GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Can someone help me understand why some people are refusing to race without BoP? Why is having to grind to buy whatever car is meta that week preferential to just buying one car from each category, applying some generic tune that works for most tracks, and just using that in whatever races come up?
Your question completely ignores the fact that even with tuning, you are still going to have meta cars that are heads and shoulders better than any other option. This was the case with GT Sport whenever tuning was allowed (see Road to GT7 series for the most recent example) and GT7 is looking to be not that much different in this regard.
Why does it even matter why people dislike tuning in daily races? Fact of the matter is there seems to be a majority who would rather do without it. That's really all there is to it.

However, to echo the sentiment, I don't want tuning races because I don't have very much time to play. The best thing about GT Sport is that I could jump on whenever I wanted to and race competitively.

It think it's silly for people to say that people who put in more time are always going to yield better results than those who don't. This is simply not true. I could probably never beat World Tour drivers even if I practiced as much or more than them. There are alien-level drivers who don't play often, jump on the game and dominate their peers consistently with little or no practice. I can jump on GT Sport and race with no practice and beat people who play for hours every day. There are people who train their entire lives, dedicating nearly every waking moment to becoming a professional at some sport and still fail to do so. Some people just aren't good at things, and other people just naturally are. Practice helps yes, but practice VS results is not a directly proportional relationship.

Simply put, I want to win based on driving skills and abilities rather than my ability to either tune, or get online and find the best tune currently available. That last part seems especially dumb because eventually there will be meta tunes for each car and track that we can all access and implement. At which point they become moot. Might as well just have default setups. How dumb is it that I can literally race a much better race, take better lines, brake later, get better exits...and still potentially lose to somebody who isn't nearly as good at any of that?

I guarantee Sport Mode will have far higher participation with tuning removed and BoP implemented.
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This race B is such carnage at times. So many people just ramming you off the track. Thought as you moved up the ratings you matched with better drivers but they aren’t half dirty with it
Why does it even matter why people dislike tuning in daily races? Fact of the matter is there seems to be a majority who would rather do without it. That's really all there is to it.

However, to echo the sentiment, I don't want tuning races because I don't have very much time to play. The best thing about GT Sport is that I could jump on whenever I wanted to and race competitively.

It think it's silly for people to say that people who put in more time are always going to yield better results than those who don't. This is simply not true. I could probably never beat World Tour drivers even if I practiced as much or more than them. There are alien-level drivers who don't play often, jump on the game and dominate their peers consistently with little or no practice. I can jump on GT Sport and race with no practice and beat people who play for hours every day. There are people who train their entire lives, dedicating nearly every waking moment to becoming a professional at some sport and still fail to do so. Some people just aren't good at things, and other people just naturally are. Practice helps yes, but practice VS results is not a directly proportional relationship.

Simply put, I want to win based on driving skills and abilities rather than my ability to either tune, or get online and find the best tune currently available. That last part seems especially dumb because eventually there will be meta tunes for each car and track that we can all access and implement. At which point they become moot. Might as well just have default setups. How dumb is it that I can literally race a much better race, take better lines, brake later, get better exits...and still potentially lose to somebody who isn't nearly as good at any of that?

I guarantee Sport Mode will have far higher participation with tuning removed and BoP implemented.
And I think you finding us more hardcore players silly is baffling. It is the truth, more effort brings better results, sooner or later. Esports drivers exist yes. They practice much much more than many others, which is why they are almost impossible to beat, unless you are an esport driver yourself. Then you need plenty of talent too. Most esport drivers get paid and/or sponsored to practice and race a lot.

Just because many don't have time for tuning and setups, does not mean it should be disallowed either completely from sport mode. This is not a popularity contest, this is racing.

As I suggested in practical terms in my previous comment, and some others too. GT7 needs to cater both the tuners/modders and players who have more time to spend, and also the more casual players and drivers with less time to spend. Neither should win over the other. GT to me is trying to cater the car culture as a whole. Therefore, cater both.

Forza Horizon and NFS exist for more casual players only. ACC and PC2 for simracing fans and hardcore racers. GT imo now has a golden opportunity to truly cater both the casual and hardcore players.
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Because you can RUN them daily, not because they CHANGE daily. For example, FIA’s only ran once or twice a week.
Well you can race them daily 😀

Personally I wouldn't tie them down to a timeframe in the title as you can race them numerous times a date or during the week so it may be misleading.

Timing wise, I think the same races for a week is good, for me anyway as I can't get on often so it gives me chance to tune and try to improve before rotated out.

The mix of the three are good too.

