GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I wasn't there. I saw his YouTube stream. In fact, after he shoved you out of his way, he blamed you for it.
The main reason I've got a problem with him is that he constantly belittles American drivers. He's quite superior, ya know.

I smacked him good at a couple of A races today.
I don't ever try to punt him, but if I have momentum on corner exit, and he's in the way, I aint lifting.
Zero respect

Not sure how it goes for him in Europe. I'm sure they love him. ;)
I’m not sure how him slamming into the side of my car can be mistaken as my fault. Jeez. At no point was that his line. I don’t even need to go find that video because I know he was in the wrong. I hold few grudges, but this one I believe will stick. I did see him again later and made sure I DID cut him off.
Might one get to see the video where mentioned incident took place?
I can't type his name, or the post will get deleted, but if you search youtube with the first 6 letters in the image I posted, you'll find a bunch of videos, including today's.
I can't type his name, or the post will get deleted, but if you search youtube with the first 6 letters in the image I posted, you'll find a bunch of videos, including today's.
Pretty sure the video with a time adjusted link and just that is fine. Since I guess it’s the three hour stream from today?
Why would it get deleted?
One of the guidelines in this forum prohibits "naming and shaming".
Many posts have been deleted or edited by Famine when people (including me) have disparaged other drivers from the game.
Basically, if a Google search can find a post on this website that is insulting to a particular individual, it goes against the guidelines.

However, you can post a video, showing what someone did. Just don't type their name here.
What I did was type the dude's name on my computer, then save the image, and upload it. The mods are okay with that. 👍

Pretty sure the video with a time adjusted link and just that is fine. Since I guess it’s the three hour stream from today?
I’m not sure how him slamming into the side of my car can be mistaken as my fault. Jeez. At no point was that his line. I don’t even need to go find that video because I know he was in the wrong. I hold few grudges, but this one I believe will stick. I did see him again later and made sure I DID cut him off.
There was an incident between him and another UK streamer a couple of days ago which tells you all you need to know about him and his attitude. From -3:53 in this and then when he views the replay afterwards. Zero self awareness.

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@Bullwinkle The idiot who divebombed you, to take your position in the last race is a British streamer named:

The dude is a massive tool. I'll do you a solid, the next time I see him. We've already got beef, anyways.
He hates TPC_Vigilante. :lol:
These guys right here rides me up the perverbial wall, and I've been out of the game for a minute,but I feel it needs to be said: Just because you're fast, or have the top time, or whatever, doesn't make you entitled to ANYTHING on track. You earn it like everyone else. Maybe someone isn't as skilled as you, or is slower, or whatever, doesnt matter. No one will be as fast as you all the time, or as skilled, or as quick. Different drivers have different ceilings, deal with it and race accordingly. Just cause you race in Europe against aliens doesnt mean you disrespect everyone that isnt a damn alien! Either race accordingly and with respect, or don't race, end of!
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One of the guidelines in this forum prohibits "naming and shaming".
Many posts have been deleted or edited by Famine when people (including me) have disparaged other drivers from the game.
Basically, if a Google search can find a post on this website that is insulting to a particular individual, it goes against the guidelines.

However, you can post a video, showing what someone did. Just don't type their name here.
What I did was type the dude's name on my computer, then save the image, and upload it. The mods are okay with that. 👍

@Bullwinkle You did nothing wrong here. It was a late dive for the inside, and I would say the corner was yours and he should have back out there.

There was an incident between him and another UK streamer a couple of days ago which tells you all you need to know about him and his attitude. From -3:53 in this and then when he views the replay afterwards. Zero self awareness.

I saw this watching the stream of the guy he took out. Just drove into the side of him. When you see the replay from the streamer, the rammer had left steering inputs when they hit. But when you watch his replay he says he doesn’t have any steering inputs and it a netcode error.

At times his driving is the classic “as I’m a faster driver I own the track and my moves are correct” philosophy.
@Bullwinkle You did nothing wrong here. It was a late dive for the inside, and I would say the corner was yours and he should have back out there.

I saw this watching the stream of the guy he took out. Just drove into the side of him. When you see the replay from the streamer, the rammer had left steering inputs when they hit. But when you watch his replay he says he doesn’t have any steering inputs and it a netcode error.

At times his driving is the classic “as I’m a faster driver I own the track and my moves are correct” philosophy.
Yeah, I saw it on Rory’s stream as well.

There was absolutely no justification for him swerving left in the braking zone.

What worries me most is all the people in chat who enable him and genuinely seem to think that what he does is ok.

His assessment of “that wouldn’t be a penalty in a real race” is absurd. You drove another car off the track. People get injured or die when that happens in real life. He wouldn’t last 5 races in real racing before he was kicked off the track permanently.

Given that he and I are similar pace I am sorely tempted to create a European Alt and simply do to him exactly what he does to others. But I won’t stoop to his level, probably.
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I genuinely think he must be responsible for so many peoples bad driving standards. The amount of people that watch him defend himself after he decides to sideswipe into people or cut them off and cause an accident must lead to at least a solid handful of people that think it's okay to drive like he does.

I gave up on his streams in about 2 weeks after starting watching once I saw one too many examples of him doing just that. I distinctly remember an early Kyoto race saw him cut in front of someone, pit manoeuvring himself and putting them both into a wall - which was swiftly the other drivers fault for having the courtesy to not be in his mirrors.

