GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Been having a really crap day at Daily Race B. I keep getting put in lobbies in 10th position or lower, just because I have an "S" rating. And that puts me in the middle of the "action", which just means more chances of getting creamed.

Case in point - 30 second video showing that not every PIT is a pit.
Been having a really crap day at Daily Race B. I keep getting put in lobbies in 10th position or lower, just because I have an "S" rating. And that puts me in the middle of the "action", which just means more chances of getting creamed.

Case in point - 30 second video showing that not every PIT is a pit.

I feel like the ghosting of wrecked cars is fairly inconsistent.

That was a smooth pit though.
You need to look at the third view in slow motion. I was following right on his bumper when he suddenly veered left, so I thought they lost it, and released my braking to continued on the original line. However, they over corrected and veered right into me. It was clearly their mistake and if they had not lost it, I would’ve just been fine. Perhaps it was a lag glitch but I came out of it worse.
So you reacted to his first move (lost it) and accelerated, but not his second (recovered & turned in) and ran in the back of him. I wasn’t suggesting that it was deliberate on your part nor do I think that the other driver acted wilfully either.

Racing incident at best I think.
@D Quick. I finished 2nd in that race and blew the lead. Congrats on a great race.
Well, I hope recounted the events accurately. I was able to match you on the first two corners and gain in the quads but you had me on the last two sections. I don't think I was going to get around you without the tiny mistake. It was a good race and hopefully we can duel again.
Well, I hope recounted the events accurately. I was able to match you on the first two corners and gain in the quads but you had me on the last two sections. I don't think I was going to get around you without the tiny mistake. It was a good race and hopefully we can duel again.
You got it right. I’ve been trying to learn to race without TC and I’ve been really inconsistent. During the race, I was switching between TC and no TC. That made me really all over the place at times. 🤣
Hey everyone I'm new here and new to GT7 and sim racing. I have a question. I've been doing the daily races for about a month or so now and I'm hooked up wirelessly and have not had any issues whatsoever but since this morning I've been booted out of now 7 races. My ratings took a huge hit as well. I went from B/S to now D/A. I couldn't even do the quali for the manufacturers races. On a regular race after about 2 laps everything starts kicking off with lags then the "session ended" or "data loss."

I have since rebooted my router x2 and have even changed some settings within the router just to be sure. My bandwidth is always good and connectivity is always good too.

Anyone have any ideas? It really sucks that my rating took a nose dive in such a huge way.
You got it right. I’ve been trying to learn to race without TC and I’ve been really inconsistent. During the race, I was switching between TC and no TC. That made me really all over the place at times. 🤣
I was doing the same with quali laps earlier. Everything was great for a couple of laps and then I spun it out of nowhere and decided I wasn't mature enough for that in a race setting.
So you reacted to his first move (lost it) and accelerated, but not his second (recovered & turned in) and ran in the back of him. I wasn’t suggesting that it was deliberate on your part nor do I think that the other driver acted wilfully either.

Racing incident at best I think.
Oh I agree, for an incident to happen it takes two. Honestly, I'm not 100% sure if I went for it or whatever. At the time I felt like I was just on my line and the path had opened up and then next thing I was heading to the shadow realm :D Some you win, some you lose. I've certainly made others lose before, as have I lost. Part of racing...
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What time of day do you guys race at, more or less? I don’t think I’ve ever been in a race with any of you from the last few posts. I usually race in the evening PST 🍻
What time of day do you guys race at, more or less? I don’t think I’ve ever been in a race with any of you from the last few posts. I usually race in the evening PST 🍻
What DR are you?

I never know when I am online. I might sneak one or two during the day depending on work, otherwise usually around 7-8pm CST and then again perhaps 11pm - 1am depending on how late I want to be up. I've come across @CmdrParabolus online before and perhaps one or two others. I see more, who've I friended online but they're different lobbies.

Oh yeah, I also have to work around my son as technically, it is his PS5. So when he wants it, I have to get off...
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Boom! My intuition was correct. Hopped on a bit tonight and increased my QT at Willow by 0.2 second and then was able to win the race! Started in 6th. My second victory and my first DR-B victory ✌️

Had a few bourbons (and a scotch) to celebrate and tried again. Spun out twice and got 12th. Logged off lol.

