GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
My opinion on this incident is 100% based on which video I am watching. :lol:

The chase cam review can be quite treacherous (if that's the right word).
In my own races, I had several incidents where I was convinced it was the other guys fault in the race, and later when I looked at it from my own chase cam replay. Then, watching from his perspective: oopsie, maybe it was on me.

I usually then take another look from my own chase cam, to convince myself that I hadn't been the bad guy, and then close the replay for good...😇
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I'd say that's on him, he should have known you were there and left you space.....although I'll admit it does look worse on the 2nd clip!

My overall opinion is racing incident, but they take the blame and you did nothing wrong.

Had you hit his rear bumper, it'd been pretty clear. But, the fact it was fender-to-fender means he should've been driving smarter. I decree 51% to 49% blame goes to the trailing car; regardless, racing incident, no penalty.

His fault, his fault, his fault. Even if he did clear you, no way he should cut across like that, asking to be rear ended. Garbage racing, you're being way too hard on yourself.
Cheers all, just the way I bundled him off, especially in cockpit cam in race, felt like I had done a bit of a naughty.

Driving away like

Is the water at St Croix based on something real? I get if they're going for something that exists, but it really looks awful in game to me, just me? I worried my GPU might be going initially.
I had the same feeling, like it’s a bridge over a septic pond that’s been chemically treated!
It is just ridiculous. I can only use a few Group 3 cars because even TC1 is completely brutal, the time loss is just beyond bad. No idea WHAT they are doing with the TC settings.
I've got used to driving with TC 0, preferring the risk of spinning out from time to time to the time loss, but honestly, with some cars on certain tracks, I would like to have a TC 0.5 setting. In my perception there is much more difference between TC 0 and TC 1 than between TC 1 and TC 3. Don't know if this would be any different if I had a wheel and pedals.
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I've got used to driving with TC 0, preferring the risk of spinning out from time to time to the time loss, but honestly, with some cars on certain tracks, I would like to have a TC 0.5 setting. In my perception there is much more diffence between TC 0 and TC 1 than between TC 1 and TC 3. Don't know if this would be any different if I had a wheel and pedals.
Try turning ASM on ( if you don’t have it on already). It seems to kinda be a milder version of TCS. I think? 🍻
Race B is bloody hard! I’m half a second of the people I’m usually around. However the racing has been immaculately clean.
i am searching for a full 3 seconds (have finished the CE) on my board, lmao. seeing the top times in the world at 8 seconds above me (DR A) makes that one unfeasible for me. i also have the sensation, whenever i'm going through the bridge section, that i'm an incident waiting to happen for someone. the racing hards turn into skates after that bridge...
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i am searching for a full 3 seconds (have finished the CE) on my board, lmao. seeing the top times in the world at 8 seconds above me (DR A) makes that one unfeasible for me. i also have the sensation, whenever i'm going through the bridge section, that i'm an incident waiting to happen for someone. the racing hards turn into skates after that bridge...
yeah its the bumps. It one of the few turn in the GTR I have ever actually modulated throttle on. This is probably the furtherest I have ever been ahead of you. In fact quite often you are ahead of me.
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Try turning ASM on ( if you don’t have it on already). It seems to kinda be a milder version of TCS. I think? 🍻
I tried it, in the process of trying out (and abandoning) all the driving aids. Didn't like it, it felt a bit intrusive for my taste. I think I'll stick with trying to improve my usage of the throttle on my tiny controller...
yeah its the bumps. It one of the few turn in the GTR I have ever actually modulated throttle on. This is probably the furtherest I have ever been ahead of you. In fact quite often you are ahead of me.
i'm always really impressed by the times you all are getting on the long circuits! between this and the nurburgring, i'm once again reminded how much room i've got to improve.

maybe its because i only picked up GTS last summer, but theres a lot of intuitive knowledge i lack.... i usually dont run more than 20 quali laps on a given week, but i've probably done that many and am nowhere near the times youve been putting in (maybe you had an alfa one too?).
i'm always really impressed by the times you all are getting on the long circuits! between this and the nurburgring, i'm once again reminded how much room i've got to improve.

