GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I don't know if anyone can explain the physics to me, but if you can, I'd really appreciate it.
I skipped 'B' this time, and can't remember my last time on the DTG track, but, would it not be as simple as braking just a tad earlier into the left to prevent pushing out to the right quite as much thus improving line and position for a fast exit?

No, probably not... and you must have thought of it, but it sounds logical to me!
Hope I didn’t wreck you cause I was doing something stupid and that’s why you remember me. 🤣
Back at you, because I've wrecked a few people myself. :scared: :lol:
I skipped 'B' this time, and can't remember my last time on the DTG track, but, would it not be as simple as braking just a tad earlier into the left to prevent pushing out to the right quite as much thus improving line and position for a fast exit?

No, probably not... and you must have thought of it, but it sounds logical to me!
Thanks. And it may seem obvious, but as I was typing out my explanation, it occurred to me that just talking it through might help me. So here goes:

It's either braking early, or not needing to break at all depending on the speed I carry into the first corner of the chicane.

The difficulty with braking early is that there's very little time between the right into the chicane and the left out of it, so the issue is to make sure I brake quickly enough to get off the brakes so the car can settle before making the left turn. Also, what angle I should be striving for as I approach the second turn while braking.

Don't know if that makes any sense or not, but it gives me some ideas of what to look for in the leaders' replays. Thanks!
Back at you, because I've wrecked a few people myself. :scared: :lol:

Thanks. And it may seem obvious, but as I was typing out my explanation, it occurred to me that just talking it through might help me. So here goes:

It's either braking early, or not needing to break at all depending on the speed I carry into the first corner of the chicane.

The difficulty with braking early is that there's very little time between the right into the chicane and the left out of it, so the issue is to make sure I brake quickly enough to get off the brakes so the car can settle before making the left turn. Also, what angle I should be striving for as I approach the second turn while braking.

Don't know if that makes any sense or not, but it gives me some ideas of what to look for in the leaders' replays. Thanks!
I always try to get the red kerb centered under my car and I'm off the the brakes, gas, and steering going over the second kerb. It is slower than carrying more speed around the outside so if there is a car in front of you they will pull away. However you will catch up with you exit speed and carry more speed into the final corner. Just make sure you are off all inputs because a little touch of the kerb can really unsettle you. I get it right about 50% of the time.
I always try to get the red kerb centered under my car and I'm off the the brakes, gas, and steering going over the second kerb. It is slower than carrying more speed around the outside so if there is a car in front of you they will pull away. However you will catch up with you exit speed and carry more speed into the final corner. Just make sure you are off all inputs because a little touch of the kerb can really unsettle you. I get it right about 50% of the time.
That’s what happened to me in our race. I was so focused on getting off the corner without TC, I caught too much of the kerb in the left hander and it threw the car all over the place. Then I went back to the gas and the car took off. There is a fine line through there and miss it just a little and your gone.
It's either braking early, or not needing to break at all depending on the speed I carry into the first corner of the chicane.

The difficulty with braking early is that there's very little time between the right into the chicane and the left out of it, so the issue is to make sure I brake quickly enough to get off the brakes so the car can settle before making the left turn. Also, what angle I should be striving for as I approach the second turn while braking.

Don't know if that makes any sense or not, but it gives me some ideas of what to look for in the leaders' replays. Thanks!
Does this help? :lol:

Screen Shot 2023-02-12 at 14.26.24.png

Paint skills aside, the key is to ride the kerbs of both apexes for as smooth as a line through to the exit as possible. You don't want to swing to the left for a better exit out, actually you want to stay inside for the exit and then let the car drift to the outside kerbing of the following straight.

If that makes ANY sense.

(I'm also not super fast here so I may be off but that's what the driving line says and makes the most sense to me to carry speed through and out).
Does this help? :lol:

View attachment 1230367

Paint skills aside, the key is to ride the kerbs of both apexes for as smooth as a line through to the exit as possible. You don't want to swing to the left for a better exit out, actually you want to stay inside for the exit and then let the car drift to the outside kerbing of the following straight.

