GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Put your alt account name in your signature, like mine.
It's safer for you if people know who you are. I am very careful around drivers who may post clips of what I'm doing on the track. :D
Ok, updated my names and put them in the sig.

Thing is, it's a double edge sword... if I FUBAR my braking zone and put someone into the sand, I don't really want them knowing it was me! :lol: It's all good, if I mess up I'll take my lashings.
Didn't get to play yesterday due to me being at a baseball game. The home team lost, but the weather was beautiful and perfect for baseball. Back at it this evening with some major struggles with me way behind the pace I had yesterday. I finally got my time to a 2:21.9XX with another .5 seconds according to the optimal time. I think I can find that time, but getting to 2:21.XXX was my goal for today.

My first race of the night has me in P4 on the grid to start. It's a good start with no problems and clean racing. On lap 2, P3 accidentally gets into the back of P2 and sends them flying in the section before the bridge. So, P2 comes to a complete stop on the track to let the driver they hit get ahead. I go slow when I see them as I don't know if they are going to un-ghost as I go by. That allows the Alfa behind me to catch up and pass when I touch the wall coming out of the sweeping right-hander after the bridge. We have a nice battle and I just can't get past them. On the last corner I make the best cut-back pass/absolute send I've ever made.

No contact as I make the pass and finish P2 with he clean race bonus! Great race overall.

Race 2 of the night sees a lobby with half A+/A drivers and half B ranks. I start in P9 this time and like the last race was clean. I get stuck behind P8 and get by when they go wide going onto the bridge and I take the position. Someone spins ahead of me and I take over P7 with P8 on my heels. The driver behind me can't catch up and I don't have any chance of catching all the A drivers and I keep it on the track and finish in P7 with another clean race bonus.

I didn't think I'd like this combo too much with never running here before, but it's pretty good. Looking forward to some races tomorrow.
I'm a bit of surprised that, I found some fun in this week's Daily C. Of course, if you are way faster than the pack, and can pull out by several seconds in first laps, the race will soon become just circling for 12 laps. But if there are several drives on the same level, there indeed is some strategies to use.

In one of my races last night (Asia/Ocenia top split) I've noticed that some drivers got a chance to use bump drafting to get away from the chaos behind quickly. I was punted out by a DR A driver who is obviously lack of polished racecrafts and
with some alway-send-it attitude at every corner.

Somehow when finally get out of the pack and trying to catch up the front runner, I noticed that on the home straight the gap to the first place is increasing hugely, but in corners I can make up some grounds. I soon understand that this is a clever one!! In the end I could only cut 7 seconds to 4.5 seconds to the finish line and settled for third place.

However I managed to get away at the start in the next race and win by near 10 sec.

Obviously the previous race winner couldn't get a good partner this time! I also found that there are not so many fast qualifiers participating the race, I start all 6 races on pole with a 1:37.3 lap time.
So I decided to pull out the WRX STi GR.4 tonight and set some qualifying times. Thus far my times have been in the 2:23-2:25 range. Basically good enough for mid pack starts and maybe I can squeak a few places out through attrition ahead of me or mistakes.

Until I sat down and started to grind times and learn the track better.

Who knew grinding paid off? (for legal purposes this is a joke). I was able to get consistently get low 2:22 times and cracked off a single best time of 2:21:794. Good enough for a 3rd place start in my final race of the night.


I know this race has been a GT-R fest basically since it dropped, the GT-R is incredibly strong and the straights here are just long enough that the top speed advantage it has is worth something. Fortunately the WRX STi and the Alfa accelerate very strongly and there are enough low speed corners where that acceleration is beneficial to basically put it into your hands if you start ahead of the GT-Rs. Either you don't screw up and do well, or you screw up and they pass you.

I start in 3rd, the 1st place WRX launches well but the Alfa catches him by the exit of T1 and they go side by side up the hill towards the sharp left hander. The Alfa gets the advantage there and the WRX starts to slide back towards me.

