GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
how do you judge your braking point when you are going to pass on the inside?
When I figure it out, I'll let you know.

The inside/outside thing at RBR is a paradox for me. Both T1 and the hairpin at the top right of the track befuddle me. If someone takes the inside on me, they almost always end up in front when the dust settles. If I try to take the inside, I almost never end up in front. Maybe I'm just too careful to not hit anyone when I take the inside.

Maybe the best I can do is a slight deek to make it seem like I'm going inside, then don't do it. I'm not talking about blocking or anything, just a small fake-out. Is that copacetic, or is it frowned on?
Here’s an idea.

If PD were to introduce a paid sports online mode for say £7/$8/€8 per month would you sign up? In Sports mode you would get the normal free service that offers the 3 current Daily race options, but paid service has those paid services but maybe includes an extra Daily race?
For your money you get access to better quality servers that have better stability, less connection issues (like ghosted cars), more cars per lobbies upto say 20/25 cars in a race and a proper report feature that allows you to send a report to PD who will review the incident and then hand out penalties (i.e DR points drop, SR points drop, day(s) bans, weekly bans upto lifetime bans)?

For me I can see they been lots of pros and but they are also coms to this too
As mentioned already, this should already be in to be honest. Not sure about the reporting even if I can appreciate the sentiment but grid sizes. GRID SIZES. Let’s increase them, PD, please.
Here’s an idea.

If PD were to introduce a paid sports online mode for say £7/$8/€8 per month would you sign up? In Sports mode you would get the normal free service that offers the 3 current Daily race options, but paid service has those paid services but maybe includes an extra Daily race?
For your money you get access to better quality servers that have better stability, less connection issues (like ghosted cars), more cars per lobbies upto say 20/25 cars in a race and a proper report feature that allows you to send a report to PD who will review the incident and then hand out penalties (i.e DR points drop, SR points drop, day(s) bans, weekly bans upto lifetime bans)?

For me I can see they been lots of pros and but they are also coms to this too
I already pay Sony to be able to play online, so I don't feel like I should be paying PD for something that should already be the case.
Woo hoo! I just had my most consistent race ever. I know the times aren't mind-boggling like for some of you, but for me to be this consistent is amazing. I started P2, and it helped that I couldn't keep up with P1, and nobody behind challenged me, but I can rarely keep my focus this long and not screw up somewhere. I almost lost it a little on the last lap, when I noticed how consistent I was and didn't want to mess up, which always leads to trouble, but I held it together. Very satisfying.

Trying some different cars at RBR. A lot of cars are pretty good.

One that was particularly fun was the FT-1. It's no rocket ship but it's quick enough. It's also quite planted in the rear, which is nice here.


Z4 is very similar to the FT-1 but more understeer. Not a lot of top end but it accelerates pretty quick. I was in this race with @GrumpyOldMan but he ignored my pre-race chat.:(:lol:

Did 5 Cs at Watkins Glen in the WRX last night. I am terribly conflicted. The race is all about fuel saving and therefore kind of boring BUT because the GTR is quickest for a single lap, lots of people are running it in the race. This makes for an interesting experience as they tend to heavily fuel save at the end of the back straight and through the twisty bits which produces some great racing.

I expect eventually everyone will realize the GTR is not a good choice and we’ll end up with grids full of WRXs. For the time being I’ve had 4 wins and a 3rd (I started the first race on mediums because I ran out of time to change them in the warm up). So the winning helps with the enjoyment.
Nice one!

I've had a busy week, and only managed a few qualifying laps last night, but I think it might be fun. I might do a couple of races today and see how I go. The 155 felt nice in the few laps I did (but fuel will be a problem) and so did the Silvia
Continuing the discussion of passing on the inside corners at RBR, I present this. Watch the short clip, then consider the thumbnail. Although I was probably too fast into the corner, you can see in my rearview mirror that he turned into me and hit my rear, which spun me off track - or maybe it was just my speed, or maybe both. But I think his response was a little over the type (understatement). I wish I had slammed on the brakes when he tried to hit me the last time. Sigh.

I really want to comment on the fact this guy's online greeting is a Bible verse and some religious stuff, yet when I asked him why he hit me, he said "you hit me, I hit you", and how incongruous that is, but of course this isn't the place... ;)

PS to the moderators - feel free to delete that last sentence if I'm out of line posting it here.
I did not have a good time tonight when I tried Race A and Race C.