If that makes ANY sense.

(I'm also not super fast here so I may be off but that's what the driving line says and makes the most sense to me to carry speed through and out).

Also mind the shifting and braking just before turning into the first kerb. I typically shift down to second then up to third to hit the first kerb then after down to second then first for rotation then back up to second over the second. It's a little tricky but getting the right angle out of that second kerb is crucial to get out of there with velocity.
Paint skills aside, the key is to ride the kerbs of both apexes for as smooth as a line through to the exit as possible. You don't want to swing to the left for a better exit out, actually you want to stay inside for the exit and then let the car drift to the outside kerbing of the following straight.
That actually does help quite a bit. I see where my thinking was wrong.
I always try to get the red kerb centered under my car and I'm off the the brakes, gas, and steering going over the second kerb. It is slower than carrying more speed around the outside so if there is a car in front of you they will pull away. However you will catch up with you exit speed and carry more speed into the final corner. Just make sure you are off all inputs because a little touch of the kerb can really unsettle you. I get it right about 50% of the time.
Also mind the shifting and braking just before turning into the first kerb. I typically shift down to second then up to third to hit the first kerb then after down to second then first for rotation then back up to second over the second. It's a little tricky but getting the right angle out of that second kerb is crucial to get out of there with velocity.
Thanks - all of this helps a lot. Well, at least inside my head. We'll see if it translates to the course. :lol:
I know this is obvious, but in Daily Race B, but don't eat a sausage on the chicane. P8 (good position in this lobby) to P13. And I'm still hungry!

(It actually is breakfast time for me, and sausages sound really good. Best Homer Simpson voice: "Hmmmmmm. Sausages.")
I'm begging for a little help here.

I'm trying desperately to raise my QT at daily race B, so I can move up some spots in the lobbies. I've been trying other cars, just for QT, and I've done my best by far with the 911, but I can never put 3 good sections together at one time. If I manage to do it, though, I could gain .3 seconds at least.

My biggest problem is, and has always been, exiting the chicane. I've watched replays. I've tried to duplicate what they do, but I must have a fundamental misunderstanding of how a car reacts going through the corners. I must be taking the left-hand corner wrong. It puts me to far to the right, which means I can't get enough speed out of the right-hand turn leading to the final turn.

I don't know if anyone can explain the physics to me, but if you can, I'd really appreciate it.
This may sound strange, and taken it with a grain of salt since I’ve been terrible at that track this week, but imagine those old slot cars we used to race as kids. Remember how they’d “hook” into the slot and the car could sling all over the place as long as they were still “slotted”?

Now imagine that on the track. I try to “hook” the inside of my right tires on the inside curve of the right-turn sausage, which is really smooth if you catch it right, and it seems to set me up perfectly for the inside of my left tires to “hook” the inside of the left-hand sausage. When I get this right the car rotates perfectly with no bumps. So you’re not eating the sausage as much as you’re lightly rubbing the sausage. Take that how you will. :eek:

I’ve given up on qualifying this week. I just don’t have the pace after a horrible week at work. But I did find that when I ran a couple of races this was one of the few places where I was making up time. Let me know how it goes. I hope my explanation makes sense.
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I'm begging for a little help here.

I'm trying desperately to raise my QT at daily race B, so I can move up some spots in the lobbies. I've been trying other cars, just for QT, and I've done my best by far with the 911, but I can never put 3 good sections together at one time. If I manage to do it, though, I could gain .3 seconds at least.

My biggest problem is, and has always been, exiting the chicane. I've watched replays. I've tried to duplicate what they do, but I must have a fundamental misunderstanding of how a car reacts going through the corners. I must be taking the left-hand corner wrong. It puts me to far to the right, which means I can't get enough speed out of the right-hand turn leading to the final turn.