That's fair enough; I remember in the early days of GT Sport that there were new events every day. I guess Polyphony stuck with the title due to familiarity :)
Thanks for the responses, fair amount to talk about and I do want to make clear that I am merely expressing opinions and that we are probably seeing the same objective truths in subjective ways. I don't think there's a right or wrong and ultimately the best solution would be to have choice in what kind of races we have available.

Because this system punishes people who simply have less time to play. It’s basically the same as when people complain that in the real world mediocre drivers get to F1 because of money over actually fast people with no money. I want a racing game to judge and rank me based on my driving ability, not the fact that I can throw an hour every time I race to find out a good car/tune combo.

I want to race people in my skill level, not worse drivers who simply make up the difference by having more time and in game currency.
Is this not missing the point that the vast majority of people aren't making their own setups, they are simply copy and pasting what they find online. It can be done in 5-10 minutes and once you find someone who's tunes you like, just bookmark their page so it's even quicker to get to racing.
I don't know why you are struggling to make sense of me wanting to drive with people with a similar skill and similar racecraft instead of people that can match my speed because they are better with setups. I am not playing F1/GT3 Manager. It's OK to disagree though. You asked for someone to help you understand why they like BOPped races, well this is it for me.
I'm struggling because ultimately I think that if you are consistently getting close competitive racing, that's all that matters. There is good racing in every level of DR, I don't agree that having your DR drop slightly because you refuse to tune is going to have a significant impact on the quality of racing you come up against and/or your fun.
It was still possible to overcome the difference between meta cars and the rest, if you have a favourite car you enjoy driving.

Not so much here as so many things are ignored when setting a flat bhp/kg for every car that the gap can be seconds, not tenths.
There are so many exaggerations in this post it's hard to know where to begin. There were cars in Sport that had setups so bad that it was simply not feasible to ever be competitive with similarly skilled drivers.

With regards to GT7, there are cars that are genuinely competitive with minimal tuning and zero setup changes (911 GT3s). I tried using a number of setups that were copied from people online, they were all better than their relatively uncompetitive stock setups, but the only one that was genuinely faster than my stock 911 GT3 lap was a GTR tune, and that was by a couple of tenths, not seconds. I suspect that you are referring to people using bugged cars or exploits, like the Peugeot VGT, which I think we can agree are probably best to ignore in this discussion as they will probably be patched.
You are confusing tuning with setups.
I think most people are to be fair. Gr.3 cars have minimal options for tuning, and yet as evidenced in this thread, lots of people are still turned off from doing races that don't have locked setups.
Your question completely ignores the fact that even with tuning, you are still going to have meta cars that are heads and shoulders better than any other option. This was the case with GT Sport whenever tuning was allowed (see Road to GT7 series for the most recent example) and GT7 is looking to be not that much different in this regard.
But we have that even with BoP? So yeah, it doesn't really make a difference does it? Except I can definitely get closer with non meta cars in tuned lobbies than I can in BoPd lobbies.
Because depending on what car is meta and how much it costs, grinding for the credits can take up a solid portion of your available playing time. I'd rather do 3 BOP races and 3 random career objectives than 25 laps of fishermans ranch. Then if someone finds an OP tune for a new car mid-week, the whole process starts again.

Look at last week. Race A - the car was easy to get, but needed 100,000cr worth of upgrades before you could be competitive. Race B - you needed to spend a fortune on one specific car to have a chance. If I did that, I'd have no credits to participate this week.
But how is this any better with BoP sorry? There is a dominant car in every race, with BoP it is impossible to iron out deficiencies in non-meta cars. With BoP turned on, Race B would still be dominated by the Peugeot VGT (basically zero tuning options on that car), because it's bugged. If the bug is patched, then the 911 GT3 RS would have been dominant. Each track has its meta Gr.3 car and although there are consistently competitive cars, like the Supra was in GTSport, you still need to drive the meta if you want to be absolutely certain for some reason that the reason you aren't winning isn't because you aren't in the fastest car, it's because you aren't actually as good as the other people you're racing.
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That's fair enough; I remember in the early days of GT Sport that there were new events every day. I guess Polyphony stuck with the title due to familiarity :)

As someone who runs a weekly lobby where we do bonus races afterwards every week, coming up with new combos on a limited amount of cars/tracks gets tricky after a while, I assume that’s got at least a bit to do with it. :)
So i did a gr4 race and all i did was shrink my pp lolz and nothing else and was in 2.08 2.09 range with my free supra and in p2 until i screwed up.

So you don't need to do anything to be in the mix right away

GR4 is 630 pp and under.

You can mess with the turbos like they do in real life but you need to have the pp match what they set

Like the new nsx evo doesn't that have new turbos and intercoolers?