Despite it saying "Required tires: RH", it was not obvious enough to me to register that I should check the event settings. Went P12 to P5 only to finish 14th because I ran the whole race on Mediums.

Second race went better, but this goober in an Alfa thought it was a good idea to try and pass me at the bus stop multiple times, culminating in an incident at the end where we both overshot it, he spun and I understeered into him. I still ended up 6th.

I tried Race A after that, given that the 2J is a car I'm fond of, and holy :ouch: is it an awful thing on stock specs. Something is very, very wrong with how it's modelled as it should not be presenting with as much weight transfer, snap oversteer and unexplained wheelspin as it does. I suspect they did not simulate something correctly, or that they intentionally bodged the car's numbers to nerf it. "Real driving simulator", my rear bumper.
I can report that race A down in Asia is glorious unbridled Chaos. Ran about 5 or 6 races no Q time last night and it was either a fairly solid race or a calamity of errors. Or sometimes both. I don't think I saw a single race where someone wasn't bitter by that car and so it becomes a wrestling match with the car as well as a fight to overcome random penalties.

5 seconds for tapping the wall is evil with this car, but it is keeping the races anyone's guess as you don't know if the guy 3 seconds up the road has a penalty. It does suck when someone uses you as a brake and gets a well deserved 3 seconds for it, but you're slapped with a 5 second because when they torpedoed you it made you touch the wall.

Perso best moments good and bad were catching the curb on the final turn just right and doing donuts into the pits while out of control. Putting me 35 seconds behind the field. Other one was getting a wobble out of the first chicane and managing to not hit the walls while it settled, so no penalty
Well seems either the Mustang GR3 or Mercedes AMG are my go to for Race B.. ..both I've had back to back top 3 finishes, nearly winning even but losing pace a little bit, not sure how some just get the lead and pull away in a BoP event ....
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When I figure it out, I'll let you know.

The inside/outside thing at RBR is a paradox for me. Both T1 and the hairpin at the top right of the track befuddle me. If someone takes the inside on me, they almost always end up in front when the dust settles. If I try to take the inside, I almost never end up in front. Maybe I'm just too careful to not hit anyone when I take the inside.

Maybe the best I can do is a slight deek to make it seem like I'm going inside, then don't do it. I'm not talking about blocking or anything, just a small fake-out. Is that copacetic, or is it frowned on?
I guess the answer is it depends how/where/when you do it. I thinks it's clean 1 move, before the braking point.
Even though I ususally don't do it, I've enough problems running against myself, adding this makes it harder just for me right now. Hope I can handle this as I get more confortable with racing online

Continuing the discussion of passing on the inside corners at RBR, I present this. Watch the short clip, then consider the thumbnail. Although I was probably too fast into the corner, you can see in my rearview mirror that he turned into me and hit my rear, which spun me off track - or maybe it was just my speed, or maybe both. But I think his response was a little over the type (understatement). I wish I had slammed on the brakes when he tried to hit me the last time. Sigh.

I really want to comment on the fact this guy's online greeting is a Bible verse and some religious stuff, yet when I asked him why he hit me, he said "you hit me, I hit you", and how incongruous that is, but of course this isn't the place... ;)

PS to the moderators - feel free to delete that last sentence if I'm out of line posting it here.

I'm not a revenge fan, I wouldn't do what he did even if someone pushes me out on purpose.
It looks you didn't do it on purpose, and overall I wouldn't even call it a mistake, even though I may understand why in the heat of the moment he didn't see it that way.

I think that PD should punish contacts on the straights and away from corners very hard. They are for sure on purpose and shouldn't belong to racing
What a difference a day can make, I ran 3 races on race C on Monday on my alt acct after setting a fairly competitive quali time (1:52.4) and was constantly being pushed off wide or off the track by people starting down the grid (I was generally starting 2nd or 3rd) who didn't understand the required strategy for the race -
I ended up quitting the 3rd race after revenge punting one of the culprits (which shows how wound up I was as that is completely unlike me!)
Yesterday evening I decided to have another go and it couldn't have been more different, racing with guys who were clean and respectful, even pulling across to the right when serving a penalty - which is how it should be in A+ S rated lobbies - my faith has been restored......for the time being anyway :D
I ran a few Race C yesterday and started at or near pole. I had a surprisingly good quali for Watkins Glen, which just makes sense to me for some reason. What I can’t figure out is how I ran away on the first few laps but then get passed around lap 5 or so and left in the dust. I’m pretty sure we’re all starting with the same fuel requirements, right? I’m short shifting in the WRX and finishing with no fuel, so I’m. It wasting anything and I’m not underpowered. So how am I getting so far behind?!

