GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Does the WRX understeer? I slam on the gas pre-apex and still dont hit the wall on exit. I could have swore that if I hit the gas on the final chicane it actually turns me in and I can get a better exit. I thought that was oversteer
Yeah. I am not finding any understeer problems with the WRX compared to GTSport. Just the opposite. At Sardegna I have had to be careful to avoid snap oversteer on the last turn before the long straight and the previous hairpin after the long stretch (though less so there). I do notice more wheel spin in spots but kind of link that to tire wear and my inputs.
I am sorry, but what does excite you? Race A in Coopers is pretty neat. Yamagiwa+Miyabi is pretty long for a GR4 and Le Mans on GR1 is cool. At least its not Lago maggiore east, gardens and Trial Mountain again..
A could be fun, but haven’t got the time to spend ages tuning…

B again, might be the “best” race of the week, 3 laps just seems short, 5 would make it way more fun.

C, will be a fuel saver, too much pit loss on Le Mans to go in and fuel.

Races like last weeks C excite me, something original/different, entertaining maybe? These races don’t seem to offer that. Mayeb im expecting too much from PD.
I made this Livery last week, obviously I'm a. Fan of food lion, tic tacs and bud light lol


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How in the world do you make the 911 work here? So far the only car I managed a half-decent Q time in is the Mustang. But it kills me every other lap, so I can't use it in a race. So I tried to get going with the 911, because i like how user-friendly it works, but I'm a second slower than with the 'stang.

Has anybody an idea if there's a car which combines the best of both worlds?🧐
In all honesty I had to learn not to use the brakes as much and to accelerate thorough the CoD with the 911. I tap the brakes to help turn in to the downhill S, and not at all on turn 3 and the CoD. If I accelerate through the chicanes it is remarkably stable. I gained an entire second when I stopped lifting off through the CoD.

I like the Mustang as well and am going to run some laps in it today. So far I’m not as quick in it, and it seems loose in weird places, but I think I may be able to shave some time off by the time I hit lap 20 and perpetual twilight sets in for some faster laps.
There are few things more unnerving than having a friend and fellow respected forum member hot on your tail entering the Chicane of Death...

Thank you for the great racing @GrumpyOldMan, it was a great race!

Entering T1 (not the dogleg right but actual T1) 3rd took out 1st and 2nd and drew himself a 5 second penalty for it. Grumpy started 5th I was 4th. He was in the Mazda VGT, I was in the Porsche.

With 1st and 2nd into Barry-r I took up 2nd behind Penalty Man. We followed nose to tail through the sweepers and towards the COD. I knew he was going to have the slowdown so getting past wasn't a big deal. Until he was slow out of the COD and slowed again before the slowdown sticks.

This caused me to bump him twice and let Grumpy sweep past both of us for the lead. So now it was time to chase down my forum friend...

We had a great chase for a lap and a half. he would stretch a bit on the straights and I would close up mightily in the corners until on lap 3 through the sweepers I got right on his tail and followed him super close through the COD section and steaming towards the last corner.

I had a slipstream run on him and pulled to the inside halfway between the 200 and 150 board, slamming on the brakes just past the 100 board and hugging the inside line. I could corner tighter and get a better launch out of the last corner and slowly pulled out the win from there.

Grumpy I think if you'd defended to the inside you'd have kept the lead at least into T1 (again not dogleg) and from there my next best passing opportunity would be either into COD or again into last turn.

Great racing, thank you so much for affirming my faith in humanity lolol


woo Le Mans

I'm hype AF for Le Mans LETS GO!

I wish it were longer, not sure if that's enough distance/fuel usage to require a stop, hopefully it is and that it won't be a fuel saver race. That said my rankings are low enough that probably it won't be a fuel saver for my groups even if it is for the top groups.

GR.4 for 3 laps at Kyoto is lame AF, 100% Alfa fest for sure as it's insanely good out of the twisties and that circuit has a lot of them. WRX will also be stout, same with GT-R.

I'll be running Le Mans in the Porsche I think
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Or fix the BOP so that 4WD isn't the default answer to "what's the best GR.4 car"
This really does seem simple but I keep hearing people say it's not SPORT that is of importance, it is the Nations/Manufacturers Cup. So tyre wear and fuel are huge considerations vs the mostly sprint races we do in Sport. I think Subaru Group 3 just won the Man. Cup and I never see them on track for example.
This really does seem simple but I keep hearing people say it's not SPORT that is of importance, it is the Nations/Manufacturers Cup. So tyre wear and fuel are huge considerations vs the mostly sprint races we do in Sport. I think Subaru Group 3 just won the Man. Cup and I never see them on track for example.
yeah that's fair. Except that SPORT is that important. Course it could just be that we're the vocal minority and the players racing that aren't here or other forums don't care all that much.
I am still on track for my journey to A (about 70% thru B) with a 1.47.9 at Serdegna. Been getting into quite a few lobbies full of As because I play late at night and there isnt always enough Bs. Been getting a lot of top 5s and a few podiums. It is a lot easier to follow As thru corners and stay on their tails because I trust they know what they are doing, so I've been fighting from slipstreams a lot more which makes this game a LOT more enjoyable.

