GT6 Update 1.09 (Undocumented Changes in OP) >Lock<

  • Thread starter TheProRacer

Are you happy with the content in this update?

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i had lost allot of hope in PD recently, dont get me wrong i still defended them to my hearts content, but GT5 and GT6 just weren't as exiting as I thought they would be. But recently, what with the VGT's, Ayrton senna update and this new one, PD as far by blown away my expectations. Thank you PD!! looks like someone listened!
Thanks CargoRatt:cheers:

I saw your post there and was pretty sure it was as close as I was going to see to confirmation of the fix. I know from the seasonal threads how consistent a driver you are. And if you were finding those sort of improvements with your own tunes, that was proof enough for me.

It only makes sense the tunes are going to need re-worked, as you said it's all about the harmony. If you irreversibly change one note in a harmony, the rest will need to follow.

Another thing's for sure. There's gonna be a lot of busy people in the next few days, weeks and months.
Now I know how you guys felt with the changes in GT5's physics:banghead:

Thanks my good friend, appreciate the kind words. A lot more testing needs to be done though on a lot more cars, but like I said, just by me re-working a few of my tunes, I had positive results. So, as far as I'm concerned, camber is indeed working as it should. I have about 20 unpublished tunes that I was just getting ready to add to my garage, now I'm glad I didn't. The only thing I have to do is re-work the tunes, then publish them. I feel sorry for people with bigger garages like Praiano and MCH who are going to have to go back and edit all there tunes that they have published. If you know exactly what you are doing though when you tune, re-working your tunes shouldn't take too long. All I did once I seen camber was fixed was start over from scratch and tune the car with camber, just as I did in GT5. A few tweaks here and there and the handling felt better and lap times increased. Granted, and again, this may or may not be the case with all cars, but it held true for the ones I tested. (Nova, '69 Camaro, Nissan Fairlady Z, Lotus Elise 111R, and the Lamborghini Aventador) The times I tested against were times I set after the original tune was in place and I hot lapped the car until I had the best time possible, or real close to it, just like I do in any other time trial. I left no more than .150 out on the track in those hot laps so I am confident that the .200 - .400 improvement in these new tests is legit and not just due to driver improvement or anything else of those sorts. Plus, they were consistent lap times in improvement that I was seeing, another positive.
BMW Z4 GT3 LCD tach is still wrong by 2000 rpm(revving to 8,000, but the display only shows 6,000).

The Rear View function is no longer working for me in an on-line race. It works fine in an on-line practice, but once the race starts I can no longer look back. I have been driving premium cars in cockpit view with a Fanatec CSR-E with Rear View assigned to the Y button on the wheel :banghead:
I'm a bit confused on it as well.

A Red Bull dealer, in a tuner category, and it's empty.... Either PD forgot to put the Red Bull cars in a Red Bull dealer or they had other plans....
Can anyone else confirm this? Also, can the previous vgt cars be painted?:confused:
The Rear View function is no longer working for me in an on-line race. It works fine in an on-line practice, but once the race starts I can no longer look back. I have been driving premium cars in cockpit view with a Fanatec CSR-E with Rear View assigned to the Y button on the wheel :banghead:
Cycle through the views and the problem will be solved, in a workaround manner.
Can anyone else confirm this? Also, can the previous vgt cars be painted?:confused:
That post was made by the user known as WhistleSnap on these boards.
Cycle through the views and the problem will be solved, in a workaround manner.

That post was made by the user known as WhistleSnap on these boards.

I went back in to the same lobby prepared to do more testing and it started working again in the next race. Never have had that happen to me before.
Brake Pedal pressure is same as all previous versions. 100% travel = 100% pressure. So if someone says they notice a difference, it's probably their specific wheel/pedal type. Not for everyone.
The garage now keeps the sort order that you used through the entire time you are playing the game, it will reset if you quit the game.
That didn't work for me, don't know why :(

I found something else though, I have mapped look left/right to my wheel and now after 1.09 it seems to rotate the cockpit view camera to either side very quickly, but you can see the movement, previously it was switching views on/off. Current way seems better for me, cause it's less disorientating, if you did it before in slight bend you lost orientation if you were using right line or not, now it's better.

