GT6 Update 1.09 (Undocumented Changes in OP) >Lock<

  • Thread starter TheProRacer

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T500RS and Pedal Pressure info in the OP has been updated.
Hm I don't know if the description is completely correct. My friend just sent me a video of him driving down mulsanne with the wheel shaking from side to side so wildly he could barely hold on. So the T500 change seems a bit glitched.
Hm I don't know if the description is completely correct. My friend just sent me a video of him driving down mulsanne with the wheel shaking from side to side so wildly he could barely hold on. So the T500 change seems a bit glitched.

It is glitched. However, the OP shows what the T500RS sync change intentions were.
(•T500RS Force Feedback is now more dynamic, and it has a small dead zone. It is now easier to counter steer.)

I think you missunderstand @TheProRacer - Yes its easier to catch a slide with counter steer.
1 - The speed/power of Wheel spins greater, therefore easier to catch an oversteer sitiation (responds faster)
2 - The spin will likely "hit" a "stop" and return to center possition witch will stop your oversteer.

But it became impossible to drive a (rwd) car by oversteer/counter steer (drift) as 2 might save you from a piruette in a race, it wont allow you to go prober sideways and slide the car by steering and throotle :)
(•T500RS Force Feedback is now more dynamic, and it has a small dead zone. It is now easier to counter steer.)

I think you missunderstand @TheProRacer - Yes its easier to catch a slide with counter steer.
1 - The speed/power of Wheel spins greater, therefore easier to catch an oversteer sitiation (responds faster)
2 - The spin will likely "hit" a "stop" and return to center possition witch will stop your oversteer.

But it became impossible to drive a (rwd) car by oversteer/counter steer (drift) as 2 might save you from a piruette in a race, it will also make the driving style/technique Drifting "*Impossible"

I updated the OP again.
I think this is so far due to only having added camber to an existing tune as opposed to working it in with other settings. I'm pretty sure it will give an overall benefit when the cars are re-tuned to work with the camber added into the mix. But time will tell.

You have hit the nail on the head my friend. 👍 I posted a brief description of my findings in the camber thread and in each test, I totally re-did the tune, working in camber. I guess that could be why I have bested all of my times by between .200 - .400 because I re-did the tune instead of just trying to add camber. 💡 Those that are just adding camber to their tunes are of course not going to get accurate results because you have tuned the car to run without camber, now you have to tune it with camber. Remember, everything in the suspension has to work together, in perfect harmony. 👍 Re-work the tune and you should notice a difference, in handling and in lap times. Granted, I only tested about 5 cars, but in all my tests after re-working my tune, I always had a positive result.
I don't think this has been mentioned yet, but the stock setting for a lot of cars have been changes! The Camber and toe that is!
Can anybody confirm whether or not the pp values have actually changed? There was one post that said it and I have seen no evidence of that, and none of my cars have changed.
After 160 miles of testing in a TS030 I've come to the conclusion that in that car at least the camber change has worked. I ran 0/0 camber and couldn't beat the time I ran with -1.8/-1.4. More turn in bite with higher camber, and at higher speeds, when the tyres are really loaded up it has more grip.

There is a problem with the new camber values on a lot of the cars from what I've seen. Quite a few cars with racing suspension come with -1.5/-3.5 which is bloody awful to drive. Some RWD cars do run higher rear camber, but it's usually used on FWD cars to loosen the rear end up and get tyre temperature. I'd recommend going to something like -1.4/-1.0 and work from there. The toe settings aren't great either, running that high toe will just cause understeer and a loss of speed on the straights. Try -0.1/0.1 as a baseline.

Not sure if it really counts as undocumented, but the TS030 hybrid system is fully functioning but doesn't affect the PP/HP values of the car. I ran 1:58's with it on racing soft tyres at Spa.
Yes it was, but never on Nürburg 24'. Now it - finally - is...
My personal experience with this spray debate: after the game was released the 1st time I did the 24min nurb race, there was spray and also a dry line would appear during the race. That was within the 1st week. The next time I did the race was quite some time later. I decided to use the bmw vgt. Version 1.0? Disappointingly there was definitely no spray, somewhere in between it got removed. Tried the race again today and it's back. I think this is why there's some confusion. Anyway it was in then it was out and now it's back in. Hope that doesn't confuse the issue further 👍
You have hit the nail on the head my friend. 👍 I posted a brief description of my findings in the camber thread and in each test, I totally re-did the tune, working in camber. I guess that could be why I have bested all of my times by between .200 - .400 because I re-did the tune instead of just trying to add camber. 💡 Those that are just adding camber to their tunes are of course not going to get accurate results because you have tuned the car to run without camber, now you have to tune it with camber. Remember, everything in the suspension has to work together, in perfect harmony. 👍 Re-work the tune and you should notice a difference, in handling and in lap times. Granted, I only tested about 5 cars, but in all my tests after re-working my tune, I always had a positive result.
Thanks CargoRatt:cheers:

I saw your post there and was pretty sure it was as close as I was going to see to confirmation of the fix. I know from the seasonal threads how consistent a driver you are. And if you were finding those sort of improvements with your own tunes, that was proof enough for me.

It only makes sense the tunes are going to need re-worked, as you said it's all about the harmony. If you irreversibly change one note in a harmony, the rest will need to follow.

Another thing's for sure. There's gonna be a lot of busy people in the next few days, weeks and months.
Now I know how you guys felt with the changes in GT5's physics:banghead:
I stopped enjoying GT6 (for the most part) when the camber effect got messed up/reversed. The good news is, this means I did not try to tune my cars to the flawed camber effect. The bad news is, default suspension settings are now changed across the board so it doesn't matter which cars I did/did not tune for the camber issue, all cars have to be re-tuned regardless. But I should be able to have fun with this re-tuning now that GT6 has proper camber effects, plus new cars and tracks and other options & features! It's about time PD! I feel inspired to play GT6 again!
Great update, with track and cars. 👍

But didn't see it in this thread yet, but the "glitch" where the pay out of the drift seasonals where repeatable
(found by @crowhop I believe) has been fixed.👎
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Going back and re-tuning / testing the couple hundred cars in my garage to account for the camber changes is the best pain in the ass evar. EVAR!!

@Jordan also mentioned the following in the announcement for the Red Bull Ring, though it could be alluding to the fact that we were getting the track soon. I imagine there was probably a licensing problem with the F1 cars, if they were even planned to be included.
The last F1 race was held there in 2003, but it’s back on the calendar this year, and will be hosting the 2014 Austrian Grand Prix this weekend.