience for us. I hope you understand what I mean. It's really great that you are happy the way it is. But most of us here aren't.

Nowhere did I say that I was happy with it the way it is, nor did I say that they shouldn't give us an adjustment for the FOV. I adjust the FOV in every single racing game I play.

I simply disagree with your assessment that increasing the FOV = better. Better for you perhaps, but it's not going to be the same for everyone, in the same way that the default settings are OK for some people (again, not me) and not for others.

55° isn't necessarily correct for most setups, so you may be making it suit your setup more or you may be making it less realistic in a way that you find more enjoyable.

The true solution is for everyone to either calculate their own correct FOV for their screen and seating position if they're going for realism, or play with their adjustments until they feel that it's right if they're going for perception over reality. Just saying "increase to 59°" is not the way. That's what suits your setup and your perception, no one else's.
I'm sorry if I miss interpreted your opinion, but yes you are certainly right with your statement, that we should be able to adjust our FOV the way that it fits our Set up. And yep for me it would be 59° for other may different. But keeping it steady to 55° is the wrong attempt from PD. Anyways lets hope and see :)
But keeping it steady to 55° is the wrong attempt from PD.

No, it is probably a very deliberate decision.

Wider FOV for cockpit view means that console have to "draw" more objects and details when running, so balancing some "middle-ground" FOV is also a performance-related decision, especially for rain races, etc.

For example, the RedBull X1 causes issues for performance when you have many RBX1's on the track and when you traveling at high speeds. GPU/PPU can't crunch the necessity to draw everything from LOD0-LOD1-LOD2-LOD3 state in such "speed" and performance significantly drops.

When people decided to ruin the game for all of us with their hacking - yes, I despise hacking attempts, sorry if that insults anyone, I don't care what someone do on his own local console and never comes online with hacked file, but I care when such praxis come to online - those issues became even more apparent.

GT always runs on the very edge of available resources, and balancing the FOV has much to do with performance-bottlenecks when in cockpit view.

It doesn't seem to work for you. Because you can only zoom in your FOV with the current options in the multi screen options. Ever tried to zoom it out like I did on my pictures? It wont work with your options because the parameters are missing to set the viewing angle.

Forgive my ignorance but how is it not working for me? I can zoom in or out with the FOV. I experimented with everything from 40-90 degrees. It works. I'm not sure what you're talking about to be honest.
GT always runs on the very edge of available resources, and balancing the FOV has much to do with performance-bottlenecks when in cockpit view.

Which would justify a maximum limit on allowable FOV. If 55° is the maximum that the PS3 can draw smoothly, then that should be the maximum.

No reason you shouldn't have the ability to adjust down though, as that will be less taxing. And if they decided to allow the ability to adjust, I suggest that they'd optimise the graphics for whatever maximum they wished to allow anyway.
Tested both default FOV and my custom FOV ( 97% view angle, 66 degree angle of view ), used X1 Proto arcade race at Monza with weather 100% - rain. All AI cars are X1. Uses cockpit view. Display at 1080P.

I don't see any performance difference, the custom FOV looks faster and smoother IMO, replay and track view camera also gets affected by the custom FOV - in a good way :) I easily beat the AI on Pro, they are too slow in the chicanes, came into 1st by the end of 1st lap :lol:

I used custom FOV for online - cruise, races and drag. Mostly at La Sarthe weather and SSR7, no performance difference compared to my old default FOV. I prefer my custom FOV, feels and looks much better, Zonda R cockpit is epic.
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I read posts by people who complained about performance when in X1. Good if that is solved with recent updates, nice to know. Thanx for testing Ridox 👍
Wider FOV for cockpit view means that console have to "draw" more objects and details when running, so balancing some "middle-ground" FOV is also a performance-related decision, especially for rain races, etc.

No not true, it has no influence to the performance. You can set the FOV of GT5 as wide as can get like 180° and you see everything zoomed out like crazy even the hands of the driver shifting with the gearstick. No performance issues at all at no time even with full grid. Exactly the same framerate as the 55°. 👍

Could even do a video for you if you want.
That seems odd. I would have thought there would be some sort of culling algorithm to avoid drawing stuff that wasn't on screen. But I really don't know anything about how that stuff works, so maybe not.
That seems odd. I would have thought there would be some sort of culling algorithm to avoid drawing stuff that wasn't on screen. But I really don't know anything about how that stuff works, so maybe not.

Yes you would assume it would be the case. But it's not, with the extreme wide FOV you see way more on the screen but it has no influence to the performance at all in GT5. :dunce:

Here an example. Cockpit and Roofcam. 55° 60° and 100° FOV in the 100° you have the extrem fish eye effect and see way more of the track roof and cockpit but still it runs at is normal framerate. So it has no effect to the performance.

Standart 55° FOV


Custom 60° FOV


Custom Extreme 100° FOV

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Those are only accessible via secret menu, without it, we can't access view angle and angle of view settings. I am referring to single monitor use.