Zero awareness and zero responsibility. Childish, really.
Thanks everyone.
These guys right here rides me up the perverbial wall, and I've been out of the game for a minute,but I feel it needs to be said: Just because you're fast, or have the top time, or whatever, doesn't make you entitled to ANYTHING on track. You earn it like everyone else. Maybe someone isn't as skilled as you, or is slower, or whatever, doesnt matter. No one will be as fast as you all the time, or as skilled, or as quick. Different drivers have different ceilings, deal with it and race accordingly. Just cause you race in Europe against aliens doesnt mean you disrespect everyone that isnt a damn alien! Either race accordingly and with respect, or don't race, end of!
If I were in a chat with the guy, this is pretty much what I would have said. You wanting to be in my space does not entitle you to it. As Oliver Wendell Holmes said, your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose.
@Bullwinkle You did nothing wrong here. It was a late dive for the inside, and I would say the corner was yours and he should have back out there.
Thanks. That’s how I remember it. I didn’t bother watching because I was pretty sure that was how it happened. I respect the driving line and know what I’m entitled to and when to back out. You know, like they do in racing. . .
His assessment of “that wouldn’t be a penalty in a real race” is absurd. You drove another car off the track. People get injured or die when that happens in real life. He wouldn’t last 5 races in real racing before he was kicked off the track permanently.
My thoughts were that he wouldn’t make it out of the pits after his first real-life race with a full mouth of teeth. I wish there were actual consequences in this kind of racing.
Zero awareness and zero responsibility. Childish, really.
Exactly. I was waiting in line to turn in, if I remember correctly, which is what grownups do. I didn’t want to smash into other cars and ruin their race. It’s incredibly egotistical to think you don’t have to wait your turn.
I recommend the Viper too. Reasonably competitive in the Race, I was unfortunately the victim of many a dirty driver in my session on Monday night. Late night lobbies and awash with B/C drivers.

Not necessarily dirty on purpose, just people with poor race-craft. Many of them really fast, so it's my guess that the same lack of race-craft is the thing holding them back from progressing through the ranks.

I'm holding off setting a quali using the META, but I think it's the only way. It doesn't help when you're the only non-Nissan and somehow that relinquishes your right to your part the track.
Don't tarnish us all with that brush. Plenty of us have the racecraft but not the speed and that is the element holding us back from climbing the ladder.
Wait, is oil degrading in sport mode again?
It always has been. It is all of 50Cr to change it so no biggie.
I wasn't there. I saw his YouTube stream. In fact, after he shoved you out of his way, he blamed you for it.
The main reason I've got a problem with him is that he constantly belittles American drivers. He's quite superior, ya know.

I smacked him good at a couple of A races today.
I don't ever try to punt him, but if I have momentum on corner exit, and he's in the way, I aint lifting.
Zero respect

Not sure how it goes for him in Europe. I'm sure they love him. ;)
I've really gone off him recently. Just has the wrong attitude. Thankfully I'm too slow to ever be in a lobby with him.
I like these guys (Mike Grove and Super GT)

I'm looking out for good streamers, but when I see this kind of lenghts I think I don't have all this time to put in there.
It may be wrong guessing on my side, maybe just biting couple of minutes here and there may be benefiacial to me.
I'm looking out for good streamers, but when I see this kind of lenghts I think I don't have all this time to put in there.
It may be wrong guessing on my side, maybe just biting couple of minutes here and there may be benefiacial to me.
I can't speak for the other but Super GT makes highly edited videos of his races, usually around 15-20 minutes, on his youtube which I see a lot more of than his full streams.

He has a great dry sense of humour as well I enjoy a lot.
Can you recommend a few?
Aura is one of my favorites. Extremely fast and just a fun watch. Very chill.

Also, Z28 from the American side. He usually only streams once a week, though (typically on Tuesdays). Also very fast.

Papa's House Of Game is also a fun one. It's a really small channel right now, but he has a good sense of humor. He's a mid-B to low-A rank, so a non-alien which is refreshing sometimes

I also watch Grove; he was using the Ferrari before any of the updates. How, I don't know. But he made it work.
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I know it's a one-make but the actual racing at Spa is very good, it's just the stupid start gaps that kill it. The car is JUST powerful enough, makes it great to drive. It's particularly good through Pouhon, Eau Rouge and Stavelot so rather than fighting the car you're eeeeeeeeeking out time based on how early you dare get on the power.
I definitely second the recommendation for Grove Street Racing on Youtube. Guy has a great attitude and always gives his all.

On another note, I got to 50 wins [and beyond] in sport mode today:


I didn't play GT Sport so a little under half of those wins was from building the account from DR E.

Race B my best race time is 10:00.767 but haven't managed to break the 10 minute barrier although I've seen it done a few times.
I'd like to watch a weekly TPC_Vigilante retaliation stream.:D
I don't get into as many fights as I used to. A lot of the troublemakers are either still playing GT Sport, or are playing GT7 on their PS4s, so I don't come across too many of them nowadays.
Don't tarnish us all with that brush. Plenty of us have the racecraft but not the speed and that is the element holding us back from climbing the ladder.
I totally agree, my comment was aimed at drivers who set a significantly faster quali time than me but when it comes to Racing at close quarters they fall short...
Shame on me: I was unfaithful to my Gr4 Ferrari in Race B qualifying and betrayed it with a dirty GT-R. Because that one is still more than a second faster after all.

To make up for my despicable behaviour, I drove its big sister round Autopolis. And boy, is it fun. Looks great, sounds great, and it's awsome to drive. Very understeery on acceleration, a bit snappy off throttle, but still... super quick through the final technical sector, where I either flew off track or blew past my previous Porsche ghost like it was frozen onto the track.


Admittedly, beforehand I had taken a look at the world rankings where I had expected to see only Porsches... which I didn't.

I didn't realize that this ghosted Costa Rican was the one that hit me at turn 1.
When I saw him ahead of me, as I approached the next curves, I figured "This person has paused his game. Ignore him, and carry on as usual".
Nope. He was visually ghosted, but not really. :confused:

Can any of you explain what happened here? I have no clue.