While this is going on the "leading" GT-R is trying to catch me but can't because I can pull from corners better than he can and we're into the twisties now.

The yellow WRX is catching the Alfa through the bridge into 90 degree Left section, and they are basically side by side into the decreasing radius right hander onto the long 'straight'.

Unfortunately for the WRX they get the corner wrong, bounce off of a wall, and that was all I needed to make the pass going into the right hand kink before the heavy braking zone at the end of the straight.

That left just the Alfa. Unfortunately I beans up the double left hander leading to the final right and the Alfa gets off to a 2 second lead that basically never gets made up. We're driving basically identical lap times, maybe I'm a 1/10th quicker than the Alfa but that's not enough. Meanwhile the yellow WRX is being caught by the 3rd WRX in the field, and a mustang?!.

I turn in a fastest lap on lap 3 finishing 1.389 seconds behind the Alfa and a clean 6+ seconds ahead of the yellow WRX, who was 7ish seconds ahead of 4th.
Overall I think this goes to show if you really settle in with a car you like that can perform at a circuit you can hang with (or even beat) the GT-R.

Do I think I can get a sub 2:21? Maybe. It'll be hard, but I'm happy to start in the top 3-4 and fight from there.

Thanks for listening!


Also, hella stoked to have figured out the livery editor AND to find that someone has fairly faithfully replicated the WRX STi livery run by the GT3 WRX STi at the 2015 edition of the 24 Hours Nurburgring!
Softer compound tyres would transform race b
That's exactly what I've thought as well......

Anyway Race B, i know this has been said 1000 times but the best way to learn the track is to do some tt with a top time ghost, i somehow managed to get my time down to a 2.19.2 doing so.....then every break between races i couldn't get anywhere near that.
I think by doing lots of laps you just get into a rhythm and then maybe by chance or good driving you nail every sector.
As for the races did about a dozen and got back to A+, the last few (after 2am) i was on pole, won pretty easily and I genuinely don't mean to sound smug but i kinda found it a bit boring.
Oh and last thing.....someone was on about fuel load in quali compared to race i can't remember who but one thing i always do is go out for the warm up, hopefully get a few corners in and get used to the way the car has changed

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That's exactly what I've thought as well......

Anyway Race B, i know this has been said 1000 times but the best way to learn the track is to do some tt with a top time ghost, i somehow managed to get my time down to a 2.19.2 doing so.....then every break between races i couldn't get anywhere near that.
I think by doing lots of laps you just get into a rhythm and then maybe by chance or good driving you nail every sector.
As for the races did about a dozen and got back to A+, the last few (after 2am) i was on pole, won pretty easily and I genuinely don't mean to sound smug but i kinda found it a bit boring.
Oh and last thing.....someone was on about fuel load in quali compared to race i can't remember who but one thing i always do is go out for the warm up, hopefully get a few corners in and get used to the way the car has changed
Kinda wish they'd do something like "add 30 seconds to the slowest qualified lap time" for the warm up. That would allow everyone to get one sighting lap in before it goes green. I do understand that's probably not feasible but I'd still like it
Kinda wish they'd do something like "add 30 seconds to the slowest qualified lap time" for the warm up. That would allow everyone to get one sighting lap in before it goes green. I do understand that's probably not feasible but I'd still like it

You just made me remember a thing/bug i've only recently noticed is that the warm up countdown has failed to start until specifically someone quits.....and you never know who it is that's causing it. I had a race earlier where the field went down from 16 - 5 people before it started.
I joined the alternates club :(

Just using it for Dailies on tracks I don’t like or am terrible at, need the practise without tanking my DR on the main.
Some very nice Sport QoL changes this update, though notably they included this:

"According to the race event settings, the Balance of Performance (BoP) is now displayed as 3 variations: High-speed (H), Mid-speed (M) and Low-speed (L)."