Forgive the pic it's not a screenshot but a camera shot


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What time of day do you guys race at, more or less? I don’t think I’ve ever been in a race with any of you from the last few posts. I usually race in the evening PST 🍻

I’m mostly online from around 6-9 pm weekdays and weekends are mostly midday at times but 5-9pm or so on weekends. I spend most of my time in lobbies on weekends getting ready for the next week.

I’m PST too and if your state is showing correctly, I’m an Oregon racer too.

A/S on my main and A/S to B/S on my alt which is where I do dailies for the most part.
Well I've had a rough week of both B & C this week, mainly C.
I always try to find a car other than the meta to be competitive with and found a few
good ones but just never could do very well with them. It didn't help that I'm trying to
get away from using TC and it has cost me a lot of DR points.

So tonight I broke down and jumped in the Porsche and had 5 or 6 good to great races,
even got a P3.

Saw a few of the new guys from here today and you guys are running very well.
I just figured out how we can share QT ghosts with each other.

Maybe everyone already knows about this, but I didn't.

To share your ghost, you share your replay (you may already know how to do this):
  1. Save your "best lap" replay, and when it asks, share it.
  2. If you forget to share it there, you can share it from Showcase.
  3. Tag it with "gtp", or "gtp6" for week 6. (Or "gtp7" next week, etc.)
  4. Say what car you're using, in the title.
Here's how to load someone's ghost. You can probably do this in several ways, but this worked for me, to load @TheNormsk's ghost.

Click the "Spoiler" buttons. Since I used a lot of images, I didn't want to take up a lot of scrolling bandwidth unless you want to see them.

1) Find the replay you want a ghost for. You can do this from Showcase:
Go to Showcase and use "Content Search":
View attachment 1229809

Search for "Replays":
View attachment 1229810

Use the keyword "gtp" or "gtp6":
View attachment 1229812

Add the replay you want to "Collection":
View attachment 1229813

2) Go into Qualifying for that track.

3) Load from "Settings->Ghost Settings".
Open "Settings:
View attachment 1229814

Click "Load Ghost" ("Open"):
View attachment 1229815

The next screen defaults to "My Items", but there'll be a tab for "Collection".
View attachment 1229817

Click the "Collection" tab:
View attachment 1229818

Click on the ghost you want, and presto!

We're gonna be having a great time with this, I just know it!
Just catching up on here, thanks for this, I'll have a good look too, as was said loading one of the leaders can be a bit pointless, I lose them completely by turn 3 ha.
I always thought you could reset ghost replay on gt6, but this do3snt seem to work on gt7?
I'm on a Playseat Challenge as well and it does fine. I do have anchors attaching the pedal base though.
I have a t300 with tlcm pedals and an xrocker folding chair, (it a cheapr version of playseat challenge,) it's OK, very occasionally it does lift if im pressing too hard on the brake
Oh yeah, I also have to work around my son as technically, it is his PS5. So when he wants it, I have to get off...
So something in your education efforts must have seriously gone wrong 🤣. No, of course I'm kidding, I've got the same "problem". It's my daughter's PS4, and my son also plays on it (thankfully he spends more time with his computer though).

But recently I made a very dumb mistake. Me, eager to show my son how cool his dad is (oh boy, major cringe moment 😬), I showed him a replay of my best race C of last week, and where I stand on the global leaderboards in qualifying. And now he's started to play GT7 again. 🤦‍♂️😆
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I'm begging for a little help here.

I'm trying desperately to raise my QT at daily race B, so I can move up some spots in the lobbies. I've been trying other cars, just for QT, and I've done my best by far with the 911, but I can never put 3 good sections together at one time. If I manage to do it, though, I could gain .3 seconds at least.

My biggest problem is, and has always been, exiting the chicane. I've watched replays. I've tried to duplicate what they do, but I must have a fundamental misunderstanding of how a car reacts going through the corners. I must be taking the left-hand corner wrong. It puts me to far to the right, which means I can't get enough speed out of the right-hand turn leading to the final turn.

I don't know if anyone can explain the physics to me, but if you can, I'd really appreciate it.

I always thought you could reset ghost replay on gt6, but this do3snt seem to work on gt7?
I assume you mean reset it at the start of each section, right? It's broken in GT7. Every once in a while it'll work, but then it quits working again. I understand why PD is focusing their efforts on other more obvious problems with the game, but I've got to believe that if they allowed a developer a couple of hours, they could probably fix it. But I'm guessing there aren't a lot of people who even know about this option, so the bug isn't really affecting many people.

But man I wish they would fix it!!