And then every once in a while I end up with an A in a lobby with a bunch of Cs and Ds. This particular A seemed to enjoy causing chaos more than racing as he even skips his pit stop so he can go back to 1st and try to wreck everyone a second time. It wasn't even just him. Everyone in this lobby wanted to fight (that's what happens late at night in SR C and D lobbies, I have S so not sure how I ended up here). I stopped counting divebombs, punts, PITs and the sort after lap 4 so I'm not really sure how many people got taken out. Poor Adidas got picked on cuz he was slow, I felt bad for the guy as hes probably a newbie and this had to be horrible for him.

Is this some kind of clip from "Mad Max Fury Road"?
Never saw that amount of maniacs in the same lobby
Last night's C race was fairly dirty. One person was weaving across the track in this yellow car, not allowing anyone to pass. He brakes too soon at one of the K lefts and I tapped his bumper with my Mustang. I hit my own brakes to avoid a crash but still tapped him. He went off in the grass and I cut that corner very close to the inside wall. Later I see him approach and after 2 laps, he tried to pit me on the hairpin. Bad move, Jokur, bad move. I drifted the rest of the way around perfectly and watched him in the mirror as he flew across the gravel nose first into the wall. He never caught back up.
I earned myself a one minute penalty by not reading the race rules. I believe a single stop is mandatory but even with RS tires, the way I drive, the Mustang didn't need it.
That was the only dirt. Dude caused a couple of massive pileups that several of us had to brake to avoid, then talked trash after the race. I snapped right back at him, then went to the 1 hour Spa event.
It's all part of online gaming, though. I did try Race A, qualified 3rd, and crashed immediately.
Last night's C race was fairly dirty. One person was weaving across the track in this yellow car, not allowing anyone to pass. He brakes too soon at one of the K lefts and I tapped his bumper with my Mustang. I hit my own brakes to avoid a crash but still tapped him. He went off in the grass and I cut that corner very close to the inside wall. Later I see him approach and after 2 laps, he tried to pit me on the hairpin. Bad move, Jokur, bad move. I drifted the rest of the way around perfectly and watched him in the mirror as he flew across the gravel nose first into the wall. He never caught back up.
I earned myself a one minute penalty by not reading the race rules. I believe a single stop is mandatory but even with RS tires, the way I drive, the Mustang didn't need it.
That was the only dirt. Dude caused a couple of massive pileups that several of us had to brake to avoid, then talked trash after the race. I snapped right back at him, then went to the 1 hour Spa event.
It's all part of online gaming, though. I did try Race A, qualified 3rd, and crashed immediately.
yeah you're required to use Soft and Medium compound tires for that race, that's why you got the penalty. What I have been doing is running soft as long as I can (if I qualified up front) and pitting late for Mediums. If I'm starting in the back I do opposite. Start on the Mediums and pit as early as I can for the Softs for faster laps when people are pitting.
There are few things more unnerving than having a friend and fellow respected forum member hot on your tail entering the Chicane of Death...

Thank you for the great racing @GrumpyOldMan, it was a great race!
That was a blast! For some reason I've forgotten the best line through the turns before the big downhill straight. I'll have to figure that out again.
This caused me to bump him twice and let Grumpy sweep past both of us for the lead.
I wondered what happened there - all of a sudden I was flying past you. If you didn't notice, the penalty guy took a shot at my hind quarter as I went by, just before he ghosted. Fortunately, all he did was wobble me a little. That was pure BS.
So now it was time to chase down my forum friend...
I felt the pressure, you better believe it!
Grumpy I think if you'd defended to the inside you'd have kept the lead at least into T1 (again not dogleg) and from there my next best passing opportunity would be either into COD or again into last turn.
I suppose you're right, but whenever I do something like that, I end up misplaying it and get in trouble, or end up being dirty. No way was I gonna go dirty on you!
Great racing, thank you so much for affirming my faith in humanity lolol
It really was fun! I wish everyone could race nice and clean like that all the time (myself included). Thanks for the race!
Re WRX understeer - it’s bad for me on T5 (long tight left hander as you approach the old building). Maybe I should trail brake more dexterously! But it’s stable on exit. You can really get the power down.
That was a blast! For some reason I've forgotten the best line through the turns before the big downhill straight. I'll have to figure that out again.

I wondered what happened there - all of a sudden I was flying past you. If you didn't notice, the penalty guy took a shot at my hind quarter as I went by, just before he ghosted. Fortunately, all he did was wobble me a little. That was pure BS.

I felt the pressure, you better believe it!

I suppose you're right, but whenever I do something like that, I end up misplaying it and get in trouble, or end up being dirty. No way was I gonna go dirty on you!

It really was fun! I wish everyone could race nice and clean like that all the time (myself included). Thanks for the race!
I have saved the replay but haven't watched it yet. I knew Penalty Man was doing me dirty there, no idea he tried to do you as well!