maybe its because i only picked up GTS last summer, but theres a lot of intuitive knowledge i lack.... i usually dont run more than 20 quali laps on a given week, but i've probably done that many and am nowhere near the times youve been putting in (maybe you had an alfa one too?).
20 laps ain’t going to cut it!
i'm always really impressed by the times you all are getting on the long circuits! between this and the nurburgring, i'm once again reminded how much room i've got to improve.

maybe its because i only picked up GTS last summer, but theres a lot of intuitive knowledge i lack.... i usually dont run more than 20 quali laps on a given week, but i've probably done that many and am nowhere near the times youve been putting in (maybe you had an alfa one too?).
I’m in the same boat as you. I only started racing when this version came out! I got over my shame and started asking lots (and LOTS) of questions about things, only to learn that I have even more questions! But it’s starting to sink in a bit. This is a great community for learning, as most everyone here is really helpful, friendly, and wanting to promote the hobby that they love!
i am searching for a full 3 seconds (have finished the CE) on my board, lmao. seeing the top times in the world at 8 seconds above me (DR A) makes that one unfeasible for me. i also have the sensation, whenever i'm going through the bridge section, that i'm an incident waiting to happen for someone. the racing hards turn into skates after that bridge...
What's your quali time and race lap times?

Brake at directional triangles in the road. I've had good luck with that braking point.

yeah its the bumps. It one of the few turn in the GTR I have ever actually modulated throttle on. This is probably the furtherest I have ever been ahead of you. In fact quite often you are ahead of me.
He said after the bridge, whereas the bumps are before. Unless you think they're related?

I like the bumps... adds a bit of spice to the turn. Especially since they're at the tail end of a section where half the goal is to keep the car settled down. Just when you think you've got her under control, the bumps have other plans.


Softer compound tyres would transform race b
I don't know what it is with PD and they're hard-on for the RH tires.

Daily C needs RS or RM with a mandatory pit and it would be 100x more fun. That week on the Glen with the RMs and one required stop was so awesome! I won a couple of those races by pitting on lap four rather than five for a successful undercut. It was awesome.
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What's your quali time and race lap times?

Brake at directional triangles in the road. I've had good luck with that braking point.

I don't know what it is with PD and they're hard-on for the RH tires.

Daily C needs RS or RM with a mandatory pit and it would be 100x more fun. That week on the Glen with the RMs and one required stop was so awesome! I won a couple of those races by pitting on lap four rather than five for a successful undercut. It was awesome.
thank you for that tip! between that bridge (the bump is no joke, either!) and the weavey-bendy bit at the end, there's a lot to lock down for me.

i'm at 2:24 and change still... in the bugatti lmao... i'm usually decent with the GTR and Alfa so i'm going to commit to at least hitting 2:24 even before doing a race. no clue what my race time is... its less that i'm afraid to lose DR, its more that i know i'll probably cause a pileup somewhere along the way. as Mr Tobasco said - i'm gonna have to put in more than 20 laps this time.

update edit: i got it down to 2:23.5 thanks to Talon's Triangle Tip, using the Alfa. i was losing about a half second there, and another half second on that downhill curve towards the end (i would lose control or take it a gear low every time). everything but the Alfa ended up being a driftfest, the tires are just screaming on every turn... how they expect clean races out of this is beyond me. especially when their 'suggested braking zones' are so absurd.
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I tried it, in the process of trying out (and abandoning) all the driving aids. Didn't like it, it felt a bit intrusive for my taste. I think I'll stick with trying to improve my usage of the throttle on my tiny controller...
Oh same here. Besides ABS Is kept at default. I was trying to burn through some of the missions and license test on a alt account after a few too many beers 🍻
I’m in the same boat as you. I only started racing when this version came out! I got over my shame and started asking lots (and LOTS) of questions about things, only to learn that I have even more questions! But it’s starting to sink in a bit. This is a great community for learning, as most everyone here is really helpful, friendly, and wanting to promote the hobby that they love!
Same here. Without the feedback from the great guys here I might not even have tried racing online.
i'm always really impressed by the times you all are getting on the long circuits! between this and the nurburgring, i'm once again reminded how much room i've got to improve.