You can mess with the aero and trans and diff and suspension like real life to find a set up

All the other stuff like exhaust you can't mess with because it's off by default

Nearly all the stuff in the tune shop for race cars is not available anyway. Yeah you can put nitrous on your car which is dumb but you can not use it in sport mode because it's blocked

So i honestly don't know what the big stink is all about?
Is anyone having trouble getting into races? Last few daily B's races I have done had full field in warm up lobby then only 7 or so make it into the race.

Oh If anyone wants something for race B give the Suzuki Swift Sport GR4 a go, it's ok I will wait for you to stop laughing.

Add race transmission. Adjust ECU to 91% and top speed to 270 (1 click left) to meet pp requirements and you will be reasonably competitive against the Supras most folks seem to be running. You can fit turbo's but you will need to adjust things a bit more to meet the pp requirements and I am sure folks with more tuning knowledge can squeeze more out of it

I have done a 2:08 which at DR B seems good enough for a top 3. It's not going to cut it in A / A+ lobbies looking at the top ten times but seems to be good enough at my level of racing
And I think you finding us more hardcore players silly is baffling. It is the truth, more effort brings better results, sooner or later. Esports drivers exist yes. They practice much much more than many others, which is why they are almost impossible to beat, unless you are an esport driver yourself. Then you need plenty of talent too. Most esport drivers get paid and/or sponsored to practice and race a lot.

Just because many don't have time for tuning and setups, does not mean it should be disallowed either completely from sport mode. This is not a popularity contest, this is racing.

As I suggested in practical terms in my previous comment, and some others too. GT7 needs to cater both the tuners/modders and players who have more time to spend, and also the more casual players and drivers with less time to spend. Neither should win over the other. GT to me is trying to cater the car culture as a whole. Therefore, cater both.

Forza Horizon and NFS exist for more casual players only. ACC and PC2 for simracing fans and hardcore racers. GT imo now has a golden opportunity to truly cater both the casual and hardcore players.
You've used a couple different straw man arguments against me here, so let me clarify. I never said you "more hardcore players are silly." I said that the claim that if you put in more practice you will always get better results is a silly claim. My examples explain why this is true, there's not really much of an argument there. More effort will sometimes bring better results, but there is a limit and more practice does not always equal better results.

You say most esport drivers get paid and/or sponsored to practice and race a lot, but that's not typically the case in GT. Most of them don't get paid.

I also never said tuning should be disallowed completely. So that argument surely isn't aimed at me.

I agree that GT7 should have both options. If it did, everybody (including PD) would see that there are many more people who prefer the non-tuning races compared to those who do. No contest.

I'm curious what you think makes you a "hardcore player?" Is it because you have more time than the average player? Are you sponsored or do you get paid to play? I would consider myself as somebody who takes the racing seriously and is very competitive when I do race...I just happen to have a full time career and a family with a young child. Does that make me any less hardcore because I'd rather spend my limited time racing over tuning?

If you think more effort will always bring better results, then what is the difference between putting in more effort by practicing driving and using that time to tune? By this theory, shouldn't you be equally as competitive in any car as long as you put the time in? After all as you stated, this is racing, right? So why not race more and tune less? Seems like your time would be better spent practicing racing and getting better at driving technique than it would be attempting to tune out yours or the car's bad characteristics.
Is anyone having trouble getting into races? Last few daily B's races I have done had full field in warm up lobby then only 7 or so make it into the race.

Oh If anyone wants something for race B give the Suzuki Swift Sport GR4 a go, it's ok I will wait for you to stop laughing.

Add race transmission. Adjust ECU to 91% and top speed to 270 (1 click left) to meet pp requirements and you will be reasonably competitive against the Supras most folks seem to be running. You can fit turbo's but you will need to adjust things a bit more to meet the pp requirements and I am sure folks with more tuning knowledge can squeeze more out of it

I have done a 2:08 which at DR B seems good enough for a top 3. It's not going to cut it in A / A+ lobbies looking at the top ten times but seems to be good enough at my level of racing
I'm not sure if adding a turbo when you're already above spec is beneficial, by the time you bring the ECU down to meet requirements you'll probably find that you don't actually see any benefit to power figures or the power bands.
Seems like your time would be better spent practicing racing and getting better at driving technique than it would be attempting to tune out yours or the car's bad characteristics.
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When will the daily races change? Its been the same two races since launch. Which I know was 10 days ago, but when its only the same two tracks, and race criteria for that long, it gets old really fast.
I wanted BoP to but honestly this not to bad for Gr.3 so far. Yeah the Audi seems fastest on the straights but its not like its miles ahead of anything else. Even with BoP there will be meta cars, but so far the Porsche, Lambo, and corvette seem to be pretty competitive as well from what ive seen so far.

Ive done 3 Daily race C in the McLaren 650S and ive had a blast doing them. Already came across some familiar names from back in the day when i played Sport, brought back some good memories.