What are your strategies for this race? I ran fuel map 1 the whole race, I tried switching to 3 during the curvy bits in a race and lost even more time, and I tried running flat out and putting (don’t bother), I tried revving it higher on the straights to get separation and then extra-short shifting in the curves, but I don’t know what else to do. Help!
I ran a few Race C yesterday and started at or near pole. I had a surprisingly good quali for Watkins Glen, which just makes sense to me for some reason. What I can’t figure out is how I ran away on the first few laps but then get passed around lap 5 or so and left in the dust. I’m pretty sure we’re all starting with the same fuel requirements, right? I’m short shifting in the WRX and finishing with no fuel, so I’m. It wasting anything and I’m not underpowered. So how am I getting so far behind?!

What are your strategies for this race? I ran fuel map 1 the whole race, I tried switching to 3 during the curvy bits in a race and lost even more time, and I tried running flat out and putting (don’t bother), I tried revving it higher on the straights to get separation and then extra-short shifting in the curves, but I don’t know what else to do. Help!
I'm running map 1 the whole way, most of the time shortshifting as soon as there is any red showing on the bar, that does seem to give me a little in hand if I need to push a little on the straight to either get into someone's slipstream or get someone out of mine -
Being in the slip does seem to make a big difference on fuel consumption.
I can only guess they are staying in your slip conserving fuel which gives then enough to push on a little more later on, I can't think of anything else would be affecting the pace??
Working theory:
The only thing matters towards your lap time at RBR is how much you abuse the curbs in the last 2 corners. Everything you do for the rest of the lap is completely irrelevant.
I'm not a revenge fan, I wouldn't do what he did even if someone pushes me out on purpose.
It looks you didn't do it on purpose, and overall I wouldn't even call it a mistake, even though I may understand why in the heat of the moment he didn't see it that way.

I think that PD should punish contacts on the straights and away from corners very hard. They are for sure on purpose and shouldn't belong to racing
Grumpy didn't do it on purpose but he should have anticipated the contact. He also can't expect any driver to take the hit with some mechanical damage, get out of track, lose precious time, miss the position and watch Grumpy go ahead like nothing happened. Sure many people don't take revenge. This guy did. I myself take revenge many times even if I shouldn't. Some other times I keep the cool even if I know that was an injustice. Because I know that if I take revenge my SR would go down.

If I was Grumpy, wasn't concentrated and hit that car, I would have slowed down afterwards and let the Subaru pass to say sorry. Grumpy didn't and that made the guy in the Subaru even more mad, thinking that for Grumpy there was nothing wrong in that maneuver, see him take the lead afterwards and keep going.

The Subaru was taking the normal racing line and getting ready to properly take that corner. He couldn't possibly have the time to look behind, where Grumpy was, especially in that corner, which is a bit tricky. Even if he did have the time, why would the Subaru let Grumpy pass? The track is not a Red Carpet. Drivers in the lead won't possibly think "oh this corner is tricky, you're way behind me, sure go ahead, sir".

Grumpy had 1) the time 2) all the visual clues at his disposal 3) steering ability 4) braking and accelerating ability. He could have made the choice to prevent the impact by slowing down and getting behind the Subaru, but no he went straight into the corner and the impact was inevitable. Why? Because it is normal that the Subaru would turn and run into Grumpy's trajectory. He won't go out of the track, why would he? The Subaru's SR went down after that race for hitting and ramming, but I'm pretty sure Grumpy's SR went down too (which makes sense because he was in the wrong for that corner), even if the system didn't assign him any penalty after the impact.

As NevilleNobody said about the first corner, you must be in front of the defending driver. That's clean racing.
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Continuing the discussion of passing on the inside corners at RBR, I present this. Watch the short clip, then consider the thumbnail. Although I was probably too fast into the corner, you can see in my rearview mirror that he turned into me and hit my rear, which spun me off track - or maybe it was just my speed, or maybe both. But I think his response was a little over the type (understatement). I wish I had slammed on the brakes when he tried to hit me the last time. Sigh.