And isn't ghost now off by default? I remember it always popping up after first valid lap, now I have to turn it on manually. Good change for me, usually ghost is annoying.
Cycle through the views and the problem will be solved, in a workaround manner.

That post was made by the user known as WhistleSnap on these boards.

I went back in to the same lobby prepared to do more testing and it started working again in the next race. Never have had that happen to me before.

Had the same thing happen again in a different lobby and cycling the driving views did fix it. Is this a new bug?
A great content update, the best in a long time. Now if they can get the missing features added in the next month or two along with a few other tweaks and improvements we've got a good game on our hands finally.

Psst, I still think the RBR looks pretty rough in quality though, even compared to something like Spa.
A great content update, the best in a long time. Now if they can get the missing features added in the next month or two along with a few other tweaks and improvements we've got a good game on our hands finally.

Psst, I still think the RBR looks pretty rough in quality though, even compared to something like Spa.
Ya, I thought the grass looked like astroturf.
The 2012 Deltawing is now called the Deltawing 2012 Le Mans
No change there.

Edit: Wait. Wasn't it Deltawing 2012 Le Mans powered by Nissan or something? I'm sorry.

I wish PD would seriously just take one of the NASCAR sound files and just add it to the Z4 GT3. I want to enjoy that car, but it sounding like a F350 Power Stroke Diesel and not looking like a F350 Power Stroke Diesel messes with my mind.
So, as far as I'm concerned, camber is indeed working as it should. I have about 20 unpublished tunes that I was just getting ready to add to my garage, now I'm glad I didn't. The only thing I have to do is re-work the tunes, then publish them.

I've gotta re-do my 42 published tunes and another 8 or so un-pubbed :ouch: :lol:

When looking at lobbies online did the "P" / "R" / "Q" always pulse indicating what was happening in the room?

It didn't use to pulse, no. It also used to be light blue, now it's darker, seems to have a different font and stands out more. I mentioned a similar change like this in the last 1.08 thread (the font and position of the text in the tires section of a tuning sheet), though it was ignored.
It really sucks that PD didn't even try to attempt to make these new cars sound remotely close to what they sound like IRL (with the exception of the Volkswagen which isn't real [but still could sound better]). All that time spent modeling these cars and you can't even take the time to record them?
I've gotta re-do my 42 published tunes and another 8 or so un-pubbed :ouch: :lol:


Yea, that sucks, I really feel for you guys that have a garage full of tunes to re-do. I sort of knew something like this was going to happen (really glad it did though)....just like it did in GT5 when they tweaked the physics engine and everyone had to tweak or redo their tunes.
Cycle through the views and the problem will be solved, in a workaround manner.

That post was made by the user known as WhistleSnap on these boards.
I have been unable to find any recent posts by WhistleSnap. Can you be more specific about what you mean by "these boards"? In asking for confirmation, I was hoping for more than one response. I have read several posts stating not all vgt cars can be repainted, or that people aren't sure. As long as you're going to respond in the manner that you have, why not give a little bit more information on the subject at hand? 💡
But didn't see it in this thread yet, but the "glitch" where the pay out of the drift seasonals where repeatable
(found by @crowhop I believe) has been fixed.👎
It's been that way since the Drift Seasonals were first introduced. It has been fixed. Other than making a fairly discreet post about it in the Drift forums, I don't think it ever really got out on here until after it was already fixed. I was hoping it would sneak through another update.
It really sucks that PD didn't even try to attempt to make these new cars sound remotely close to what they sound like IRL (with the exception of the Volkswagen which isn't real [but still could sound better]). All that time spent modeling these cars and you can't even take the time to record them?
You don't think the TS030 sounds accurate? Keep in mind it's not the "new" challenger..

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