Does this mean we finally get our 3 BoP settings we were advertised at launch? That's a sight for sore eyes, especially with the omega supra floating about right now.
Some very nice Sport QoL changes this update, though notably they included this:

"According to the race event settings, the Balance of Performance (BoP) is now displayed as 3 variations: High-speed (H), Mid-speed (M) and Low-speed (L)."

Does this mean we finally get our 3 BoP settings we were advertised at launch? That's a sight for sore eyes, especially with the omega supra floating about right now.
I'm curious to see how that works. Hopefully not only new names for something that is already in place. Like in GR4: High-speed BOP: GT-R wins. Low-speed BOP: Alfa wins. Mid-speed BOP: GT-R and Alfa are battling, rest of cars watch from behind. 😬
I'm curious to see how that works. Hopefully not only new names for something that is already in place. Like in GR4: High-speed BOP: GT-R wins. Low-speed BOP: Alfa wins. Mid-speed BOP: GT-R and Alfa are battling, rest of cars watch from behind. 😬
According to ddm (the guy who does the dealership websites), the game actually already had the 3 settings - they were just all identical hahaha. Hope they changed that now.

Skyline Super Silhouette is also GR.3 for those wondering.
According to ddm (the guy who does the dealership websites), the game actually already had the 3 settings - they were just all identical hahaha. Hope they changed that now.

Skyline Super Silhouette is also GR.3 for those wondering.
Some nice changes overall, looking forward to taking a look later. Baby steps but at least we're moving in the right direction.

Message templates! About time can just say a quick thank you without typing against the clock :lol:
I hope tomorrows update ditches the time trail and changes it to a practice session with real tyre and fuel wear. Then before a race I hope we get a mini quali session. One or two laps shootout.
So tonight in my races I was starting P4-P6 and I have the same drivers pretty much around me. The driver infront were just too quick so I couldn’t really catch and then I had one driver who was always behind me and every race they were trying to push to pass or tried to send one up the inside. A mini quali before a race would create mixed up grids and stop the repetitive races in dailys. Also I hate the fact time trail has perfect race conditions but on the race the tyres behave totally different and Im struggling to nail a perfect lap at the minute.
Was this on the cards at all or were just wishing out loud mate? Just wondering if you'd read it somewhere as it's a very specific hope for the update!

Sorry pal, Jason Plato has just beaten your time. 2.22.266 now in the Aston.
As a cockpit view only player the Aston just changes the game completely, switching to right hand drive it becomes a different track. something I do love about using that view exclusively but definitely an extra challenge, especially that long right hander we discussed earlier. Haven't got that right yet from the Aston viewpoint.

But phwoar that engine roar on it coming through the subwoofer 😎
Some nice changes overall, looking forward to taking a look later. Baby steps but at least we're moving in the right direction.

Message templates! About time can just say a quick thank you without typing against the clock :lol:
I assume the templates I would have needed after some (a lot) of the GR4 races with Alfas in it are not to be found there. Or is there adult content to be unlocked? 😇🤣
Was this on the cards at all or were just wishing out loud mate? Just wondering if you'd read it somewhere as it's a very specific hope for the update!

As a cockpit view only player the Aston just changes the game completely, switching to right hand drive it becomes a different track. something I do love about using that view exclusively but definitely an extra challenge, especially that long right hander we discussed earlier. Haven't got that right yet from the Aston viewpoint.

But phwoar that engine roar on it coming through the subwoofer 😎
No was just a dream and a hope for the update. When you start doing back to back races you can end up with the same grid for majority of the races.

Haha I know what you mean in cockpit view and switching sides. You think your on the apex but in reality your a full car width away from it.
Id love to race cockpit cam but the radar needs to be improved before I switch. They need to add wheel head movement too. ACC when you turn the wheel you can make your head moves to look at the corner.
Got a win on the 2 account with the........ BMW? Wanted to try out some different cars so I grabbed the BMW. Handles great but is a slug on the straights. I don't recall the numbers but giving up something like 10mph on the back straight. Did some practice/"quali" laps before the race and was a solid two seconds slower than my Mustang quali time of 21.1 (and 2.5 seconds slower than my #1 account GTR time 20.6).