I wanna try the R8 but i dont have allot of credits left so might just stick with the 650S some more. The McLaren definetly not the fastest on this track but i should be able to do 1:45 with it. Maybe a bit of tuning can help some more.

I am just glad we finally get some good Sport running.

Some action replay;
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Up to 5 races completed and 4 2nds and a 5th. Did improve my qualifying time to a 47.3, really enjoyed the races I did despite being close to winning.

Only won 16 of 405 sport races on GT Sport so hoping that my sport career on GT7 sees me visit the winners circle more often.
Is anyone having trouble getting into races? Last few daily B's races I have done had full field in warm up lobby then only 7 or so make it into the race.
Yes, I've been having problems yesterday and today - only managing to get into 1 race in 3, and then find that half of the field haven't made into the one race I do get into
Sweet more races that I can get wrecked or shunted off the track.....same **** as GTS so **** the 50 sport races trophy lol 2 races today and got shunted in both. smfh
Had my first try at the daily races in GT7 and won in my first go!

Started on pole, got punted on the first corner but managed to gain back 1st place to take the win with the clean race bonus to boot 👍


This tune worked really well for me. ☝️
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Those who EXPLOIT this "fault" know they are cheating, this is why they should get penalized.
They know the exploit and tuned their cars to benefit the exploit and is cheating plain and simple.

Removing lap from leaderboards will not solve, they will just dominate the race without qualifying... not fair.
You did not understand. I said, patch the bug and then remove the laps from the leaderboard, not just ignore the problem.
The thing is, this person found a bug that PD missed, so thanks to this driver PD can remove the bug.
Yeah, it ain't the tuning. I just suck lol. I bought the Evo R8 and copied Kie's tune and am putting the same miserable time I put up in the Corvette. I can't help but feel that I'm doing something terribly wrong in the infield.
But we have that even with BoP? So yeah, it doesn't really make a difference does it? Except I can definitely get closer with non meta cars in tuned lobbies than I can in BoPd lobbies.
The difference is that more people can be competitive with tuning out of the equation since all they have to do is simply buy the car, which therefore, leads to better racing. It cannot be denied that this accessibility was one of the main draws of GTS, especially for people with less free time on their hands. I have yet to see an instance where tuning lead to closer and more competitive racing than BoP. Usually, it’s leads to the opposite with people being even more spread out on the track.
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I think "tuning" stops people from jumping in unprepared. Which is a good thing overall.

I understand the limited time argument but don't think it realistically applies to any competetive activity. In sport often there are Pro and Am categories. Maybe gaming will be like that someday.

Just like single player mode there needs to be a balance between accessible and challenging. I don't thnik it's something that can be accurately predicted. So trial and error seems to be the only effective method.

I think the reason there was no pulic beta testing is because it's always evolving.
Your question completely ignores the fact that even with tuning, you are still going to have meta cars that are heads and shoulders better than any other option. This was the case with GT Sport whenever tuning was allowed (see Road to GT7 series for the most recent example) and GT7 is looking to be not that much different in this regard.
There was pretty much always meta cars in GTS with bop and no tuning.
I didn’t want yesterday’s lap grinding to go to waste so I used Kie’s setup in the r8 and hit Race C. Got a what I thought was a not great qualy of 1.45.8 but surprisingly saw me start fourth and 2nd in DR A. Some amazing racing and so happy to be back. The tuning is a bit silly - 15 R8s on the grid. What I will say is that the R8 is really nice to drive with this setup and I wouldn’t go near it stock. Not sure what to make of that.
But anyway, how about some great racing. Very clean and respectful, bump drafting and fuel saving playing a big role. People are clearly still getting used to the physics. Quite a few spins. To be honest I was able to run my own race nice and smooth and just bring it home. So good to be back!
@Sven Jurgens i completely get your reticence, But using those settings and that car there’s some great racing here.
I didn’t want yesterday’s lap grinding to go to waste so I used Kie’s setup in the r8 and hit Race C. Got a what I thought was a not great qualy of 1.45.8 but surprisingly saw me start fourth and 2nd in DR A. Some amazing racing and so happy to be back. The tuning is a bit silly - 15 R8s on the grid. What I will say is that the R8 is really nice to drive with this setup and I wouldn’t go near it stock. Not sure what to make of that.
But anyway, how about some great racing. Very clean and respectful, bump drafting and fuel saving playing a big role. People are clearly still getting used to the physics. Quite a few spins. To be honest I was able to run my own race nice and smooth and just bring it home. So good to be back!
@Sven Jurgens i completely get your reticence, But using those settings and that car there’s some great racing here.
Try Race B... look at Chat, its only tune by me but easy 2.04,xxx and 2.03,xxx are possible for us. ( you are faster then me )
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