I need to stop treating my DR with such high regard anyway. It’s irrational. Probably do me good getting knocked down a peg or two.
This is actually what I did a long Time ago.
Look. DR is just a Number. It doesn’t represent the slightest thing.
What is it actually that keeps you playing Racing Games ?
Is it the thrilling experience competing against other People?!
Do you just enjoy driving all sorts of Cars?!
Is it your way of relaxing and just having a good time and fun?!
Or are you one of the tryhards who do TimeTrial every Day the whole Week, looking for the next Tenth here or there.
Never satisfied with what you have already achieved always looking for an improvement?!
Is DR so important as if it mirrors who you are or how fast you are.
Do you only play and enjoy trying to improve a meaningless Letter/Number to be proud of yourself.
I‘ve gone through all of that, trust me.
And it totally ruined my experience.
I thought I have to prove something, show others how “Good and Fast“ I am.
Trust me, no one cares 😅
I have raced People from E to A+.
Many lower ranked People are insanely fast, faster then both of us will most probably ever be.
And those are some of the most fair Players out there.
The A+ Range and skill Gap is so huge that being A+ doesn’t mean we are amongst an Elitist Group.
It’s just a small step on the Big Boys Court.
I‘ll happily stay at the absolute low Entry around 50-55K that’s my natural pace Level.
In GTS I was tryharding and sweating ultra hard.
I eventually got up to 67K but it was absolutely no fun.
It was just pure sweating. Stressing me out and partly ultra frustrating.
But the sooner you except that you have nothing to prove to anyone, the more relaxed and easy you’ll look at it as a whole Experience.
Don’t sweat it, just race at your natural pace, don’t Time Trial for Hours chasing that Magical Tenth.
I usually pick the Car which I appreciate in the Moment I scroll through my Garage, slap a fancy Livery on it and Time Trial a few Laps.
After 15 Minutes I usually have reached my Natural Pace around the given Track.
Just today I learned Trial Mountain Reverse for the first time.
An awesome Track once you Know which direction to go😅
And you should definitely give Suzuka a try. Unbelievable that you haven’t driven it yet, what have you been doing all the time assuming you have played GTS too 😅
It’s the most used track for Dailies as far as I can remember and it’s an ultra cool fast flowing and technical Track.
I‘m quite sure it‘ll click for you after a few Laps.
You’re a fast Driver, it shouldn’t be an issue to you.
Get out there, put in a Time and go racing.
Don’t care about your DR.
The less you think about your DR, the more you‘ll enjoy the Game 😁