I really want to comment on the fact this guy's online greeting is a Bible verse and some religious stuff, yet when I asked him why he hit me, he said "you hit me, I hit you", and how incongruous that is, but of course this isn't the place... ;)

PS to the moderators - feel free to delete that last sentence if I'm out of line posting it here.

Only thing I saw there was the other guy being a dirty driver. Yes you went in fast and paid for it by running deep. If they were clued on they should have had you on the exit, even with some minor contact. There was absolutely no need for what they did next. What an...
Just throwing this out there [again]. The FT1 is pretty darn good. Like I say a lot, you're not going to be dominating A+ lobbies with it, but for A or B lobbies it can compete. Just tooling around RBR in the pre-race quali I did a 28.8 without even really trying.

It will suffer a little bit on the 2nd straight but the 3rd straight isn't long enough for it to start petering off. I was in a side-by-side drag race with a Supra and it stayed side-by-side the whole straight. It's super stable and you can get on the throttle super early coming out of the infield.

Continuing the discussion of passing on the inside corners at RBR, I present this. Watch the short clip, then consider the thumbnail. Although I was probably too fast into the corner, you can see in my rearview mirror that he turned into me and hit my rear, which spun me off track - or maybe it was just my speed, or maybe both. But I think his response was a little over the type (understatement). I wish I had slammed on the brakes when he tried to hit me the last time. Sigh.

I really want to comment on the fact this guy's online greeting is a Bible verse and some religious stuff, yet when I asked him why he hit me, he said "you hit me, I hit you", and how incongruous that is, but of course this isn't the place... ;)

PS to the moderators - feel free to delete that last sentence if I'm out of line posting it here.

That was a bit of a dive bomb, really. Had you been able to hold the inside line you'd have been fine (meaning, you take the inside line and he takes the outside line through the whole turn). But, you clipped the apex and went straight to the outside leaving him nowhere to go, hence the contact. THat being said, his post incident actions are not excusable.
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Woo hoo! I just had my most consistent race ever. I know the times aren't mind-boggling like for some of you, but for me to be this consistent is amazing. I started P2, and it helped that I couldn't keep up with P1, and nobody behind challenged me, but I can rarely keep my focus this long and not screw up somewhere. I almost lost it a little on the last lap, when I noticed how consistent I was and didn't want to mess up, which always leads to trouble, but I held it together. Very satisfying.

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You've inspired me to do the same, this was very interesting viewing. Low to mid 31's is decent pace, you should be doing well in B lobbies at that speed. Now, how does one get their screenshots from a PS5 to one's PC? Cannot figure out a way t save my damn life. But I tried the same in a race I was easily winning, was a good exercise.
Continuing the discussion of passing on the inside corners at RBR, I present this. Watch the short clip, then consider the thumbnail. Although I was probably too fast into the corner, you can see in my rearview mirror that he turned into me and hit my rear, which spun me off track - or maybe it was just my speed, or maybe both. But I think his response was a little over the type (understatement). I wish I had slammed on the brakes when he tried to hit me the last time. Sigh.

Chief you totally bombed him and completely missed your apex, not surprised he retaliated, i'd have done the same.
Working theory:
The only thing matters towards your lap time at RBR is how much you abuse the curbs in the last 2 corners. Everything you do for the rest of the lap is completely irrelevant.
Naaaaaaaaaaah.T1 is absolutely vital, can make or lose 3 tenths there. The last left hander too, you need to carry just enough speed and get on it at just the right time or you bork yourself.
Just throwing this out there [again]. The FT1 is pretty darn good. Like I say a lot, you're not going to be dominating A+ lobbies with it, but for A or B lobbies it can compete. Just tooling around RBR in the pre-race quali I did a 28.8 without even really trying.
I shall try it, I am missing a few tenths in qualifying, still on a 29.3 and I really need to be in the 28's. The Supra is a beast in terms of acceleration, the GTR's cannot keep up out of 3 and 4 as I have so much more grip. Try the Lancer, it is my best qualy car, there's a good race car there.

In my quest to earn a fake A+ DR this week, I had a frustrating night. Race 1, full A lobby, finished a solid 3rd, excellent racing, real sweaty palms stuff with fast cars pressuring me.