Oh well, whatever, who cares, that's what this #2 account for is anyway. Almost feel bad for using this #2 account all week for races but the irony is nine out of 10 times I'd be in the exact same lobby anyway as most of the time it's A+ to B ratings, and I'd only be starting a few places up the ladder on the main account anyway. Plus, I'd feel obligated to run the GTR so I could actually compete!

Anyway, this was going to be my last race of the night anyway and it ended up being a full B lobby. I was starting on pole. Knew it was only a matter of time before the GTRs ate me alive, I was losing ~.50-.75" on the back straight alone. By the beginning of lap two that's what happened so one got passed and started to pull away on the straights. But, at the end of lap two, on the last turn he clipped the grass and crashed.

Back into 1st, just need to hold off a different GTR behind... which thankfully the twisty bits were enough to build a gap he couldn't make up on the straights.



That was s fun one.

That's exactly what I've thought as well......

Anyway Race B, i know this has been said 1000 times but the best way to learn the track is to do some tt with a top time ghost, i somehow managed to get my time down to a 2.19.2 doing so.....then every break between races i couldn't get anywhere near that.
That's one hell of a lap time!
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I'm a low ranked B and we got A+ drivers in here at the moment for Race B not even giving me a chance I hope one of them crashes :lol:
Whilst 80% of racers are boring using the Supra and the other common cars, I like to change cars. Used the NSX and came 6th. Next race I uses the Ford GT and came Monza
Which Ford GT?

If it's the 2006 (?) LM Spec II Race Car then welcome to the club that it's pretty great in the game. With me driving, it was only three mph slower than the Supra on the front straight at Monza.
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That's exactly what I've thought as well......

Anyway Race B, i know this has been said 1000 times but the best way to learn the track is to do some tt with a top time ghost, i somehow managed to get my time down to a 2.19.2 doing so.....then every break between races i couldn't get anywhere near that.
I think by doing lots of laps you just get into a rhythm and then maybe by chance or good driving you nail every sector.
As for the races did about a dozen and got back to A+, the last few (after 2am) i was on pole, won pretty easily and I genuinely don't mean to sound smug but i kinda found it a bit boring.
Oh and last thing.....someone was on about fuel load in quali compared to race i can't remember who but one thing i always do is go out for the warm up, hopefully get a few corners in and get used to the way the car has changed
Very impressed with your time. I also can’t get anywhere near my time again. Not sure why, I don’t know if the track conditions change in TT so some sessions have more grip, I know that’s been an issue before. Either way, the race itself isn’t anywhere near as fun as last week. Most of them are processions if no mistakes are made and when there is some wheel to wheel action it feels so clumsy with the oversteer and hard tyres. Maybe it’s just me, but not impressed this week.
Some very nice Sport QoL changes this update, though notably they included this:

"According to the race event settings, the Balance of Performance (BoP) is now displayed as 3 variations: High-speed (H), Mid-speed (M) and Low-speed (L)."

Does this mean we finally get our 3 BoP settings we were advertised at launch? That's a sight for sore eyes, especially with the omega supra floating about right now.
Can you explain what this means? I read it in the release notes (I think?) and I thought maybe it might affect the daily races, but I can’t find any evidence of any changes. Is this for the big race events like the Manu Series, or is it for all BoP races?
Are people racing daily c? I’ve done a few and it just doesn’t excite me at all.

I dont know how these YT streamers can do race after race on daily c for hours on end.
I love Monza and often in combos that others find tedious I'll still happily go round and round but looking up once the order has settled to see there's 3 quarters of the race left and no stops or reason to think about anything else but maybe passing a spinner is too much even for me.

Just make it softs and you open up the race to all kinds of chaos and entertainment straight away.