maybe its because i only picked up GTS last summer, but theres a lot of intuitive knowledge i lack.... i usually dont run more than 20 quali laps on a given week, but i've probably done that many and am nowhere near the times youve been putting in (maybe you had an alfa one too?).
yeah the alfa just isnt viable here. Like it was Interlagos or dominated on the short Lago course.
I think once you learn the GTR you will lose a second at least off your time. The alfa is too understeery and too slow at speed I was only in the 2:22s in it.

the two closest cars to the GTR I have found are the Viper and RCZ.
Struggling with pace at race b. They are two are three corners were I’m consistently losing time.
The awkward downhill right, left, right just before the bridge - for most of this I’m just free wheeling through the corners, but getting back on the power for the bridge is were I struggle a bit
The long right hander after the bridge before the long straight - I never know what gear to be, to free wheel the full corner, to free wheel with dab of throttle, or just be on throttle with dab of brakes. No matter which option I take I have different results each time
The double left hander before the final corner - again gear. Do I stay in 5th and lift off, or do I lift off drop to 4th, or dab the brake in 5th but get on the power quicker, dab the brake into 4th and again power on early.

Doesnt help that I struggle to drive the 4wd cars. Fastest laps so are 22.8 in a Aston and 22.9 in the Ferrari (which surprised me)
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I think the DH right is going to be 4th in most car but I will use 3rd in the GTR if I am off line to bring it back in. The double left hander again I think it depends how well you entry is. this entire course has taught to me to have a plan but be prepred to change your plan.
The long right hander after the bridge before the long straight - I never know what gear to be, to free wheel the full corner, to free wheel with dab of throttle, or just be on throttle with dab of brakes.
Though you'll probably end up with a faster time than me here, this should help anyway as a good reference point for the turn.


Want to aim to be slowed enough and on the inside by the asphalt so you can accelerate out of it. You should be able to follow it around from here and not clip the outside wall.
Struggling with pace at race b. They are two are three corners were I’m consistently losing time.
The awkward downhill right, left, right just before the bridge - for most of this I’m just free wheeling through the corners, but getting back on the power for the bridge is were I struggle a bit
The long right hander after the bridge before the long straight - I never know what gear to be, to free wheel the full corner, to free wheel with dab of throttle, or just be on throttle with dab of brakes. No matter which option I take I have different results each time
The double left hander before the final corner - again gear. Do I stay in 5th and lift off, or do I lift off drop to 4th, or dab the brake in 5th but get on the power quicker, dab the brake into 4th and again power on early.

Doesnt help that I struggle to drive the 4wd cars. Fastest laps so are 22.8 in a Aston and 22.9 in the Ferrari (which surprised me)
If you’re comfortable with the Ferrari I highly recommend it. I’ve loved driving that car on this track!

In that car, on the long downhill before the bridge: start far left in 5th, and when you see the orange in the barricade lift off and turn hard right. Coast down that hill until you’re sure you’ll clear the second barricade. Dab the gas into the turn to stabilize (I mean very little) and then brake a little while you turn left and downshift to fourth, then third while lightly braking. When you get to the uphill right to the bridge you’re going to have to assess your situation: if you’re lined up well stay in third and final it, otherwise shift down to second to turn in and then hit it hrs and shift to third as you fly over that hill. It’s a heart check moment every time!

The Ferrari will keep pace along the bridge, and if you do it juuuust right you may hit 6th just before your brake point (the last orange dude who never ever moves), and brake hard into third if you have the pace (or second if not), and then the fast turn is a crapshoot! I get to fourth and go wide left by the time I hit that weird tarmac patch. The Ferrari is better at high revs, so keep it there. At the patch, smoothly half brake and lean right until you feel like you’ll hit the right barricade, keeping the accel at a quarter or so and when you’re sure you won’t hit that right side, slowly increase your throttle. This is where I tend to run into that weird barricade in the left after the blue lines, so be careful. The longer you can wait to turn in and the harder you can do it, the better off you’ll be. This is all in fourth gear.

