GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Well, that's not a bad way to kick the day off. Wonder how much this'll stick.

Once grumpy took the corner line he did contact was inevitable. It was too shallow of a line to take b/c on corner exit the runoff area was always the destination.

That being said allowing the other driver a way to safely rejoin could have changed the whole thing and that, I think, is where the other driver got mad. Not so much the cornering, everyone knows that corner sucks and you really really have to have both drivers be on it in order not to make contact going side by side.

But then Grumpy takes the furthest outside exit he could, due to his corner trajectory, but then had an opportunity to move back to the right hand side of the track to allow the other guy a safe rejoin. Instead he had to move Grumpy off of Grumpys line in order to just get back on the racing surface after being pushed off.

That's where the mistake was made and that's where the other driver thinks "I need to move this guy and make him understand".

I don't fault Grumpy for the dive, he thought he could make it. It's a lesson to learn. I do fault him for not allowing a safe rejoin afterwards.

EDIT: Not saying you're a jerk Grumpy, far from it. You always race me clean. Just pointing out where you could have smoothed over the already ruffled feathers from the other guy.

You live, learn, and move on :D
I understand this point of view, BUT I have a very different feeling about the incident.

Yes, Grumpy took a terrible line into that turn. And yes, he missed the apex and ran wide as a result. But the driver on the outside had ample opportunity to see what was unfolding and play it smart. A small delay in turn in and concentrating on exit speed could have seen him simply wave to Grumpy as he passed him and ran away down the back straight.

There was no need to put himself in the position where someone else’s mistake affected his race. And given that it was obviously a mistake, not a deliberate attempt to punt, the retaliation was unnecessary and petulant.

No doubt the overtaking driver has a responsibility to avoid contact at all costs, but, it’s naive to think that no-one will ever make a mistake and negligent to not compensate when you can see it happening in real time.
Well I had something cool happen after months of trying I moved up to DR C rating and have an SR S rating ....RBR is my most consistent race ...... never finishing lower than 8 th yesterday.....and beating many C and D level drivers....
When you find a race that clicks you can fly up through the lower rankings. I went from a high D/low C to a solid B in one week at Sardegna. Mustang FTW.
I understand this point of view, BUT I have a very different feeling about the incident.

Yes, Grumpy took a terrible line into that turn. And yes, he missed the apex and ran wide as a result. But the driver on the outside had ample opportunity to see what was unfolding and play it smart. A small delay in turn in and concentrating on exit speed could have seen him simply wave to Grumpy as he passed him and ran away down the back straight.

There was no need to put himself in the position where someone else’s mistake affected his race. And given that it was obviously a mistake, not a deliberate attempt to punt, the retaliation was unnecessary and petulant.

No doubt the overtaking driver has a responsibility to avoid contact at all costs, but, it’s naive to think that no-one will ever make a mistake and negligent to not compensate when you can see it happening in real time.
We'll agree to disagree. The man in front has one responsibility, to pick and stick to a line, and in this case the lead driver does that. Into that turn, if you pull up early on the outside to do a switchback as you suggest, you're gonna get rear ended more often than not.

There's also not a lot of context here, I am a pretty tolerant driver but last night, this one race, I was hit or push passed 4 times and on the last lap i saw a small gap and went for it, completing a push pass through agitation.
Anyone else seeing this?

Since the update, I've run 3 or 4 races. In every one of them, when the last car crossed the finish line, the timer never jumped to 3-4 seconds like it used to. It continued to count down from 45 seconds, 35 seconds, or whatever.

Please tell me this is a fluke. If PD changed this during the update, I'm gonna be ticked. I mean, an extra 45 seconds or whatever isn't the end of the world, but then again, it can sure feel like it.

And while I'm ranting, after we cross the finish line, how about they let us watch the remaining cars on the track? That could be really interesting... ot at least not as boring as watching the paint dry, metaphorically speaking.
Anyone else seeing this?

Since the update, I've run 3 or 4 races. In every one of them, when the last car crossed the finish line, the timer never jumped to 3-4 seconds like it used to. It continued to count down from 45 seconds, 35 seconds, or whatever.

Please tell me this is a fluke. If PD changed this during the update, I'm gonna be ticked. I mean, an extra 45 seconds or whatever isn't the end of the world, but then again, it can sure feel like it.

And while I'm ranting, after we cross the finish line, how about they let us watch the remaining cars on the track? That could be really interesting... ot at least not as boring as watching the paint dry, metaphorically speaking.
For whatever stupid reason I t will continue to count down the penalty time after everyone is done. There’s no reason for it since the finishing order is already set. In the meantime, they could at least let us chat while we wait. I mean seriously. This is Stone Age crap for a “next gen” game.
I just took a look at the new track. After the first daily race there its new name will be "Carnage Raceway Road Chaos".
oh lord yes. I love road atlanta but the sweeper section is extremely challenging to get right. In the three races I've run there (repeating race of turbo sports) I think I've gotten it right like twice lol
Anyone else seeing this?

Since the update, I've run 3 or 4 races. In every one of them, when the last car crossed the finish line, the timer never jumped to 3-4 seconds like it used to. It continued to count down from 45 seconds, 35 seconds, or whatever.