Race 2, STACKED A+/A room, started 7th and it was a tense lap 1 with cars everywhere but super clean, these guys were good and this was my opportunity to gain DR. Someone got a wiggle through the last left hander and as I tried to go around him i caught the dirt and spun, super annoyed with myself there.

Race 3, Mixed A/B lobby, I cleared out and won by 10 seconds, my fastest lap was a 30.0 and slowest a 30.2 so really pumped in the times despite driving in a relaxed manner.
Working theory:
The only thing matters towards your lap time at RBR is how much you abuse the curbs in the last 2 corners. Everything you do for the rest of the lap is completely irrelevant.
Turn 1 and turn 3 are kind of important too. But, yea, the rest of the track is fairly irrelevant.
Turn 1 and turn 3 are kind of important too. But, yea, the rest of the track is fairly irrelevant.
I find in turn 3 if I can get the rear tires to spin a little I can make a smooth lap and not slow down as much and I'm not afraid to take it really wide it seems to not have a track limit penalty
Working theory:
The only thing matters towards your lap time at RBR is how much you abuse the curbs in the last 2 corners. Everything you do for the rest of the lap is completely irrelevant.
Contrary theory: My personal laptimes depend mostly upon how I manage the two infield left-handers.
Need to review my initial thoughts, you are right, GrumpyOldMan wasn't able to keep the apex. I said I wouldn't call it a mistake, but after your comment I agree with you


that's not a valid reason to make deliberate contact 3 or 4 times in the straight with the intent to end his race.

Not sure where GrumpyOldMan sits, probably he is a B driver. I'm a middle C driver. I do mistakes, here and there I mess up other people race, here and there my race gets messedup by others. Are we God-Drivers who never make mistakes? Lets acknoledge ours and forgive others, that's it.

The behave of the other guy is unacceptable and contributes to make racing online bad.
that's not a valid reason to make deliberate contact 3 or 4 times in the straight with the intent to end his race.

Not sure where GrumpyOldMan sits, probably he is a B driver. I'm a middle C driver. I do mistakes, here and there I mess up other people race, here and there my race gets messedup by others. Are we God-Drivers who never make mistakes? Lets acknoledge ours and forgive others, that's it.

The behave of the other guy is unacceptable and contributes to make racing online bad.
He didn't give the place back though, i give benefit of doubt you made an honest mistake if you hit me, i always do. But then you don't give the place back when you had opportunity, i'm gonna be peeved. He had time to yield and give the spot back but kept on trucking.
He didn't give the place back though, i give benefit of doubt you made an honest mistake if you hit me, i always do. But then you don't give the place back when you had opportunity, i'm gonna be peeved. He had time to yield and give the spot back but kept on trucking.
Once grumpy took the corner line he did contact was inevitable. It was too shallow of a line to take b/c on corner exit the runoff area was always the destination.

That being said allowing the other driver a way to safely rejoin could have changed the whole thing and that, I think, is where the other driver got mad. Not so much the cornering, everyone knows that corner sucks and you really really have to have both drivers be on it in order not to make contact going side by side.

But then Grumpy takes the furthest outside exit he could, due to his corner trajectory, but then had an opportunity to move back to the right hand side of the track to allow the other guy a safe rejoin. Instead he had to move Grumpy off of Grumpys line in order to just get back on the racing surface after being pushed off.

That's where the mistake was made and that's where the other driver thinks "I need to move this guy and make him understand".

I don't fault Grumpy for the dive, he thought he could make it. It's a lesson to learn. I do fault him for not allowing a safe rejoin afterwards.

EDIT: Not saying you're a jerk Grumpy, far from it. You always race me clean. Just pointing out where you could have smoothed over the already ruffled feathers from the other guy.

You live, learn, and move on :D
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This is my best race ever. Always been above par at RBR but this time the last 2 corners I had been struggling with just clicked. I'm usually about 4 seconds behind the top100 (I'm rank B). On Monday I ended with a 1.30.4 then on Tuesday i belted out a 1.29.898, my best ever. This morning I jump on and pull 1.29.58 during my 20 minute practice. I buy the car I've been using and slap a livery on it last minute with 4 minutes till Go Time. Jump in to get a lap in to, you know, work the bugs out before my race. Something just feels right and I finish in 1.29.439 (3788th overall!).

Low and behold, I'm smack dab in the middle of a bunch of A ranked drivers. I usually get real nervous when this happens but this time I had the best race of my life. Even had fastest lap from lap 2 till 6th.