That last S I s tricky and I never totally figured it out, but I’m f you can go over each of the curbs a little (left-right) you should be in 5th, at which point you lift off just at the downhill and lean hard left. Hit the curbs again(left-left) and if all goes well you’ll still be in 5th for the last straight.

See if that works for you! Have fun with it!
Though you'll probably end up with a faster time than me here, this should help anyway as a good reference point for the turn.

View attachment 1177329

Want to aim to be slowed enough and on the inside by the asphalt so you can accelerate out of it. You should be able to follow it around from here and not clip the outside wall.
Sorry pal, Jason Plato has just beaten your time. 2.22.266 now in the Aston.

I’ll give your line a try. I’m finding going left of the dark patch lifting off and a dab off brake the quicker way round and then power on 3/4 of the way round.

If you’re comfortable with the Ferrari I highly recommend it. I’ve loved driving that car on this track!

In that car, on the long downhill before the bridge: start far left in 5th, and when you see the orange in the barricade lift off and turn hard right. Coast down that hill until you’re sure you’ll clear the second barricade. Dab the gas into the turn to stabilize (I mean very little) and then brake a little while you turn left and downshift to fourth, then third while lightly braking. When you get to the uphill right to the bridge you’re going to have to assess your situation: if you’re lined up well stay in third and final it, otherwise shift down to second to turn in and then hit it hrs and shift to third as you fly over that hill. It’s a heart check moment every time!

The Ferrari will keep pace along the bridge, and if you do it juuuust right you may hit 6th just before your brake point (the last orange dude who never ever moves), and brake hard into third if you have the pace (or second if not), and then the fast turn is a crapshoot! I get to fourth and go wide left by the time I hit that weird tarmac patch. The Ferrari is better at high revs, so keep it there. At the patch, smoothly half brake and lean right until you feel like you’ll hit the right barricade, keeping the accel at a quarter or so and when you’re sure you won’t hit that right side, slowly increase your throttle. This is where I tend to run into that weird barricade in the left after the blue lines, so be careful. The longer you can wait to turn in and the harder you can do it, the better off you’ll be. This is all in fourth gear.

That last S I s tricky and I never totally figured it out, but I’m f you can go over each of the curbs a little (left-right) you should be in 5th, at which point you lift off just at the downhill and lean hard left. Hit the curbs again(left-left) and if all goes well you’ll still be in 5th for the last straight.

See if that works for you! Have fun with it!
I was pleasantly surprised by that Ferrari. If I can sort the gears out as the gear come quickly at you I reckon I could get a good time out of it.

Cheers for the tips. Will give them all a go and see.
Need to do some actual racing now. I spend way too much time hitting time trial and never actually racing.
The long right hander after the bridge before the long straight - I never know what gear to be, to free wheel the full corner, to free wheel with dab of throttle, or just be on throttle with dab of brakes
In the GTR, about 10m after the red mark on the barrier on the right side of the track; a dab of brakes and freewheel it into the apex then floor it all the way out, stay in 4th for the whole turn
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I’ll give your line a try. I’m finding going left of the dark patch lifting off and a dab off brake the quicker way round and then power on 3/4 of the way round.
For this long right hander, as long as I am tight to the wall, my acceleration point is the barrier on the outside wall 'transitions' and there is red paint on the one that is ending. When I see that red paint, I punch it.
In the GTR, about 10m after the red mark on the barrier on the right side of the track; a dab of brakes and freewheel it into the apex then floor it all the way out, stay in 4th for the whole turn
Similar but I don't think I even hit the brakes. A quick let off of the gas and a flick of the wheel towards the inside wall is usually enough to get the weight on the front and enough rotation for a turn in. I then floor it until the next wall, maybe 50% brakes and slight left turn-in (too much brakes or turning will unsettle the car); straighten the wheel and at the dark patch in the asphalt, stab the brakes and get ready for the bumpy right.

All that being said, NNT's time is like a second faster than mine (20.6 for me) so take that with a grain of salt. I don't think I am losing it here, though... I know where I'm slow and I feel this little bit is pretty good.

Never mind, I am a knuckle head and was thinking of the right turn into the the esses. For the long right hander before the back straight, see first bit.
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