Please tell me this is a fluke. If PD changed this during the update, I'm gonna be ticked. I mean, an extra 45 seconds or whatever isn't the end of the world, but then again, it can sure feel like it.
They typically break this with each update and then patch it back out, don't worry.

Change Race A but don't put in the brand new track they just added? Classic PD dumbassery.
They typically break this with each update and then patch it back out, don't worry.

Change Race A but don't put in the brand new track they just added? Classic PD dumbassery.
Bit harsh, we'll obviously get Road Atlanta next week - but for the last few days they use it to mimic the live events that are on right now. It's not really that dumb.
oh lord yes. I love road atlanta but the sweeper section is extremely challenging to get right. In the three races I've run there (repeating race of turbo sports) I think I've gotten it right like twice lol
Been doing the circuit experience and they should make Golds here a requirement to race on it haha.

I absolutely love the new track. I guess comparing it to the recent Daily Races at RBR, Spa and Monza, this one feels like a roller coaster. Been racing around the AMG and RX Vision as well. Good addition this one.
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I swear to God the system is really bugged. I've always been AS, I do my best to give space, lift my finger from the accelerator if I see I'm too close to the other car and near a corner, brake way in advance because I know all cars have different braking points, and so on. And now for some reason I'm in BC.
Earlier today in the first lap of RBR, someone pushed me really hard from behind and that caused a cascade effect with all the cars in front of me. Some of which spun out. Who was given a penalty? Me. 1.5 sec. I look in front and behind and I don't see anybody with a single penalty!! Maybe the crasher himself was given something but couldn't see him. Another race a guy repeatedly tried to ram me out of nowhere and I end up getting lower SR for I don't know what. I'm about to break something!!
EDIT: now BB, going up after one single race and trying to keep my cool

Plus it doesn't help that now they make us wait 40 second even though last place crossed the line. Why???? Just why??? What is your problem PD?? Why did you have to change something that didn't need to be changed??? Did they make a wrong line in the code? Who is responsible for this? I want to see his/her face.
I'm pretty sure it won't even be fixed because they don't test their own game.
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Been doing the circuit experience and they should make Golds here a requirement to race on it haha.

I absolutely love the new track. I guess comparing it to the recent Daily Races at RBR, Spa and Monza, this one feels like a roller coaster. Been racing around the AMG and RX Vision as well. Good addition this one.
absolutely a rollercoaster, I'm loving it!
hard to get right but so so satisfying when you do
%400 reward increase. so what was the total reward for completing or winning?
108k. At least for A (I honestly don't know if B and C have different payouts or they're all the same).

I love the new A by the way. Gr3 without DR/SR is nice sometimes. Doing farely well in it thus far running the 13 GTR. Qual time is a 24.1. There is more there, I know it but it's good enough for now.
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Did a race start in A, went on the left of s lambo before the hairpin. Got trapped, went into grass and bowling balled the front 6 players, hit the wall, got massive damage, 5 second penalty and was last by 15 seconds ......

I left...

I am sorry for the incident. If any of you guys where involved, please know it wasn't on purpose

Then went to RBR in the Stang, started last no Q, finished P6 with a CRB
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Daily Race A penalty system is broken!
Jumped on was only 1 mins left until the race start so didn’t manage to complete a lap and I was expecting the normal Deep Forest layout. To my surprise on the start it’s the reverse layout (great!). Starting from the back I manage to get through the first 3 corners fine, and heading down the back straight I completely missed my braking and slammed into 2 cars. Apologised ASAP in the chat race, and as I wait for them both I pick up a 3 seconds penalty but the two cars I sent into the wall collected 5 seconds! I mean how is that fair?
2nd race was much better and a lot more fun. Started at the back again (no time set) and managed to race up to P5. Had a great clean respectful battle with a McLaren F1 for a few laps and managed to get a better exit at the hairpin on the last lap to take P5.

Best feature on the new update!? No more time penalties in the TT!!! I’m so happy now that if you make an error or track cut it invalidate the lap straight away. No more of the start, retry, rubbish.
Had some decent races and results in Race B tonight 😁 Still using 2nd account as I'm scared to use main for tracks with a high likely hood of mayhem.. Went from almost A+ to nearly C just by being a victim of dirty drivers and now I'm 1 or 2 good results away from getting back to A rating (DR).

Has anyone raced in Watkins? Do you need to fuel save or is it just tire compound change during race?


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Had some decent races and results in Race B tonight 😁 Still using 2nd account as I'm scared to use main for tracks with a high likely hood of mayhem.. Went from almost A+ to nearly C just by being a victim of dirty drivers and now I'm 1 or 2 good results away from getting back to A rating (DR).

Has anyone raced in Watkins? Do you need to fuel save or is it just tire compound change during race?
most of the top drivers are fuel saving. most of the races I've done (DR B SR S) have had the top 2-3 try a pit strat and most of the time it works unless there's a really fast fuel saver in the lobby.

I think if you want to ensure top results you're going to fuel save. If you want to have fun and don't care about DR go all out and do a stop.

I wish they'd have set the configuration such that a stop is required vs fuel save being required