I don't know if anyone can explain the physics to me, but if you can, I'd really appreciate it.

I assume you mean reset it at the start of each section, right? It's broken in GT7. Every once in a while it'll work, but then it quits working again. I understand why PD is focusing their efforts on other more obvious problems with the game, but I've got to believe that if they allowed a developer a couple of hours, they could probably fix it. But I'm guessing there aren't a lot of people who even know about this option, so the bug isn't really affecting many people.

But man I wish they would fix it!!
I’m not sure I can help as you are already faster than me, but on the chicane, the 911 reacts fairly well by straddling over the sausage as you go through it. Brake earlier than you might think for the first, taking that in second, then down to 1st to rotate on the second, and immediately back to 2nd to the straddle the next apex to accelerate out.

At least I think that’s how I got my fastest time there. I don’t tend to do that in the race as it’s too risky and usually take the whole thing in second. If you hit the sausages wrong, you can easily spin out but to @Bullwinkle comment, if you get it right they can slingshot you around the corner as well.
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Really happy with my final race of the week 🙂 Started in P12 in a A+/A/S lobby and everyone (except me) was in the Porsche.

Clean, close and intense racing till the very end and managed to pick up 5 places and finish in P7 🎉🙂

Congrats!!! Yeh i did my last Race C last night... started testing different GR4 cars at Sardegna earlier today. So far Jaguar FType is my fastest
I seem to be almost pathologically incapable of driving Daily Race B without messing up, doing something moronic to throw away a good race. In a lobby with the majority of cars being A/A+, and a couple of us Bs, I started P9. I got all the way to P3 (or maybe it was P4?). On lap 5 I let the car behind me pass on the back straight, because he was faster and I was just holding him up. Big gap after him.

Coming into lap 6 I was P4 (or perhaps P5) and doing fine. As I started the first turn, I noticed the cars behind closing the gap - not too close but closer than I thought they were. That distracted me and I drove into the grass on the second turn on the left-hand side, and bounced off the rail. Dropped all the way back to P9, finished P8.

It did improve my DR slightly, but come on! What the everloving fudgesicle is the matter with me, on this track? Honestly, I would easily be DR A this week if I wasn't such a dimwitted addle-brained nincompoop. Gosh darn it! Fooey!

(Still trying to refrain from using swear words, even censored ones. It's kind of fun trying to think up new terms.)
I seem to be almost pathologically incapable of driving Daily Race B without messing up, doing something moronic to throw away a good race. In a lobby with the majority of cars being A/A+, and a couple of us Bs, I started P9. I got all the way to P3 (or maybe it was P4?). On lap 5 I let the car behind me pass on the back straight, because he was faster and I was just holding him up. Big gap after him.

Coming into lap 6 I was P4 (or perhaps P5) and doing fine. As I started the first turn, I noticed the cars behind closing the gap - not too close but closer than I thought they were. That distracted me and I drove into the grass on the second turn on the left-hand side, and bounced off the rail. Dropped all the way back to P9, finished P8.

It did improve my DR slightly, but come on! What the everloving fudgesicle is the matter with me, on this track? Honestly, I would easily be DR A this week if I wasn't such a dimwitted addle-brained nincompoop. Gosh darn it! Fooey!

(Still trying to refrain from using swear words, even censored ones. It's kind of fun trying to think up new terms.)

Glad to hear that you got out there to race some more with that horrendous QT ;) (I’m much slower) because the art of moving up the field becomes necessity due to starting spot on the grid. Hasn’t killed you yet so it will make you stronger. (And work on overtaking).

I had to get over the rear view in T1 for the same distractions and learned that I needed to concentrate more where I’m going than who wants to find a way to catch me. The mirror makes it look like they are ready to touch but if you keep doing your thing to get through the turn clean and quick, they get the sinking feeling of going backwards as you speed away extending the gap that they thought they’d close.

