GT7 Apparently September 2024 Update Prediction

  • Thread starter Dbwasson
I think My First GT will answer quite a few of the community's questions, even if it does so unintentionally. It's just such a weird thing to have exist. Curated demos being a thing at all are rare these days, but a new curated demo for a two-and-a-half year old game that's sold 95% of the copies it ever will is unique I'm pretty sure. And I feel like it's a lot of work just for a PS 30th anniversary thing, so there's got to be something to it.
I’m not sure I’d make that claim considering the title is consistently in the top 20 PSN/Retail charts. Let’s say GT7 has sold 10m to date, they’d expect to sell another 5m+ over the lifespan of the game. It’s like a Mario Kart situation where the title will continue to sell to new console buyers until a sequel is released.

GT7 is the first numbered GT where PD can take advantage of online updates and lean into Spec updates or seasons. They’re learning on the job and plans may have changed in this turbulent videogame market.
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GT7 is the first numbered GT where PD can take advantage of online updates and lean into Spec updates or seasons. They’re learning on the job and plans may have changed in this turbulent videogame market.
You know the PS3 was capable of all of this and they did online updates, spec updates and seasonal content on both games for that console, right? It's not new to them at all.
Even excluding that you had the whole existence of GTS in which they could've 'learnt' with that, as they also did all of that there.
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I think there have been updates where there's not much notice until the more formal update notice that's typically posted on the official website, about a day or two before the actual update. I also hope that the PS5 Pro update doesn't include notable features that PS4 owners miss out on unless it makes sense from a hardware perspective, such as the Sophy content.
GT7 is the first numbered GT where PD can take advantage of online updates and lean into Spec updates or seasons. They’re learning on the job and plans may have changed in this turbulent videogame market.
Five and Six would like a word, especially since GT5 introduced the concept of Spec 2.0.
I think there have been updates where there's not much notice until the more formal update notice that's typically posted on the official website, about a day or two before the actual update. I also hope that the PS5 Pro update doesn't include notable features that PS4 owners miss out on unless it makes sense from a hardware perspective, such as the Sophy content.
If memory serves, the only content update that didn't have a teaser silhouette X/Twitter post from Kaz was the first, while only twice have the teaser posts been pushed as late as Monday (Japan time, once on Tuesday).

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