I’ve had a full mix of p1-p16 on the start grid in B this week and my biggest strength was the ability to hit many lines that can work to get through traffic and above all consistent pace even though my QT wasn’t the best. Fun week and we’ll see what next week brings.
My goals of improving are inching along again after feeling stagnant during the previous few weeks.

I seem to be almost pathologically incapable of driving Daily Race B without messing up, doing something moronic to throw away a good race. In a lobby with the majority of cars being A/A+, and a couple of us Bs, I started P9. I got all the way to P3 (or maybe it was P4?). On lap 5 I let the car behind me pass on the back straight, because he was faster and I was just holding him up. Big gap after him.

Coming into lap 6 I was P4 (or perhaps P5) and doing fine. As I started the first turn, I noticed the cars behind closing the gap - not too close but closer than I thought they were. That distracted me and I drove into the grass on the second turn on the left-hand side, and bounced off the rail. Dropped all the way back to P9, finished P8.

It did improve my DR slightly, but come on! What the everloving fudgesicle is the matter with me, on this track? Honestly, I would easily be DR A this week if I wasn't such a dimwitted addle-brained nincompoop. Gosh darn it! Fooey!

(Still trying to refrain from using swear words, even censored ones. It's kind of fun trying to think up new terms.)

Hey I'm sorry that track not working with you. It also just wasn't working with me! I decided to just move on and try something else. I will say sardena seems to be great fun for me so hopefully it will be for you also! (It's GR4 hope that works for you!)

Also, my racing got better when I switched to the hood view so I focus more on the road ahead rather than the mirror behind
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Proof positive that hard work and persistence pays off:

I guess all it took was for me to complain here on the forum some. Because today.... was a good day:

Details on how this information was obtained can be found here.
Hasn’t killed you yet so it will make you stronger. (And work on overtaking).
Yes it did. And while I do indeed need to work more on overtaking, just not shooting myself in the foot would help even more.
I had to get over the rear view in T1 for the same distractions and learned that I needed to concentrate more where I’m going than who wants to find a way to catch me.
Also, my racing got better when I switched to the hood view so I focus more on the road ahead rather than the mirror behind
It's so true, about the mirror. When I just focus on what's ahead, I drive much better. Maybe I will try a different camera view.
My goals of improving are inching along again after feeling stagnant during the previous few weeks.
That's awesome! I hate feeling stagnant. Good luck next week.
Last week I loved Race C (and A though I raced that less because no DR) and this week it has been exclusively Race B. Though I feel that for now, I may have reached my limit of progress on B this week. I'm curious what next week will bring.

I took a break today and went for a long bike ride (I was an active cyclist before I discovered GT7). A month of not cycling and sitting in a racing cockpit has kill my legs. Now, I wonder if I will be able to control my pedals this evening (I don't care about Super Bowl).
Slingshot Sausages is my new Indie band name
That's awesome.
Mine is Straddle the Sausage.
Careful now, you might be giving away subconscious kinky thoughts. Or is that me in thinking that? :confused::D
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I'm usually weekdays 5-9 PM CST currently B lobbies. If anyone wants to add me PSN: theOneDonJu
A/S on my main account and high to low B/S on my other two accounts.
I just noticed that you are on a PS5, I’m still rocking an original PS4. It’s a shame that cross console isn’t available for the Daily Races 🍻
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I recognize a few here were in my Race B dailies the last few days, to me the go to cars that I like were the AMG and Mustang
..they just tackle the corners and chicane better, I was consistent top ten with the AMG but got back to back top 6 finish in the mustang.... just fyi for anyone trying race b for the first time tonight...
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Interesting lobby for the Sunday evening. Much more international, more DR groups and less Americans. I guess a lot of American GT fans are also Super Bowl fans.

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I'd say about half the viewers are fans of the sport and the other half are there for commercials and/or half time show. Regardless yeah about 100 million Americans had it on tonight. For context there's about 350 million total of us.